Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 973: Embarrassed

The purpose of man-made weapons may be to avoid the easy outbreak of war, but the purpose of weapons itself is only war. And in most cases, it is only a matter of time before weapons are launched on the battlefield.

This naturally means c Kane's tricolor swarm.

What is said about sociality, what is civilization, what is development, but it ca n’t be said that the color of militaryism has always been faded. Kane and his swarm, no matter in which world they are, are just dictatorial military governments and poor soldiers. There are only two states in existence itself, preparing for war and going to war.

A century of time has allowed C Kane to develop in Marvel 199999, and then has more time to think about some issues related to philosophy.

Sometimes he thinks he is a pitiful person, because he still has no sense of security, but instead like the worldly rich, the more he owns, the more he is afraid of losing.

Sometimes he also thinks that he is actually a bastard, because he is watching him become the kind of person he hated most in the past, bullying and bullying, the main reason is that he wants more.

The destruction of the Cree Empire is a standard bullying. Although the Cree is not a good bird, the essence of his wife will not change because of the quality of the Cree, but for some people, the perception is relatively less guilty.

The same is true of the grave digging operation against Zhao Wenrui's new universe.

c Kane eventually sent the red swarm.

Although it was only the first troops, quietly entering the village, understanding the situation, and not shooting, the invaders were invaders, and more than one hundred large interstellar fortress-class war fort ships Leviathan said that being weak was too humble.

This swarm fleet called 'Scarlet Vanguard' jumped into this universe shortly after it jumped again and disappeared into the vast astral realm.

Less than an hour later, several Shennian thoughts swept through the area, wandering for a while before evacuating.

This universe is still very hard-working, and they are obviously sensitive to sufficiently powerful foreign invaders.

To hide from cats and cats, the Scarlet Fleet will spend a few years or even decades wandering around. It will dilute the traces of outsiders while exploring the universe and adapting it.

Kane is doing things, the time scale has become more and more open, but he himself does not feel much about it. He thought about what he was feeling, and some aspects have become increasingly numb and dull.

Zhao Wenrui is more sensitive and emotionally fluctuating.

Entering the state of ‘God Me’, he is experiencing a very special feeling.

This feeling reminded him of the painful explanation of the concept of "happy" in a series of horror movies {Mengguichaoshen} that he had watched in his early years.

This statement specifically comes from a kind of operation live skinning with bullying characteristics.

The very characteristic fierce ghost "nail head" said that the one who was peeled, while suffering, was still experiencing excitement and happiness, so it would emit a kind of gentle and comfortable wailing, and showed that slightly Special shaking body behavior.

Zhao Wenrui once thought that this statement was a line of artistic treatment.

Later he thought that art comes from life, so what is the true face of this statement? From the perspective of shaking s attributes, a description of shaking m attributes? Distorted rhetoric about sm behavior?

At this level of cognition, this basically comes to an end. It's already "empty", and after analysis, it's really "empty" conjecture on "empty", and I also feel boring.

But now, this concept is activated in a special way. And let him taste something different.

At least, it can explain to a certain extent that his present fate is hanging out, but actually has a perverted psychology of enjoying the feeling.

A section of the road that was not too short was completed in this kind of repeated riots and dangerous escapes.

The hyenas were completely mad, salivating in their mouths, and their eyes were squirting. The fierce and excited look seemed to explode at any time.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui was also very angry, and was chased and killed by such a group of monsters for no reason, how could he be angry?

It's just that he won't be too real with a bunch of animals, and the hyena's strange appearance of chasing after him also makes him feel relieved to a certain extent.

The ruins of the mountain city are in sight.

It was dusk, and in Zhao Wenrui's perception, it was full of creepy ominousness.

Dusk is a very special time period, neither day nor night. There are both, and the most unknown is the boundary.

So in some extraordinary universes, dusk is the time period that really represents chaos, not night.

Zhao Wenrui also had a clearer understanding of the concept of ‘dusk dusk, most chaos’ after he joined Druid.

It can be said that during this time period, the cast will be affected.

I thought he was orderly, and this will never change.

The autumn evening is always very long.

This also caused the ruins of the mountain city to feel only superficial, and he felt more dangerous than the day, but he was not surprised at all by a big reason.

As soon as he entered the range of the ruins, the san value began to fall. The thick arrow of the third level, just such a drop, and it took less than half an hour. If he sank above 150, the san value would fall to 100 again.

After careful observation during this time, Zhao Wenrui has discovered that the character attribute panel created for him by Golden Finger divides the status into four levels.

For example, the san value, the upper limit is 200, every 50th order, more than 150 is healthy, and the drop of 150 will change the perception of the whole world.

Just like when I was a student, I had fun playing all night long and walked on the street after a few days. The bright light was dazzling and at the same time very boring.

And below 100, there will be obvious hallucinations and hallucinations, especially in such a quiet environment, especially prominent. Scenery will also lose color, gray tone.

What does it feel like below 50? He hasn't tasted it yet, but this time he has a bad hunch and feels it might be a taste.

Not that he lacked confidence in dealing with these hyenas. Rather, he knows that operations in reality are always more time-consuming than expected because of such small situations.

Coupled with his injury, even if the follow-up development is more favorable, it is impossible to achieve the speed of return from the past.

This means that he is unlikely to be able to rush back to Dongfu when it is dark. So this night, it was destined not to be too hard.

Thinking of this, he glanced into the distance, and from here, he could already see the Juletta he had built by himself. In this area of ​​about ten square kilometers, Jureta is the tallest building at present. The base alone is more than 10 meters high. Counting the lightning rod, it is close to 30 meters.

Since he abandoned the magic copper and used Uki for armor and weapons, almost all the magic copper he found in the ruins have been used to make jureta.

The role of this facility is not only to provide electrical energy, according to his plan, it is an important basis for purifying the ruins.

Zhao Wenrui's statement of "Thunder Husband, Cardinal of Heaven and Earth" is also profound.

In his cognition, Thunder is a more effective restraint force for evil than sunlight and fire, so he is ready to build a power grid to clean up the ghosts here.

With the help of the earth science of Banhangzi, this project has already completed the pilot and is preparing for full-scale development. What is lacking now is mainly thunderstorm days.

Zhao Wenrui now looks at Jureta. One is wondering whether he will stay at Jureta for the night. After all, he led hyena monsters into the ruins of the mountain city. Refuge plan.

Although his cave house is good, it is far from perfect.

And, as far as the structure is concerned, in his mind, the current cave house can only be regarded as a special pavilion that takes time to rest.

For example, exploring the living cave system, dealing with tumbleweeds, and even exploring the ruins of mountain cities.

It can be said that this cave house is like his own "hunter's hut", not a refuge or villa, nor a residence for a long time.

In his long-term plans for himself, he will leave here after he is ready to find an active human community and a real place to live.

Here he will come back in the future to collect materials and continue to explore the ruins of the mountain city like a copy.

Under such a guideline, the functionality of Dongfu is gradually improving, but the protection is not enough, and it has natural defects.

For example, the structure is simple, and there is no special organ trap area.

Therefore, the so-called guarding according to the Dongfu is now a dead fight forced into the corner of the house, and no matter what is damaged, it is a loss. After all, those items are invested in a very difficult background. It takes a lot of time, energy and talent to manufacture, and the manufacturing cost is high.

So Zhao Wenrui didn't plan to run into the cave house from the beginning.

The living hole is because of the small area and the tortuous passages. In some places, there is no way to pass upright. It ca n’t run at all. It is easy to be caught up, and the exploration is not enough, but it is also related to his main source of food and drink. Unwilling to lead hyena monsters.

Then the ruins of the mountain city are left to use.

For this reason, he left a small amount of supplies near Jureta so that he could have undesirable needs. The result is really used.

The second reason for focusing on Jureta is to use it as a reference to identify the direction.

He has never entered the ruins of the mountain city from the angle of this road, but seeing the relative position of Jureta, he probably has a good idea of ​​the situation of the front road.

Sure enough, shortly afterwards, with the help of his own cover and an already brewing sharp turn, he successfully swayed to the hyena monster, causing several of them to rush into the pile of rocks because they could not stop or were hit by the back. , Stumbled under his feet and fell into a state of embarrassment.

Zhao Wenrui glanced at the corner of his eye, and said: "This is one of the disadvantages of hanging on fire so much that it is crazy, and it is too exhaustive to leave room."

However, wrestling is only trivial, the real problem is that there are tentacles in that area.

Zhao Wenrui only guessed through observation and did not really lead it out.

The tentacle is indeed confirmed by the ground vibration, but it is not as stupid as he originally expected, and it will not be caused by any method of throwing stones.

"So this time? At least it can verify that my judgment is correct."

It turns out that there is!

But it also embodies a new problem, that is, the response of the tentacles, from the instant, there is still a gap.

This loss is less than two seconds.

That is to say, if it can pass quickly during this time, then the tentacles of the tentacles have a high probability of emptying.

But there is actually another key point here, that is the rhythm.

The range of tentacle monsters' perception of ground vibration is much wider than that of tentacle attacks. If the target's movement is more rhythmic and the trajectory is stable, then the tentacle monster can do a pre-judgment attack.

And this time, Zhao Wenrui did not trigger this rule because the tentacle monster's brain was not easy to use, and the steps were too complicated. It was not coming.

Also, although the tentacle attack is terrible, it is not without trace. Its preparatory attack action will cause the ground in the nearby area to shake, which can be found by careful observation.

Therefore, there is no real impeccable, timely and sudden blow.

Wrestling caused the hyena monsters to waste precious time. As soon as they got up, they were attacked by tentacle monsters that broke out of the ground. The first is coiling, if it is drawn, and the position is right, it will try to coil.

"Squeak!" The hyena monster who was attacked and pained resembled a dog.

But the subsequent angry roar is nothing like, "Aoao!" Loud and human, Zhao Wenrui could n’t think of any known sound analogy, because he had never heard anything similar.

Then the second biggest drawback of madness caused by hanging fires was the brainless destruction of all blockers.

Snow Wolf, who clearly hated Zhao Wenrui's change, hated his teeth, but was so attacked by tentacles and attracted hatred.

And as soon as he came up, he was directly a red-eyed hatred. He didn't chase Zhao Wenrui anymore, and began to tear with the tentacle monster.

Zhao Wenrui glanced far away with his circle of circles, and said: "Simple ones are a bit unbelievable to be true, a ribbed enemy, deadly eaten by IQ and calm!"

He thought so, and soon thought of new ideas for dealing with these monsters. He felt that it was entirely possible to get rid of such monsters by using organ traps.

Speaking of which, it is no longer possible to mention the peculiarities of the Ashes Vow.

There are natural traps in nature. Orthodox druids rarely play well in this direction.

They tend to behave more like barbarians who can cast spells, relying on the rapid growth of seeds, the crazy breeding of rattan moss, and the destruction of magic traps. The dead organs are often dry. Simple trap like a spear pit.

Ash vows that are good at making and using magical artifacts, but don't have a new face, make a big fuss in this regard.

This again involves the totem of the core object of the Ashes Covenant.

The totems they used, to a certain extent, had many similarities with the heraldic of human nobility.

They all express concepts by engraving, and they have stereotypes, but there are many patterns.

It's just that the totems of the Ashes are more abstract.

And it is semi-manual and semi-naturally generated.

If you want to master a totem, you must fully understand the meaning of the totem, then you can bless the intention in the totem seed and successfully plant it.

The totem will bear like fruit, with specific color, one-third look at technology, one-third look at perception, and one-third look at face.

The low-end is stuck in perception.

The high-end ones are stuck on luck.

Zhao Wenrui has shown considerable talent in this respect, that is to say, it is difficult to get stuck in his perception, but luck is not easy to say.

After three consecutive failures in the manufacture of junior totems, he decided to wait for the san value to rise, and the lack of knowledge and proficiency in the battle position was improved.

So although he is a 9th-level ashes vower, he failed to show the characteristics of this battle. Even as an ordinary druid, it is somewhat unqualified. In terms of wild forms, if there is no special ‘God Me’ state to support the force, it has long been taught to be a man.

Of course, this is also related to objective factors such as high hyenas, high numbers, and courage.

Like now, the remaining hyena monsters, completely disregarding the same kind as the tentacle monster, are still blindly chasing Zhao Wenrui.

In this regard, Wen Rui was very open to see.

The last thing he wants to see is that the hatred is stable, yet flexible, ignoring other obstacles, and pursuing the first target with all his might, and never ending.

Now that the hyena monsters have proved that they are crazy, and are so stupid that they stumble to the rock and die with the stone, it is basically ok. If the hyena monster died, or the tentacle monster died, he can accept it.

It didn't take long for the hyena to continue chasing him, and was pitted again. It was the corner of the palace where the dog box was exploded. There was a tentacle nest, like a plantation with a neat row of tentacles.

The dog box is very resistant to hitting, and is not afraid of death. It is not slow to jump and run, and it is not entangled by tentacles, but it is still no match for time and time again.

What about hyena monsters?

Although the footsteps are chaotic and disorderly, the tentacles with low IQ can't be dealt with a bit, and it's a beat late, but the number cannot be held up.

The larger the number, the higher the probability, so after Zhao Wenrui 'passed by' from there, Zhao Wen'e suddenly discovered that there was only one hyena monster chasing him.

What are you afraid of?

He chose a chance a little, and he transformed into a recovery.

He is still not used to fighting in beast form.

More importantly, restoring deformation is back to life, which is equivalent to a full sleep.

With this effect, the injury on his back will obviously improve, especially before he recovers from being transformed, and he brings a self-made plaster to the wound.

The ingredients of this plaster include ash, spider sac, and poisonous grass, which means that the druid can be used, provided that it reaches level 9 and gains poison immunity.

In addition, toxic immunity can avoid a series of problems such as suppuration, ulceration, and scurvy caused by unsanitary wounds. Because in an extraordinary perspective, these problems can also be attributed to the effects of poison.

This greatly simplifies the steps and time of Zhao Wenrui's treatment of wounds. The plaster is ‘snapped’ and will work together!

Then the transformation and recovery is equivalent to a full sleep, which means that the party feathers are plastered for 8-10 hours.

Look, this is a person, a little loophole, and then give a chance, the clever can fly.

In fact, the smart brain that plays the grandfather of the ring specifically can completely fill these holes in advance, but c Kane requires that its algorithm be not so detailed.

Zhao Wenrui's life is destined to be hard and hard, giving him a chance to have fun in the bitter, don't always go so **** the line, it's boring.

Therefore, it is equivalent to obtaining a time buff healing plaster, which directly let Zhao Wenrui's injury return a lot. Of course, with such rough treatment, scars must be left.

The hyena monster, who was chasing after it, came round and killed!

The broken wall blocked the view, just turned around, and hit Zhao Wenrui's round walking stick on the head.

It is a cane, but it is actually a multi-function tool that can barely be used as an ice axe, with a pickaxe-shaped pick head. This pickaxe went down, even smashed, and directly opened the scoop for the hyena monster.

However, Zhao Wenrui did not take advantage of the pursuit, but retreated.

He just sneaked a peek at the hyena that was tearing at the tentacle monster, but it wasn't just gloating, but gathering intelligence.

He found that the hyena ’s vitality is very tenacious, and there is something like that theory about the long lived charge ‘10% damage, basically not saved, but more than 30% damage will make it lose its fighting power ’

However, the hyenas are obviously more aggressive, and they seem to be extremely injured, and they can fight tenaciously.

This also made him realize that the vitality of the beast is like this. Without knowing its fatal point, it seems very resistant. The saying that cats have nine lives is based on this basis.

Sure enough, it was a fatal injury with a blow, and the head of the cane was already in the brain. The hyena monster was still very suitable to launch a counterattack. The blood basin bite hard, and Zhao Wenrui was almost bitten.

After hiding, Zhao Wenrui continued to face the hyena monster and kicked, while pulling out two hand axes from his waist and throwing them out.

This was the way the axe was used in preparation, as his only long-range strike.

It was originally intended to play daggers.

Later, it was discovered that he was not an assassin. There was no extra bonus for using a dagger, nor did he need to be lightweight, but he had the strange power of two men compared to ordinary people. Therefore, a relatively heavy projectile such as a hand axe is more suitable.

The two axes roared away. One of them was turned away by the hyena monster, but the other axe was hit straight and hit the nose. Listening to the screams of the hyena monster should be a weak point, with additional damage.

But what Zhao Wenrui thinks is: "Yes ~ ~ This kind of situation can be avoided. Your brain is not badly damaged. Instinct is still there."

But in fact, after all, it is still not quite.

This can be seen from the subsequent explosive rush that was somewhat out of standard.

This kind of beast is just like a tiger, with one flick, two bites and three flicks. These three axes are absolutely brilliant, simple but efficient.

But this time, Zhao Wenrui saw obvious omissions and escaped sideways, which shows that he did not play well.

Zhao Wenrui also got up at that moment, did not think too much.

But I regretted it immediately after hiding, because it was not people but beasts who were hiding. They all said that people have three axes, so is the whip-like tail a decoration?

It ’s too late to hide, and I can only protect my face.

Then he was flicked and flicked by the hyena's buttocks.

At this time, Zhao Wenrui was obviously in a state of excitement, and there was such a point that he didn't care about it, and got up in time when he fell out, and he couldn't care about checking the injuries on his body.

He thought of this afterwards, and he felt ashamed, quite embarrassed, quite a rookie.

But this is the fact, fighting against Warcraft, this is the first time, everyone has a novice period.

When Zhao Wenrui clenched his knife and prepared to fight, he saw that the hyena was shaking, which was no longer enough.

It turns out that the hyena monster's hip-swinging action is also very costly. When it fell, it also hit a rock, so that the injury of the hand axe on the nose was deepened. This time it was a real death. The stream flows from the wound and shakes his head to try to be awake. However, the stick is not a standard pickaxe. The pole is very long and has weight. This shaking is equivalent to stirring back and forth with the pickaxe. The dizziness, eyes, and even the ability to control the limbs have been lost. Simply put, it is over!

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