Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 992: Chong-level ideas

Zhao Wenrui gazed at the shadow of the magic light in the shadow plane, like the dark night town of Hetu Town, and finally chose to calm down his mind and turn to Qiuzhai.

First merged bone beasts and puppets near the previous battlefield.

The shadow limulus has left.

The technique of summoning allies is also limited in time, and the shadow worm is no longer there.

Return to the soul puppet is mostly damaged. As Zhao Wenrui lifted the spell, he quickly turned to ashes and dissipated with the wind.

The appearance of the corpse vine, plus the busyness of the puppets, within half an hour, the battlefield was properly cleaned, the convoy was on the road, and after another half an hour, he had returned to Qiuzhai.

Seeing that the decayed spirits are not high, they continued to direct their effectiveness and continued to build this stronghold.

The sunset rises, the night falls, and there are weird cries in the forest one after another, which sounds particularly infiltrating.

Before the torture through torture, Zhao Wenrui, who collected a lot of common sense information, knew that these calls were not from beasts, but strange monsters. When the full moon approached, the strange monsters would become active. Qiuzhai was a labor-intensive wall. Weird.

It is said that strangeness is caused by the resentment of the fallen gods, which is difficult to dissipate and gradually integrates into the natural cycle. The specific circumstances vary according to divinity and environment.

Like the Holden area, its strangeness stems from the **** of desolation. It is said that there are priests of wilderness, forests, and animals in the front of the fall. Therefore, after being killed by the fall, the strangeness born also tends to be compatible with such elements. The result is a prolific tree, mountain, and animal strangeness.

The type determines the high-low tide of power, which is affected by the power of the moon, similar to the Warcraft creatures. The full moon is the most powerful period of its power, and it often impacts the human settlement.

What makes Wenrui Zhao interesting is that despite the strange monsters and their origin, the reputation of the fallen gods is not good, but the growth and fertility of forests, wild animals and fertility in this area are also amazing. This is also the fact of Qiuzhai Game sausages are sold throughout the region without being suspected of being a major cause of meat problems, otherwise where there is so much game? Even though most people in this era are illiterate, they know that hunting alone cannot support the raw material demand for large-scale meat processing.

As the saying goes, standing high and looking far, Zhao Wenrui does not have the height of C Kane, but also exerts the specialty of the traverser, and has some speculations about the environment of the world.

He believes that in this world, primitive deities and faith deities should have fought a war, just like the war between the Nordic mythology Chinese Nashen and Asa.

The primitive gods eventually failed, and their divine power caused pollution. Faith gods and members of their denominations made themselves appear magnificent by propagating the bad side of the divine power, thereby ignoring people to believe.

The actual situation is far more complicated and darker than he thought.

Of course, for now, it is not particularly important for him to understand the truth. He just needs to know that he has many enemies and few friends in this world. .

The Qiuzhai incident has come to an end. His gains are okay. The revenge value that he is most concerned about, the gold finger experience value, have all harvested a wave.

Because he already had an idea, so the total amount of experience is enough to upgrade, he will directly increase the level of Yingde to 14.

As an advanced position, Yingde needs more experience to improve, but the gain is also stronger.

Zhao Wenrui feels that if the druid is an ordinary template for extraordinary battles, and the Ashes Vow is an elite template, then the shadow druid is a hero template, and the growth brought about by its promotion is every time it crosses a big step, very Cool.

Doesn't count as an extra bonus, all of his current main attributes have already passed 20.

Strength 22, Dexterity 23, Stamina 23, Intelligence 20, Wisdom 27.

This is a DND-like data system. Such comprehensive data may not be available in the legendary order. Zhao Wenrui has such data at level 14, saying that it is similar to Thrall, Alsace, and Sylvanas of World of Warcraft. It is not an exaggeration to classify the heroes of the times, and this is how the hero template comes from.

14th-level druid, the special ability is wild transformation from 4 times a day to 5 times.

And the hero template, there is an additional special ability grid available, and it is optional.

Zhao Wenrui didn't hesitate, so he chose 'Shadow Lord'.

Shadow Lord: Shadow affinity increased by 30%, puppet spirit level main material plane +1, shadow plane +2.

This is a passive talent, whether it is shadow affinity or puppet spiritual intelligence improvement, in his view is very good.

The benefits of shadow affinity enhancement are reflected in all aspects, making him more adaptable to the environment of the shadow plane, the power of running shadows is more efficient and handy, the shadow power that can be drawn per unit time is more, and the purification effect is better ... …

And the puppet's spiritual intelligence is improved. Take the bone beast as an example. After +1, it is about the IQ of a 7-year-old child, and +2 is the IQ of an ordinary adult. Although there is still a lack of knowledge and experience, this can be accumulated.

This means that he is willing to continue to invest in this area, then the bone animal will eventually become as smart as humans. The control limit of the bone beast follows the intelligence value (excluding the extra value), which means that he can now have up to 20 skull beasts and 20 smart bone beasts at the same time, which at least represents a guard.

Moreover, the individual strength of the bone beast can be improved through a series of methods. Like this time the shadow affinity is improved, the strength of the bone beast can also be improved, because his refined shadow power can further improve the quality of the material of the bone beast, and the main attribute values ​​of the bone beast are naturally The boat rises with the water.

The revenge value is calculated separately. This time after harvesting a wave, it was just enough to awaken the new totem. This is also the first totem under the Shadow German template.

In the ashes vow state, the totem awakening requires research and development direction, knowledge reserve and other elements, while the shadow state can only be selected from the several totems given. Although the degree of freedom drops significantly, Zhao Wenrui has to admit that the heroic Produced by the system, in terms of quality, it is obviously much higher than what he himself tinkered with.

If he has ample time, sufficient resources, and a comfortable and stable living environment, he is still willing to spend more time researching, accumulating resources, developing totems that are more satisfying to him, and also completing the expansion of the Druid knowledge system, Accumulation and precipitation.

But now, to be honest, he mainly lacks a sense of security. His instinct tells him that when he met the people of the Church of Justice in the ruins of the mountain city, he still left hidden dangers. With his current strength, once found, the situation will be very dangerous.

Comparatively speaking, he is currently more concerned about the improvement of his strength. Even if the road is a bit more urgent and the technical mastery is rougher, he will first raise his strength.

Like this time, to put it bluntly, he crushed his opponent with the specialty and level of his profession. He felt that this situation was necessary to continue. Stubborn bullying, steadily harvesting, rather than playing what is weaker than strong.

He also knows that the foundation cannot be tamped and the final achievement will not be too high.

But after the ruins of the mountain city were forced to consume because of the first encounter with Lingzhi, he had some changes in thinking after repeated thinking.

He felt that before the legend, it was regarded as an ordinary rank, and the legend to the **** was a process of transformation. If the accumulation of ranks is not enough, even if this transformation process can be started, I am afraid that it will be a nine-death life.

And for him, after the legend, it is actually a new vision.

At least for now, he does not have enough confidence, patting his chest and saying I must do it.

On the other hand, since ‘Van Tier’ (levels 1-19) can be seen as a whole, it is okay to take a steady step or raise the level first and then make up the class.

Theoretically, he naturally likes to walk steadily, step by step, naturally.

But the reality is that he has already promoted seedlings, and even so, there are still hidden security risks and lack of conditions for steady growth.

Then you might as well rely on the golden finger, a super crutch, to rush up the level first, press the level against the people, and obtain various resources, so as to make up for the homework you have fallen, and then push the door of the legend.

This is also one of the reasons why he is very interested in Lucius's three axes.

Is even one of the reasons why he slayed out in the Qiuzhai incident.

In the process of quickly climbing the ranks, he prepared to use these three axes as the main means of warfare, assisted by the basic spell positions given by the Shadow German system.

Under such circumstances, the less information his people know, the better, so that he can rely on one trick and three axe to go all the way.

As the saying goes, the dead cannot speak, but in this world, you have to add a sentence: if the target is scattered, the more insurance it becomes.

Therefore, since the beginning of the war, his methods have been fierce and fierce, and the actions of these Freemasonry people are worthy of this level of treatment. Anyway, Zhao Wenrui has no guilt to kill them, even if he knows that these people are also parents Yes, there are wives and children, and a family to support; know that according to the universal morality of the earth, there are basically no good people in this world.

Therefore, it is not because of self-confessed justice, nor because of men's secondary illness, or in retaliation, but only because of selfishness and selfishness.

Zhao Wenrui's newly selected totem is called 'sacrificial offering'.

This totem allows him to temporarily ascend the state through the sacrifice ceremony. The highest state bonus is 300%.

For example, if he sacrificed the sanctuary in the underground dome of the wasteland, he could temporarily exchange for 300% of the state.

Zhao Wenrui feels that if this totem is used well, it can be regarded as a god-level anti-kill.

Then he sacrificed Qiuzhai ...

The main value of Qiuzhai is that he is a complete and integrated ecosystem that spans the main material plane and the shadow plane.

C Kane recognized the sacrifice and returned 170% of the temporary status bonus through the fire.

Sacrifice was originally an operation focused on gods and demons, and like nature, which has only attributes and no conscious existence, the feedback is often given by the most direct power. Something wrong.

As for Qiuzhai, to tell the truth, his technical value is very low for C Kane, but C Kane ’s principle of ‘poverty alleviation’ has not changed, and the salary of the Huohu naturally does not mind Zhao Wenrui taking advantage, rather than equivalent exchange.

After obtaining a temporary high-level status bonus, Zhao Wenrui immediately carried out a round of upgrades to various creatures based on bone beasts, such as material refining and spell shaping.

In this way, even if his strength is temporarily outdated, the quality of the creation will not fall. He is clearly only at level 14, but the bone beast has the strength close to level 16.

Also took the opportunity to digest the material obtained from this incident. The bone beast alone created three extra heads. Although it can't go to the battlefield, it can be used as a reserve force. Once the frontline is down, you can top it up.

In addition to the bone beast, Zhao Wenrui also used the vehicles used by Benson for their second operation to build a fleet for himself.

He not only repaired five cars, but also made a series of magical changes. Using the Six Ring Druid spell, the main material of the car, the iron and wood, was replaced with a harder diamond wood than ordinary steel.

At the same time, the car is also like a nomadic Lele car, with a larger proportion of wheels, wider, and four wheels, pulled by two skulls.

With this convoy, the seized materials, raw materials for keeping bone animals for a long time, etc., can carry more.

Before, he used bone-bearing animals as pack animals, and followed him on the shadow plane with his supplies. The main reason was that the sacred wasteland could not collect even the big trees that could be used together, and the ordinary wood Zhao Wenrui couldn't look down on.

This time, the property of Freemasonry became his seizure and then went further in his hands.

Zhao Wenrui even thought about transforming 1-3 of them into ecological RVs, which get the basic attributes of the main material plane inside.

In this way, he can basically realize the team submarine, only need to cut off time to the main material plane ‘breathable’, most of the time in the shadow plane.

This wave of promotion took around 22 hours.

When the highest person in charge of the Freemason Holden gathered a team of 300 people, dredged the joints, and under the banner of saving the people in the border town, the mighty kill to Qiuzhai, Zhao Wenrui had left.

Masonic people do not know that Qiuzhai has been sacrificed ~ ~ What they see is a large area shrouded in magic fog.

A squad of mages, including a mystic magus at the level of Dafa, tried to dispel the magic fog, but failed. This allowed the Freemasonry to improve its opponent's strength assessment in this incident.

They did not give up, and the digital black blade approached Qiuzhai from the shadow plane to collect intelligence. Among them, the worst strength was also at the level of Solin. As a result, they never entered again.

The mystics even used two nine-ring spell scrolls in an attempt to dissolve the magic fog with the power of wind and fire, but they had little effect, and even caused a wave of counterattacks. More than a hundred people fell into the swirling magic fog and disappeared. .

This time, Freemasonry confirmed that he had kicked the iron plate, evacuated in vain, and reported upward.

The Freemasonry headquarters quickly replied, and there will be legends coming soon, and they will take action in person. Holden branch will not act rashly in the near future and increase losses.

In this way, because of the endorsement of the salary fire assigned by C Kane (Qiu Zhai was used as a window to collect living bodies for various experiments), Zhao Wenrui ’s power was overestimated, and the strength of the Freemason Holden branch contracted , According to the soldiers, Zhao Wenrui acted conveniently.

In the early morning of the third day after leaving Qiuzhai, Zhao Wenrui, in order to obtain resources, blood-washed the Freemasonry ’s largest magic crystal mine in Holton ...

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