Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 991: Pursue

(I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion)

Zhao Wenrui was born in an ancient country with no basic tactics. For example, he had three tactics. Even in dogfights, this theory is still used to catch opponents and make them retreat.

Because of this, on the main material plane, Zhao Wenrui's side was not so powerful, that is, more than ten skull beasts fluttered and bited, playing with bundling, and the other was to use the shadow crow harassment and the shadow shadow vine to pull people up.

The real battlefield is in the shadow plane, a large number of golem puppets, powerful shadow anacondas, and all the bone beasts, including Zhao Wenrui himself also came to the end.

This led to Banson and their loss, but they still completed the group, and they were not willing to escape. After all, the attack was not long, the opponent mainly used the bomb to start, and beat them to a surprise. The real combat power (expressed) seems to be No rolling was formed.

Benson didn't think about defeating, but he wanted to catch people.

Even the remarks reported afterwards, Benson thought about it.

The core concept is-not that I am incompetent, but that the enemy is too strong.

Traps, raids, and tactics, one by one, well-prepared, mentally calculated, unintentional, numerous, and powerful ...

These are the reason points that Benson has prepared. For each reason point, he can combine with reality and elaborate on the detailed content.

But even so, he still wants as many combatants as possible to get out of the pit.

"Suo Lin, we can't escape like this. Those brothers who are drawn into the shadow plane should have more to save."

Benson couldn't help himself, so he threw Thorin.

Thorin actually wanted to escape. Shadow crows, bone beasts and shadow vines, a rich black wizard style, and in terms of number and power, it was obviously a high caster, plus this was a fully prepared ambush, he I do n’t think there is a way for me to make a comeback, and even if I escape slowly, I might die here.

However, although the world is dark overall, Freemasonry is almost full of watches, but the more the watch is, the harder it is to work in the arch, not only for fooling outsiders, but also for fooling yourself.

Solin believes that if he escapes like that now, even if he can escape, Benson will definitely fall into disrepair, and accuse him of throwing away the pot to a certain extent by refusing to save himself and only focusing on his escape.

So Solin feels that he is now being kidnapped by morals. He clearly knows that Benson is framed. He clearly knows that Benson only said no, but he had to cater to it. At least he must have a gesture, so that when he returns to the report, he cannot pick him What a big mistake.

So Thorin thought after the teleportation, he said righteously: "We Black Blade will not give up any of our own brothers."

Again: "Brothers, come with me! Countdown, 3, 2, 1, break!"

'hiss! ’

The dagger shining with magic light broke through the air, and Thorin and the other 7 black blades were twisted, and they fell into the shiny magic light scratches in one fell swoop, and then the scratches disappeared.

Benson, who failed to call out, was dumbfounded and replaced it with "MMP".

The original team structure of this operation, the number of black riders is very small, only a dozen people, and after a series of blows such as explosion attacks, less than 20 people together, Sorin took away 7 backbones at once Combat strength, even he is counted as 10, and 4 are coachmen, and there is no war horse. Facing Zhao Wenrui's dark three-axe, the survival pressure is more than doubled at once?

"Hold on, the Black Blades will join us soon!"

Benson is purely nice to say. The bone beast carefully crafted by Zhao Wenrui. At that time, the chariot-level puppet had dense bones and heavier than the same volume of gold. The frame was comparable to the vines and fur of steel cables. Woven by poisonous thorns, blood and flesh is the magic mud of the rubber plate, which is the main body that absorbs the power of shadows, nourishes bones, frames, and thorns.

This heavy weapon activated by the Spiritual Enlightenment, even the extraordinary light power and flame power of comparable energy, is difficult to destroy at once. The most effective way is to use the land to shape or dig in advance The pit, restrict its activities, and then use the cold and frozen gas to reduce its activity.

Unfortunately, here, Benson did not have a mage to control the field, nor rely on geographical support, and even the characteristics of the black horse is the light cavalry who pursues at a high speed, and I can't do it if I want to make a temporary guest appearance.

In the world of swords and magic, the battle group without MT is tragic, because the extraordinary power makes the humanoid chariot relatively easy to realize. The ordinary defensive barriers piled up by the number are like paper in front of the attack of this humanoid weapon. sheet.

Just the three-skull beast rushed in, and suddenly the Bensons were dispersed, mainly facing the bone beast, and no one had the confidence to carry the front.

I was able to stabilize before, because the Black Blades received a variety of extreme training to dance with death from an early age, thereby sharpening the extremely high white blade skills and strong self-confidence.

They rely on bodywork, pace, and skills to entangle the bone beast with limited IQ like a bullfighter playing a bull, not rigid.

Now that the Black Blades have withdrawn, Benson and they naturally fell into crisis.

After all, the bone beast is a bit stupid, so there are only a few strokes, as long as they are not tough with them, they will not lose immediately.

But the problem is that Benson not only faces the bone beasts, but also the shadow crow and the shadow shadow vine.

The shadow crow's fight, like a falcon hunt, is fast and fierce. If they fail to find a good opportunity, they will make a variety of provocative temptations like wolves hunting, and they will send out soul tweets, This is also a kind of mental power attack. It has no lethality, but it is very annoying. The noisy person can't think, and the general language communication is also difficult to continue. It can also affect the magician's spellcasting to a certain extent.

You Yingteng is like a poisonous tongue. Coming from the shadow, going back into the shadow, and specializing in the next three roads, one is accidentally entangled by it, and it is easy to be tragic.

Benson, they were hit by a wave of ambushes. You Yingteng actually took the lead. They had the highest success rate of entanglement, although whether it was Black Blade or Black Riding, the enemies ’explosive attack power was not Vulgar, 2 to 3 times can cut off the shadow shadow vine, but the shadow shadow vine is often not one, and the shadow crow and even the bone beast also know how to cooperate. After all, the three are originally the same source, and the coordination is very high.

Benson successfully cut off two shadow vines, split the three shadow crows, and avoided the collision of a skull beast. Look, the team has been torn apart, and he knows that this time it is really finished.

In this case, they will not even have the opportunity to take back the initiative. It is simply to delay the time by taking their lives. It will only be a matter of time before they are killed. After all, there are always times when they ca n’t escape. If you step on the wrong side, you might be taken away by three axes.

As soon as he bit his teeth, he greeted his powerful men and rescued the other one from the trouble, and then ran towards the Black Earth Town along the road without looking back.

Benson no longer wants anything else, just to save his life.

At the same time, Sorin was running away.

Before he took people into the shadow plane, he was warmly treated by Zhao Wenrui.


The reason why Zhao Wenrui has so many bombs is not because of the large inventory of the magic crystal grenade over Qiuzhai. It is because the druid can make magic bombs by himself.

In the Druid's six-ring spell, there is a name called "Tinder", which is to transform acorns, pine cones and even strawberries into grenades or bombs.

In order to deal with the war, Zhao Wenrui specially reserved the seventh ring spell slot for this spell.

His puppets are very powerful, and can better play the effect of this technique.

As a result, this time it was used by Sorin and them.

Zhao Wenrui called this bomb a poisonous durian. Its body is a shadowy plant similar to durian, smelly, highly toxic, hard spiny shell, tender flesh, and full juice. It was originally a relatively single-purpose material, and Zhao Wenrui felt that it was also a good carrier for Tinder.

Several poisonous durians exploded in the black-bladed crowd headed by Sorin, boiling and sharply corrosive poisonous juice was spilled, and the poisonous gas formed by evaporation. The flesh was like a smut-level radiation contaminant. No need to hurt the body, let alone the fragments of the stinger shell, the power of the explosion makes them extremely sharp, even the enchanted leather armor can be punctured or cut.

This wave of explosion caused Sorin to suffer heavy losses.

After the explosion, Thorin ’s condition is the best, not because of his high skill or good luck, but because his armor is higher-end, preventing most of the damage, only the corner of the forehead, the combination of the face armor and the leather hood Department, pierced by a poisonous puncture piece the size of a little thumb belly.

But just such a small amount of fragmented toxin is comparable to the poison of the arrow frog. Thorin grew up trying to poison. The resistance of the poison is far higher than that of ordinary people. This is also unbearable. This neurotoxin makes him I feel the whole face is burning, or the skin is torn off again and again.

Faced with this pain, he wished he could kill his life with a knife.

This time, he dived into the black blade of the shadow plane, and he could not bear the pain and self-discipline.

Thorin can understand them. After all, these people are much more injured by poisonous durians. If they don't self-discipline, they will collapse. It can even be said that they can kill themselves clearly, which is good.

Most people who are badly hit by the durian have no way to control the body according to their own wishes. The damage caused by neurotoxins makes the brain wave commands fail, basically trembling like sieve chaff and accompanied by incontinence. Next, taste the most extreme and last stimulation in life, and then collapse directly and be poisoned.

Against this background, Thorin had no time to see the situation on the shadow plane and fled.

In fact, even if you let him see it, it ’s not obvious that you can see it clearly in a half-down. Their stalkers who use equipment to break through the face barrier, the utilization rate of the shadow plane is too low, which is equivalent to the dim misty vault Walking in the middle mainly relies on the light of the main material plane to identify the direction, and the true root of the wall.

It is difficult to see when standing in the bright area and looking at the dark area, so it must be properly penetrated. Sorin is now a startled bird. I dare to do that, he is running wildly against the boundary membrane, trying to escape battlefield.

Zhao Wenrui transformed into a wild wolf, turned into a ghost wolf, then blessed the grace of the cat, and began the final phase of chasing the north.

Several scattered fish fled far away, and the net fish that escaped far away is his goal.

The ghost wolf form speed is extremely fast, the grace of the cat is faster and faster, not to mention the characteristics of the shadow plane, and it can be said that Zhao Wenrui is very easy to chase.

The first black ride to be overtaken, the last recognition was that the blurry afterimage suddenly flashed through the corners of his eyes, and then he fell into darkness completely.

From another perspective, the black horse's head was crushed directly by the claw shadow that appeared suddenly, and there was a half-explosion. Most of his face was gone, and the body ran out again. The pace fell.

Soon after, more than forty meters away, with a bang, a pool of red and white brain pulp shattered and the headless corpse fell.

"I surrender! Don't kill me." A coachman was begging for tears.

Then he was black and died, but Zhao Wenrui left him with a whole body.

"Come out, come out! Lao Tzu fights with you !!" One Tieqi yelled, holding several magic crystal grenade in his hand, and the other hand holding the handle.

Zhao Wenrui helped him pull the tab, and also helped him to put the grenade into his pocket, ‘Boom! ’Heiqi exploded into bits and pieces, but Zhao Wenrui had already gone far in the shadow plane ...

At this moment, Zhao Wenrui is the ghost of the erratic whereabouts, the death of the reaping life, and the scattered running is meaningless, and the hunted people are basically unable to prevent it.

As the leader, Benson finally had a line when he died, although he only barely said a few words: "Humble ..."

I wanted to say that the meanness came, but I could n’t say it later. A magic crystal hand gun suddenly appeared on the opposite side of him, almost shot against his forehead, an eye in front, a hole in the fist behind, hand gun Not a nail bullet, but a cone bullet, similar to the earth's pointed bullet warhead, but the Masonic hand gun is a high-end goods equipped by a small number of people, and the bullet is also very special, as cruel as the Dam bullet, this time Benson is Eat its own fruit.

Sorin failed to run away in the end, but he was not killed by Zhao Wenrui, but died from the shadow horseshoe crab (hou), a creature that is similar to the sea horseshoe crab (commonly known as horseshoe crab) but huge and many. ~ ~ It's more terrible than Shadow Squid.

For them, the durian is equivalent to tomato juice, the creature is French fries, the French fries wrapped in tomato juice, the fragrance spreads very far, and they will appear in the short path.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui's pursuit of killing is actually hiding them. This shadow creature is very powerful, but it is not controlled. If he is in that area, he will also be in danger.

In this way, the second wave of fast anti-war power led by Benson was completely wiped out. However, Zhao Wenrui, who switched from defensive counterattack to proactive attack, did not intend to stop there. The Black Earth Town is in front, even if it is waste utilization, it is completely possible. Throw back the Golem puppet, and mess with the other party hard. Anyway, those guys have lost their conscience, and their evil is exhausted.

With this idea in mind, Zhao Wenrui immediately took action, ignoring the problem of spell consumption, etc., after regulating the team, he flew from the shadow plane to Black Earth Town.

But after he approached Black Earth Town, some difficulties were encountered. There are no high-end casters in Black Earth Town who do n’t know, but the defense is very strict. The large magic array system is not only very unacceptable to unauthorized casters who break into its area. Friendly, even in the shadow plane, there are no leaks to drill.

In addition, he also saw the sanctuary of more than one church. Although it was only the lowest altar, it also formed a basic system of asylum and counterattack.

What's more troublesome is that some people in the town have raised shadow hounds, which made him secretly destroy, and a little bit of the plan to eat the loopholes was also defeated.

Zhao Wenrui frowned. He does n’t necessarily have to die with the Freemasonry in Black Earth Town, but he realizes that sooner or later he is going to enter the town, and taking Black Earth Town as an example, once he enters, he enters another person ’s home and clashes. He will be very passive, and he can easily switch between the main material plane and the shadow plane at a low cost. It is no longer easy to use. How should he relieve this problem?

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