Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 986: Shadow Druid

The species label of ‘Goddess’ reminded Zhao Wenrui of the ‘Warlock’ who gained knowledge and power by digging deep into his blood.

However, he hasn't waited for him to think about how to start. Golden Finger has already established a channel for him to develop relevant skills. He even has a variety of route options that are closely related to the current battle position.

This makes Zhao Wenrui feel a little bit sloppy about eating steamed buns that others have chewed. After all, he is deeply ‘completely in control and is truly his own. ”,“ Work is the most glorious ”and other concepts‘ poisoning ’, he still has such a mental cleansing habit.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, the golden finger is like an alternative WeChat and Alipay, which makes life more convenient, but also deprives people of the opportunity to negotiate and work. Over time, they will be limped and will never leave. Open this kind of 'crutch'.

Zhao Wenrui has this vigilance.

But on the other hand, the gold finger's help for him is really huge. It can be said that without the gold finger, he can't even check the basic combat information, and this piece has long been full of malicious life. Swallowed up.

It's the same this time. Can he let the convenience and the reliable route out of the box, have to explore on his own, and open up a new way?

The answer is no.

One year's survival and spiritual experience tells him that even with the help of gold fingers, he still has unfinished work and a full line of R & D projects. He has to rely on himself. make life difficult for.

So he didn't take much effort, he succumbed to this variant of "Grandpa Ring".

He chose Shadow Druid this advanced battle position, referred to as Shadow De.

Yingde, which is based on the Ashes vow, has not changed much in the core system of skills.

This is also one of the reasons for his selection of Yingde. After all, the techniques of the totem and the war print system have just got some eyebrows. At this time, it is not like to change the wind and horses. Is n’t the investment for the rest of the year all hit the water?

Although deep in his heart, he still hopes to become the role of Gao Daquan, but his past experience tells him that if he really wants to do this, he is stupid.

To be a man, one must have self-knowledge and be aware of the path one chooses.

The Druid category itself has the characteristics of a thousand oils. If he wants to be really greedy, he will not be able to master the pros and cons for a long time. Not to mention the invincibility of the same rank, that is, to fight against enemies below his level. , May be killed by the other side jump, he can not accept that kind of self.

Conversely, if you take the specialization route, in other respects, with the Druid's million-dollar characteristics, there are so many tricks that are easy to use with one or two hands, which will form a one-on-one multi-function situation, with no particularly obvious shortcomings.

For example, through bark technique or the like, you can take a half of the MT guest; through natural recovery spells, you can also play a nurse; use the hidden ability of the ghost wolf itself, plus the grace of the cat, like an assassin. Stealing can also be done; spells such as thorns winding can barely allow him to play auxiliary positions ...

This is multi-power. If you know it, you have three axes, so if you fail, you can save a game at a critical moment. How good is that? If you really want to be greedy, think that you can do it. As a result, the abundance and strength of skills are not enough at the critical moment. Hold ca n’t hold the situation. Is n’t it pitting people and harming yourself?

In this way, he chose to further deepen the use of shadow virtue.

Compared with the Ashes Vow, Yingde's greatest feature is the extreme choice of extraordinary power.

The key point of the Ashes Covenant is "revenge", which is explained in one sentence, that is, for the purpose of revenge, at the expense of self-loss, it uses negative supernatural powers, including darkness, shadow, evil energy, filth, and even the power of chaos.

In other words, its core feature is actually a wide choice of extraordinary powers, as long as it can get revenge, there are no taboos, rather than specializing in the power of shadows.

Shadow virtue is the power of specializing in shadow. If the scale is more than that, it is complete darkness, not the shadow of gray features.

One of the most obvious drawbacks of choosing this route is the doubled penalty.

Light power will cause 200% damage to the dark system and 150% to the shadow system, and vice versa.

In addition, the ground fire water wind on the positive energy side will cause 120% damage, and vice versa.

Originally there were punishments in life and other aspects. After all, his body was based on human beings and sunlight creatures, which belonged to the positive side, but the characteristics of the post made him skillfully bypass this punishment.

Specifically, the holy relics.

By creating a shadow temple and binding with shadow creatures, the negative effects are transferred to the relics, and then the negative effects are resolved through the connection between the relics and nature.

This is like an extracorporeal blood circulation system for uremic patients, with an exclusive and strong enough system to help solve problems, rather than carrying it all by yourself.

The basis for this is that, from the perspective of the Druid's natural teachings, negative resemblance is like sleeping, rest, precipitation, and brewing.

However, the specific content of this part is as vast and complicated as the life world. Before entering the divine level, it is impossible to do both. The idea of ​​balancing the basic functions of one side through the holy relic is born.

Between the extraordinary power attribute that Zhao Wenrui chooses to use, the sacred object replaces the part of his ‘life’, so that he can use the power of the shadow reasonably and his life is not punished, because it has been transferred to the sacred object.

Zhao Wenrui chose "Yumu" as his holy thing.

For him, this mutated wood is equivalent to the oak tree in ordinary druids. It is the incarnation of nature and the best medium for natural divine power. Now we go further and entrust the part of life to each All are well understood, and the effect is excellent.

For example, Shou Yuan has theoretically increased by more than a thousand years.

Of course, he also has a fatal shortcoming. If the Yumu is destroyed, especially if he is not present, he cannot transfer his vitality in time, then he will directly GG.

So Kane Sun in the abyssal world, although he also established a natural sanctuary underground, did not engage in this.

Zhao Wenrui does n’t have Kane Sun, his strength is far away, and he does n’t have more choices. He wants to live more comfortable and free in this world, and he has to have enough strength before he can talk about financial freedom and freedom of choice.

Thinking about it, being a Druid version of the lich is actually quite good, as the sentence is very compelling: One of the reasons why God is strong is that they always have a chance to make a comeback.

A lich who is so hard to die is equivalent to having this ability, even if it is a Low version.

Thinking of the malice in this world, Zhao Wenrui felt that on the basis of the regeneration of amputated limbs, it is also very good to have more guarantees that "the wood will not die, I will not die".

As a result, he is no longer anxious to study the technique of ‘waist ring’ and ‘neck ring’ for limb regeneration. Using the related energy, material and time investment in other aspects can make his comprehensive strength a great deal.

Just like that, half a year passed.

In the past six months, Zhao Wenrui did not rush to improve his strength, but focused on building the sanctuary.

He wanted to build the sanctuary on the half plane.

But in fact, even if there is a ready-made half-plane, he ca n’t do it, unless he can make the half-plane ’s natural system completely comparable to the main material plane, and if he can really do it, he can be regarded as a god. Those with high technical skills have already gone to the outer plane to build the kingdom of God. What other sanctuary is there?

Therefore, a half-hanger is a half-hanger, and the representative color of the shadow is gray, not black or white, and there is no such restriction at all in the hiding place of the lich ’s soul box, because it is extreme enough.

Zhao Wenrui feels that this may also be substituted into the universal equivalent exchange rule of the multiverse, which is one of the root rules established and stable in all universes.

He also realized that the bundling with Yushu gave him a life-saving skill ‘Resurrection of Ashes’ (as the name suggests, even if burned to ashes, he can be resurrected by Yumu), but it is not a reason for random waves.

First, it will turn into gray, and the resurrection time will be very long, and it will lose its level.

Second, the principle of the resurrection mechanism requires the soul and the essence of the body to be transmitted back to the wood.

Although the specific process has instant characteristics and priority characteristics, it is not absolutely impossible to intercept. He estimates that magic above the legend, or enchantment-like spells can partially intercept, or even completely intercept.

In addition, if the death-causing technique is against the soul, I am afraid that it will interfere with the transmission.

Third, the teleportation itself is not unsolvable, and it may not necessarily be traceable.

Fourth, if a targeted game is played, the goal is to embarrass the goal of survival and death at the critical moment, and the resurgence will be solved even if the resurgence is reversed.

For example, after the arrest, using the technique of prisoner's soul to collapse the consciousness of the target, even if it is finally resurrected, it is just a madman who has lost himself.

Therefore, in the extraordinary field, there is no such thing as the world.

The secretly observed C Kane gave Zhao Wenrui meticulous and sober praise.

Including him and the deity, all Kane's luck is ordinary, and when forced to the corner, they will also die. The reason why they can live to the present is because they will not be mad, but will use the most The bad result reminds you to be cautious about everything, to be progressive, everything is changing, there is nothing you can rely on without limits.

Zhao Wenrui has this kind of thinking, and may seem a little counseling when making a decision, and it is not open enough, but it is not an easy task to kill him.

Only when there is a chance to grow into a qualified old fried dough stick can we talk about more value.

After C Kane recognized Zhao Wenrui's core idea, his attention turned to digging graves.

This aspect has been a bit laborious recently. After all, the tomb of the gods is very high-end, and sometimes he needs to play to come to deal with those fallen holy spirits.

As for why the Holy Spirit is so powerful. The main reason is that their thoughts and spirits are highly assimilated, so they can accommodate more divine power. Individual gods are even more powerful than gods ’avatars, because they do not have the restrictions of gods’ avatars.

The skill of using extraordinary power, and the degree of control of energy, determine that the Holy Spirit is not too weak because of the fall.

Therefore, digging the tomb of the gods is not only a technical job, but also a strength job. If the strength is not enough, I want to get high-end goods and get rich overnight. That must be like a sentry, and the creation **** helps open it.

Kane had never had such a life of lying down and winning, and the opportunity had to be found by himself, and it was difficult to make a coincidence if he found it.

Over the past year, three consecutive tombs have been opened, and the harvest is not very good, and it is far less interesting than Zhao Wenrui ’s tumbleweed. It is quite enthusiasm, so C Kane has suspended the Scarlet Vanguard. Lessons learned, further refine and rationalize operations to reduce investment, so he can be a little more patient with this project.

In Marvel 199999, the Zergman and the Cree tearing battle in the Arctic Stars came to an end last month.

Although the war time of more than ten months is not too long for the civilization of the interstellar empire, the Cree have lost too much due to fueling tactics, and they have already hurt their bones.

They are currently actively cooperating with the forces of the Nova Army, moving out of the galaxy's higher civilization, interstellar order, etc., trying to pull the forces into the water and completely wipe out the brutal and evil worms in their mouths.

However, they no longer have that opportunity. In addition to testing the water and understanding the true condition and combat methods of the Cree, the Zerg has a role as a cover for the exploding soldiers of the Green Worm.

Today, the explosives have been basically completed, and the demise of the Cree Empire has really entered the countdown.

Compared to the success in this regard, the ‘black vortex’ made by Godhead is variable.

First, he was deceived from Jack Rogers, specifically because of a traitor inside.

Rogers was in a glorious meeting, and there were few Miao people in the Communist Party. He also had a traitor. This organization of good friends would face the dilemma of dissolution.

After the traitor got the black vortex, he was pitted by the collusion person. It is said that he was still a blood relative. Then the black heart dad of the pit girl didn't laugh for a long time.

C Kane thought this was the final chapter. Unexpectedly, the black vortex fully demonstrated the ability to magnify the dark side of human nature, and even caused the mysterious mage to pass through foreign enemies, leading to alien mages.

It turned out that after a hundred years of development, the Mystic Master Group had many high-end masters who could travel to other worlds like Gu Yi in the early years. As a result, some of them fell into depravity and successfully concealed the review mechanism.

With the appearance of the mage of the outside world, and the support of Dormam, the dark mage also appeared in powder.

Looking at things as they get bigger and bigger, a secret storm with the universe as the river and lake is about to set off, and the black vortex suddenly disappears.

Even C Kane was very uncomfortable. You should know that the black vortex led out all the fairies, which was in line with his expectations. Now the eyes are getting better and better, and suddenly they are broken. This is really abominable.

But the disappearance was so thorough that even C Kane, who had done his hands and feet, could not find the whereabouts, even with the power of infinite gems.

C Kane judged from this that the black vortex is probably no longer in this universe. Godhead was originally a celestial being active in the Marvel universe, which made C Kane unable to figure out the approximate direction.

Compared with C Kane's discomfort, Zhao Wenrui's mood is not bad. In his eyes, the cool and practical Lucius three-axe (shadow, ghost vine, thorn beast), he finally succeeded in the cottage, and has his own characteristics .

This is a great progress after he became Yingde.

Correspondingly, in addition to the concept of "revenge value" bundled with the totem and the war pattern system, there is an additional "mysterious value".

The essence of the mysterious value is actually three strange substances and divinity, but C Kane ca n’t let Zhao Wenrui understand these early through the golden finger, so he can get such a value.

This value indicates that Zhao Wenrui can obtain this value by ingesting divine power, soul power, and holy artifacts, artifacts, and the risk is that this value is 'grinded', so the specific acquisition process should be moderate, once there is too much, Will be stuck.

In this way, Zhao Wenrui can't cheat to use this skill as a special shield for holy spells.

Zhao Wenrui learned that the power of the disciples who raged in his body before hibernation was grinded and absorbed by the mysterious grinding disc.

It is closely related to the bloodline of his divine origin. The formation of Uki and even the shadow vine changed into a ghost shadow vine comparable to Lucius' ghost vine, is a mysterious merit.

It can be said that C Kane further standardized and logicalized Zhao Wenrui's ability through golden fingers.

Originally, the druid, like the warlock, belonged to a sentimental battle rather than a rational one. However, after standardization, it became more rational, obtained mysterious values, no longer relied on emotional outbursts, no longer looked at the face, and became organized Clear, even clearly priced.

After the first autumn rain passed, Zhao Wenrui finally got the sanctuary in place. For this reason, he even manually excavated and arranged a dome. In this way, even if someone found the ecological dome and No. 2 cave house he built through Dihe, I would not have thought that the most important sanctuary was built on this ecosphere, but it was absolutely isolated, and it was impossible to find it due to the influence of the power of shadow with ordinary exploration techniques.

After two days of rest, he chose a time to start his eastbound journey.

The disciples came and left in this direction.

Zhao Wenrui also thought about the possibility of his being wanted, but compared to other directions, at least he can confirm that the eastbound must see people.

As for the wanted ~ ~ he became a god, and he has advanced shadow morality, and whether it is internal or external, the changes are not small. He does not feel that the church of justice has been forced to the restoration of the legal net. Wanted is bound to be arrested.

Xiaoxing stayed overnight. Three days later, the desolate scenery of the goddess wasteland was left behind, and Zhao Wenrui entered the rolling mountain area. Although the vegetation is not prosperous near the side of the Shensi wasteland, he has smelled the breath of the original forest.

There is also the phenomenon that the lack of sufficient light at night will lose the San value, which makes Zhao Wenrui a little uncomfortable, just like getting used to the noise of the old refrigerator. same.

Another day, Zhao Wenrui officially entered the wilderness.

Between his natural resilience in Druid, the wilderness seemed to him to be home, and one of the key words was freedom. So coming to the wilderness makes him feel relaxed and happy. This has nothing to do with the path he chooses and the power he uses, but is a natural gift to every life that follows its basic rules.

So Zhao Wenrui had a good night's sleep, and the spiritual flesh had a full rest.

The next day, when he was on the road again, Zhao Wenrui's condition was very good, and even his feather grass straw clothes were reactivated, becoming flexible and light, and flowing like a feather coat in the autumn wind.

This adds a lot to Zhao Wenrui, and with his temperament, he makes his overall partiality and dress a maverick style without being misunderstood as a poor refugee or beggar.

Zhao Wenrui is more willing to see this. The vulnerable are easily bullied, and he is not interested in interacting with the gangster.

However, Zhao Wenrui still glimpsed the darkness of civilization that exists in this world. The title of "foreigner" alone is enough to make people want to move around and engage in harassing interactions with a psychological advantage ...

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