Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 993: Knowledge

Autumn rain has been dripping all night, and there is still no want to stop.

The mine has been burned to white ground, the houses and facilities of the past, now only the burnt wood and gravel, the rain fell on it, and it turned into a plume of steam rising, snorting, and in some places, the scorching continued , With a hint of green smoke.

Gladstone tightened his coat under his poncho and turned his eyes to the miners shivering in the rain. They were thin, dirty, rickety, their heads lowered, and occasionally glanced at the heavily armed soldiers with a wince. Anxiously waiting for the verdict.

A forty-year-old man with a splayed beard, shyly admiring the general's belly, trotting around, and reporting with a flattering face: "Inspector General, the miners in the vicinity have all assembled, what instructions do you have?"

Gladstone made a smile, but there was no smile. "Minister Cecil, it is your power and responsibility to deal with the issue of the jurisdiction. How can I exceed the power?" Said a gesture of invitation.

"I'm yelling" Cecil scolded in his heart: "It's a good word, Qiuzhai is not your fuckin's hand and finger? The action failed, but I want to bear the pot together ..."

Like many large organizations that have existed for some years, there is also quite a bit of a mess between the headquarters and branches of Freemasonry.

Because the headquarters holds the secrets of the system, has a strong direct combat power, and a perfect inspection system, the branches are not too big, and the rotation system can not be implemented.

Mainly because when the Freemasonry established its branch, it was to support the local obedient forces to rise to the top. Over time, the ground bugs turned into ground snakes, and the relationship was intertwined. Coupled with regional and customs issues, it can be described as very complicated. The airborne minister simply was not satisfied with it.

What ’s more, Freemasonry is not without its opponents. Foreign enemies are eyeing and rushing to rectify vigorously will only make every branch self-defeating, and the situation of centrifugal separation is becoming more and more serious.

Therefore, the grandpa at the headquarters can only start from the dues of the membership fee, more exploitative, strong direct, and deter the branch, so that they do not dare to go too far.

But in fact, the headquarters is also lined with factions, there are intrigues and all kinds of corruption.

Therefore, in one sentence, the big ship of Freemasonry has passed its peak period, trying to maintain it, and moving forward slowly. The crew members are careful about their own interests, not the people in their positions and due diligence.

For such a status quo, Gladstone and Cecil naturally knew it, and even Zhao Wenrui had a general idea.

This is a veteran tiger with a lot of trauma. It is really dangerous to slap the tiger's beard and touch the tiger's hood. However, the probability of success is indeed very high when you slap from the side.

Of course, the main reason for Zhao Wenrui to have such an idea was that he took the initiative to taste the sweetness.

In terms of combat, it can be said that there is no good at all. He did not even use the bone beast, but almost used the technique of "calling natural allies".

From the first ring to the sixth ring, each ring has a corresponding summoning natural ally. If each ring spell slot prepares a spell of this series, it can form a Warcraft war group.

What's more interesting is that the echelon from low to high level can completely complete the arrangement of the strength and the strength of the troops.

For example, Shadow Anaconda is a six-ring shadow ally, Shadow Anaconda is a three-ring shadow ally, Shadow Anaconda can summon four heads at a time, and Shadow Anaconda is 12. Their guarding partners can complement each other and make up for the lack of frequency of Shadow Anaconda's attack. Shadow Python has a problem with high attack and high defense targets.

Combined with the charge ability of Mangbei, the cobweb ability of Shadow Spider, the magic fog ability of Shadow Squid (7 rings) ...

Such a team with spell-like skills in all arms, naturally the overall combat power is very good.

What's more, Zhao Wenrui sat down, Shadow Crow, Shadow Shadow Vine and various spells support.

In addition to the haunting of free access to the shadow plane, the defenders of the mine can be said to be abused from the beginning to the end. They were first turned around and exhausted, waiting for their active combat strength to decrease, morale fell and fell, thinking When I was about to evacuate, I realized that even if my opponent was directly facing them from the beginning, they could be crushed. The only reason why I played the mode of boiling frogs in warm water for a while was because I wanted to kill them all!

Actually Zhao Wenrui had such thoughts from the beginning. After all, some secret investigation before the war did not find the existence of a master who could bear the concept of ‘variable’.

However, the Masonic guards at the mine did not guess why Zhao Wenrui used warm water to cook the frog.

At least didn't guess.

One of the main reasons why he used this tactic was that he did not want to give the guards the opportunity to hostage miners as hostages and cannon fodder.

Although he knew that poverty and weakness did not equal kindness, and even saw firsthand how the poor oppressed the lower-ranking minions, he chose not to spread the miners as much as possible from the beginning.

At the same time, he didn't want to be seen by the mine guards because he was concerned about the miners' casualties, so he used this tactic to show the enemy's weakness at the same time, and promote the guerrilla style of running and running. The number of attacks is the main one, and it creates a situation in which someone is rescued without knowing exactly where they are.

In this way, the mine guards thought that they had the advantage, the geographical position, the number of people, and the total combat power were on their side, but the other party was quite cunning and ruthless.

Under such a recognition, the mine guards' coping style is more like playing whack-a-mole, divided into several teams, where to hit their heads.

And in Zhao Wenrui's eyes, this is equivalent to being divided into small pieces and small pieces by his scheme.

So it is like a cut steak, no need to gobble up, no need to worry about being choked, but a comfortable bite to eat quickly.

After all, Zhao Wenrui and his subordinates have the advantage of a shadow plane approach, and this advantage is further increased in a three-dimensional area with a labyrinth like a mine.

Facing the fire attack of the Zhao Wenrui regiment, a handful and a handful of mine guards could be said to have no suspense. They were completely slaughtered.

After killing the guards of the mine and a part of the dog legs close to the guards, Zhao Wenrui successfully deterred the miners who tried to robbery.

He did not show the liberator's traits of saving suffering, but played the set that the mountain bandits joined.

Mountain bandits joined, the main feature is not to force the good to bandits, but to trade names.

He also added an additional article, taking ‘Shadow Poison’, which was plainly the Shadow Druid version of ‘Three Corpse Brain God Pills’. Pills are both beneficial and poisonous, and regularly take depressing drugs, otherwise they will die of poison.

As a result, he saw the deceitfulness of the poor. Only a small number of people were willing to really join the group. Most people chose to make a trade name, and then share the food with others.

And this very few part of the occupants, roughly divided into three categories.

The first category, knowing that the body is weak and weak, can not run away at all. This kind of people is the most, basically they are mineral slaves, their bodies and bones have been tortured, and they do n’t have much time to live.

Of course, I also want to live, after all, the most difficult and only die.

So for these people, joining the Zhao Wenrui gang is mainly a gambling idea.

The second category, opportunists. This category is also predominantly a mineral slave.

The Masonic identity of the Freemasonry has been mixed, including the captives of the hostile forces.

These people have some skills, some knowledge, a little brain, and no lack of courage. They are not willing to be killed in the mine and have been secretly looking for opportunities.

And Zhao Wenrui is a good opportunity for them. This opportunity is not just for joining forces. It also includes finding out the details of Zhao Wenrui, monopolizing information for others, or building a bridge for his old club.

These people know that the empty handed surrender is the most embarrassing. First climb out of the trough, and then prepare, the situation will be very different.

The third category, where there is nowhere to go, is willing to follow Zhao Wenrui to see if it can be mixed up.

The least number of such people, the miners and miners in the entire mine add up to a thousand people, and none of them have double digits.

Generally speaking, there are basically no one who joins with the heart of gratitude; few are willing to gamble and join, and most of them have paid their names, and then they are divided into some rations.

As for the nomination, he actually worked under Zhao Wenrui's assignment and participated in the incineration of the mine.

In essence, this is not an ordinary burning, but a sacrifice.

Before the sacrifice, Zhao Wenrui was not determined, but had a try attitude.

Didn't expect it to work, and the harvest was beyond his imagination.

Goldfinger system provides more choices, in addition to obtaining temporary additional strength improvement, it can also be settled by experience value or material.

That is to say, the totem spell of sacrifice, even opened the store system.

For Zhao Wenrui, who was trying to quickly upgrade his rank, this discovery was naturally a boon to him.

So he completed the sacrifice ceremony as required and sacrificed the entire mine.

Gained experience value, let him go to 15th level, but also one-third more experience.

He consciously, this alone, he made a lot of money in this trip to the Magic Crystal Mine. After all, level 15 is a watershed for an extraordinary battle. After reaching level 15, he can be added to the front of the battle.

So what's so specific?

First is the 8th-level spell slot. There are more powerful techniques, such as the death finger, returning to the truth (transmitting back to the marked location, similar to the rubbing stone of World of Warcraft), and so on.

Second special ability, it can become super large animals, such as tyrannosaurus, adult shadow squid, shadow horseshoe crab and so on. In addition, they live a youthful and permanent effect.

And Yingde as a hero template battle, and then give a special ability (optional)

Zhao Wenrui chose ‘Master of Shadow Demon’ this time.

Lord of Shadow Demon: Gain the skill of making Shadow Demon. For each Shadow Demon, Shadow Affinity is + 1%.

Remarks: The upper limit of the number of shadow demon is always a multiple of the level of the main battle of the shadow demon.

Is currently 2 times, that is to say, Zhao Wenrui can build 30 shadow demon.

As for shadow demon, it can be said that they are witches that use the power of shadow, but they are not partial spells, but melee, dexterity, high attack, and their own defense is not high, but there are three major skills. Shields, blurs, life boxes, so it's not brittle.

Zhao Wenrui feels that the Lord of Shadow Demon is very suitable for the extra special ability ‘Shadow Lord’ obtained at level 14.

Just look at the name, you know it is a series. The shadow demon plus shadow affinity, 30 shadow demon into place, is a 30% increase in affinity.

His shadow affinity is already 90%, continue to improve, beyond 100%, is bound to have another unusual increase.

That is to say, by increasing the affinity of the shadow, he is walking on the Kangzhuang Avenue which becomes the shadow lord.

And Shadow Demon can be said to be an upgrade of the soul class of his four puppets.

Was originally a necromantic spell. He did not want to invest too much in this area, so he had a cannon foe puppet.

However, the Shadow Demon has made this system a big step, and it belongs to the Shadow Series.

Because of creating shadow demon, it involves slave soul and body refining, which is made with shadow flame.

This is equivalent to giving him a basic method, which can be used to upgrade the shell material of the bone beast.

And slave soul (slavery soul), can make his shadow crow mimicry to a higher level.

At the same time, the creation of the Shadow Demon makes the body of the soul-relieving puppet no longer rot and expire, which is equivalent to saving a lot of cost.

Therefore, after careful calculation, the price / performance ratio is not generally high, and it suits his appetite, he is naturally happy.

Also, since it is a hero template, he has been able to touch the power of the field since level 15.

Generally does not start until the 18th level, and his early exposure to the strength of the field is a comprehensive increase in overall strength, because the field he chooses is the shadow.

Considering that he needs some time to convert the benefits brought by the level upgrade into strength, plus the full moon is approaching, and strange activities are intensifying, Zhao Wenrui decided to find a place to sleep and rest for a few days.

Finally, after some consideration, he chose the old town as a place to stay.

The old town is a ruin of a town that was captured by strange monsters in its early years.

There are several reasons why people did not rebuild on the ruins.

First is the issue of drinking water.

Draught in the old town, including farming, is all by the well.

The groundwater veins in the old town are well-developed, and the wells are built on the water veins. The well water is sweet and the crops irrigated by it are exceptionally high-quality. The wine brewed with the well water and food here was very popular.

The old town was founded by the wine industry ~ ~ It was a strange disaster, the water vein became a soldier's path, and the water was contaminated and could not be eaten again, which became the main reason why people gave up here.

The second is the huge loss at the beginning. The strange monster was killed from the well. The inside and outside cooperated, captured the old town, and caused a fire. A large amount of liquor, lees, and straw became combustion aids, and too much investment in reconstruction.

The third reason is that Lin Jinren retreated because of lack of manpower.

Since the strange monster captured the town, the loss of personnel was also very large, and the remaining people were not enough to cope with the erosion of the wilderness. Therefore, people voted for relatives and friends, and people were integrated into other villages and towns.

Zhao Wenrui and his entourage visited the old town, and they saw the scene of the deep ruins of the vegetation. The original farmland and roads have been replaced by trees and weeds. The ruins are also badly eroded, even if they are close to 50 meters. Neng Yingduo saw some broken walls and ruins and some broken houses.

Zhao Wenrui didn't care about these things. He didn't need too much support. He could build a dwelling in a short period of time by relying on the technique, not to mention that there was a batch of materials recovered from the mine that could be used.

He chose here because he thought that the strange disaster in the old town was likely to have some special hidden feelings. This hidden sentiment is likely to involve the secret of the **** of desolation. And he is ambitiously thinking, can he put the power of the **** of abandonment into nature? Even if you ca n’t do it, you can sacrifice if you have any important ruins ...

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