Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 990: The enemy retreats

The cottage occupied by Zhao Wenrui is called Qiuzhai.

For the Freemasonry, the main value of Qiuzhai is naturally not the "game meat sausage" with a certain reputation in the Holden area or even further areas, but the border transit point for human snakes and smuggling trade.

The production and sale of sausages mixed with ‘fragrant meat’ is but a side business that was born to deal with those who ca n’t stand the torture.

Zhao Wenrui also came by coincidence. Just after a batch of goods were sent away, most of the good players stationed in Qiuzhai were involved in the delivery of **** freight, which was more easily achieved by him.

The first wave of rapid reaction forces, led by Benson, also committed a typical light enemy.

First of all, Zhao Wenrui is just a person.

Secondly, according to the reporter, Qiu Zhai's few professional thugs were basically pitted by Zhao Wenrui and locked in the trap hall. Later, he and Zhao Wenrui fought against each other, but they were actually a group of non-combatants.

With such a preconceived understanding, Benson and his party's insufficient estimation of Zhao Wenrui's strength is not difficult to understand.

They didn't even think that Zhao Wenrui would stay in Qiuzhai. Rather, Zhao Wenrui will quickly escape from Qiuzhai after venting his anger. Their main interaction with Zhao Wenrui was chasing and fleeing, but Qiuzhai just took it by the way.

Unfortunately, this idea was counted by Zhao Wenrui, who was also an atypical war official. More importantly, he has lived in a cruel area like a godly wasteland for more than a year, and sharpened Zhao Wenrui's heart to a certain extent. He will not easily cause trouble, but he will not easily admit after the war.

The people in Qiuzhai, and even the black horse led by Benson, did not make Zhao Wenrui feel the threat of having to evacuate and escape, so he did not leave. After all, once his rapid farming, or technical system is launched, playing position flow tactics can increase the overall combat power multiple. The daily life of the dead land also makes him accustomed to one-to-many.

Benson and Thorin were distressed at the absence of the mystic mage this time, but they did not know that even the mystic mage Emmon followed without any injury and was helpless in the face of the magic mist that Zhao Wenrui had wrought.

This magic fog not only refers to the composition of the shadow squid magic fog, but also protects it in a way of enchantment.

Its first characteristic is its non-spell attribute. It is not a magic effect nor a magic circle, but a part of the ecosystem that is biased towards science.

Of course, talking about science in this world is a bit ridiculous, and extraordinary skills go deep into the lives of ordinary people. Everywhere is the truth. There is almost no pure science.

However, you can also talk about the style. Zhao Wenrui's origin determines that he will understand, learn, use, and self-consistent extraordinary power from a scientific perspective.

Then there is the foundation of the positional flow, the shadow realm.

In the later period of his life in the wasteland of the gods, he was constantly wondering why black wizards have rotten swamps and dark forests, and necromancers have ancient battlefields in the cemetery. Instead, they have less extreme shadow characteristics of power and no own exclusive environment ?

Although light and shadow accompany each other, shadows are everywhere, but in his view, this may not be understood as a bogeyman, but the ecology of shadows is too fragile and easily destroyed.

Of course, it is also easy to recover. The problem is that easy destruction means instability, an environment that is likely to be turned into a trap by opponents, and is full of rich taste of chicken ribs. Especially when the master moves, this instability is really reassuring.

Therefore, environmental transformation has become one of his many research topics.

The prototype of Haze Land was finally developed from this project. And being able to develop quickly in a decent way, gold fingers naturally play a decisive role.

The other is the use of divinity. Zhao Wenrui used divinity in plant variation, thus possessing several varieties of plants, including his sacred wood, the shadow bamboo that functions as a channel, and the production function. Ghost grass.

Youguang grass is like a combination of a water dispenser and a humidifier. It draws the power of shadow through the shadow bamboo to the main material plane, and then discharges like eucalyptus secreting and releasing toxic substances. This is the core of magic fog generation.

There are also variant runestones that feed the shadow totem, as well as the assistance of plants and insects, each of which has a role to form a closed-loop ecosystem.

As a whole, the ecosphere is not two areas bordering each other, but areas that merge with each other, thus forming world-like features on the surface and the inside-the same frame, different styles.

And since it is an ecosphere, there are laws of operation. One of the rules is that the main material plane fogs during the day and disappears at night, while the shadow plane is the opposite.

So, using the magic dagger to enter the shadow plane of Thorin and several other black blades, I saw the village without fog.

Sorin just glanced at it briefly, then hesitated. The other black blades are the first to look at him, and they have not acted rashly, preferring to feel the distress of San's value there.

After much thought, Solin greeted Black Blade and chose to exit the shadow plane.

Benson frowned, and came up and asked, "What happened?"

Sorin said with a sullen face: "This time we may have provoke a great character. I just saw another mound in the shadow plane!"

Although Benson did not have the ability to enter or exit the shadow plane, he still knew some basic knowledge. He asked: "Does this mean the integration of the two realms?"

"I'm not sure yet." Solin explained: "But copying the Qiuzhai in the shadow plane at least shows that the other party's skills in space, time, and plane are far ahead of us. It is not our understanding and use of the shadow plane. Comparable, I even suspect that this is not something a person can do. "

Benson suddenly said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of this? Don't you think this man's time to come to Qiuzhai was too coincident? Maybe it was a premeditated action, and it was too bright and dark, since They have good players in controlling the shadow, so a team from the shadow plane cooperates naturally and naturally, which is why the man entered the trap hall of Qiuzhai, but in the end he was able to trap the left behind players in it. . "

Benson's brain was wide open, and his brain was filled.

Solin thought along his way of thinking, and felt that there was indeed such a possibility, saying: "In any case, it has been basically confirmed that the other party has a greater advantage in technology and geographical location. I think we are still cautious and report to the branch. Better."

"Basically agree. But I think at least we should try and collect more information, it is better than being ordered to detect."

"Um ..." Thorin pondered for a moment and basically agreed with Benson's proposal.

In addition to the assassination of Black Blade, another business section is intelligence gathering, including military investigation.

Just like the two armed forces confronting each other, the rigid investigation with obvious confrontational nature, which collects information about the opponent like a scout, is a kind of military investigation.

Solin pointed out the characteristics of this investigation to Benson: "At present, we do not have the advantages of concealment and suddenness, so it is actually a firepower investigation, and sending individual soldiers is some risk ...

Benson naturally heard that Sorin was afraid of the other party's technology and worried about the damage of his men.

In fact, he has similar concerns.

For him, the beautiful completion of this operation can only be regarded as the atonement of the merits, which basically offset the punishment for the loss of nearly half of the previous manpower.

The next level is to test out that the enemy is indeed tough and well-planned. He is well prepared. If he lacks intelligence and has certain misleading suspicions, he will be justified.

However, if the loss is severe again during the trial process, even if important information is obtained, it will be a mess.

On the other hand, if the problem is not solved, the teacher will move the crowd, which will attract the attention of the official or other forces, and expose Qiu Zhai as a failure. That's why he took the favor of the big brothers and was anxious to solve the problem.

After some measurement, Benson decided to encourage him this time. Obviously Hold can't help it, so don't be a gambler like a red-eyed gambler.

So after discussing with Sorin, the group evacuated again.

This time, Zhao Wenrui's turn was uncomfortable.

As the saying goes, you can't keep it alone, and you will lose it if you keep it for a long time.

He is now standing alone, without any friendly troops to respond outside, so he expects his opponent to take a few waves, let him take some heads, earn some materials and vengeance value, and at the same time express his evil spirits, do not bother with this painstaking arrangement.

However, the other party was obviously crowded, but he chose to encourage him to let the specially prepared spell for the killing of the spell occupy the spell slot and failed to play a little role. This is a loss.

In addition, some of his puppets are time-sensitive.

For example, the reincarnation puppets prepared by the cruel way can be understood as the unsatisfactory souls stuffed into the brain after death, and the body is controlled to perform destructive operations. The body will collapse and rot after a period of time.

This is the difference between him and the authentic Necromancer.

Zhao Wenrui began to think, and finally he decided to give up the positional flow and take the initiative to attack!

He believes that since the opponent is playing steadily, then he waits for it, I am afraid that it is difficult to wait for a good opportunity for harvesting.

When the other party comes next time, I am afraid that there will be not only the caster, but also heavy weapons. If you pull a few guns and then use a few armor tops to play in front and cooperate with the battle, then he lacks the restraint of heavy weapons. With all possible means, it is difficult to achieve good results.

It's better to think in reverse, while the flesh and blood of the cannon fodder is still fresh and a wave of recklessness. Maybe you can play a handful of first come first, chase the enemy ambush.

Just think about it, he already had a dead hand system layout in Qiuzhai, and now after some fine-tuning is implemented, Qiuzhai's piece is even arranged.

After that, he led the puppet crowd to advance, facing away from the shadow to the Black Earth Town.

It was almost noon, and it wasn't counted on the wide dirt road.

The Black Blades are naturally proficient at equestrianism, but they prefer to ride a car rather than riding a horse. The specially designed carriage is not only comfortable and safe, but also a small arsenal.

In addition, the ride is relatively less energy and energy consumption, and better concealment and safety.

Like now, their party looks more like an ordinary goods dealer, unlike Heiqi, who pulls the wind to pull the wind, but also puts himself in the bright place, too eye-catching.

Benson did not take a car, he was more used to riding. A large, dark gray smock concealed the fighting outfit, and even his batch of warhorse also wore a horse gown, concealing Shenjun, making the whole look a lot lower-key.

Solin also rode a horse and paralleled Benson. The two had a discussion, and the next action plan gradually improved.

But they didn't know that Zhao Wenrui really did come up and recognized them.

It's not just that the shadow plane can approach the near side.

Of course, there are a lot of specifics about copying the shortcut, and it is necessary to meet certain conditions. And Zhao Wenrui's ability to come later this time is mainly because he and his puppet army have better mobility.

The injured and dead warhorse seized yesterday was also made into a puppet by him.

These puppets are also reincarnated puppets. Except for the shortcomings of timeliness, others can be very good. They are fast, powerful, and tireless. Of course, letting their potency reduce their timeliness.

But Zhao Wenrui didn't care, anyway, it was a cannon fodder without losing money.

There are tires made by Kumara who are tireless, and Zhao Wenrui blesses the BUFF attribute that is not affected by the terrain. Although Zhao Wenrui and his party have a larger number, the marching speed is much faster than that of Benson.

Since he was really on the same path and was caught up again, Zhao Wenrui would not easily let Benson go. He quickly led people in the shadow plane and rushed ahead to arrange the ambush.

More than half an hour later, Benson and his party were about to leave the small hilly area, and out of the small hilly area, the boundary of Heitu Town was in front.

As a ruin for hundreds of square kilometers of land, Heitu Town is second to none in terms of population, economy, and farmland area. The flat black earth fertile field around it was the reason why the black earth town got its name.

Along the way, Benson, they are all loose and tight inside, so be careful. The roads in the small hilly areas are tortuous and the view is severely obstructed, so they are naturally very careful.

Now that the small hills are out smoothly, in front of the large black soil farmland where the wheat has been completed, Benson and others are all relieved. I feel that this area with good vision and black soil town is in sight, even if I come back.

And Zhao Wenrui, using his opponent's psychology, did not choose forest roads and hilly terrains, but chose this black land of Mapingchuan.

After all, for him, broad vision, nowhere to hide is not a problem at all, the shadow plane is the best hiding place.

The bomb had already been buried, and Zhao Wenrui stared secretly, feeling that the time was right and suddenly detonated.

Even though the vehicles used by Benson were specially made, they were still hit hard by the blast, with five of them directly turning around.

The aftermath of the explosion has not yet dissipated, and when the smoke is heavy, the shadow vine has appeared, pulling people or vehicles into the shadow plane.

At the same time, the Bone Beast is saved from the shadow plane, and when he sees someone, he plays with the grapple and binds, but ignores the various attacks on the Benson side. It is completely a game of thick and tough skin ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ return puppet is responsible for fighting those who are dragged in on the shadow plane, or blocking the car door.

Their fighting skills and brains are far worse than the Black Blades, but they are as good as they are not afraid of damage. The critical strikes of the Black Blades are meaningless to them, so it is appropriate to use them to block the doors.

Once the door is blocked, the carriage becomes a prison cage, and the black blades can naturally break out of the cage, but that takes time, and with the time buffer, Zhao Wenrui can concentrate on eliminating part of it first.

This time he also directly participated in the battle, but instead of face-to-face battle, he took advantage of the caster to hide the shadow plane and continuously output damage.

The shadow crow, the shadow shadow vine, the bone beast, and the three-axes were raised by the wind and water he used,

The Shadow Crow can make people think disorderly, and have no time to care for him. You Yingteng takes advantage of the opportunity to attack, or entangles the live spikes, and then the bone beast flicks and grabs. Most targets can't carry these three axes, and are injured or killed or captured. .

Zhao Wenrui also summoned with 7 ring allies to attract six shadow anacondas to fight. These large snakes with the same thickness as the adult's waist, although they can't be active in the sun, their fighting power is quack, swift and nimble, and their protection is also very high. Swallowed, or sprayed poison, are used.

The attack was successful. In less than 3 minutes, a series of blows put Benson and them at an absolute disadvantage.

After being bombed, Benson and Sorin quickly and efficiently brought together a small group of people to fight together. Zhao Wenrui noticed, but did not have the first time to die, but the persimmon picked up a soft pinch and tried his best to order those The poor living conditions of the start, the results are also very significant, when Benson they barely stabilized, more than half of the people have either died, or disappeared, or are divided into precarious situations.

Zhao Wenrui was excited: "In the third round, I won, undisputed ..."

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