Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 983: Borrow

As a qualified analyst, C Kane relied on the data transmitted by the salary, to further clarify and enrich the content of the "environmental impact on human nature" proposition.

Under the background of most similar characteristics, the solitary Zhao Wenrui obviously embarked on another path, which is obviously different from Zhao Wenrui during the reincarnation.

In the period of reincarnation, Zhao Wenrui was a flower in the soil of embracing groups and disputes, sincere cooperation and intrigue, and a group of people who longed for and expected to fly alone.

And his humanity avatar, Zhao Wenrui, gradually twisted the ‘God Me’ into the ‘shake M’ attribute of daring to embrace death.

C Kane felt that, according to the development of this way, if Zhao Wenrui did not play to death within a certain period of time, he would definitely be ‘cholera on earth’.

The disciples who hunted for Zhao Wenrui's evaluation of Zhao Wenrui was even more mean than C Kane.

They have defined Zhao Wenrui as the kind of anti-human and anti-social elements who are psychologically distorted and fearless.

"This guy has a dark soul that we have never seen before. It was hit by us. It is God's test for us. We must destroy it!"

The leader of the hunters, named Ka Xiu, was very disgusted with the prosecutors. He could n’t get used to the fact that they kept talking about his faith, but it was his turn, but it was n’t too much. Tiger skin makes a big banner, leaning on the moral high point.

The punitives are indeed the majority of the elders, and more than one-third will only write their own names. This is because they often need to sign to master. But this does not mean that they are stupid, on the contrary, they have a simple, peasant, or market-style cunning-recognize dry goods.

The church ’s rules are strict and there is no lack of a teaching system, but the church ’s upper class believes that thugs like the Punisher do not need too much knowledge to arm, and loyalty and piety are enough. , Professional skills, by giving them master, do not need to understand the principle, only need to be able to use.

It is a pity that the disciples have not been cultivated as a weapon of loyalty, faithfulness and faithfulness that the top of the church and even God wants, because there is another class to teach them to be humans, that is, society.

The somber society, stained and dyed, cultivates a chaotic heart in which all kinds of plasticine are mixed together.

Reflecting complex and changeable ideas, even skeptical of everything, and believe nothing. Many disciples are in this state. The more they see, the farther they are from God and the church.

But the church needs them, and God needs them, so another interactive relationship holds each other and deals.

Cloaked in the skin of faith, covering the essence of the transaction.

Speaking of awe-inspiring words, doing wanton things.

Critics are naturally bad, but they don't care. And the rhetoric that Cassius is now encouraging morale is just a hollow slogan for them that can't cause even a little emotional ripple in his heart.

The only real reason for them to take risks is to pursue benefits.

Catch or kill evil people, get a prize; fail, throw in the water and float, and may be punished. Pick a pick? No, it ’s just that there is no better choice right now.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, enduring the erosion of the shadow moment, the disciples are like a group of persistent hungry wolves, chasing Zhao Wenrui.

A quarter of an hour passed by in a swift run. As a druid, Zhao Wenrui had a clear concept of distance. He knew that he had penetrated more than 12 kilometers into the shadow plane.

This is no longer a border area.

He glanced back at the chasing soldiers, still the same as before, together with the crotch mount, flowing golden flames, majestic, eye-catching, coquettish ...

Silently grinned, Zhao Wenrui jumped, the person was in the air, and the light and mist rose around the body. After jumping out of the light and mist, he had recovered his human form.

Immediately afterwards, a blue-violet flame burst into the body, and the golden light star that had been simmering was swallowed up in full.

The principle of this technique is similar to the blasting method of fire extinguishing. He used the wave of recovery effect to restore the form to calmly get rid of this negative effect.

Obviously, he had the ability to do so, not to do it, just to better seduce the enemy and bring them into a combat environment that was beneficial to him.

Since the chasers have pursued, they have not launched an attack, but have only pursued blindly, but in fact they have a long-range strike method, but as veterans, they are stable enough to not shoot.

Zhao Wenrui's return to human form is an opportunity for them. People are shooting immediately.

The firing weapons used by the Punishers are called Divine Crossbows, and their shape is more like a gun, while the shooting principle is closer to electromagnetic orbit weapons. The energy component called the "magic bowstring" is an array of equilateral triangle depths. Each ring is accelerated once, accelerating a total of 12 times. The ammunition fired, called the magic cone, is a kind of energy and matter. The crystal itself contains four states of gas, liquid, solid and plasma, which can change the state of the weight according to the fine adjustment of the shooter when shooting, and achieve different damage effects.

There is no doubt that if it is regarded as a technology, then the technological level mastered by human civilization in the 21st century of the origin world is far less than the technological level represented by the Divine Crossbow, but this extraordinary technology also has most of the extraordinary world high-end The common problem of technology is that it is poor in universality and the output is not good.

Zhao Wenrui has already prepared for the punishment of the disciples. After all, the divine crossbow is the same, and it is not difficult to recognize the disciples on their backs.

When the disciples raised their guns, Zhao Wenrui cast a spell, the shadow was twisted, and the broken magic cone hit a large group of entangled vines. The effects of explosion, burning, penetration, and tearing were displayed almost at the same time. The entangled vines were hit hard and looked like miniature detonators exploded in the nest.

Cassow yelled, "Not good! The demon moved the shadow squid's cub to block the arrow!"

He took the lead and, while prompting, steered the mount around the corner.

The response of other disciples is not slow. They do not need reins to control the horses. They have long been able to unite the horse with the horses specially trained by the church through divine arts. They only need to move their thoughts and the horses can understand it.

So, as if there was a huge pit in front, Mercedes-Benz horses circulated from both sides, avoiding the center.

But the shadow squid Zhao Wenrui provokes this time is far older and stronger than they thought.

It was like an iceberg floating out of the sea, shaking the earth, and the dark behemoth quickly rose from the ground.

The surface of this giant monster has glowing slime flowing, so people can see its outline. The moment it appears, like a whale spraying water, it begins to spray thick material around it, but it has as many as hundreds of spouts. And, when spraying, it will emit a whistle-like sound, so many whistle-like ensemble, the chorus is naturally grand and unique, in this range of indistinguishable sound wave strikes, more than called "shadow whistle".

Zhao Wenrui is undoubtedly the one with the best preparation. After returning to adult form, he didn't even arrive in 5 seconds, and once again cast wild transformation, this time he transformed into a fierce mole.

Originally his Druid level was not enough to transform into a ferocious animal, but the Ashes vows allow him to curve to achieve his goal. The price paid is that the violent mole turned into a travel form, and basically has no combat power.

Zhao Wenrui had never planned to fight in this form. He mastered the transformation of this ferocious mole rat, and the plot was to conquer the earth-sunning ability of the earth.

Ferocious Mole + Advanced Digging allows him to sneak underground with the speed of turtles swimming.

Of course, it depends on the composition of the land. For example, the soil mixed with mud, sand and stone is the most common type. His sneaking speed is 1.5 meters per second.

Coupled with the rolling of the earth waves caused by the shadow squid floating from the ground, in the eyes of the disciples such as Ka Xiu, Zhao Wenrui was like diving, and a fierce man stuck it and disappeared.

By this time, they naturally realized the fact that Zhao Wenrui was taken into the ditch, but they had no good way to solve this problem, only to deal with the shadow squid first.

"Broken armor!" It was still Cassius, shouting the first shot.

At the same time, the shadow squid also began to show its power, and the black slime that it spewed quickly evaporated, causing the whole area to lift up a black magic thick fog, and reached out with five fingers, even the Holy Light of the Punishers, in this type of spell effect and Under the influence of the shadow plane attribute (all light, fire, and power will be reduced), it can only shine the distance of the ruler.

At the same time, shadow tentacles began to wreak havoc.

The shadow tentacles of the shadow squid are very unique. It is like connecting a multi-headed whip to the broken arm. The essence of these multi-headed whips is the power of the shadow controlled by the mind of the shadow squid. The layer of magic slime has substance and has the characteristics of freedom and reality.

To the disciples, it was like being locked in a special barreled silt container, with countless tentacles, which could penetrate the barrel wall at any time and attack them.

This feeling of being surrounded by darkness and evil is naturally awful. But they are all experienced senior fighters, and they did not panic or even collapse. Even in this situation, they can still maintain a calm heart and give priority to the source of all this, shadow squid.

One broken magic cone was fired from the Divine Crossbow, and shot into the horizon under the blessing of investigating evil spells, the red one was like a shadowy squid of big coals.

The sacred power of breaking the magic cone, plus the point breakthrough of ultra-high-speed shooting, the shadow squid can't help breaking such a blow without breaking defense.

When the broken magic cone entered its body, it immediately turned into a sacred force and destroyed everywhere.

This wave of shock made the shadow squid twitch in pain and seriously affected the effect of the tentacle strike.

Ka Xiu keenly noticed this, and greeted at the moment: "Go all out!"

The splendid holy light erupted throughout the body, like the sun, causing those tentacles that protruded to disappear like melted ice and snow, and even the radius of light doubled at once.

But at this moment, he heard a team member's cry of anxiety and corruption: "Damn demon!"

Yes, Zhao Wenrui shot.

Although the shadow creature naturally repels the Holy Light, and the shadow squid is also hostile to the Punishers because the cubs are hurt by Holy Power, this does not mean that he is safe.

But he still shot, just to use the power of the shadow squid to more effectively weaken the combat power of the disciples.

"No!" One of the disciples yelled subconsciously in addition to anger.

First, he failed to guard against Zhao Wenrui's raid, and then mistakenly judged the shadow thorns as a lower level of shadow thorns. The holy light sword in his hand failed to help the war horse to get entangled. It is too late to remedy the situation.

The war horse fell sharply, and his left front leg's leg bones were broken. What's more important is that the huge forward inertia kicked him out of the horse.

The state of unity of horses and horses was automatically lifted, and the war horse immediately became a weakness. Before he stood up, he was entangled by tentacles extending from all sides, and then quickly dragged into the darkness.

And the situation on his side is also very bad, also a lot of tentacles, tangled with his face covered.

'boom! ’

The light burst, a lot of tentacles were fraught with light, and there were cut off, burning, one after another. It was really a beautiful picture of incomparable evil.

"Grass!" Zhao Wenrui couldn't help ‘vomiting fragrance’.

It turned out that this time he was pitted in reverse.

He used the shadow squid's tentacle to attack and smuggled his own "private goods" to sneak into the other party. How could this punisher have rich combat experience and be very fierce? The shadow vines that bothered to cultivate suffered a lot of trauma.

However, Zhao Wenrui was also hot and decisive. Even if he was counted together, he still did not stop the attack on this disciplinary, but he was even more determined.

The Punisher is in a bad state, but he still recognizes the position by listening to the surprise attack from the oblique rear ~ ~ immediately swept the sword with all his might.

This is a typical life-changing style of play, forcing the other party to defend, even if the other party hesitates for a moment, they can win time and make the other party's virtual raid not so deadly.

However, Zhao Wenrui was also cruel, and would rather carry the sword harder, and also kill each other.

'puff! "The long-handled sword in Zhao Wenrui's hand directly punished the punitive.

‘Ka! The Punisher's Holy Light Sword was also cut on Zhao Wenrui's upper left arm, the armor was cracked, and the entire arm was almost unconscious.

At this moment, Zhao Wenrui saw Yuguang seeing a softball-sized light cluster falling down in an arc, secretly saying: "Not good", and even the big knife didn't have time to close, and turned and flew out.

'boom! ’

The violent explosion and the blazing flames of the Holy Light, even though Zhao Wenrui hid fast enough, were still affected. After rushing to the ground, he rolled a few times before standing up in embarrassment.

The punisher turned into a burning bonfire in the light.

Lost again!

Zhao Wenrui originally intended to cut off the head of the disciplinary, so as to extract information and obtain gold finger experience points. Unexpectedly, he could not grab the head when he was injured.

The Light Thunder was thrown by Cassius. After hearing the punishment of the Punisher, he made a decision within a short time, let the mount go around and cast the Light Thunder.

He knew that the Punisher would certainly be injured because of it, but if he was fighting with the demon, the damage to the demon would definitely be greater.

It is cruel to the enemy, and it can be ruthless to its own people. This is generally the case with warfighters in this world. It is not a card repair.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui is also good in this respect, but in the past this has always been an advantage for him, but this time, it has become one of the basic qualities of all the combatants, so that he who does not understand the inside is somewhat caught off guard and suffered some losses .

And the **** battle kicked off ...

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