Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 959: Not innocent

The problem was with the missing Lucius.

It's hard to imagine that a person who was cut into four sections (besides having his body cut off and his arms cut off from his upper arm position) was not dead.

Such an injury would have been fatal, but it was only a few seconds since the chest was complete.

At that time, due to the collapse of the ruins, Zhao Wenrui and Emma were too busy to avoid the details, and could not see the details. They only heard the wailing of Lucius, and It stopped abruptly, as if smashed or buried by the rubble.

Afterwards, Jack Rogers arrived, Zhao Wenrui was blown off again and again by the impact of the explosion, and then Zhao Wenrui fluttered and Rennes arrived ... It has been a fierce battle, vigorous, and failed to notice the situation here.

The truth is that Lucius was interrupted with only a half cry. Instead of being hit by bricks and stones, he called out a 'black vortex'.

It can only be said that the Leopard of the Xingyao Club suddenly appeared, unable to say two words, and attacked Zhao Wenrui like crazy dogs for a reason.

The Leopards have equipment to track the 'black vortex', more specifically, the so-called 'open cosmic energy'.

The essence, or main component, of this energy is the free high-energy particles in the universe.

For these high-energy particles, the human body is like a big net haystack, which cannot be intercepted at all, so under normal circumstances it does not affect people, but penetrates through the body.

But the magic mirror, through technology, gathered and used this energy.

Using Kane's explanation, the reason why the God Mirror is **** is because Godhead used it in addition to blessing technology when manufacturing it.

Lingqi, Xuanqi, and miraculous are also called unobtainium, precious or rare. It is the essence of the universe, and the Kane deity is relying on outing search for secondary avatars, transactions with the **** king Eugen, and most importantly, the absorption of another cosmic egg in the Middle Warhammer universe, so that it looks like Picking up the entire universe of the Warhammer in the Middle Ages is actually bullying and bullying. The three-in-one of quantity, quality and even technology are pressing people, and the four evil spirits are howling.

Does Godhead not need this treasure?

Kane thought that, on the contrary, the reason why the gods were active in the past is now mostly rumored, which is rare. A big reason is because of the lack of treasure.

Compare Treasure Element to a mass of ink, which spreads as the singularity explodes and the universe takes shape, as if the ink was poured into water, the ink and water can be clearly distinguished at first, and then becomes less conspicuous as it blooms , And then completely dispersed into the water.

The flow of the gods is the life that lives in the clear period of ink and water field.

The vast majority of primitive transcendences were conceived in ‘dense ink and color’.

Such a theory can be further refined to explain the evolution of "Aura" and "Magic Power".

Those auras and magical worlds are like closed caves formed by some natural reasons. The treasures in them are not spread out like other areas, but become one in the process of natural evolution. An important influence element, then there is an extraordinary environmental soil.

Kane even believes that Treasure Element is an important factor in the birth of the soul.

A little spirituality in the soul, this spirituality is a variant of the treasure.

According to this principle, a universe, a period of prosperous life, is in the middle and early stages. The environment in the early stage is too harsh, and those who can be born are basically natural gods such as star gods, but it is not easy to breed.

In the later middle and later stages, the universe went to extinction, the diffusion of treasures became thinner, and other substances were not easy to get together because of the diffusion of the universe, so life was destroyed more and less created.

This theory is also in line with the process of two life, two life three and three life in the Eastern Taoism.

One is the Hunyuan Taiji, the cosmic egg.

The second is the dichotomy between yin and yang, light / darkness, matter / energy, etc. These are the most primitive concepts in the early days of the Big Bang.

Three is five elements. Of course, it can also be understood in terms of earth, fire, water, and wind. In short, it is the basic element of weaving the material universe. It is abstract, a force with distinctive characteristics and attributes, not a specific thing.

Subsequent evolution is the thing, and Taoism classifies it into eight categories, that is, the dry kangen shocks Kunlun.

Godhead is an ancient celestial god. The creation of the "black vortex" 12 billion years ago shows that his life element is at least 12 billion years old, and this universe is as different from the original world universe as it was about 14 billion years ago.

Kane feels that Godhead is in peace and danger. When he was still active, he began to lay out, just like humans living in distinct seasons were taught by the environment to spring, summer, autumn and winter, but Godhead is far-sighted and sees clearly The general trend.

He needed Treasure Element, but he did not hesitate to use Treasure Element to make artifacts like ‘black vortex’ because he knew that the water well in the desert needed a small bottle of water to make the water lifting piston seal.

With this bottle of water, water can be pumped from under the earth; no, and the well is useless.

Kane thinks that the Mirror is such a bottle of water, but it is more specific. Godhead can use him to achieve the purpose of gathering more treasures.

Thinking from another angle, as long as the 'black vortex' remains in the world, and some people believe and use it, then Godhead will not be a dead head, and will be able to wake up from the long sleep and return to this material universe.

Therefore, Kane believes that the original intention of making the magic mirror is for Godhead himself, not for his gift to future generations. This is also a big reason why he called each other with old beep.

Of course, this question also depends on how you understand it. Like the kind of person who has the idea of ​​'it's not easy to live in this world for three years, why care about one's own lives in thirty years'. The side effects, at least before the 30-year period is left, really don't care much.

Lucius is undoubtedly a kind of representative. Even if 30 years later, there is no place to bury, and the divine nature will never die, it will also be 30 years later. If he does not drink this cup of poison now, then he will continue for 30 seconds. There will be no future.

There is nothing to hesitate, just respond.

Then something more interesting happened, he broke into four quarters, the most important thing is naturally the upper body, because it is connected to the head, but the upper body with his arms broken, even if he can achieve the full potential of the so-called potential, it is also strength Great reduction, with obvious shortcomings.

The magic mirror is quite human. It let Lucius know naturally that his arms and lower body can be recovered, but at a price.

Without any hesitation, Lucius directly chose to agree to pay the price.

He is now not only barefoot, but also a celestial body, so poor that his life is only a few seconds. What else can he do? What else cannot be sacrificed?

Then the Mirror opens a roulette and uses the existing elements here to generate several kinds of curses. The extra price Lucius has to pay is one of them.

Lucius failed to win the grand prize free of punishment, but hit the 'Black Forest'.

Afterwards, numerous fine vines were born at his amputated limbs, which were connected and entangled with each other. At the same time, the whole person sank with the disappearance of the 'black vortex' appearing on the ground, not sinking into the ground, and not knowing where to go.

‘Black Vortex’ was once a floor-mounted mirror that was used in temples, shrines and other facilities, but it ’s not now. It has undergone some changes and has a certain awareness.

What the Leopards of the Star Yao Club know is that killing the person who won the "Black Vortex" selection has a higher probability of becoming the next candidate.

So their strategy is to find the approximate location of the mirror and then start the killing.

The mirror was originally in the building where the corpses were hiding. Zhao Wenrui's accidental intrusion caused a variable, which is why the Leopards soon appeared in front of them.

As for the green skins, they are only one of the forces that learned that Chongbao was born, but unfortunately they do n’t understand what low-key means, and they have to go straight through the way of customs clearance, resulting in a wave of corpses, and a fierce fight that has little practical significance .

And now, this battle of fighting against the battle ended with the initiative of the zombies to retreat, but the sentimental greens did not resign, and after a little tidying, they rushed towards Kane.

They have almost forgotten their original intentions, and come here, mainly because the thunderbolt with sparks here is bigger than theirs. They are jealous, and they feel that there should be more excitement here. Join together.

But there is one step faster than the green skins, that is the corpse.

In fact, they were already in place long before Rennes debuted. After all, after Zhao Wenrui and the corpse met in a narrow path before, they did not escape far, but just avoided the direct sight of the corpse people, and then sneaked away for a distance, and then hid.

Although the corpses are descendants of zombies, their wisdom is not bad. They know how to watch the limelight.

Especially not long ago, Jack Rogers was taught to be a man, and even his special combat power was killed by Jack. Naturally, he wanted to converge a little and watch the wall to see the Leopard and Jack tearing.

Zhao Wenrui also surprised them suddenly, and said that the rivers and lakes are really sinister, and there are monsters hidden in the seemingly weak scavengers.

When Ryan appeared, he became more and more afraid and took the initiative to retreat farther to avoid being implicated.

But they still do n’t give up on the ‘black vortex’.

They are also a group that has received the signal of the mind and is aware of the advent of the 'Black Vortex'. They are very impressed with the magical ability of the Mirror to open up its potential to full potential. They dream that all of them jump directly to senior special funerals, so they are full of motivation.

And they think there is a chance because they, like the Leopards, determined that the temporary ownership of the 'Black Vortex' was someone from Zhao Wenrui's team.

This means that there is a possibility of ‘stealing the camp’.

The premise is that there must be enough cannon fodder for cover and aftercare, so that they can escape with the newly acquired ‘Black Vortex’ permission.

However, between zombies and between zombies and corpses, it is not a family of zombies in the world, but a mountain of mountains and many factions.

The advantage of corpses is that they do not actively attack zombies, nor will zombies actively attack them. But if you want to control zombies, you need professional skills.

Of course, they generally do not control such things as zombies, it is too laborious, and there is little use for less control. The most appropriate way is to guide.

They know the habits of zombies, know their anti-scale points, and properly guide them to trigger a corpse tide, and they can profit from it.

Before the green skins hit the zombies, there was credit for their guidance. They locked the building and waited for the rabbit, but it took time to get it done, and the green-skinned eyes came running in this direction, so a small-scale corpse tide was triggered to complete the block.

Zhao Wenrui, who didn't want to be sneaked in, was a good thing.

And now, they once again performed their old tricks again, using pheromone pheromones, and once again triggered a wave of corpses.

However, what the corpses did not expect was that this time they caused a special funeral of the nest master level. Or more straightforward understanding, the king of the district came on stage.

The nest owner influenced the zombies and acted as a temporary dam to complete the accumulation and then broke out.

Just like the opening of the super-large marathon, the footsteps of the rushing sounded abruptly, rumbling, like rolling thunder, and accompanied by wild roar. This is a sign of entering a violent state, and it is also the influence of the nest owner.

Ren arrogantly pouted: "I am annoyed by these noisy bugs."

In fact, this is to find a reason to protect Zhao Wenrui.

Zhao Wenrui is currently in a weak period of "swallowing" skills, and his physical fitness is the level of an underage teenager. Ordinary zombies can chase him down a few streets like a duck, facing thousands of zombies, without external assistance Nursing is almost dead.

Rennes said so, the Avengers, First Order, S.H.I.E.L.D. and UEF are all to be given face, and Jack Rogers wants to win the help of Rennes and is willing to shoot.

After a little thought, the Leopards thought they might as well take advantage of the nearness, and they knew that the corpses were also contenders of the 'Black Vortex', and they almost succeeded. It was also good to take advantage of this faction.

Therefore, the interim war alliance relationship was concluded in a tacit agreement without express words, and people from all walks of life came up with different means to deal with the wave of corpses.

But one thing, they all secretly follow Zhao Wenrui and them.

Although the purpose of attention is not the same, the degree of attention is higher than one.

So Zhao Wenrui had mobs out there, and they all looked in time.

The so-called moth is the sudden appearance of Lucius.

Suddenly rising from the ground, like riding a slow lifting platform.

Lucius' first sentence appeared full of harsh irony: "This is aftermath? These half-pillars are my tombstones? And are they without names and epitaphs?"

In the face of Lucius ~ ~ everyone responds differently, Emma and Owen are surprised with surprise, and Old Nick is full of doubt with surprise.

Zhao Wenrui is more like someone with a delusion of murder. The first reaction turned out to be to greet Emma, ​​Owen and Old Nick loudly: "Run!"

'Escape', in the code word of their little gang, it represents the most urgent state, which means don't want to greet teammates any more, escape is the greatest tacit understanding in itself, and then find a way to get together afterwards, how fast is running now .

Zhao Wenrui didn't say this escape word before the situation with the corpse narrow road was so passive. It can be seen how much Lucius has touched him.

The reason is actually simple. He is a traverser, with a cognition and ideas that transcend this era. He knows that Lucius appeared at this time, which is so strange and yin and yang. It is a nightmare rather than a good thing.

Once this was confirmed, he immediately contacted Rennes, the "black vortex" they had been arguing with. Then I realized that Lucius was transformed by the "black vortex". He is now the center of the vortex, representing the great troubles, and anyone who is related to it will be implicated.

So do n’t say that Lucius is obviously blackened, even if it does n’t, there is nothing wrong with ‘escape’.

It ’s not that I do n’t miss friendship, but I really ca n’t fill such a bottomless pit. At that moment, Zhao Wenrui was even thinking: "I will treat you as if you are dead. In this field, I will have the opportunity the next day and I will definitely help you find it!"

It's a pity that only old Nick listened in. After Zhao Wenrui warned, he was a little stunned and started to run.

However, Emma and Owen want to talk to Lucius about how to solve problems.

But Lucius didn't want to talk about it. His vomiting was to vent casually, but it was not enough. He had to punish everyone present.

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