Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 957: About temptation

‘Black Vortex’ is not black, at least the key parts are not black, but are rather gorgeous, as if peeking through a window into a dream-like universe star sea.

Its body is a mirror.

It can reflect the way users bless divine power and ‘full potential’.

Next, just touch the mirror with your body and then say: "I obey the black vortex."

You can change into the full potential of the mirror and gain powerful power.

When Kane learned this information, he said: "I already knew that it was just the Marvel version of the magic mirror of Snow White and her stepmother, so I didn't spend this injustice!"

So C Kane knew what the "Black Vortex" was. The captain of the sentry said that his first thought was-a hundred years later, whether or not the chapter of the infinite gem is distorted, or to what The degree has become a past tense, and Marvel Universe has never lacked heroes and stories.

After a little thought, Kane decided to use the mouth of Rennes to explain the harm of the "black vortex".

At the scene, Ren said disdainfully: "You are talking about the mirror that betrayed itself in exchange for power blessing? Godhead, the maker of the mirror, hides the evil, I will not let myself be for the so-called open universe power. Puppets and sacrifices. "

The people of SHIELD, The Avengers, First Order, and even the UEF heard this, all of them were secretly silent, nothing else, just for the creator of the 'Black Vortex', turned out to be Godhead. Middle refers to the Triune God.

The Marvel Universe has gods, and God is also real.

But this **** is not the only true god, but a member of the gods group.

So what are the members of the Tenjin group?

It is said to be over one million!

Although the number of members of the Tenjin group is numerous, but the universe is used as the scope of activity, the distribution will not be much.

Some of these gods fly alone, others act in the form of small gangs.

One of their major characteristics is that they love to talk a lot.

Specifically, it is to intervene and interfere in the development of other races.

For example, on the earth, the gods teamed up to brush three times.

For the first time, about a million years ago, genetic testing and experiments were carried out on the highest organisms at that time, so early humans were born.

After testing various changes in human genes, they created two types of human offspring-the eternal and the abnormal.

The eternal is the later Homo sapiens, that is, the ancestor of mankind.

The anomalies are Neanderthals.

Just like plowing and harvesting in autumn, about 25,000 years ago, the Tenjin group came back to the earth and found that the genetic experiment represented by the anomaly failed, so they destroyed the core of the civilization, Limolia, established by the anomaly, exterminated the population, and Triggered the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.

In the third encounter with Odin, Odin was defeated, but the Tenjin group did not win.

It is said that there will be a fourth ...

To Kane's feeling, the Tenjin group has many similarities with the Sarnaga clan of the SC universe, but the overall force is much worse.

Sarnaga is the kind or successor who seeks and creates the perfect race to gain sex.

The Tenjin group treats other life groups like human observation and experiments with animals and insects.

Whether there is a tall reason behind it is still unknown.

But for many groups, that doesn't matter at all, just like the mayfly that is dying forever will not care about the human centenary plan.

What matters is what the Tenjin Group has done to humans.

Interference, destruction, catastrophe, to sum up, these three concepts are almost enough to describe.

After all, these gods are at least 2,000 feet in height, or 610 meters.

It is quite appropriate to use the metaphor of humans and ants. The gods only need to cross the border casually, that is, the effect of destroying the city and destroying the town. What's more, when they appear, they will never pass by, but come to 'play' people.

The appearance of ‘Black Vortex’ gave Kane such a not-so-good hunch, he said: “A new chapter, could the subtitle be called Giants?”

He wondered if it was really the Tenjin group coming again and seeing the current scene of the world, I am afraid that it is the first recognition, that is, the experimental target is infected with foreign objects, and it is necessary to thoroughly clean up all matters including the experimental area and restart the first. Three-phase experiment, or simply restart the project completely?

Kane also often conducts genetic experiments, a class of reagents, the same core, but the ratio of elements is different, and then dozens of mice in the same experimental environment are injected separately, regularly observe and collect data. If you are accidentally infected by a heterogeneous factor, such as a certain feeding, the chemical elements in the food exceed the standard, then it is likely to react with the reagent, the data is inaccurate, and the white mouse must be cleaned up, and the white rat cage Carefully clean up to avoid residue ...

He thinks that the Tenjin group treats human beings in a similar way.

But there is one more item to be added, which is to eat rat meat.

It's a bit inaccurate to say this because the Tenjin group doesn't eat people, they want energy.

It's a huge body and consumes a lot.

Although the gods use the high-energy particles of the universe as their main supplements, just as humans need vitamins and trace elements in addition to protein and carbohydrates, gods also need some extraordinary special supplements. For example, spiritual energy.

In this regard, I knew nothing about it, and directly understood it as the gods are also afraid of loneliness, so the first sky will create the gods group, so that it later died in its hands, and the gods group created various races, and then ...

Subsequent so-called spiritual energy supplementation can indeed be understood in this way.

Kane is not particularly concerned about this.

What he cares about is that Godhead, who makes the "black vortex", is a typical old beep.

If the "host" Tenjin group that has come to Earth several times is a group of rhinoceros rumbling around, then Godhead is a cheetah that sneaks close and then violently fights.

This old product is the kind of wind and water playing in the solo god.

In the Marvel Universe, there are actually quite a lot of powers like the sentinel. Like a certain historical line, it is based on the daily routine of Loki, which led to the ultimate slaughter of the gods and the corpse was thrown through time and space. Earth.

Imagine that from time to time, huge corpses of at least 610 meters descended from the sky and randomly hit a place to cause a series of disasters. I believe that the history of the earth people's mood is similar to being dogged.

There are so many violent people, so the gods are not able to kick the flying feet all over the universe. Godhead, the lone wolf, has done a lot of riots, and has been rumored to have been defeated or even killed. The reason why he ca n’t die is not that the rumor is not credible, but that the old goods like to arrange their own. After planting, you will come back to life and come back to life. In short, there are many thieves.

Correspondingly, it is quite depressing to be remembered by this kind of guy, just like a lich encountered in the DND world, the life box is not destroyed, it will be endless. In particular, the mage is the best at preparing to go to the yin after the perfection. A targeted set of outbreaks can often make the opponent drink and hate on the spot. The ordinary resurrection methods are too late or invalid.

C Kane thought about these messy things, but the ‘actors’ and the audience on the scene had other thoughts.

This mindset is naturally far from C Kane.

The difference between them and Kane's height is not a little bit, not at all. All they want is real profit.

Life is in a hurry, but for decades, what about the gods? They do things on a very broad scale.

So can it be understood that: 'Black Vortex' is indeed a bird catching cage, but the hunter who set up the cage will take a long time to fetch the cage, and the bait used for bird catching is really delicious, one life With only a few hours left of the bird, eating this last beautiful meal and then dying before the hunter took the cage, would it be an advantage?

Should it be counted?

After my death, which flood is so high. The corpse love is a crematorium, love is eaten by birds and animals, or it is buried in fertilizers. Anyway, I should enjoy it when I am alive.

Even, I still have a little hope. That is, this bait is of the fairy food level.

I am a mortal, and after eating immortal food, I might have a hint of immortality. It was originally a life and death, but now it seems that I can survive a cold night and live a few days.

Was it earned?

Looks like it is.

Be manipulated and be manipulated.

I can still think, think, and listen. This is earning, earning every extra hour.

This kind of thinking is especially suitable for the successful people who exchange their lives for money in the first half of their lives and for money in the second half of their lives. I really want to borrow another five hundred years from the sky, so is the full open form of the potential that this open cosmic energy insists on, is it a very good choice?

It ’s not that difficult to understand this.

So with the interpretation of Rennes, the atmosphere at the scene changed more quickly.

Kane soon felt it, after all, even his human avatar was moved.

Then Kane soon understood the key points.

It is difficult for someone like him who already has powerful power to fully realize the feelings of those who are extremely hungry for power and face the temptation of power.

Don't say anything about yourself. That's fart, and as time goes by, a lot of things become habits, and some feelings are faded and forgotten.

You may still be able to tell the details of the mood when you gnawed the steamed buns, but that sentiment, like a yellowed photo, lacked bright colors, separated by gauze or even fog.

And who is present, who is not extremely hungry for power?

If you are not hungry enough, it will appear here. In such a dangerous environment, you have to do a live dance dance with death from time to time?

Those who nested in the refuge would rather be trampled by people, would rather be covered in green, and tired of a thief a day, and they would be scolded at home and had no ability, and they would not come out to fight for the waste. They are passive and active. Looked down, just eaten and died like that.

And those who refuse to admit their fate, have a gluttonous appetite for power.

As a result, some people in the audience could not hold back anymore. Emma, ​​this female partner, Kane did not do much about it. He inserted his own humanity by inserting it, instead of a certain presence. Bit.

Others, including the memories of those in the refuge, did not move much, except that the appearance of the person with a weak sense of existence was replaced by Zhao Wenrui, and a little story was added by the way.

So Emma can be said to be a real performance.

At this moment, Emma showed her ambitious side.

While they were acting in Rennes, she made a series of small moves.

First limped to Zhao Wenrui and stretched out his hand to Zhao Wenrui. Question: "Are we still together?"

From a certain angle, Zhao Wenrui is in an awkward position under a lack of steps.

Pretending to be cooler than a moment, it is difficult to close afterwards.

They are all close comrades who can deliver their backs to the guardian of the other party, but they conceal such an important thing, and the people in the past have collapsed for this.

It can be said that according to Zhao Wenrui's character, if Emma did not take the initiative to express reconciliation, he would not shy his face to seek forgiveness. Then the next step is to break up.

And Emma is also a woman, and she limped over after a fierce battle, showing a weak side.

Sorry to poke each other?

Zhao Wenrui is embarrassed.

He is somewhat macho.

He felt that he should be more attentive to reason, so almost without hesitation, he extended his hand and held it with Emma's hand.

If the lens is moved away, this series of relatively simple processes can be understood as comradeship. But things didn't end here.

Just as they clasped each other's hands and then let go, Emma scratched Zhao Wenrui's palm with her fingers.

Obvious teasing suggests that people with normal EQ can understand.

Obviously, Emma had long known that Zhao Wenrui wanted to sleep with him. He had pretended not to know about it before, but he was relatively intimate. It was the kind of intimacy that could be explained logically with ‘I take you as your brother’.

Now, it means that this boundary has been crossed.

At that moment, Zhao Wenrui felt very inspired.

In fact, the men and women in the shelter are quite open. The original Lighthouse State was very free in this respect, and it became more lawless after the catastrophe.

But it is in such a smoky environment that you know how to control yourself, it seems to be a clear stream.

For Zhao Wenrui, who is a traverser, this aspect is too chaotic. He really can't accept it. This is why Emma is not beautiful, but it is a major reason for his imaginary object of physiological needs. Other thoughts of the nature of the bus immediately disappeared. ~ Zhao Wenrui can even forgive, or dilute Emma's utilitarian characteristics.

With his conspiracy theorists' thoughts, it is natural to think of Emma's current performance, at least in part because of his strong strength. Simply put, it is sitting on the thighs and climbing the branches.

But this is also human nature, and can even be understood as the instinct of life. In the animal world, the strong have the right to mate. This characteristic is also the most vivid deducer in modern human society.

The strong is the strong. He showed it. This is the same reason as wearing a famous brand and driving a sports car at the entrance of the campus to wait for others. After all, in the past, money is a variant of power.

So sometimes you can't blame women for being too realistic ...

See, if you want to, people can always find their own reasons for acceptance.

In this situation, because Emma scratched his palm, he was already thinking about it. Compared with those who are really kneeling girls and sperm on their brains, they are not much better.

Of course, Kane has no right to blame, because according to the setting, Zhao Wenrui is a typical hungry man, and that is himself, stripping those who are foolish, and putting himself in a position, he is also virtuous.

This made Kane soberly realize that he was able to succeed, not because he was noble, but because he was a commoner.

In addition to being tempted and wanting to sleep girls, ordinary folks also have some cleverness and deep fears.

This fear makes him vigilant, makes him sensible, and prevents him from dying too much.

So now I have to ask Kane what kind of temperament, the real answer is that the girl wants to die, but if the price is to die, then forget it.

This may be a place where Zhao Wenrui is better than many people. There are some things he always wants to understand the first time. The rest is just a question of whether he can be recognized ...

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