Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 987: News from Mountain Village

Through the mountains and the mountains, when Zhao Wenrui found the hunter's hut, he knew that it was not far from civilization.

Not giving the details of the hunter ’s cabin did not leave him with a good impression, because the equipment inside is basically unusable and tattered, and the dart frog toxin in the seemingly clear water in the water tank.

The hunter ’s cabin represents the atmosphere of a circle, or even a culture. If it is so malicious, if it is not just catching up with someone deliberately doing evil, it means that the atmosphere of the entire circle is smelly.

After crossing the two mountains again, Zhao Wenrui discovered relatively new human traces, and then walked the intestinal trails, and then the cooking smoke and the village.

More than 20 households, the house is built around a tens of meters high mound as the center, roughly divided into three floors, the top floor looks like a functional facility, there are a clock tower, a public house, a stable, and a hundreds of square meters In the square, the ground was covered with stone slabs, and judging from the bundles of wheat straw piled on the edge, it was about part-time drying.

The houses under the top floor are divided into two levels according to the houses on the same level. There are generally circular village roads. The houses on the upper floor are relatively bright, but they are not much better.

Zhao Wenrui noticed several key points:

First, these houses have stone foundations, supplemented with mortar, which fits better, and it takes effort and effort.

Second, every household has a fireplace. Its overall shape is like a boiler made of stone. It represents a Western-style stove, and it is still used by people until modern times.

Third, the roof is covered with clay fired tiles, not thatched or shingles.

The combination of the three and their appearance in the mountain village on the edge of this civilization means more mature architectural skills and not low productivity.

You know, on the earth, even in the 20th century, some remote mountain villages in Eastern Europe may not have such decent houses.

Combined with the attire of the Punishers he saw in the ruins of the mountain city, he believes that the civilization he is about to face has at least the productivity of the British Victorian period, and even World War I and World War II are also possible, but There are differences in performance.

Zhao Wenrui also noticed the thick and tall stone wall in this mountain village. He roughly calculated it. The circumference of this stone wall is at least two kilometers, with an average height of 3 meters and a thickness of more than half a meter. There are piles of thorns and climbing thorns, and there are fixed scaffolds for standing and walking behind the wall. This is a costly project that is definitely a huge burden for more than 20 families. It is obviously not used to prevent beasts. of.

It ’s not beast-proof, what is it? people?

Not very similar, this is a very simple arithmetic problem, more than 20 households, even if each family of 8 people, or 200, men, women, children and young men battled together, distributed to more than 2,000 meters of the defense line, the interval is 10 meters.

To put it bluntly, such a long line of defense, just daily patrols, will be very difficult for the total manpower of this mountain village, let alone go to war.

"Wisdom is inferior to people, the number is not small, like group action, but there is no rule, basically it is swarming ... It seems to be a secondary intelligent creature like a goblin, but if the goblins are so rampant, can they still farm and hunt?"

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, Zhao Wenrui can only sigh that his brain is limited.

After the observation was over, after thinking about it, he decided to make contact with the people here.

As a traverser who once lived in the era of information explosion, he naturally knew that a mountain village may not necessarily mean a simple folk customs, or it might be a brutal and brutal man who eats people and does not spit bones.

In particular, he is alone, carrying a large bag, and indeed does not have low-value mountain products, so it is easy to become the object of the conspiracy of the lustful.

Well, since you know that people's hearts are sinister and can't stand the test, let's start with ourselves first.

So Zhao Wenrui deliberately hid the backpack and even the large sword.

After thinking for a while, I made a wand with plastic wood, and put a dagger in my leg pocket.

This is the only iron tool carefully crafted with magic copper. It looks very good, but it is not so easy to be greedy.

After a simple grooming, he carried a small bag on his back and walked down the path towards the village.

There are three gates in the village, there is no north gate, because there are rolling mountains over there.

Zhao Wenrui walked to Ximen, the door was open, and there was someone on the gate, wearing a hard leather vest, a waist knife, and a crossbow in his hand.

When Zhao Wenrui walked in, he asked, "Who are you doing here?"

Zhao Wenrui, who used the "spoken language" spell, held his hands up, suitable for no threat, and replied loudly: "Passing by, it's almost noon, and I want to rest."

The man stared blankly at Zhao Wenrui for a few seconds, hooked his hand, and indicated that he could pass. Then he walked to the corner of the rooftop of the gate building, and rang the bell. Three times at intervals, Zhao Wenrui did not know this representative. What did it mean, but realized that the bell turned out to be a magic item.

Although it is the lowest grade, it is also more magical than ordinary bells, and the voice is more condensed and spread farther. Of course, in Zhao Wenrui's view, the point is that such artifacts need to be maintained by the extraordinary.

In other words, even if there are mobile maintainers such as Jiang Hulangzhong, it also means that the use of extraordinary power is universalized and popularized.

It is very likely that extraordinary power is the primary productive force of this civilization.

Zhao Wenrui entered the village gate, and the person on duty pointed out: "Don't go around and go to the public house." He pointed to the top of Tushan.

After Zhao Wenrui thanked him, he walked along the top of the stone steps like a mountain.

The stone steps are not wide. The hardened slopes are hardened on both sides. Obviously, that is the driveway. Just looking at the overall design, it should not be a big animal, but a person.

"Without horses, how can big animals go to the top floor?" Zhao Wenrui wondered.

When he reached the top, he saw a famous woman staring at him, looking forty years old, with thick arms, thick legs, a bucket waist, and a tonnage.

This fellow is also virtuous with the goalkeeper, with no expression on his face, and no fluctuations in his eyes.

Zhao Wenrui held his cane in his arms, opened his hands brightly, and walked towards the other side, smiling and said to the gatekeeper before, and said to the woman again, it was near noon, rest, and get some food and drink by the afternoon Will leave.

But before he could get together, the woman stretched her arm to the public house and refused to say a word.

Zhao Wenrui said: "Okay, I have seen some markets anyway, try to be considerate to you, just as you are a rare stranger, and be wary of strangers."

He nodded to the woman and walked towards the public house.

The public house is the largest house in the whole village. Its function is similar to the town hall. It is used for gatherings or discussing various affairs. The public house in this mountain village is composed of a square hall enough to accommodate all villagers, and a horizontal house and junction. The bell tower is located at the junction.

Zhao Wenrui can even imagine the division of functions inside, the lobby is used for reception, some offices in the building, the junction is the aisle ...

It turned out that he was wrong, and wrong.

The lobby can also be understood as used for reception, but only for reception of the enemy.

Soon after he entered, a heavy gate fell and completely sealed the entrance.

Falling together, with shutters closing the windows, the entire hall immediately fell completely into darkness.

Immediately afterwards is the shooting, launched by the agency, and the specific targets of the shooting are different from several directions. It should be calculated according to the situation, and there are almost no dead ends.

However, Zhao Wenrui was very vigilant and prepared in advance to deal with various situations. In the face of this round of shock, he just shook his body and immediately switched to the shadow plane, which is equivalent to the virtual plane on the main material plane. Those crossbows Yao penetrated his phantom, and the "Duo Duo" was nailed to the inner wall of the hall. The wood chips splashed, and the strength was very strong. The military crossbow known by Zhao Wenrui was so powerful.

After a while, someone asked badly, "What about people?"

Then someone answered: "I don't know, it disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Zhao Wenrui slandered: "So you have emotions."

He did n’t rush to show up, nor did he explore the whole picture of the public house through the shadow plane. He stayed there. In the interlayer between the shadow plane and the material plane, this interlayer can be as thin as cicada wings, but as long as the technology is in place , In it, but still can seem to be very spacious.

For Yingde, this is a basic ability, and the vision is also clear, which is equivalent to a layer of tulle. The disadvantage is that once it is bombarded or pulled out by the extraordinary skills that understand the technology, there will be a rigidity of less than one second, and the master will overtake the trick. This rigidity of less than one second is also very fatal.

Zhao Wenrui's patience waited and paid off in less than half an hour.

The people who murdered him were impatient, first lit the oil lamps, then opened the top skylight, and then the shutters of the doors and windows were opened. More than a dozen people carried weapons and came in to check.

"Damn, it's really gone, how did it disappear? Could it be that the anti-transmission device purchased at a large price is fake?"

Zhao Wenrui sighed and heard a sigh: "You are very professional!"

It has to be said that these people gave him a temperament external, and gave him a very bad first impression.

His face is full of flesh, his eyes are fierce, and his looks are ugly. The robbers of the Yanshan bandits do not need to wear makeup, and at least they are the elite backbone of the level of the little boss. living.

Although there are claims that people cannot be judged by appearance, there are also claims that temperament is tempered by the heart, combined with personal experience, Zhao Wenrui believes in the latter.

He was even thinking: "No wonder it is cold and quiet, and the two of them showed up. That is probably the kindest one in the village? Is this just a random reception, and will be properly treated as a bandit den, not a mountain village? ? "

In any case, from the moment these people abused him without asking him, Zhao Wenrui had no intention of being kind.

Modern traversal parties are popular to complain directly. He also feels that there is nothing wrong with doing this. He believes that the activities these people have done are mostly worthy of the treatment of slaughter.

So he started to move, and easily found the control room of the office, right next to the hall. He used to think that there was no portal to the hall, and he wanted to enter around, but from the shadow plane, he could cut in. The road is unhindered.

The control room of the organization was naturally manned. Zhao Wenrui controlled Youying Teng, and suddenly there was a black disgust in the nothingness. Unfortunately, from the perspective of sight, none of the three people in the room could see it.

Then, suddenly, the vine beams wrapped in lead gray magic mist sprayed out, and then wrapped around the three people like a catching net shot by a net shooter, followed closely by winding and tightening.

These vines not only thicken quickly, but also grow spines, puncture clothes and even leather armor during the tightening process, puncture into the meat, scratch the bleeding mouth, and inject paralytic toxins.

The three of them just screamed a little, they lost their energy to continue howling and collapsed. Ren Changvine continued tangling and creeping like a worm on his body.

But their calls were still heard by the people in the hall.

It turned out that although the two rooms were unsuccessful, they had specially set up sound holes.

Therefore, before Zhao Wenrui heard the violent and violent quarrel, the other party intentionally, if he couldn't hold his breath, trying to follow the voice, find the portal and destroy it, then he won the trick and there will be a special agency.

"Come on, go out!" Among the group of people in the lobby, there was a quick response that realized that something had happened on the side of the control room of the office. They reminded others now and rushed to the entrance.

But it is still slow.

Before Zhao Wenrui started, he observed that the controller was not complicated. He pushed the thickest rod straight.

‘Boom! Boom! Boom! ’All the doors and windows on the other side of the hall fell.

The people in the hall were rather calm. They didn't use weapons to die with the shutters, but immediately turned around and ran to the central area, which was not only a relatively safe area, there were no flip traps, but also corresponding to the skylight.

Of course, this design is not because of kindness, but in case the goal reaches out, and the opponent ca n’t do anything. After dealing with a series of institutions, it is bound to find that the central area is safer. ~ By then, they will be able to strike through the skylight.

At this moment, they want to escape from the skylight through a human ladder.

Zhao Wenrui will naturally not let them wish.

However, this time I failed to pull the control lever at once. First, I started the four-sided flip. Some unlucky ghost who was slow in response and not fast enough was turned into a spear pit. Then the poison smoke organ was triggered again, but because the corresponding cigarette sac was not in place, ‘click’ sounded twice, and there was no movement.

Then the skylight mechanism was successfully activated, and the skylight was closed, so that it was about to succeed. Someone's mood fell straight from **** to heaven, trying to force out, but because of the lack of manpower, he was unable to succeed and almost got his finger clipped.

Soon after, the group of people who knew that the pitmen were against the pits still asked for soft words. The general saying is that their village is fighting with the neighboring villages for the ownership of a river related to drinking water and water for farming. Zhao Wenrui is The spy hired by the other party is Yunyun.

Zhao Wenrui wanted to follow their words: "Lao Tzu is a spy, see how they edit next."

But in the end, I chose to simply ignore it.

Because as long as you open your mouth, more or less information will be leaked, and you will simply be silent, and let them guess for themselves, and then question, and then make up their minds, which is more appropriate.

He also ignored the three people in the control room and allowed them to continue to taste the paralyzed **** and the itch and pain.

Using vines to seal the portal from the inside and through the weaving method, Zhao Wenrui once again entered the shadow plane, exploring towards the building connected with the control room.

Then I realized that it was not an office divided at all, but a prison and a dungeon.

"What a **** mountain village is this, is it really a bandit den?" Zhao Wenrui frowned, and decided to find out.

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