Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 989: Position flow

The druid itself is not a pure caster, but a typical all-rounder. After all, the magic is in nature, and one of the characteristics of nature is all-encompassing.

On the basis of Druid, Yingde fully reflects the advantages of shadow power.

It can be said that unless the environment is restricted, possessing the shadow plane as a strategic depth of shadow occupies a huge geographical advantage. If there is no certain knowledge reserve and means in the plane across the technical field, then it will be crushed by technology. Pressure.

Benson and his party now face this situation.

They are all elite-level combat powers and belong to one of the three fast reactionary forces of the Freemasonry in the Holden area that deal with various difficult problems. The black lance group is their name.

They are known for being fierce, cruel, and fearless. Many women in Holden bluff their children, and they will say: No matter how, there will be a black ride to catch you.

But this time, the black riders who could stop the crying of the children suffered the worst humiliation ever. They were turned around by one person and didn't even touch one of the other's hairs. All they got was the heartbreak.

Benson was a little unbelieving at first. He did n’t believe that the other party could lay treacherous mines in each room, and each of them could attract his people. He also did n’t believe in the same room, and he could hit again and again. trick.

But Zhao Wenrui ’s ‘Watching Dish for Smart Thundering’ is simply to overcome such dissatisfaction. After opening the door and killing, you can also perform corner killing, fireplace killing, bed killing ...

In short, they took advantage of Benson's disadvantage of lacking cross-plane technology and bullied people hard. Over five or six rounds, even the black riders with hard hearts, the shape collapsed.

Someone yelled wildly, some people twitched around with their weapons.

"Come out, bastard, come out, miscellaneous, just fight with Laozi, Grandpa is here, and he has the ability to kill me!"

'boom! ’The gunshots sounded, there were multiple holes in the head, and the nail bullets brought a touch of red and white and pierced through the back of the head.

After a jump from chicken to dog, I finally found that a gun was mounted in the corner of the house, the main body of the gun was in the attic, and only one muzzle was pointed to the room from the gap.

There was naturally no one in the attic, as if it was a ghost shooting.

Similar situations have been repeated again and again, and even the mystic mage has no choice.

Mainly because Yingde is a freak who has never appeared in this world.

Protected by nature, coupled with the characteristics of the power of shadow, and the careful operation of Zhao Wenrui deliberately casting on the shadow plane, the main material plane has basically left no trace of extraordinary power abnormalities.

In this way, the mystic mage will not be able to obtain the clues of the spell, and analyze the response. The mystic mage cannot even determine whether he is facing the spellcaster. After all, the specific ways of causing injury are shooting and explosion.

Of course, the mystic mage does n’t have any effect at all. He can use the layout of utensils and ceremonies to draw the ground to establish a protective barrier for the prison type. Within this barrier, any phenomenon involving extraordinary powers will be noticed, including the plane. Span.

It's a pity that Zhao Wenrui still has a way to raise one foot and one devil. The extraordinary means he mastered are very rich, and the general classification can be divided into energy, soul, planting, bone, and species.

Energy is energy, such as magic fog, which is the application of the power of shadow.

Soul, spiritual power, and shadow crow are representatives.

Because it is negative, Yingde plays a few hand necromancer skills, including prisoner, ill-treatment, imitation, and control of the soul.

Even plants, plants, and shadow vines. This kind of spiritual plant that requires Zhao Wenrui to pay a part of his mana and vitality to raise has mimic neurons. Zhao Wenrui's manipulation of them can be as fine as ordinary people control their fingers.

Bone, this is also a technology related to negative supernatural powers, and is similar to the soul. The depth and breadth of the technology are not enough, and the upper limit is not high, but two or three cost-effective application methods can still be achieved. .

Like the special life bone beast he made, bone technology was used.

Seeds refer to seeds. Seeds have the characteristics of purification, condensation, and opportunistic inoculation. Seeds can germinate and even support slate. In his past practice, Zhao Wenrui collected and cultivated some magical seeds.

This time, he used one of them against the Black Knights.

I saw that Zhao Wenrui planted seeds in the shadow plane, and then spawned, and the dark green bamboo shoots broke out of the earth. Its branch was shaped by Zhao Wenrui, so that the horizon reached nothing but the main material plane.

This is where the shadowy bamboo is sharp, and its powerful extraordinary energy adaptability allows it to break through without causing anomalies.

However, he can conceal and conceal, but cannot be invisible, so Zhao Wenrui chose the cross-border point underground in the main material plane.

Most enchantments have relatively shallow impact on the ground, so from the perspective of the depth inside the enchantment, the underground is the weakest, and it also blocks the observation of the field of view.

After establishing the cross-border connection silently through the shadow bamboo, Zhao Wenrui further shaped and opened the bamboo knot to make it a suitable channel. Before the vitality of the shadow bamboo disappeared, through this channel, the slime was deformable Shadow servants took the bomb and formed a pattern similar to mines.

Then detonate in due course.

'boom! ’There were several more people on the plane, including the mystic mage.

The body and mind were once again hit hard.

Benson couldn't hold it anymore, and the Black Riders who were able to resolutely (with preconditions) initiated sufficient deaths could not bear this invisible, mysterious murder like death on the side.

Their frightened group fled the cottage, and even left some injured companions.

This non-mainstream clash, which lasted for more than two hours, came to an end with an overwhelming victory on one side. The time has passed 17:00, and it is still about 1 hour before dark, but because the west is also mountains, dusk Has arrived early.

The autumn and dusk here are actually very beautiful. The bottom facilities such as the wall are already under the shadow of the shadow, while the top of the mountain is bathed in the golden sunset because of the high terrain. The boundary between light and darkness is constantly changing on the mountainside. , Revealing a unique poetic nature.

However, some special living things seem a bit unsightly.

Ghoul Vine, a plant with immortality attributed by the Ash Covenant and the Shadow Druid's Revenge Value.

For nature, darkness and death represent transformation, precipitation, and gestation. The entire process is relatively slow, but after adding the concept of "revenge value", a speedup is formed to respond, or to retaliate some like tumors. Of vicious life swallowed nature's greed.

Not only humans, but a large number of humans that are madly multiplying are indeed the main groups in the target of natural revenge.

From this perspective, Zhao Wenrui holds a murder license granted by nature and possesses anti-human attributes.

But in terms of actual operation, he can choose which people are deprived of his life.

The corpse vine creeps like a giant earthworm, climbs on the body of the corpse and the wounded, and also licks the scattered blood and minced meat. Swallowing by this magical creature is a punishment level punishment for the person, and the party can be clear I felt that I was eaten a little bit, and that painful torture was enough to make the tough guy with steel will collapse.

For natural revenge, the collapse is better and the soul is easier to dissipate, just like the polymer is broken up into the most basic elements. This is a complete return and an acceleration.

‘Click 嘞 嘞 ……’ The gear turns, the hinge slides down, and the cottage door slowly closes.

And in those houses in the cottage, cooking smoke came out, and the light of the lights showed through the doors and windows, as if someone was making dinner in life.

This is naturally Zhao Wenrui's handwriting.

He intends to make this a ghost village.

Because he wants to rest here for a while to digest the information from the previous torture, and also hopes that he will know all kinds of good hands of Freemasonry. Anyway, he has the shadow plane as a strategic depth, and he is not afraid of being siege.

Night came, but for Zhao Wenrui, many operations were only suitable for this time.

Due to the emphasis on the battle line, Yingde ca n’t be like a normal Druid, and is a child of nature. Even in unfamiliar areas, he can observe and perceive with the help of plants and animals.

In order to achieve a similar effect, Yingde must arrange it by himself to shade the environment. Zhao Wenrui's current operation is for this reason.

Using the technique of summoning natural allies, summoning starlight earthworms, they are experts in digging holes, and their ability to loosen soil is also good. More importantly, Zhao Wenrui needed them to spread the ash assembling material to the cottage and surrounding areas during the loosening of the soil.

In the middle of the night, toxic green spots suddenly began to rise on the cottage and the surrounding land, and more and more, gradually the entire area was illuminated by the fireflies like a grand event, forming a dreamy and gloomy wonder .

Correspondingly, the soil seems to be flooded with water, exuding black mucus. This mucus has obvious corrosive effect, and the plants, trees, and even soil and stone become scorched black under its corrosive action.

The black mucus also has a volatile effect, gradually forming gray smoke. The fluorescence is blocked by this smoke, and the entire area falls into darkness. Eventually, even the moonlight and starlight cannot be illuminated, and the sound from the smoke seems to be a large number of insects. In short, it makes people creepy when they listen.

After a night of fussing, when the light of dawn fell on the ground, it gradually fell into silence.

Soon, this silence became out of tune with Shino, too quiet, no small animals appeared in this area, not even flying insects, the whole area was covered with mist, the wind was not scattered, and it was like a block. Deadly.

In fact, it is also appropriate to say that this is a dead place. Compared to the rotten swamps and dark forests that the black wizards like to live, or the large cemetery and ancient battlefields that the necromancers like, the exclusive area made by Yingde is not so dark. , But it ’s a bit more mysterious.

Zhao Wenrui is now building this, there is a famous hall called 'Yuguang Caohai', this name is actually stalked inside, Kane had created an area named Youguang Caohai in the underground dome of the dark hp universe And laid the foundation for becoming a **** there.

But Zhao Wenrui didn't understand this stalk, he just thought the name was appropriate, and there was a little poetry.

As the name suggests, the key vegetation of Youguang Caohai is Youguang grass, a kind of inch grass with well-developed roots, and the carrier of Youguang grass is the shade soil, which is between the mulch of the black wizard and the burial soil of the necromancer. There are not many elements of the two, and the nature is not so extreme. The corresponding ecosystem is relatively easier to be accepted by ordinary people.

However, if you want to appreciate the "shadow system" and distinguish it from darkness and evil, you need a certain amount of knowledge. Benson does not have this ability to appreciate.

Just overnight, Benson roared and brought someone over.

His current situation is a little more subtle, and he is guilty of meritorious deeds. If he messes up this time, it is not only his career that will end.

So he was a bit more ruthless than yesterday, but the fog that enveloped the entire cottage and the surrounding area had a certain effect of lowering the fire, especially when the sun was high and the fog was still there. Anyone with a bit of brain can be aware By the way, this mist is not normal.

Benson wanted to scold his mother.

In order to deal with the weird situation here, he gave up his old face, specially seconded a batch of 'black blades', and let them come overnight.

These brothers who practiced assassination are more professional than Heiqi. They are basically orphans. Since childhood, they have received professional training and brutal elimination management. Every one who can debut is very powerful. So although the number is much smaller than Black Rider, the fierce reputation is even better.

But the result?

The strange mist in front of me was loud slap!

Benson's face, embarrassed, confronted the leader of the Black Blade, Thorin, and explained: "It wasn't like this yesterday ..."

Thorin interrupted politely: "The loss is so great, but the type of the other party is unclear?"

Benson became more embarrassed and scolded in his heart: "Lao Tzu wants to explain to you three times and five times along the way. Your mother's pretense is more annoying than taking a stand. Now she realizes that the matter is serious and complains about Lao Tzu!"

However, he is now in a special situation, and he is asking for help. He can only bear it when he is angry. He succinctly told yesterday ’s encounters, especially the judgment of the mystic mage who accompanied the team. After all, in terms of extraordinary direction, That one is professional.

In the final section: "Master Emon has repeatedly confirmed that there is no disturbance of extraordinary energy, and the situation is particularly mysterious. We can only think of the shadow walker."

The Shadowwalker is not a specific supernatural title, but a relatively broad term. Anyone who can freely cross the shadow plane can be called the Shadowwalker.

Like Thorin and other black blades, they are all shadow walkers. They have no extraordinary powers, but they have extraordinary means, such as the special daggers they use, combined with the skills they practice, they can cut the space and enter the shadow. Plane.

Of course, the same is the shadow plane, but the specifics are very different.

Most of the black blades enter the shadow plane, and their impression is almost the same as that when Zhao Wenrui san value fell below 50, as if he was in the underworld, everything is gray, and there are more serious ghosting and scenery Distortion, the other is to drop the san value.

Facing them, the shadow bit is like another form of water world. Terrestrial creatures enter the water, master the technology, take a few swims, or snorkel, all can be done, but let alone compare with the water creatures Compared with the serious amphibians, the water is far inferior, and various discomforts, such as the skin will rot after soaking for a long time.

The daggers and the like used by the black blades seem to be diving equipment, which can allow them to adapt to the environment of the shadow plane to a certain extent.

Even so, for the Black Blades, the Shadow Plane is just a special terrain that can be used. They use the Shadow Plane, which is essentially like the one who knows the water and depends on his own water and bullies the shore in the water. .

But for Zhao Wenrui, an advanced shadow virtue, the shadow plane is almost his home.

There are two main reasons why the word 'almost' is used. One is that his knowledge of the shadow plane is not enough, just like people living between heaven and earth, but most people actually understand the various types of land environment. Same as limited.

Another one, he still can't survive the shadow plane completely out of the material plane. It's like a whale going to the sea from time to time for ventilation.

However, once Zhao Wenrui enters the role, it is also night to ‘ventilate’, and daylight has an advantage in the shadow plane.

He is now sitting in the middle of the town, listening to Benson and Solin bb, and directing the puppets to work.

The long-cherished goal of controlling the crowd has finally been achieved in stages after taking office.

Now he can deploy four types of puppet forces.

The first category is man-made secondary life, including shadow servants born out of wizard magic servant spells, as well as some other weak creatures ~ ~ such as the leaf servant.

Unlike tree spirits, twigs and leaves are born from perennial herbaceous plants or small shrubs that are sufficiently energetic. They have low cost and little effect.

The second category is the Yinling category. This category is relatively broad. At present, he mainly has two categories, one is the original soul mimicry, and the other is the external soul drive.

The original soul mimicry is to use one's own spiritual power to simulate the soul and generate a certain independent conscious soul body. The high-level display of this path is the stream of missing the body, and even c Kane originally generated the soul of Zhao Wenrui, a human avatar, also in this column, but it only belongs to the category of the 12th ring magic.

The shadow crow that Zhao Wenrui has always used is the representative of the original soul mimicry at this stage.

The outer soul drive, as the name suggests, enslaves the outer soul. Due to the special nature of the druid, it can enslave the beast soul, including the soul of the creature in the shadow plane. This way is very close to the necromancer's gameplay, but it is plausible, and it is also a manifestation of the all-encompassing druid.

The third category, natural enlightenment, is more common, such as tree essence, ancient tree guards, etc.

The fourth category is temporary driving. Druid's exclusive spells have different levels of summoning natural allies, which belong to the temporary driving category.

As a shadow virtue, Zhao Wenrui called a shadow ally, such as the starlight earthworm he called last night.

The four types of puppets, although their independence and autonomy are not as good as the intelligent life represented by human beings, under Zhao Wenrui's hard work and effort, he can also say that 'superiority is the first productivity'

This is also a source of confidence that Zhao Wenrui dare not to overtake the cottage.

An ordinary cottage is undergoing rapid changes under the extraordinary construction, and Benson and Thorin are unaware of this situation where their opponents continue to increase their strength under their eyes ...

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