Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 980: Hostility

Heavy snow was blowing, putting on a white velvet coat for the wilderness, setting aside the element of cold, Zhao Wenrui thought it was a good thing. The environment was not only clean and bright, but also the air quality was significantly improved. Washed.

Of course, being able to think like this is also related to Zhao Wenrui's current situation and mentality. At least last winter, he had no leisurely thoughts about it.

Last winter, when heavy snow was flying, Zhao Wenrui had to secretly swear when he had to find resources in the snow and ice, and he would surely keep the hot kang in the next winter, not the sin of the wind sword and snow sword.

This small target, Zhao Wenrui, came in advance. When the ruins of the mountain city came to visitor, Zhao Wenrui had closed the cave house and moved to the underground dome to live.

After replacing the Dreadclaw and becoming the owner of the small dome, Zhao Wenrui's farming gradually deflected towards it, and finally established a simple ecological cycle system.

The greatest amount of engineering in this circulation system is not the structural transformation of the dome or the large-scale cultivation of cave vegetation, but ‘lighting’.

A perfect ecological cycle is bound to have bright participation, and the proportion can be less, but it must not be absent.

Although there were a few rare cups of 'Daylight Crystal' in the dome, it was far from Zhao Wenrui's needs.

Unless he really intends to give up the right to walk in the sun and become a shadow creature, he must pay attention to nutrition intake and daily work and rest.

The reason is simple but important like "night blindness".

One of Zhao Wenrui's greatest feelings since he came to this world is the choice between gain and loss. Although he admired the powerful destructive power and dark and mysterious style of the Druid of the Dark Department, he still could not lose the habit of decades in the sun.

He is not without thinking about the principle of "extreme love, extreme way", but also knows that this greedy and comprehensive approach is a hindrance to the pursuit of power. It can even be said that with this mindset of fish and bear paw, It's never possible to be a member of the most top-notch group, but sometimes, this kind of thing related to temperament is really not cured.

Zhao Wenrui analyzes himself and thinks that his temperament is the majority of all sentient beings. He can't say much about being positive, but it's not too radical. When stimulated, he can go crazy for a while, but he always lacks stamina.

Take this option, which is completely down to darkness and going to extremes. He felt unworthy and even felt wronged. He couldn't find any reason to treat himself that way, and gave up so much. When the thrones like ‘Supreme’ and ‘First’ were really placed in front of him, he felt less attractive than he had imagined.

He also asked himself whether this was an expression of laziness and counseling, or whether the stimulation was not deep and violent enough. Only by carrying such things as the hatred of the father, the hatred of the wife, etc., can we truly understand and understand. ?

He did not know, to be honest, he did not want to try it.

He felt that such stimulation could see the true self and set it aside, but permanent psychological harm was certain. It's a tragedy in life, at least it shouldn't be self-seeking, and for whatever reason, it's not worth it.

Well, since it is ‘thinking about it’, it is difficult to hold enough motivation to forge ahead. After a rush on the way forward, it naturally slows down.

Regardless of his own estimate in this regard, within three to five years, the slowdown will not happen. After all, the extraordinary battle opened a new world for him. There is no need for him to make extreme choices, there are plenty of things to do.

Then, in order to 'light the light', he successively learned the techniques of digging the earth, exploring the earth veins, and transforming the mole.

The light guide is of course done in the end, the sky will fall every day in the dome due to the day and night change in the outside, and will not be divided day and night.

And he also has a deeper understanding of the Druid post.

He found that the final achievement of the Druid naturally depends largely on what kind of days he usually spends, not what type of Druid he wants to be.

The reason is quite similar to the gap between ordinary people's "ideal" and "reality".

"What if it's extraordinary? Is it not a pit that can't jump out of the environment, a pit of humanity?"

Sometimes he couldn't help but sigh like this, not decadent, just sentiment after recognizing something.

Once upon a time, ‘extraordinary’ was a luxury that surpassed the goals of ‘financial freedom’ and ‘amazing achievements’. It seemed that after surpassing the extraordinary, everything else was at your fingertips. Or it seems worth mentioning.

But the result? It's not about working hard to 'live'.

Zhao Wenrui even feels that in the future, he will cherish and cherish this period of survival in the face of nature alone.

Without the various colors of red dust, without contrast and contrast, his heart was truly silent in loneliness, and he could see something clearly.

Of course, these things were clearly seen by C Kane, after all, for him, the longer years of loneliness have also experienced. He wanted to understand most of the thoughts that needed to be dealt with indifferently.

It is precisely for this reason that C Kane urged Zhao Wenrui to move through his golden fingers.

Zhao Wenrui finally inadvertently discovered a way to gain ‘experience points’. That is information containment.

This eventually became an important reason for his intention to contact civilized society in spring. Although the ruins of Shancheng can be regarded as a good information mine, in terms of cost performance, the ruins of Shancheng are simply deep-sea oil fields, while the civilized society is open-pit coal mines, all of which are black gold. Even if the latter is more valuable, it can be difficult to mine. Decide who is the more efficient choice within a limited time.

Zhao Wenrui came to visit visitors from the ruins of the mountain city. Zhao Wenrui did not know it in time. Mo said that he had to walk a few hundred meters deep from the surface and walk about 2 kilometers to get to the dark area of ​​the surface. Even if he was on the surface, It is also impossible to easily find that the area of ​​Gushan is too large, and the probability of visitors passing through his main activity area is not higher than 10%, not to mention this cold season.

For visitors, it is not this season, they have not come yet.

Regarding the realistic survival experience, Zhao Wenrui, who has lived in a ghost place for more than a year, naturally has a say, and he will soon be promoted to the ground snake.

But when it comes to understanding the macro background here, Zhao Wenrui is far less than the visitors who stood on the shoulders of their predecessors.

The convoy of six armoured cars ran through the snow and ice, and the movement was very stable, and the speed was not too slow.

It is the Cass beast that pulls the cart, a body that is more biased towards the cow, but the temperament is more like a horse's pack animal.

These Cass beasts are specially domesticated, have some blood of Warcraft, and are not afraid of the ordinary cold, but the price is wild improvement, more irritable and irritable, the strange smell can cause their anger, screaming, and even completely out of control, but Their sense of smell is still very sensitive.

Therefore, in order to drive them, there must be a special run-in between the human and the beast.

However, in this visit, the problem of the Ice Vein Cassius was easily solved, and even turned into an advantage.

In order to enter the wilderness, the visitors deliberately changed their diet early in the morning, and they did not emit the smell of ordinary people, including bowel movements.

The sense of smell of Cass is thus an available ability, which can be used as an early warning, which is equivalent to bringing a hound.

For this operation, the visitors took great pains, and the efforts made are not only reflected in the diet.

They used special vehicles, equipped with special utensils, and even the Cass beasts had special smocks and hoods for spending the night.

Even so, they are still very cautious. In the words of the captain before departure, "The ruins belong to the ancient gods, the solitary mountain belongs to the old gods, the wilderness belongs to the original gods. The land has the most profound and complex mysterious connection, and it also represents the condensing of our unimaginable time. It can happen, and most of them are likely to make us irreversible. "

Conversely, even so, they still came. The wages of avarice is death. Living in this world, no one is so smart that it can really be outside the interests.

C Kane knew this long ago, and was too lazy to cover it up, so the red swarm swarmed with a clear flag.

Unfortunately, a year's time is far from enough for this project, let alone sorting out a cost-effective model. Until now, even a suitable tomb has not been found.

In fact, a considerable part of the clues of the tombs of the gods are relatively clear, and they are even placed there. However, this kind of "public grave" is a typical quagmire. Too many peers are staring. Kane's purpose is to earn profits, not jump into it. The quagmire is torn between the indigenous gods, so even if this kind of cemetery is dug, it is also in the situation of the large star universe after the plumage wings are full, or it is about to go fishing.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui is also a latent mode. The spirits that were pitted a few days ago have now become dried meat of mad pigs hanging on the drying rack.

This is a manifestation of Cang Lin abundance.

There is enough succulent meat to have the balance to feed the crazy pigs while eating and feeding the mud rats.

Crazy pigs are not picky eaters, but they do not have enough food. Their growth cycle and reproduction cycle are much longer. On the contrary, the rate of maturity of two litters a year and half a year is also very amazing, compared with that of the hogs in the world. The proliferation efficiency is high.

With mad pigs providing large meat and mud rats providing small meat, you can open a vegetable garden and plant some ground roots and oil sunflowers. The problem of eating is basically solved.

No matter how much, that is to go to eat good, delicious to go. For this, Zhao Wenrui is not so urgent, and pays attention to a follower. Anyway, tumbleweed is like opening a treasure chest, and the probability of opening seeds is not low. For Druids, seeds are definitely a treasure.

The little dome was picked up by Zhao Wenrui a little bit and became an extraordinary ecological park, while he himself lived next door.

The vault itself is not suitable for human habitation due to the large water vapor due to the passing of the river.

At least he is not used to the feeling of always moist, sticky, and cold, and his specially excavated No. 2 cave house is very particular about ventilation, humidity, and lighting. After the completion of the "light guide" project, the small dome The original sunshine crystal was placed here by him, and the day and night system was deliberately introduced, so that even if he lived underground for a long time, he would not experience much discomfort when he went to the surface.

A more interesting situation is that the more he delves into the shadows, the more he likes to decorate the cave world with bright makeup. One of his new pleasures is to be in the dark, watching the area where the light shines.

At this time, he has a peculiar satisfaction, which includes the integration into darkness, the concealment and protection of darkness, the sense of security, and the dependence on light formed in the past decades. Although he can see things normally in the dark, he is still more used to seeing things in the sun.

C Kane had secretly mocked himself for this: "The old Yinbei attributes have always been there."

Of course, he actually understands that this is actually a deep-seated lack of security caused by long-term solitude, including the subconscious fear of socialization, which is considered a mental illness.

It is completely conceivable that such Zhao Wenrui will not stand up straight and come in contact with strangers, but will first observe in secret and then observe, and then it may be self-defeating. After all, he is not the C Kane of the year. It is easy to be misunderstood when the dominant force and strength are found by prying eyes.

The actual situation is also developing in this way. Zhao Wenrui was misunderstood by visitors, but before that, there is another prelude, that is, Zhao Wenrui perceives the arrival of visitors.

This step is not complicated, mainly Zhao Wenrui's own pot.

Since he saw the sight of the ruins of the mountain city in a state with a San value below 50, he began to struggle for gain.

The characteristic species of tentacles in the ruins easily reminded him of one of Lucius's three-axe axe. Zhao Wenrui felt that if this strange creature could be collected, its function might still be above the ghost vine.

To this end, he has seen several Jureta successively. Accumulate the power of Thunder, and then launch the purification project of Thunder Scrubbing. He knew that by doing so, the shadow creatures in the corresponding area must be dead and wounded, and he only had to pinch to pick up the corpse, and he could get fat.

As a result, he expected that the pit in the ruins of the mountain city was deep, but he did not expect that the pit was not only deep, but also more active than he expected.

The Thunder was very successful in washing the ground, but it also successfully stimulated the appearance of horrible evils, even if it was the day and the sun was abundant, it still made Zhao Wenrui die alive, almost confessing his life to the ruins.

But this is not the most annoying, the most annoying is the fact that those tentacles blame him can not be used, unless he completely fell into the darkness, and choose the path of the dead.

Although nature encompasses the negative, and darkness and death are both part of nature, the Ashes Vow is not pure darkness and death.

Or to understand it from another angle, the druid's appearance is sensational, but the core is the way of balance, and the ashes vow can not jump out of this core purpose.

As the saying goes, the height of the mountain is as deep as the water. The Everest and the Mariana Trench are classic examples. It is like balancing the two ends of the lever, one positive and one negative, the difference seems to be balanced out.

And to drive the tentacle monster, it needs negative force, but it is abyssal.

By comparison, Zhao Wenrui of Level 13 is just a diver. He can't even reach the deep dive. He refuses to go further. He is also afraid that it is too deep to return.

Since the failed Thunder Scrubbing operation, Zhao Wenrui ’s interest in exploring the ruins of the mountain city has basically left only one item of information containment and experience gained.

The shadow creatures in the ruins have been reduced to chicken ribs that can't be seen and eaten. He probably estimated that he would have the chance to play shadow creatures of this level above the legendary position.

However, it is an indisputable fact that his scrubbing operation successfully developed a pure land. Even if this pure land is like a grassland burned by wildfires, the wild grass will eventually be covered again, but it will take time.

Especially if those Thunder Towers are still there, they can still collect the power of Thunder. If Zhao Wenruiken always switches the collection mode to the scrubbing mode, then Thunder will 'sterilize' in the area from time to time through the grid, and the shadow creatures want to breed again. The time will become longer.

Of course Zhao Wenrui will not do that. One is that he needs the power of the Thunder himself. After all, the extraordinary alchemy item such as the thunder jar is the extraordinary version of the high-energy battery, and its potential does not need to be said. What's more, Zhao Wenrui also consciously mastered the thunder-related techniques to restrain all kinds of evil here.

Another one, Zhao Wenrui also realized that a large-scale thunder bombardment might be a ‘heart pacing’ behavior. Whether the evil thing was stimulated and awakened, or the Thunder brought vitality to it, it is really difficult to say, maybe both, but Zhao Wenrui feels that for his current situation, the harm is greater than the benefit.

It must be said that Zhao Wenrui's cautiousness is used in points. If he continued to carry out large-scale thunder bombardment, although it was a kind of damage to the shadow creature, but it was just a creature derived from the surface of the corpse. Life and death are not the focus. The point is that this approach will inject vitality into the corpse, and ultimately make it Wake up, that's the big event ~ ~ Visitors are aware of some secrets of the ruins of the mountain city, including the ruins that used to be the gods of the earth, the shadow creatures raging here, originally the prayers, they were almost The evil thing that killed Zhao Wenrui was the original Holy Spirit and so on.

So when they observed the ruins of the mountain city through macroscopic observations, and found the purification area, the first reaction was that there were believers of ancient gods who wanted to awaken their gods.

"These **** cultists have done this kind of thing at all costs. Depending on the scale of the project, I am afraid that it will take dozens of people to complete it in a month, and there are at least three elite casters in the team."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Pay attention to your tone. There is no need to hesitate or tolerate this kind of evil people and evil things. The only thing to do is to fight heroically!" The devouts in the team immediately went online and started to destroy Jureta.

This caused the rest to have ugly expressions that ate shit.

This is the main reason why they are unwilling to act with the letter inspectors. Daring, reckless, lacking professional ability, focusing on the priesthood business, and getting on the line every moment, suspecting that other people ’s beliefs are not pious, pure, active, or even wearing hats.

As for the reason why the post of inspector was born, it ’s very simple. Since there are all traders who specialize in believing in beliefs, the post of inspector who guards against the dangers and checks the faithfulness of believers, and prevents the existence of people who fish for fish, is more comparable. It's easy to understand.

The more the high-pressure system, the easier it is to produce a vicious event of tragic humanity, and the more chaotic the lawlessness is, the more likely it is to have a deformed high-pressure policy. This is another form of high mountains and deep waters.

This time, Zhao Wenrui was aware of the situation above because the Jureta was destroyed.

There was a misunderstanding, and his approach to contact was too cautious, even seemingly sneaky, and the result was the beginning of a nearly hostile position ...

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