Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 956: Who's puppet

"Black Vortex", an artifact created by Godhead about 12 billion years ago in the plot line of Marvel Universe's new Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy.

According to Godhead, all wise men in the universe have a fourfold state, the self, the self, the superego, and the **** ego.

Most of the first three people know what it means.

So what is this ‘God Me’?

Some people say that ‘God Me’ is a regularized ‘super-ego’.

To put it simply, after the super-general play, it will always maintain that state and will not fall back.

However, Godhead said otherwise, he said that ‘God Me’ involves divine power, which is a state where the potential is fully open after blessing divine power.

Kane did not make up for the lesson until he learned about the story of "Black Vortex", but it is not complete.

When he left the original world and became a reincarnation, the related story of "Black Vortex" had not yet been published. Later, he obtained some relevant information from the Vientiane Gate system at a high price, but it was not complete because the plot line is still in the creative stage.

The Vientiane Gate system is advancing with the times. One of the things it likes to do is to use the new experimental mission world to pit senior samsaras.

So the seniors are to some extent like the popular stars in the original world, and they can make money, but they also spend a lot of money. The key is that the money cannot be saved, and the seniors are similar.

Kane has heard more than once that someone is determined to achieve the original desire to "save enough money to redeem himself in his own world". He is stubborn, reluctant to invest, and rubbing.

As a result, he missed and lost the advantage of the prophet. He started the mission without knowing the direction of the plot and who the son of destiny was. Then he was targeted by competitors. Those who clean up the Zhankeng faction are a win-win!

Therefore, the information in the source world is no longer expensive to sell, and Kane does not blink to buy it. He really feels the pain of the meat. When he turns back, he uses special items to actively choose a certain mission world, and then starts the worm swarm system. Flood cleaning strategy, the white sky is so clean, no matter who you are.

This may also be the reason for his final death. The Vientiane Door system thinks that he is a BUG, ​​so he has tried other reincarnations and played a double win ...

After Zhao Wenrui's rebirth, he also regained his old memories a little bit.

In the dark HP world, even ingesting the power of the Death Star was sneaky.

Later, in the Middle Ages Warhammer universe, it was completely stabilized. While ingesting the essence of the universe eggs, it strengthened its connection with the dead stars and even the dark dimension. Layer by layer opened the dead star treasure trove to retrieve the old buried backup.

Of course, this process is not all smooth sailing. We must know that the Warhammer universe has abnormal four evil gods, and they are a collection of negative consciousness of the entire universe.

Kane did not dare to contact the dark dimension at first, worrying that the four evil gods would invade the dark dimension from subspace and compete with him for the dominance of the dark dimension.

But over time, everything is changing.

After his own efforts and the provision of secondary avatars, Kane finally completed the accumulation, and then he launched a long-planned super war-the battle of destroying the sky!

Even Black Kane didn't think that it was not him but the deity who took the first step.

Kane has always struggled with the will of the dark dimension, or the attributes of the dark power, on the subtle influence.

Through means and tricks, he once won the favor of the Dark Dimension, and replaced it with Dormam, becoming the master of the Dark Dimension and the contractor of the Dark Force.

But still that sentence, lies come at a price, and the truth doesn't care about lies.

So over time, Kane's contractor authority became precarious.

More importantly, the Four Evil Gods finally discovered him, even if he imprisoned and secretly captured the personality of the evil **** Hasselt worshipped by the Chaos dwarves, as time went on, he was still exposed.

The reason is also simple. He is him and Hasselt is Hasselt. The difference is the difference. Sooner or later it will be exposed.

What comes next is exposure, curiosity, interest, fear, and hatred.

These four happened for the first time, but the time between them may not be long.

It is mainly those things that Kane did in secret, which is really too much. They are no longer out of the realm, but the roots of others.

For example, he used a large number of potential fortresses, the Dark Pyramid, to ingest the essence of cosmic eggs.

The reason why the medieval Warhammer is special is that it has so many stories. Or, it has been playing from the Middle Ages to 40K. During the battles of 369, there are small wars every day. A big reason is the resources.

It can be said that the transcendent matter of the two universes is concentrated in one universe, so that this universe can produce enough transcendents, and they can also make them waves.

Kane uses a series of means to take half of its resources as his own and mark them as private mines. This is tantamount to destroying the future of all Warhammer universe powerhouses, including the Four Evil Gods, which cannot be as brilliant as the original historical line.

Without the birth of heroes and wraiths, the subspace will be very lonely, and the four evil gods relying on its existence will naturally not be strong.

If this is Li, then Kane controls the Chaos dwarf through the identity of Hasut, and uses another avatar to control the orc, and also secretly guides the development of humans, and even the Skaven Ratmen.

This world is the core of the Warhammer in the Middle Ages. It is the birthplace of several important holy places, such as Sigma. It is one of the origins of several future cosmic protagonist races. Kane has quietly controlled half of the races in his hands. It is really an uncle. I can't bear it, but my aunt can't help it.

Can't bear to fight.

The Four Evil Gods sent out Oracles to the Warriors of Chaos and joined forces to start the Dark Jihad.

Ouch, this time I stabbed the horse honeycomb, Kane is a farming school, and has the characteristics of the Chinese people's "sullen hair and big wealth" and "sullen sorrow". It usually looks like this, when the lid is lifted, or surfaced, Only discovered that it was a behemoth.

Under Kane's urging, both the dwarves and green orcs have entered the post-modern era. I do n’t usually use it to rely on the hardship and arrogance to brutalize his body and sharpen his heart.

It can really start, the industrial system is fully operational, and various advanced weapons are manufactured in batches.

The largest battle was also fought at the beginning. At that time, the Chaos Evil God Allied Forces marched from the north polar region to the south, saying in the words of human and dwarf observers: "Black and red tsunami, large quantity and quality High, people look desperate. "

But this kind of army was bombed by more than one hundred thousand fighters at a time. There were only two sounds between the world and the sky at that time. The roar of real fighters flying was just like the thunderstorm clouds advancing, and then there was an explosion. Like the world collapsed.

Hundreds of thousands of fighters staged a tide of thousands of miles. The bombing in front of the scene returned to the battlefield with bombs, and the bombs behind rushed to the battlefield. They moved in an orderly manner and were in large quantities. It's a big tide.

Chaos Army naturally also has units that can fly. But the aerodynamics that Kane has repeatedly emphasized have played a role. Humanoids fly on wings and streamlined fighters. The use of aerodynamics is not at a level. Even if they rely on extraordinary power to force the ratio, there is also a power. Consumption problem.

Kane said before the war: "Weapons, I am more advanced; quantity, I have more; resources, I have an absolute advantage; what do you use to win me?"

I really ca n’t win. Countless senior chaotic warriors were repeatedly bombed, killed alive, or dogfighted in the air, and were chased and blocked by hundreds of chaotic force tracking missiles (equivalent to hot tracking), flying out of smallpox. It was still one by one, and then was killed.

In addition, Kane has units similar to early warning aircraft in the air. In addition to command, it can also create a force field in the entire area.

Therefore, there is no chance for Fan Chaos who fell on the battlefield to be reborn in sub-dimension.

As Kane's declaration of war begins: "Your senior warriors are as ridiculous? Then I will shave all the vultures!"

A big bombing kicked off the battle. Numerous chariots and chaotic dwarves and orcs armed with exoskeletons launched a annihilation battle against the chaotic legion after the bombing.

You chaotic warriors exercised in the cruel environment of the polar region, their physical fitness and other aspects are extraordinary, and they have been infected by the power of chaos for a long time. But can you run the machine? I put a battery in it and run 1000 kilometers without slowing down or waiting? Believe it or not?

The Chaos Legion is indeed stiff, and this group of twisted creatures that have been trained as weapons, even under extreme adverse circumstances, still launches counterattacks in the howl of war again and again.

However, if the spirit is so strong, then the thoughts and things are good, and it still needs to be farmed or snatched? After all, this world is material. If you are full of enthusiasm, you have to make a decision.

The Kane Army has specialized various types of destroyers, specifically for those strange and weird guys, including colliding with mammoth monsters.

This is the characteristic of Warhammer. Chaos dwarves and green skin are also good. Kane usually allows free play, so there are some strange weapons that have more eye-catching effects than cost-effective weapons.

The four evil spirits were naturally unwilling to fail in this way, forcibly opened the big sacrifice, opened the channel, and put the real demon army into the stadium.

Kane dispatched a direct strategic force, a tactical nuclear bomb, specifically used to deal with demons ranging from 50,000 tons to 100,000 tons of equivalent.

In the words of Kane: "I am the Five Fireball Party, one fireball will not work, then there will be more!"

This fireball is naturally not an ordinary fireball rubbed by a magician, but a nuclear explosion plasma fireball.

All over the sky are nuclear missiles with broken magic shells.

The laws did not invade until they exploded from the inside out. One demon after another is that in the plasma fireball, the Divine Horse Artifact deepens, and the energy protection, as long as it has an effect, can't be carried anymore.

This is proved by the secondary avatars fighting outside. For example, in the dark old-time dominator universe, those that occurred during the battle between the sea king and the deep dive master.

Kane himself sits at home, but his experience is a sloppy brush, which is equivalent to fighting an old battle. How to fight is very pressing.

It was just this campaign, a million square kilometers of scorched earth, which later became one of the most fertile lands on the planet due to the reaction force of the extermination. It has become a paradise on earth in the wasteland.

Kane's deity is not moving at all.

At the same time that the great battle started, Operation Aurora against the Chaos Legion's Arctic Laos was also launched at the same time.

This outing is the fortress of war.

The Dark Pyramid emerges from the thick ice layer like a volcanic eruption, each of which can throw warplanes, chariots, and soldiers like a mother ship, sweeping against the tribes of the Chaos Legion.

And those big dens, first throw nuclear bombs to burn the entire area into flames.

Kane said: The most valuable resource mine of the entire planet and the entire universe is in my hands. My manufacturing skills are several times higher than that of the other party. Although restricted by the laws of the universe, they are still far superior to their opponents. What is the value of iron? They smashed me up, and I recovered most of the raw materials afterwards.

So it was the great destruction, the super three-phase bomb, the exceptionally bright white, even Qin Yun was particularly magnificent, and the big white mushroom was born in the big white light. The bright sparkle can be clearly seen from the sky angle.

Keep flashing for me!

Burn the surface of the sun!

Explode to dissociate everything!

Thousands of miles of frozen soil in the Arctic melted for this. Afterwards, from the sky, there were more lava pits on the earth ...

In this battle, the four evil spirits lost, and they lost very, very thoroughly.

Zhao Tufu has been ruthless, and he has never stayed. This has been previewed in Kane Zhao of SC Universe.

Do n’t live a mouthful, one does not stay, whether it is innocent or not, after this war, the Arctic will have no wise life, no devil ’s nest, and chaos will die in the base camp of this planet!

Kane also became famous in the world, and everyone in the spiritual circle knows it, just beside him, quietly lurking such a big cruel! What a sweat!

Kane was not proud.

The cards of the four evil spirits are subspace, which is the gathering place for the negative emotions of the intelligent creatures of the entire universe.

In a non-commendatory way, there is actually a home of souls, similar to the underworld, but only in the universe.

There is less pain and more suffering in the world, so in this homeland of souls, the negative forces are powerful, and the four evil gods have been brewed recently.

The deity of Kane combined with the experience of other avatars, thinking about it, thinking that the only way to defeat the four evil gods is to destroy the world!

After the mass extinction of this cosmic scale, the four evil spirits will have no source.

In addition, the contract with the Force of Darkness is about to expire. Seeing that it is becoming more and more perfunctory, Kane launches the "Light Extinguishing Operation".

Consume stars, dark universe!

Without stars, the planet is naturally dead, and life is difficult to survive.

It is also because of this action that the Kane deity has gained unprecedented love in the dark. It is simply that the two are united, so the subordinate authority Black Kane will be so powerful, and do n’t mind if he knows more Information, after all, it is the Assatos who swallow the universe.

Therefore, the Kane deity is currently busy on the scale of ten thousand years, busy extinguishing the stars in the Warhammer universe, busy with the four evil gods and the gods who really born the concept of "fear".

It can be said that the Warhammer universe is already crying, and the will of the universe is passed to everyone who can understand it, telling them that it is being killed!

The four evil spirits feel the most intuitive, because the subspace is shrinking at a visible speed! Thin! Nihility!

The Kane deity is such a cow because he farmed and absorbed the power of another cosmic egg long enough, which is equivalent to using the concentrated essence of a universe as a resource and concentrating on the large universe paved by this stall.

So he called it the supreme **** spear, and some gods once lamented: "Did you see the dark arrow in the shining galaxy? That is the sharpness of the **** spear. I am dark ... "

Kane has no such sigh, just like the various feelings when eating a big meal for the first time, eating every third, there is no idea, and even feel tired.

He is coldly implementing the plan. Set off a monstrous killing on a cosmic scale and fight against opponents based on the four evil gods in various battlefields.

The Four Evil Gods also knew that this was the final jihad, they went bankrupt, and even put themselves into battle again and again, but how about that? Concentrating the extraordinary resources of a universe, casting the supreme spear, who can stop my breakthrough?

Of course, as far as the battlefield is concerned, every time Kane is relying on resources, don't smash it like money! The smashed opponents are crying and howling, and they basically come and go.

That kind of battlefield is actually quite boring, and it has been going on for decades.

The difference in time flow rate, too many great and small are submerged in it ~ ~ or are being submerged.

After all, Kane failed to withstand the power of time and was changed.

In other words, everything is changing, even death, but it is only a link of change on a larger scale.

It is said that the will of the gods is immortal, but it can be changed too much, and how different is it from the destruction? But like some non-degradable gadgets, some memory points are kept, and such a specious shell is always retained.

This shell is called Zhao Wenrui and comes from the earth called the original world.

But until now, it is hard to say whether the original world still exists. And Zhao Wenrui also experienced a rebirth.

No one knows how many years between his death and rebirth.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui was not a kite that disappeared in the wind and could not find his home, but only a pile of **** that was torn by time and space. He does come from the earth, but he no longer belongs there.

C Kane did not control the Kane deity's emotions, which may be because he was actually much younger than the Kane deity.

He is somewhat like the younger generation who has forgotten the hatred of the country, the family and the hatred after three or four generations. The past stories of this deity are almost similar to the stories of others. The impact he can have on him is very weak.

On the contrary, it is the human avatar Zhao Wenrui. Because of the need to set up the "traverser", C Caine stuffed the relevant memories into the brain.

It can be said that this humanity avatar is very similar to Zhao Wenrui, who just became a reincarnation, except that he obviously has no luck like his deity, his stage is more limited, and there has always been an overly concerned behind-the-scenes hand.

However, who can guarantee that the original Zhao Wenrui must be clean and simple, not a human avatar of a high-dimensional will?

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