Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 988: Mushroom Blue Skinny

The entrance to the dungeon is relatively conspicuous, and it smells very pungent.

This kind of smell is still familiar to Zhao Wenrui. When he was in the sacred land, he would exhale this smell when he cleaned the stomach and intestines every once in a while.

To put it simply, it is a combination of rotten meat and **** smell combined with the smell of defecation.

So just smelling this smell, Zhao Wenrui had a certain estimate of the situation in the dungeon.

But after seeing the real scene, he found that he still underestimated the darkness.

This is not so much a dungeon as a slaughterhouse + meat cellar.

Zhao Wenrui's experience, mentality and will at this time, combined with a certain psychological preparation, was not scared by the scenes related to dismemberment and cannibalism, but he was disgusted by the extremely bad sanitary conditions inside.

That scene matches some of the modern black workshops that make ‘cancer food’. The large tank contained turbid **** water, with viscera such as fat oil, intestines, and spleen and lungs floating on it; the blackened cutting board was concave in the center, and the black blood was semi-coagulated in it, stained and rusty The flies fluttered on the knives; on the greasy, shiny floor, the corpses and limbs were piled up at random, and the maggots crawled ...

Zhao Wenrui almost vomited on the spot. Fortunately, after a morning trek, the breakfast was digested, and after a few nauseas, he refrained.

Just thinking about whether to leave this very poor place, just listen to an unknown meaning ‘Yooo! 'It looks like a woman shouting.

The next moment, ‘Boom! "A grenade rolled down the stone steps.

This grenade is rolling, probably to better produce fragments. The outer pig iron uses a hollowing process, which has a sense of exquisite artwork, but the true nature of the bomb is very easy to confirm. After all, the detonation device is very Like a fuse, a blazing fire, Mars is coming.

Zhao Wenrui shook his figure, and once again dived into the shadow plane.

Then ‘boom! "The magic crystal grenade exploded, and the shock wave once affected Zhao Wenrui, causing him to stumble and almost fall.

There is also dazzling light and a lot of smoke. I do n’t know if the explosive formula is not enough and the combustion is not enough. It is still deliberately made this flash + smoke effect.

In a moment, a sturdy figure rushed down, and a crossbow gun with a revolver in his hand made a slap shot.

This series has a strong sense of both visual and tactical actions, which makes Zhao Wenrui easily react. The previous sound of 'Yo' should be a secret code. If the following does not respond in time, it means that it is not its own person. Just arrived.

The other party was so professional, and Zhao Wenrui was not too good at acting. He summoned a skull beast.

He admired Lucius's three-axe axe, and he did a lot of work on Shadow Fang, Shadow Shadow Vine and Bone Beast. It was instant.

And Bone Beast is a man-made shadow creature held in the shadow plane by him. It is just summoned to appear, and the mana cost is very low.

The appearance of the bone beast changed in Zhao Wenrui's hands, from canines to cats, to the grizzly-like mass and shape now, which fully shows Zhao Wenrui's heart for farming and farming.

More specifically, the current Zhao Wenrui prefers the concept of 'tonnage'. The grizzly-like physique makes the bone animal's body gravitationally strong, rushing out of the shadow plane, a slamming grappling woman who will shoot crazy Fell.

The woman struggled desperately while cursing, but how could the fine vines instead of the fur of the bone animal be very powerful. Hundreds of them were coiled at the same time, and soon bound the woman into dumplings.

And Zhao Wenrui came out from the shadow plane and realized that it was the five big and three thick women who showed him the way before the edge of the square.

Zhao Wenrui snorted and stepped up. Although there was also a cage in the meat cellar, he didn't notice the breath of life, so he was too lazy to continue to endure those spicy eyes.

As soon as the upper body protruded out of the ground from the entrance of the ramp, the bad wind roared, and the two sharp sickles staggered back and forth.

When the two realized that what they had cut was only the shadow of Zhao Wenrui, they wanted to hide. It was too late. A scene similar to the previous arrest in the control room was repeated on the two. Bundled it up, and then fell straight, humming with a straight face.

Zhao Wenrui walked calmly down the stairs, and the bone beast dragged the bound woman behind him.

The woman cursed frantically, proclaiming that Zhao Wenrui had offended Freemasonry and would be tortured to death. Hurry up with her consciousness and let her die.

Zhao Wenrui couldn't help looking back at the woman, and was stimulated by the other party's IQ show.

When he came out of the public house, he was greeted by a ping pong shot.

It means that the 5 shot Mosin Nagan rifle is meant to fire, but the medicine sent is magic crystal, and the shot is a nail bullet.

Instead of being rigid, Zhao Wenrui retreated back to the room, and then quickly walked around behind the gang through the shadow plane, launching Youying Teng.

These people were suddenly attacked, and they were suddenly chaotic, but they were very brave. They threw the gun aside and pulled out their waist swords to fight against the vines.

After being attacked by shadow teeth flying out of the shadow plane, he suddenly failed to become an army, and was soon captured by more shadow vines.

Even so, they were still daunting, some were cursing loudly, and some were howling loudly. Zhao Wenrui noticed that, near the east gate of Zhaimen, someone was riding a huge goat away from the dust, he released the shadow crow to chase, but after all, Was not able to catch up.

Looking back at these bundled people, there are men and women but no old and young. Obviously this is indeed not an ordinary mountain village, but a black den.

Zhao Wenrui would have no last pity, torture these people, and extract information.

These people are tougher than he thought. Nine of the ten are hard bones, but IQ is really not very good. Zhao Wenrui obtained some information through interrogation, knocking and flanking, and then used it to deceive other subjects. These people can easily be Being irritated and believing in his words, perhaps this is also related to the lack of true friendship and trust within them.

Through interrogation, I learned that this place was originally a mountain village, but it was destroyed by Freemasonry a few years ago. It is an important smuggling transit point, and the guise of the outside world is the origin of mountain products. The sausage is especially famous.

Zhao Wenrui naturally thought of the sausages hanging on the shelf that he saw in the meat cellar not long ago. Xin said: "Unable to understand that the food safety regulations in this era are not perfect, but none of the foodies found that there is a problem with the sausage meat? Even if Freemasonry only covers the sky, it is impossible to block the mouth of all living beings?"

After all, he did n’t ask in detail. Now his interest in contacting human civilization in this world has been corrupted, and he continues to be disgusted. He fears that he ca n’t help but go home ...

At about 15 o'clock in the afternoon, the rapid and dense sound of horseshoes rolled from far to near like a thunder. Dozens of rides ran along the road. When they came in front of the east entrance of the cottage, the speed slowed down, and 5 rides first. Passing through the walled gate, seeing that there was nothing to ambush, he greeted the team behind him.

Then, the cavalry team entered in a row, just halfway through, boom! The big bang caused people to turn their horses.

When the attention of the riders is attracted by the explosion, bang! After the squadron, the team exploded again, flesh and blood flew.

When the war horse was frightened, when the riders were busy controlling the horse or evacuating while taking advantage of the situation, the "ping ping" gun sounded, there was only one gun, but the sense of rhythm was full, and within a few breathing times, several people were shot When the riders controlled the chaos and found the past through the source of the gunfire, they found nothing.

It turned out that Zhao Wenrui, who had obtained intelligence through punishment, was fully aware of what trouble he had caused.

He believes that according to the urinary nature of Freemasonry, he must be secretly wanted and hunted down, so he can then sneak into the big cities with large floating populations, disguise and disguise, and be confused with the crowd. , It is expected to get rid of its entanglement.

The wicked took the initiative to harm him, blatantly open, but he had to hide and hide, inevitably angry, so he decided to charge some interest for those who were **** by Freemasonry.

It happened that the stocks of firearms and grenades here could be used by him, which finally facilitated this wait-and-see ambush.

C Kane arranged for Zhao Wenrui to be an excellent grass-roots commander who competed with East Turkistan all year round before crossing. He was not a sharpshooter but he was also very good at shooting. Various tactics were also at hand.

Now combined with Yingde's skills, he became more and more haunted. First, he sent a shadow servant to fight halfway through, using the magic crystal bomb he modified to kill and wound nearly 20 people. Then he took advantage of the chaos and ambushed and wounded and killed a few. People, then slip into the shadow plane.

Due to the passive talent of the Druid, he will not leave footprints or odors, and even the use of the power of shadows has been eliminated by the natural forces due to the careful arrangement. For the riders , It is just fighting against the daydream spirit.

There is a caster in the cavalry, the strength is almost equal to the 11th-level mage, but in this world, it is called the Samsung mystic mage.

The mystic soon arrived at the suspected ambush spot, because the riders found the residue of the magic crystal here.

In this world, the magic crystal replaces gunpowder and becomes the gun's propellant and explosive, so the gun is not called a gun, but is called magic crystal gun, or magic crossbow, echoing the church's divine crossbow.

After the shooting of the magic crystal, it will generate residue and some sweet taste like the almond sugar after the explosion of C4. The riders used this to confirm the specific location of Zhao Wenrui's previous ambush.

They couldn't find more clues, and wanted to solve the problem through the mystic mage.

I do n’t know if Zhao Wenrui ended up calmly and cleanly.

Leader Benson touched the beard stubble in his lower jaw, and his face was almost overcast with water.

At present, it is basically determined that the other party is only one person, but the plants and trees that are engaged in because of the haunting spirit are all soldiers. The riding team and the team are still full of momentum ten minutes ago. Looking at it now, one by one, every place can be hidden. There is a gun on this side.

Seeing the mystic mage came together, Benson asked: "What did you find?"

The mysterious mage shook his head: "It can be said that nothing is gained, and it is necessary to say something. This time it is our omission not to let the senior stalkers follow the team."

"You mean that the other party is likely to be good at shadow sneaking?"

"Well, firearms, explosive traps, and the use is excellent."

Benson asked unswervingly: "What about magic? There must be no trace."

The mystic replied: "This is what I am most worried about. It is too clean, or it means that the other party does not cast spells. Or ..."

Benson answered: "The attainments are much smarter than you."

The mystic nodded and added a sentence: "And be patient."

At this point, Benson also felt that the other party clearly had more opportunities to take over the head, even now, they can force a few heads. However, the other side is not greedy at all, and disappears after a wave of attacks. Appearing, it makes him blind, and after all, the more hurriedly the shot, the easier it is to leave clues. Benson would rather have a few more casualties in exchange for clues, better than this kind of cluelessness and enemies.

Benson is very embarrassed now, just go back so gray, he is not reconciled, but can he push forward daringly? Also worried that there are various fancy ambushes waiting in front.

But Benson was also a decisive person. After all, he made a decision quickly. He was thinking about the worse decision, which was better than the embarrassing situation of the present.

"Occupy the mansion nearby and rest, be careful." He told the riders like this.

Riders are highly disciplined and have a more tenacious style. They have reduced their staff by 20%. They are neither manic nor timid, but they are only nervous.

There were people left on the east gate, and the wall gate was not closed. The horses were tied under fixed scaffolding, and people were appointed to patrol.

Benson's command was methodical, and the riders were accustomed to his body language. Without any nonsense and a few gestures, he could understand his intentions and appear professional and capable.

But these are useless in some cases.


The wooden door of a mansion exploded and sawdust blasted! The force of the explosion was like a violent violent sea wave, directly blowing the two people in front of the door, and several meters away were also pushed down and could not climb for a long time.

"Have you been careful, what should I say?" A series of losses made Benson finally irritable in public.

The riders were wronged. They felt that they were wronged enough. It was a weird bomb.

However, not to mention the lack of proof, even if there is, as long as the EQ is still online ~ ~ it is impossible to talk back to Benson in public at this time, only to suffer.

Well, you ca n’t waste food because of choking. The mansion should be occupied. Not only can you rest, but also have a support and shelter, which is better than the current situation of enemies.

Looking at another mansion, the riders were more cautious and deliberately removed the logs from the scaffolding, away from the far door, even if it exploded this time, could it not be exploded?

Lao Yinbei Zhao Wenrui hid in the dark and laughed, saying: "The self-righteous demining method did not understand the mechanism of the explosion at all."

At the same time, his exploding boys have long been left alone.

In fact, his method is not so subtle, it is nothing more than the exclusive version of the shadow spell of the magical servant, the shadow servant, a kind of artificial secondary life similar to the ghost.

This secondary life has a certain IQ. Like a magical servant, it is generally used as an experimental assistant, or for pouring tea or water. The weight of items it can pick up is not more than 5 pounds.

One of the special features of the shadow servant is to freely traverse the shadow plane and the material plane.

So in fact, the essence of a series of bomb ambushes is an intelligent bomb drop under full surveillance.

Zhao Wenrui stared secretly, and when he saw the opportunity, he instigated the shadow servant to start.

"Go, put the explosive bag there!"

Then, bang! It does n’t matter if the Shadow Servant fails to evacuate in time, anyway, it is not a high-level technique, and it will disappear automatically when the time is up.

What really has some technical content is nothing more than the making of the bomb and the timing of the bomb drop.

Therefore, when the riders opened the door, nothing happened, but when someone greeted the injured person, something went wrong, and they blew up again. They were unprepared. The wounded and mourned were unlucky lives.

He really saw a ghost, and a bunch of men were almost crying by Zhao Wenrui ...

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