Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 960: Just want to get out of the pit

"Black Vortex" blackened Lucius.

This artifact does have a brainwashing function, but it is more inclined to change the three views of a smart life.

Therefore, Lucius's blackening mainly depends on himself.

There are more specific factors, mainly in these categories.

The first is desire.

I said it before, but most people who work in the field of scavenging waste are dreaming. The dream of making a fortune is also a dream.

Lucius also has his own dream. Now that he has gained strength, he tries to realize his dream through this strength. This should have been fine.

The problem is that this force came too abruptly, he was easy, and he was overjoyed, and Lucius expanded without surprise. It is the kind of mentality similar to ‘one power is in hand, the order is issued’, and ‘power is not used and expired and invalidated’.

Secondly, there is anger.

Almost every survivor ’s survival history can write a large part of the tragedy and tragedy. Naturally, Lucius also has an unbearable past, and resentment and anger are pressed to the bottom of his heart, becoming the driving force for endeavor, and the goal of endeavor is now achieved By the way, if the power raw materials have not been exhausted, then it is a vent.

Third, there is distortion of mentality.

People always realize the preciousness after losing, Lucius is now very annoyed to lose the original body.

In his view now, he had dozens of coping strategies at the time, but he chose one of the worst, so that the potential was greatly affected by the incompleteness of the body, and he was also cursed. , Regret it!

Under such a background, he was not surprised that his former partner shot.

Without warning, branches of vines suddenly spewed from the feet of Emma and Owen, not that kind of extremely resilient, like tentacles and snakes, but like a spear, a steel sword, a trap, and a middle age in the splash of soil Spray out.

Zhao Wenrui was highly vigilant. Old Nick heard the warning, so he avoided the wave of injuries neatly. But Emma and Owen were not so lucky, they were pierced directly, just like a piece of meat on a steel fork, they both hurt.

Lucius said with a grin: "There are difficulties, you also come to taste the dying taste I have just tasted. Rest assured, we are partners, I will share the divine sweetness with you."

The current magic mirror will actively choose people to make it a so-called "magical envoy". The **** envoy can use the magic mirror to stimulate the potential of others, even if the other party's potential is more powerful, it will also be subject to the magic envoy.

After Lucius became a **** envoy, he automatically learned this knowledge, so he actively developed the offline, but his mentality was distorted, and the specific means were really magical.

Lucius shot suddenly, and Rennes were a little caught off guard. After witnessing Emma and Owen becoming barbecues, they shot Lucius.

Except Rennes.

He looks the most calm in the audience.

In fact, he has been following Zhao Wenrui secretly for the longest time, and he does not have much interest in fighting for the 'black vortex'.

The crowd shot at Lucius, but the hidden corpse shot at the crowd.

They changed their minds temporarily.

Originally, I wanted to touch the fish in muddy water, but Lucius' performance made them realize that even if the water was muddy, the fish might not be able to touch them.

what is it now?

It's also easy to handle, can't be the enemy, then be friends!

Everyone else is aiming at Lucius, all like catching him and then quickly, then we will help him.

The corpses threw pheromone bombs directly at the war circle.

This is what they prepared early in the morning, but the timing of the launch has changed.

Around Lucius, it was like the pyrotechnic effect of an old-fashioned Hong Kong film. With the firelight, the smoke rises, the firelight is almost circular, and the smoke is crimson. It looks strange and has a sweet smell. .

Faced with such a ring-shaped smoke barrier, everyone has different choices.

Like the Tigers of UEF, the mouth guns are very tough, but they are very cautious in their actions. They have dealt with the corpses, knowing the power of this pheromone bomb, and decisively terminated the advance, but relying on the quantitative advantage, they quickly opened the encirclement. .

The S.H.I.E.L.D. people are even more aware of the use of pheromone bombs. They chose to go beyond their difficulties to avoid missing opportunities.

The Avengers trio are at ease. Previously they showed a research style as long as they were willing to let them study and cooperate with anyone, so now it seems that they are not in a hurry to hold things in their own hands.

Of course, it can also be understood from another angle, because the Leopards did not move, so the Avengers did not move.

The Avengers and Xingyao have grudges.

At that time, whether it was Bruce Banner or Tony Stark, they were horrified by the star terror in the world, but they seemed to lack coping methods.

This place, Miss Stark, who is the orthodox descendant of these two, was deliberately recovered.

Therefore, there is no sincerity in cooperating with the Leopards. Instead, they stare closely at each other to prevent them from suddenly escaping and escaping.

The first order Chitarei transformable creature is the first in Laozi's world. No matter what you are, they have a straightforward style, ignoring the crimson smoke and heading straight to Lucius.

And Lucius was at a time when his self-confidence was inflated. In the face of the siege, he chose to stand up!

At that moment, he completed four different operations.

One is to soften the vines that pierce Emma and Owen, and wrap them into wooden cocoons while pulling them into the ground.

This process is very rapid, the visual effect is extraordinary, and it has a ‘black forest’ smell.

The second is to generate thorn beasts to arrest Zhao Wenrui and Old Nick.

The whole family should be neat and tidy, how can it be less?

Besides, I ’m doing it for you, full potential! For scavengers filled with cups on the table of life, it is simply the best grace.

The formation process of the thorn beast is also very stylized.

I saw Lucius's rapid growth of vines. These vines were as thin as toothpicks at first, but in less than two seconds, they were thicker than the adult's thumb, with thorns and green leaves on the surface.

These vines, like twisting long insects, landed on the ground, and quickly jumped, and in the process of walking, they twisted and entangled with each other, forming a thorn beast.

This beast has honey badgers and bears, as well as wild boar's body characteristics and temperament characteristics, and the way of hunting can be described as a pig rushing forward.

Lucius's third action is to grow twigs all over the body, forming a hollow protection like a tumbleweed grass shell, or a three-dimensional fence armor called a plant version, and wrap himself inside.

The fourth action is to fly a large number of shadow crows to form a counterattack with the people who came to him.

In Kane's eyes, the most technical is the shadow crow, which is obviously mimic, but it is lifelike, with a scream, and it can also shed feathers, just like the real one.

These black crows were covered with black mist, and their eyes were scarlet and shiny, and they looked strange and ominous.

In the face of this wave of attacks by Lucius, most of the aggressive groups chose to open their shields.

The energy shield collided with the black raven, which turned into a superb cone of light, and suddenly bursts of light and flame.

However, Shadow Teeth did not go straight like arrows, but understood to circle around, so after using this skill, Lucius was very noisy on the scene, and his vision was also greatly affected. Shadow teeth flying everywhere, like a group of cruising Patrol and catch the target's intelligent missile by itself.

This is not something that can be protected only by the energy shield. Of course, like the first order full strength field shield, it can indeed be protected without leakage.

And they are so reckless that even the shadow crow can't see them. They must capture Lucius with a single mind, straight forward, fast speed, and the highest efficiency.

The collision of the first person, or flying collision, made Lucius fly out like a flying baseball.

Here is the operation of Lucius himself taking advantage of the situation.

But his method of unloading force is not perfect. The force of the impact is still a considerable part of the fence armor, like a ripple, the power spread on the surface of the fence armor.

At the same time, this force has a devastating characteristic of destruction. So with the ripples spreading out, it was the place where the fence armor shattered into slag, splashed and burned.

With the occurrence of such damage, the perfect 360-degree protective shield fence armor is clearly vacant.

The other three of the First Order, in a time-delayed manner, rushed past this vacancy and attacked the typical water dog, a set of combined boxing tactics.

But this tactic was destroyed by a horizontal bar.

The corpses cooperated with the pheromone bomb to summon special funerals.

This technique can also be prepared in advance, forming a scene similar to the moment of imminent assistance at the critical moment.

The corpses recruited muscle tyrants this time.

After a hundred years of development, these devil muscles are more reasonable and explosive, and they can play bumper car games with armored vehicles happily.

Their entry is like a rugby field. A group of players guard against the quarterback's dribbling position, rushing and rushing, not from the front, but from the oblique side to intercept the pinch.

Three other Chitaruis immediately after the first Chitarui, one succeeded in evading but stalled, and the other two were directly knocked off in a loud bang.

So all three actually lost the opportunity to pursue Lucius in the air.

Although the SHIELD people's fighting style is not flying, it is almost too much. It is a powerful jump like Hulk Jump, which is very explosive. Of course, this is mainly due to the equipment.

In the process of their advance, they showed a group gun fighting technique.

The weapon in his hand fired so frequently that the fire masses around the airspace everywhere, basically every fire burst in the air represented the result of the special projectile hitting the crow.

The weapon they used was called the Infinite Sand Eagle, and its appearance resembled a desert eagle pistol with a retreat, but it was actually not a gunpowder weapon at all. The ammunition system was connected to the equipment, and there were thousands of projectiles. Available. Therefore, although the frequency is not as strong, the sustainability is very strong.

The other is portable, and it is generally used for close combat including street fighting and house fighting. Some even have military thorns installed on tactical rails. It can be seen that this gun fighting technique is really capable of fighting.

These people in SHIELD are all sharpshooters, and they are double guns with left and right bows. They also cooperate very well. They clearly have a combat group and use large caliber pistols with low shooting frequency, but they have just shot an enhancement. Row of firepower effects.

This round of the most ornamental play in the game belongs to them. Even Kane felt quite a sense, but one can imagine how magical this gameplay is.

Jack Rogers also started, but instead of rushing to Lucius, he helped Old Nick and Zhao Wenrui.

I have to say that this is the glorious example of humanity in the audience.

The rest of the Kane behind the scenes are not good, either greedy, suspicious, or selfish. It ’s the kind of ‘humanity is dark, so do n’t expect me to be a good person’.

Old Nick is generally okay. He hasn't suffered any serious injuries. He played out of the speed of the old-time Olympic 100m champion. It is still difficult for the thorn beast to catch him.

Zhao Wenrui could n’t do it. Five labors and seven injuries can describe his current situation. He has more than enough strength and is in danger. Jack was kicked far away from the side with a flying foot.

The Thorns beating on the ground, trying to turn over and fight again, but was hit by Jack's energy group shot with a long knife, and turned into a burning bonfire.

But that's the case, this guy still tried to fight back, and was punched into a burning wood by a punch of a muscle tyrant.

Muscle tyrants walk like gorillas, with two sturdy and profitable arms walking upside down, as if that were their feet, and this is how the burning thorny beast burst.

In 5 seconds, there were already 7 more muscle tyrants on the scene, and there were also four hunters.

These are actually the special funerals that failed to go further, and stayed in the state of advanced beasts. In the eyes of some people, they are just rare cannon fodder.

Their admission did muddle the water.

The flew Lucius took the opportunity to entangle the two hunters with vine coils and threw them at the people of First Order and Aegis Bureau. The swinging operation of the arm forms a cone-shaped range, forming a spur trap effect in an area of ​​more than two hundred square meters. For a time, in front of Lucius, it seemed that a large bush had grown.

Such strikes are indistinguishable and have the effect of blocking the enemy.

The S.H.I.E.L.D people were surprised to find that their armor was very hurt after almost attacking this wave of attacks.

It turned out that this spear spear was different from the previous ones against Emma and Owen, and it was not obvious on the surface, but in fact these spear spears contained extraordinary power, so they could cause a real extraordinary blow At this point, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s personnel who rely on the equipment to support the scene have already been put on top.

However, the hearts of the people present were mostly fiery.

As the so-called wealth is moving, Lucius is an ordinary amputated scavenger with a severed limb, because 'Black Vortex' becomes a high-end warrior in seconds. This is visible.

People are very hot.

Therefore, the more Lucius shows, the more he will strengthen people's determination to take it, willing to pay some price for it.

The incident has changed until now.

At least it has little to do with the reasons for playing together before.

It was really difficult for Zhao Wenrui who accidentally fell into the fairy pit to climb out.

Jack Rogers helped him for the third time. He did n’t even say a word of thanks. He could n’t take care of it. He felt that he had successfully escaped from the pit and would not be a burden for anyone. Save, if you have a chance in the future, just return the favor. He still has confidence in this regard.

The problem is that the pheromone pheromone bomb leads to a special funeral circle, and on a larger scale, there is still a corpse tide controlled by the nest owner.

And Zhao Wenrui unfortunately bumped into the green skin coming ...

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