Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 972: Just ran a few steps

Zhao Wenrui strode the meteor on the ridge, and the sun was already westward. With his current grasp of the environment, he knew that it would be completely dark in another hour and 40 minutes.

To be honest, he has some drums in his heart. The ruins of the mountain city in his eyes are the kind of exploration, the more unpredictable, the dangerous elephants are.

For this reason, he has always followed the principle of going uphill in the morning and going downhill in the afternoon, searching for work in the ruins only in the most sunny time of the day.

But this time he had a bad hunch. Without the danger of ruins, he might have a hard time getting rid of monster hunting.

These monsters who can 'roar the soul' really did not 'disappoint' Zhao Wenrui's careful treatment.

They do not appear in a normal way, but come from nothing, like the excessive fog area, from the blur of the dense fog, to the faintness of the light fog, and finally clearly visible.

And these monsters have the basic characteristics of Warcraft, that is, they bring their own "magic light", let people know at a glance that they are extraordinary, and have spell-like abilities.

Glowing is their mane, crossing the brain from above the bridge of the nose, along the ridge line, until the tip of the tail, flame-like color, elegant and beautiful, and it seems to change color with emotions, from red to orange, more than ten The colors are very vivid.

They look like hyenas who usually inject steroids for fitness.

As we all know, the hyena is not a canine family, but a hyena family. It looks like a dog, but the details are quite different.

And Zhao Wenrui bet that the monster that looks like a hyena in front of him also has the difference between canines and hyenas. It's not a kind of creature, it just looks like it.

The Druid post provides Zhao Wenrui with great farsightedness and has a very strong dynamic vision.

This made him hundreds of meters away from the ridge, and at a glance, he saw the monster's deformed and angular ‘cheeks’, saying that it was chewing muscles.

This is an important detail when observing carnivores.

For example, the cheetah, its jaw, and its masticatory muscles basically determine that adults are usually not on its recipes, and its bite ability is not strong enough.

Conversely, looking at Tyrannosaurus's masticatory muscles, you know that the bite force is amazing.

Therefore, the masticatory muscle is a more important concept than the mouth.

When it comes to teeth, the teeth of these monsters are also very personal, like arrows, wide and thick, sharp and triangular, just like shark teeth.

This is a carnivorous beast and good at biting.

Zhao Wenrui felt shudder at the sight. He could imagine how terrible it would be to be bitten by the mouth like a bear trap.

And their claws and tails are also very special. Their claws have the general shape of dog claws, but they have hook claws that dog claws don't, just like the sickle claws of velociraptors. It's used in the belly.

In this sickle claw, there are two monsters on the front and back toes. Imagine that they knocked down the target and acted as if they were burying their **** on their body. The target is likely to be completely shattered.

The tail is neither a dog's tail nor a wolf's tail, but is like a multi-headed whip, consisting of a handful of whip tails with almost 20 tips with luminous bone spines.

These tails, like the grasses in the water flow, sway gently, attracting the eyes very much, and even dizzying for a long time.

Comes with a spell-like deceptive light, is a sinister natural weapon.

So this monster has a natural three-axe, claws, bite, tail sweep.

Their hatred seems to have been locked in Zhao Wenrui, the goal is very clear, and it seems extremely irritable. As soon as he appeared, he faced Zhao Wenrui, and then attacked.

These guys are not small, like half-calves, run powerfully, and have amazing speed.

What is more troublesome is the number of monsters, which makes Zhao Wenrui feel depressed. Even with four heads, he will use giant worms to rely on the terrain of the ridge and fight with each other, but the number of monsters is as many as eight.

The heroes can't stand up to many people, but the tigers can't fight the wolves. He has no way to give any monster a fatal damage neatly while waiting for other monsters.

This means that he will be dragged down.

He has seen the situation of group hunting in animal incidents. Whoever becomes the target will evade the truth, while others will take the opportunity to attack. If the target of the hunt is transferred to attack the target, then the newly targeted will immediately play the new 'Ghost Spirit', slip without keeping hands ...

So in less than 1 second, he directly made a new decision, abandoning the original plan to use the ridge terrain to fight first, and go directly to the ruins!

I saw that Zhao Wenrui's body was dark green and filled with natural breath, but it was reminiscent of the deep forest instead of the awakening light of all things.

Immediately following, a large amount of light and mist poured out from him, wrapping him completely, and the next second, a snow wolf jumped out of the light and mist.

Of course, this is a relatively nice statement. In fact, the animal that Zhao Wenrui can transform is Erha.

This is because when he was in the original world, he had raised two of the three sleighs, and the Alaskan dog had been lost for a while. Later, by chance, he had a two-headed dog. Before crossing, he had been raised for almost 7 years.

Only familiar with this kind of animal, after deeply digging up related memories, it became a blueprint for transformation.

But after the specific transformation, there is a considerable degree of wildness, and a certain degree of Warcraft.

As a result, it looks bigger and bigger, like an adult Caucasian dog, and looks like a prestige. The magical feature is the faint flash of hair on the tip of the hair, and the eyes glow.

After being transformed, you can't speak, but you can communicate normally with the same kind, and you need to rely on skills such as telepathy to communicate with other creatures.

After completing the transformation, Zhao Wenrui raised his neck for the first time and made a howl.

The golden and green light flowed on him, and the 2nd-level holy dharma 'Big Step' blessing.

No way, his transformation can't get rid of the core characteristics of sled dogs, that is to say, his advantage is endurance, but speed and explosiveness are not.

But the hunters seem to be the opposite, at least the target shows, it is really the arrow of the string!

In just a few seconds, the closest hyena was less than 50 meters away from him.

Run full feet.

Zhao Wenrui soon discovered that he was a little bit enjoying the feeling of running at full strength under the fate of life.

He looks like this, only fangs and claws are available, and this kind of warfare is not familiar to him, and it is far from being able to compare with the real beast of three hammers. Not to mention that it is used desperately with others.

Therefore, it is now a travel form. In addition to running or hiding, the time it takes to remove the deformation will be used by the hyena monster. After a round of attack, it is estimated that he will be finished.

And the hyena monster is not stupid, knowing to predict his trajectory, using his position advantage to block his way, instead of chasing him stupidly towards his current position.

So, it's really a lifeline now. Once you lose, or you can't avoid it, then everything will rest, and you will probably succumb to death.

But it is such a state that he not only has no sense of fear, but has a sense of intoxication. He likes the feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife.

Even he himself felt a little perverted.

But what he was thinking, he knew that he really felt, which made him even suspect that he was met with some kind of backlash when he used the "black vortex" authority to pit the green skin in the last world.

Fortunately, he is just sexually active now, trying to fight these hyena monsters with no distractions, instead of fighting hard and fighting to death.

Zhao Wenrui's speed is getting faster and faster. From a distance, it looks like a white light is flying across the ridge line.

However, there are still two hyena monsters one after another approached the road in front of him.

He didn't play with a hedge, but ran diagonally, intending to bypass the goal.

But in fact, this is equivalent to making a good position. The hyena monsters who are blocking the head are also unambiguous, they are conquered, they directly slam, and the track pre-judgment is completed.

However, the essence of Zhao Wenrui is a person, not a dog. His sudden fall and roll, which is common in human movements, is a skillful roll.

Relying on this movement, when he passed the area, his figure was much more than normal.

As a result, the hyena ran across dangerously above him.

The hyena has been crushed under extreme strength, but still can't catch Zhao Wenrui. Due to the **** problem, after it jumped over, it was already a dozen meters away from the ground, plus a slow down, dozens of meters All went out, and Zhao Wenrui could not catch up after a while.

The real danger is the second hyena that is blocking the road.

It is also more favorable because of its location, and it stepped on the ridge early.

The hyena monster didn't rush to attack because of its lessons. Instead, they approached steadily and always maintained a strong attack.

What it thinks is very clear, it does not need a hit, and as long as Zhao Wenrui is entangled so that he can't run away.

Once other hyena monsters catch up, Zhao Wenrui is finished. And this time does not take too long, 6-8 seconds is almost enough.

Zhao Wenrui is also very clear that he is really racing against time, so he climbed up after rolling, letting him choose to ignore the threat of hyena monsters and run parallel to the ridge line on the ramp.

At this time, it is more stable and bolder than anyone else, and the first to attack is the one who cannot bear the pressure first.

Facts have proved that the hyena monster is more lethargic than Zhao Wenrui. Seeing the snow wolf regard it as nothing, and concentrate on escaping, this hyena monster finally could not help launching an attack.

When the hyena moved, Zhao Wenrui also followed.

At this time, it does not exist after the first arrival, completely dodge.

At least Zhao Wenrui couldn't do it.

All he can do is choose to sell meat.

In exchange for the opportunity to pass with the least possible injury.

As a result, the two sides were staggered like a ×, Zhao Wenrui's waist and back flesh and blood rolled, and the blood soon stained the nearby hair, and began to sprinkle an intermittent blood line on the ground.

The injury was not too heavy, at least to avoid the most deadly bite of the hyena monster, and was caught by the claw toe of the sickle.

But blood flow is not only a problem, especially because he is still strenuously exercising, and the muscles and muscles of the wound are repeatedly torn, which will only deteriorate and will not heal.

But Zhao Wenrui couldn't help it. He had to run now. There might be some opportunities for running. If he stopped, he would die.

What's interesting is that he doesn't regret leaving more than 65% of the available experience points useless, and has to face such a crisis.

His biggest feeling now is that his soul is burning.

At this time, it can be seen by looking at his eyes that the bright light is overflowing, and the shape of the eyes has become a mist of light, and because of his flying, the streamer is pulled out in the air, just like two glows tied to the corner of the eye Colored ribbons.

At the Kaiser Palace, C Caine saw this scene with the help of the Fireboat, and couldn't help feeling with emotion: "You are so young!"

The reason for this is that Zhao Wenrui was so excited to be in the state of "God Me".

Even in those days when they were reincarnations, few people knew that his biggest hole card was actually not puppets or death stars.

Every reincarnation who can join a top club is not simple, and has one or two hands.

And his is this ‘God Me’ state.

In particular, his worm system is relatively slow to form. In the early and middle periods, especially in the middle and late periods, it seems to be very accumulated. It ca n’t get a considerable combat power for a long time. Not to be used ...

How did he get through that difficult time with always bad luck?

It is by this ‘God Me’ state.

To put it simply, it is super play and super play, and has been stable in this super play state.

Although this state is very powerful, allowing him to exert more than 10 to 200 percent of his ability, it is not without problems.

One of the most important points is that its essence is an emotional impulse.

It's like flint rubbing and sparking.

And as he became more senior and more rational, the insect system became more and more perfect, and this trump card gradually became less useful.

At the same time, people who know how to deal with it.

For example, when he was betrayed and killed by the emperor, he had no chance to brew emotions. After a wave of take away, "God Me" is no longer useless.

And this humanity avatar, like him in the early and middle stages of the reincarnation, is easily touched, and it is easy to lose heart and emotion. The mind is very fresh, and the emotions are easily mobilized.

So C Kane is so young and feels good. I do n’t want him. Many memories have been faded by the dust of the years. There are fewer and fewer things that can touch him enough, and the time I want to brew enough full emotions is getting longer. .com ~ Hi Zhao Wenrui quickly minimized the impact of trauma. He even self-examined the specific condition of the injury through perception, and then through the fine-tuning of the body, he avoided pulling the injury as much as possible.

Doing so inevitably slowed the speed down a bit, causing the hyenas to catch up.

But now he is really already enjoying the feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife.

And super calm, the brain is running in an unprecedented state, multi-tasking, considering tactics, observing the details, and coping with the pursuit.

As a result, the thrilling situation caused the hyena to explode again and again.

Hyenas are a bit faster than Zhao Wenrui, which gives them a chance to launch an attack from behind Zhao Wenrui after almost 7-10 seconds.

But Zhao Wenrui seems to have long eyes behind him, and he can accurately judge each time, so that their attacks are defeated, and it is not quite a changeable pattern. It is like a flirtation.

Once it fails, if you want to launch a second attack, you have to adjust the state first, catch up and talk.

As a result, 8 hyena monsters were biting you behind me and the snow wolf, but they were always bit worse.

The mad hyena monsters couldn't even find out that they were already catching up with their overdraft strength, which was at least 15% slower than it was originally.

And Zhao Wenrui's speed is not down, it is not deliberate, mainly because of his injury, and it is getting more and more serious. He also meant a little bit at the end of the crossbow.

The ruins of the mountain city are already in sight, but both parties who have chased and fled have entered a poor period of fatigue. Is this a cicada and a praying mantis actively sending themselves under the mouth of the canary?

Zhao Wenrui didn't know, but in his prediction, he and these hyena monsters, the first level they had to pass, was to explode the dog box and didn't know how many times the tentacles ...

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