Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 981: Church hound

Zhao Wenrui noticed that the Jureta was destroyed, and after thinking about it for a while, he wore a drape, and then jumped forward, bursting out of the fog around him, and waiting to jump out of the fog, it was already a majestic ghost wolf.

This is the result of the shadowing of the base mountain of Snow Wolf, which is a bit of the characteristic of the Ashes.

The ghost wolf walked along the repaired tunnel for a while, and its figure faded into the shadow world.

This is a benefit of getting close to the shadow. Of course, the cast level has reached a certain height, whether it is holy or secret, there are ways and equipment to enter the shadow, but the degree of adaptation is another matter.

Zhao Wenrui also knew that the shadow world was not a good place, so he always walked carefully.

For this reason, he spent at least 300 hours before and after in order to measure the number of degrees.

It can be as close as possible to the main material plane without leaving obvious traces on the main material plane, such as shadows or twisted light masses. Correspondingly, he has to sacrifice the clarity of his vision.

The effect is like looking at the outside world through frosted glass, completely relying on the closest thing to judge the location with guessing.

Obviously, in this case, if you want to really have a sense of mind, it is a relatively familiar environment.

The path from the small dome to the surface, and the area where he frequently moves on the surface, are considered familiar environments.

This allows Zhao Wenrui to copy some seemingly nowhere strange roads, such as several consecutive climbs, to complete the most annoying jump in the dark area (upper to lower, the vertical distance is likely to be only a few meters, but there is no suitable path Under circumstances, it is necessary to go a long way).

Similar tricks can also be used on the surface, such as a cliff, from the shadow world, often only need to cross a dark zone.

There are mountains and valleys in the shadow world, but it does not overlap with the topography of the major material plane. The so-called film attached to the major material plane is just to make it easier for people to understand its relationship with the major material plane. Relationship, and want to really understand its full picture, mainly involves a deep concept.

If it is understood as a dark wilderness, Zhao Wenrui is now a person who will only choose to walk against the outside of a lighted town, borrowing the convenience of the shadow, and not losing it. Of course, the most important thing is that it is basically not related to the shadow world. Deal with those dangerous things.

The reason for saying 'basic' is that it is sometimes suspected, just like the dark ground that the jump layer needs to travel through, it is equivalent to crossing an open field in the dark, and you haven't known it before. Is this open area a swamp, a ditch, or a smooth road, and there may be a strange existence unique to the shadow world waiting to surprise you such a person.

For today's Zhao Wenrui, such a problem does not exist, and the road has been flown over and over again, and he has a record in his heart.

In less than half an hour, he arrived at the ruins of the mountain city.

It must be said that the ruins of the mountain city can be felt from the perspective of the shadow world.

It is transboundary, and the shadow world cannot affect its existence, integrity, and independence.

Of course, what you see from this angle is not the same as what you see from the perspective of the subject matter. This angle has no application of light and lacks many elements, so it is closer to the essence of the real thing.

The essence of the ruins of the mountain city is very close to what San sees when it falls below 50.

When Zhao Wenrui saw this scene at first, he could not help opening his brain. In addition to speculating on the ruins of the mountain city, was it related to the concept of San value?

This imagination naturally added the element of ‘mentally ill’.

Of course, this is a big concept. In addition to being divided into specific categories, there are also symptoms and severity differences. For example, the mentally ill patients who have collapsed due to the severity of depression, have nothing to do with what Zhao Wenrui imagined.

What Zhao Wenrui imagined is mainly those so-called lunatics who can see things that ordinary people cannot see.

He remembered that when he was young, people were not as distant as they were later, especially some old neighborhoods. Old streets, winding streets ... His grandparents, grandparents and grandparents are the main force living in that atmosphere. His childhood memories are also natural.

In this memory, ‘madman’ is not a rare element.

Even more life-like, everyone has half of them uneasy. This kind of uneasiness may be the cause of wrongdoing or not, or it may be a fool or a lunatic.

He wanted to come now. When he was young, he lacked the consciousness to think independently and objectively. He was heavily influenced by the comments of others and was unfair to those who were judged to be mad or silly.

His experience in the ruins of the mountain city made him feel that everything in the eyes of the madman may not necessarily be false.

What a lunatic sees, what some psychics see, and what a childish child sees are very likely to be related. Ordinary people can't see it, he thinks more because of a self-protection mechanism of the soul, and ‘unbelief’.

Believing is there, but not believing is not. Some abilities are not easy to maintain. Under the condition of subconscious self-shielding, after a long time, they are really lost.

He feels that lunatics and young children have a common feature, that is, they are relatively more honest and have a pure character.

It's a pity that their social status is not good. Adults often say "What do you know?" ’Negates everything, or uses adults to be bound by relevant knowledge, but interprets those ridiculous statements to conform to normal logic.

This kind of cognition makes some problems that trouble him, such as the mysterious side of the ghost, the existence of the soul, and even traverse the concept.

At the same time, with the theoretical support, even if it is a fallacies, he can calmly face the various wonders of this world.

He is such a person, except for the unknown, he has nothing to fear. So he instinctively tries to analyze everything, even if it is inaccurate or even wrong, it is better than not knowing.

It is precisely because of this that he is mentally ill by normal standards, and this condition will be reduced or exacerbated with the external environment.

For example, in a world like this, he will be forced to interpret more inaccurate, erroneous, or even false claims as ‘reason’. Then the cognition will naturally deviate from normal people.

However, Zhao Wenrui is enjoying himself. He even obviously feels that as his heart is untied and his thoughts are well-understood, his efficiency of mastering extraordinary memories has been significantly improved.

C Cain naturally also noticed this situation of Zhao Wenrui. After comparing the horizontal and vertical, he also found that, including the deity, their thinking clusters have such problems, the difference is only the difference between light or heavy.

What does this mean?

It means a lot, and one of the possibilities is that all, all of this is nothing but imaginary assumptions of someone. Just like the products after using psychopsychic drugs, the ‘what do you think’ in the mouth of addicts can't distinguish between reality and illusion.

Is the source of everything, the real Zhao Wenrui, or Gao Wei himself, just the conjecture of a mental patient lying on a hospital bed?

I have to say that such an understanding is understandable.

Just like people will have nightmares, because of the pressure and anxiety in reality, bad things and deep feelings of weakness often appear in dreams.

Even all of this is just the last remaining consciousness that is quickly dissipating after a person is declared dead.

At the level of Kane, the understanding of time and space is already extraordinary, and the seemingly opposite concepts of moment and eternity have a deeper and even stranger perception.

He has experienced the feeling of death more than once. I know that when some people are dying, they will recall the profound memories of their lives like they are faster than playing movies, and some are like dreaming, going to death in a grotesque and plausible hodgepodge story.

Always facing all kinds of almost unsolvable difficulties, there is always a feeling of unsatisfactory stepping on the air, and in the end, everything is attributed to darkness and nothingness, even the extreme emphasis on information can also be understood as an instinctive awareness of the evolution of information The end is a complete end, only more information elements can delay the arrival of the end of the evolution, but everything is endless after all ...

These can be said to be a summary of what he experienced, which is in line with the elements of nightmares.

Of course, this is only an assumption, and even if it is true, with the power of Kane's will, he will not negate everything, run away, or die until the end of the world.

The avatar of human nature, Zhao Wenrui, does not have such a breadth and depth of thinking. He is not a particularly daring person. He, as well as all the departments including the deity, pay attention to order and rules, and benefit from them. Correspondingly, they are also bound by rules, instinctively pay attention to logic, and are not good at contemplating imagination.

The irony is that what he called logic is actually only based on his own cognition. From the moment he became the reincarnation, he has begun to break away from the universal logical standards of the original world, and it is becoming more and more crooked. When he is reborn in the dark HP world, he is even more astray, not to mention right or wrong, just to follow The difference between normal people (based on humans on the earth) is a big problem that cannot be avoided.

It's hard to say that he has gone further and further on the path of mental illness. While creating avatars and absorbing relevant memory information, it is also equivalent to completing the split of self personality. If you ignore the concept of time, it is really like a mental patient can What is done ...

Humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui didn't know that including him, the deity was turning himself into a multi-personality like the large group of Professor X's son.

His thinking is very simple. Isn't this his intention to contact a civilized society? To obtain some relevant information, it is also possible to make appropriate preparations.

As for the "teams that can come to this place for adventure, there is no universality", he also thought about it. He feels that the results will be more optimistic. Those people are special, and they are also in the same world. Corrupted, the relevant information is basically blank, still afraid of not gaining?

He even felt that this time of contact, even the ‘experience value’ of Goldfinger might be able to gain weight.

I have to say that Zhao Wenrui's attitude is still somewhat optimistic. According to the pan-cognitive standards of modern people on the earth, this time the visitors are a group of terrorists who are stubborn, confess to death, murderous, dangerous, and even crazy.

Among them, naturally the letter inspector Andos is the most.

This believer of Denis, the **** of justice and bravery, like the prosecutors in other churches, with a panic, trying to dress himself up as a devout to almost brainless fanatic.

The root purpose of this is actually for the benefit.

Becoming a prosecutor brings many real benefits to Andos, whether it is the improvement of social status, the welfare of life, and various red envelopes, which are all visible and touchable.

But the job of the prosecutor itself is temporary, unstable, and full of competition among colleagues. It ’s nice to say, this post is very training, and it ’s hard to say, it ’s the kind of out-of-school faculty who did a good job without awards, punishment with fines, and the least reward.

For Andos, this action was actually a risky blow. His performance this year was messed up, his achievements lagging behind, coupled with the difficulty of being a man without money, he was in a dilemma.

How to do! ?

It can only be an adventure!

Even taking risks, with his comprehensive conditions, there is no way to pick fat.

He can now clearly remember that when the task schedule was announced, the sorrows of his family were bleak, the gloating of his opponent, and the sighs of his friends.

Without him, everyone knows that the sacred wasteland is dangerous.

The Wilderness of God is the name of this land. Legend has it that this place was once a land of riches. God war destroyed it, and there was more than one **** war, and more than one **** was killed.

Therefore, the curse of this land is particularly vicious and strange.

Compared to this legend, people like Andos are more concerned about the activity of the tomb.

As someone said, "I would rather face an active volcano than an active tomb. God knows what ghosts are there."

There are ghosts and good things.

Of course, it is not an artifact. The best is to be divided as early as that year, and the rest is valuable, and it is also ransacked by adventurers in the long years.

However, some extraordinary items can be born and reproduced like time like wild berry bushes.

They came to ~ for the purpose of harvesting such resources, mainly based on the crystallization of resentment. There are several others, collectively called shadow crops, and this behavior is also called shadow harvesting.

Andos does not expect the action to be unimpeded, smooth, and smooth, but when he sees a dozen towering Jureta, he is still out of breath.

Because these cost-intensive devices represent a group of people who have been here for a while. And this will inevitably affect the harvest and harvest efficiency of the shadow.

In such a ghostly place, he was unwilling to stay for an extra minute, and now it is tantamount to being delayed, and even the final results have been affected. How can he be upset.

After getting angry, Andos was not a fool. His brain turned, and he soon had a general idea of ​​how to stop losses and even turn them into profits.

The harvest is worse, it is not very good to explain to the peak, but what if we add the eradication of cultists?

So his destruction of Jureta is not a vent or a motive, at least not all. He hopes to lead cultists. He felt that gathering so many Leitas was a considerable investment. The cultists might leave the watchkeeper.

Therefore, while demolishing the three Jureta in one breath, he asked the trainers and paladins to be alert and prepared for the raid.

In fact, it is not necessary for him to say that the fellow combatants have already taken action. Not only are they ready to fight at any time, but they have also arranged some organ traps.

The worst people who can participate in shadow harvesting operations are experienced veterans. There are no weak people, and a large part of their members are heretic hunters who are good at hunting and patient.

Of course, they do n’t call it that way. They claim to eradicate evil, purify the world, and show the majesty of the disciples.

Zhao Wenrui hit the hunting net prepared by them solemnly ...

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