Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 984: Difficult

Firearms, grenades, and the combat methods of the disciples have more modern characteristics, and more importantly, they have a strong will to fight and dare to fight.

Zhao Wenrui thought in advance that the adventurers who could come to the ruins of the mountain this season should not be weak, but it was still somewhat underestimated.

After being blown away by Khashura's Holy Lightning Thunder, he had to resort to the effect of transformation to restore it, and then in time to wipe away the erosion of Holy Power again.

A large part of the reason for this focus on the influence of Holy Power is the shadow squid. This strange thing is not the same as Zhao Wenrui. Zhao Wenrui, wrapped in the power of shadows, may not be the target of his priority attack, but after being contaminated with Holy Power, it is hard to say.

But he did not expect that the disciplinary who had been slashed by him could even pit him.

He also noticed the body of the punisher who quickly became bright, and tried to distance himself from it. The last punishment for the punishable person was not a body explosion, but a curse, a curse based on his own soul.

The manifestation of this curse is that the burning spirit comes out of the body shell, and then turns into silk-like golden text, flying to Zhao Wenrui.

When Zhao Wenrui saw the culture of burning soul gods, he knew that the situation was not good.

The heart said: "So ruthless? Even the qualification to go to the kingdom of God is directly abandoned?"

In fact, this was a typical heroic hero who was the culprit who threw the Lightning Thunder. He saw that the Lightning Thunder had a poor effect, and the Punisher was already dying, so he used his privileges to make up for it.

Although Zhao Wenrui wanted to miss, he knew that this kind of near-death counterattack must be poisonous, and he did not hesitate to use wild transformations again, turning into fierce mole rats and burrowing to escape.

But it was still a slow line, and was caught in the left foot by the curse of the godlike chase.

Just a moment, the left foot lost consciousness.

Zhao Wenrui was also cruel, his body just twisted, the ring-shaped magic pattern shining beneath his left knee, and his left foot with a calf, then detached from the body. The cut is smooth and fleshy, as if the limb had already been broken and already grown.

This is where the ashes of the Ash Covenant can be obtained on the basis of wild transformation, and the ability to transform into animals can be obtained and further optimized.

Zhao Wenrui chose the tail-cutting ability of the shadow monitor lizard. Although he did not transform into a shadow monitor lizard, he had already tattooed his limbs by means of a totem.

The use of totems is flexible, including the use of tattoos to organise limbs.

So far, Zhao Wenrui has only mastered two kinds of totems, one is called ‘feeding shadow’ and the other is ‘broken limb’.

The mastering and application progress of these two kinds of totems are excellent. The manifestation of the former, like shadow crow, bone beast, shadow vine, including ghost wolf, are all used, which can be said to be the fundamental use of the power of the shadow series.

In the latter, he has already achieved eight rings. His limbs are divided into upper and lower rings, and he can be reborn. The last two rings are the waist ring and the neck ring. The difficulty is too great. He currently has no possibility of realization.

It's natural to sacrifice the leg to save lives and regenerate the broken limbs, but now it is just the sacrifice, the cost has not yet been reflected. Zhao Wenrui, who turned into a fierce mole, excavated quickly, and quickly dived a dozen meters.

At the same time, the left leg decayed at a rapid rate and turned into blood.

Cassius did not rush to look at the results, but, like the rest of the disciples, chose to escape from the black mist range of the shadow squid.

Although it took a few minutes from the appearance of the shadow squid to the time they broke out of the black mist, but their loss was great, two of them were not so lucky, and even the flames on them were almost extinguished. I still took the recovery potion before slowing down.

But the seven of them were not out of danger at this time, and the shadow squid was very smart and very revengeful. He even knew that he and his cubs had been put together by Zhao Wenrui, and that this account would be liquidated, but it would not easily let go of these in front of him.

Someone in the shadow world said: "The smell of the Holy Light always reminds me of some unpleasant past."

This living fossil-grade shadow squid, Ren Kaxiu they broke out of the black fog range, one is to heal itself and the cubs, to eliminate the erosion of the Holy Power, and the other is to prepare new means of attack.

As it did before, it launched attacks, always in sets, and this newly brewed set is more fierce than before. After all, a considerable part of the power was used to transport and protect the cubs.

They quickly got together, and they repaired together with a heavy face: "The demon attacked badly, Thurn sacrificed heroically, at least he also devastated the demon."

"Glory belongs to Thun!"

The punitives almost chanted slogans in unison and simply gave gifts. This has been reflected in the cost of training for church members. Instead of paying tribute to the dead, it is better to say a cheap way to say goodbye. After that, almost no one would go over the old account about this person. No matter what he had done to be commemorated, it would soon be forgotten.

But shouting the slogan, it was still very high-sounding: "Then will not sacrifice in vain, we will avenge him, hunt the demon, until the beheading is confirmed!"

"Honor my lord, justice will last forever!" The disciples also followed their positions.

In fact, they all know that this time after the hunt, they have spent a lot of money and died. If they don't get some real results, they can't explain it back.

Although they know that it is not appropriate to continue the task forcefully under such a poor overall situation, they have no better choice. The church punishes failure very seriously.

Just a little rest, the disciples returned to the battlefield.

Shadow Squid's spell-like magic fog has not dispersed, much thinner than before. However, it still has a heavy characteristic like dry ice, and the wind cannot easily blow it away, and it changes constantly.

The disciples took their mounts and walked forward. Although their man-horse integration skills are genuine, they can't be compared with authentic paladins after all. The skills are quite different. Although no mounts lose their mobility, they have few weaknesses.

Cassius lifted the glowing sword like a torch, observing the traces and searching. The other disciplinarians followed and followed each other, relying on each other and moving forward.

There was silence, even if it went deep into the area of ​​magic fog, there was no change. The shadow squid seems to have left.

However, the disciples did not take it lightly, they knew the cunning of this creature.

And it is the type that has a long lifespan, and the smarter the longer you live. When they were young, they knew how to unscrew the caps of the glass bottles and eat the food in them. Their wisdom is evident.

Going deeper, the disciples came to the place where Thurn died in the battle, and there were no people or horses. Zhao Wenrui's staff knife was there.

Zhao Wenrui's carefully crafted weapons are unique at first glance. A famous disciplinator is like picking up in the past, but is stopped by Ka Xiu.

He glanced at Khashura, and the disciples understood Khashura's meaning, which might be a trap.

Continue to search, the piece of blood stained by Zhao Wenrui's broken leg was found.

A few meters away, Ka Xiuding looked at it for a while, and seemed to be observing carefully and thinking.

Then he pulled a scroll from the roll-pouch of his waist, the light surging, and the Holy Light flowed into the scroll from his hand, and then the shiny scroll floated in front of him and unfolded on its own.

Cassius pressed his hand up like a fingerprint, chanting words in his mouth, the scroll became brighter and brighter, and soon turned into a ray of light. This light suddenly split into several flexible light balls, flew into the sky, and then fireworks like Burst apart. After that, the light spots produced by the explosion exploded again, turning into countless fine dust.

These dusts are like impurities in the water, not falling to the ground, but suspended in the air. One of their functions is to reflect and refract the Holy Light. The light of the sword in the hands of the disciples is reflected and refracted by it, and the lighting effect is enhanced by a hundredfold. The flux of large areas being illuminated.

"Mars, collect, others watch out."

Following Khashura's order, the most burly man among the disciples stepped forward to collect blood.

They are all veterans, and only by looking at the amount of blood stains can they judge the loss.

Indeed, as Khashura said, even if the demon was not dead, it was also hit hard, and these blood stains in their hands can be used as an element of enemies and even further curses.

Of course, it can also be used as evidence of performance.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui's situation is not so bad. The recovery effect of wild transformation is used by him as a **** skill. With the effect equivalent to a full sleep, and the assistance of drugs, the negative effect of the rebirth of the amputated limb has been greatly improved. Relief and postponement.

He now seems to be normal except for his new left leg, but his hair is grayed by one-fifth, but it indicates the price of Shouyuan.

Zhao Wenrui did not pay special attention to this. Compared with Yanshou, the ashes vows need to worry more about the issue of dying.

First of all, the power of sunlight and the shadow of life are suspected of death.

Secondly, the concept of revenge value determines that the Ashes' Oath can only succeed in farming if they want to achieve success.

Speaking of the value of revenge, Zhao Wenrui suddenly found that when he read the attributes, the value of revenge went up by 30 points.

Obviously, no matter what the punitive he killed, the **** who doubted his belief, committed the crimes of nature.

"Good luck, obviously lost because of lack of information, but now I have not lost any money."

C Kane, who silently observed, smiled, and said, "You will relieve yourself. When you find that almost all existing gods are natural enemies, you won't feel lucky."

Yes, the Druid branch of the natural avenger type in this universe is suspicious of death. Although the method of obtaining revenge value does not necessarily have to be right with God and its believers, but hatred this emotion Many times are mutual, you are willing to let go of each other, the other party may not be willing to let you go!

Just like Kaxiu, they took the risk and demanded that a person who sees people alive and a dead body must be the result of the whole body.

After collecting blood stains, they began to look for clues further.

The soil filled after digging is different from the normal land after all, they have rich experience and searched meticulously enough, but they found it.

But Zhao Wenrui's amputation technique is also very good, and when it is decisive enough, the section is neat and clean, and the film is instantly cured, so that there are not many clues to be traced.

As for the blood-stained lock-in, even if the card repairs are willing to sacrifice this performance certificate, there is no way to do it for the time being, because it can only be done by the ceremonial circle.

Correspondingly, the locking effect of this ritual magic circle is also more sharp. It can be said that it is an extraordinary version of DNA identification. With the corresponding magic weapon, any target is changeable, as long as it appears within a certain range of the magic weapon. reality. Many demons and heretics were eliminated by church hunting.

In addition to hair and blood, weapons are also a good clue. Through analysis, you can learn the target's extraordinary strength attributes, areas of expertise, and even some movement habits during combat. In addition, some secondary information can be obtained through the material and style of the weapon.

Therefore, the disciples have no reason to give up Zhao Wenrui's lost stick knife.

But after picking up the stick knife, something went wrong.

There are no traps near the scepter, if any, it has been discovered long ago, after all, Khashura sacrificed a holy dust scroll, one of the purposes is to peep through the magic.

As for the usual types of traps, the disciples are not at all stunned.

The traps encountered by the disciples this time are not very clever. Its only characteristic is grandness.

The effect of the trap is a flash of lightning, not falling from the sky, but a lightning flash. The blue and purple light flickers. When the sound is heard, the click is over.

This lightning is not a hit after locking the target, but is full of randomness.

This also brought another mode of fear, no one knows what the path of the next lightning is, the only thing that is known is that lightning is appearing more and more densely.

"It's the Leichi trap, close to me!"

As the captain, Ka Xiu did have two brushes, and after only a moment of observation, he confirmed the situation.

Less than 5 seconds later, the disciples gathered in one place ~ ~ including the trap trigger, the first lightning of the thunder pool trap was targeted, so this disciplinarian was charged with a focus He is tender, but he has extremely strong vitality, high resistance, and a lot of means. One blow cannot be fatal, and there is a chance of survival.

When the disciples came together, Khashura had already brought out another scroll of holy law.

It must be said that due to continuous warfare, the combat-related technology in this world is very high-end and perfect. Such a scroll for churches dedicated to thugs is very fool-proof, unlocked by divine power, fingerprint verification, spell activation, and magic It will be released, very convenient.

Cassius is performing the ‘Chain of Life’ this time.

As the name implies, it allows the subject to bear the damage together and share the positive BUFF together. It is a powerful trick to join forces against strong enemies or to resist strong attacks.

Especially the priests of the Justice Church have strong explosive power. It is easy to recover with excessive brushing and cause overflow. It is very cost-effective for those who use the chain of life.

Unfortunately, there are no priests in this hunt group, and Kasho can only share the damage to weaken the damage of the electric shock to the individual.

They did n’t let them wait, and lightning threw on them one after another, for the simple reason that their armor weapons were all metal, all together!

Even so, it is still more cost-effective to carry the group together. After all, the harm they share can still be tolerated, and if the individual carries it, it will be deadly.

They repaired the energy protection with all their strength while filling the potion, while carrying the raging lightning to break through in a certain direction.

And Zhao Wenrui was in the distance, silently watching the magic mist that thundered from time to time, thinking: "How long will it take these paladins to find the shadow squid that does not attack the head, and will go to death. No minefield? "

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