Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 994: Overweight

The miners and miners who followed Zhao Wenrui woke up from sleep and found that they were in very good condition, with energy and strength, that was hungry to scratch their hearts and lungs, and seemed to be bored in the sultry latrine in summer Hourly, sticky and smelly.

Their mysterious new master still didn't show up, and still told them what to do with a whisper of ears.

Camping, this is a very comprehensive job, including the establishment of temporary housing, washing, burying pots to make rice, etc.

Getting off the car, these talents found that the time is really early, and the place is desolate, no matter what they do, they must hurry up.

Soon, people realized that the work they needed to do was not as complicated as they thought.

Many jobs are already half done, they just need to make up for it.

For example, the camp account has been cleared and the frame has been set up. You only need to cover the tomb cloth and fix it. The camp account is considered complete.

For example, for washing and cooking, dry firewood and drinking water are readily available. There are no shortage of pots and barrels, and there are even existing stone pools. Then just burn hot water and inject it into the stone pool. Take a hot bath.

There is nothing more to say about the diet. For those who have not eaten a full meal for a long time, the ingredients provided by Zhao Wenrui are completely rich, enough for them to eat a meal.

Once someone was worried about safety, after all, it was really wild here, the grass was half a person tall, in the distance Lin Mishan was high, and near it was the ruins.

In this world, such obviously abandoned villages and towns basically have all kinds of dangers, and they are not good places to live in.

However, when they saw that the "God Trees" were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they produced fruits that glowed and illuminated, and saw the thorns growing between the "God Trees", weaving into a fence automatically, it was natural to be at ease .

They already knew that the newly entrusted mysterious master was powerful, but being powerful did not mean that they would care about them. In their eyes, Freemasonry is also very strong, but Freemasonry is more than bad and simple?

And now it seems that they are at least properties that will not be easily abandoned, and it is worth investing in magical power to protect them.

This is very good. Although they also understand the truth of ‘being courteous to others, there must be something to ask for’, they still have some small expectations for the future.

The reason is also simple. After so much tossing, this new master obviously didn't want their life. At least in the short term, don't worry about the new master harming them.

Has to say that the ‘input-output analysis’ of the miners is simple, but it points directly to the essence.

Zhao Wenrui did not intend to use these people as cannon fodder, but intended to use relatively complicated methods with large investment and long training period to transform these people into advanced shadow demon.

Theoretically, he should be easy first, then difficult, starting with creating low-level shadow demon, accumulating experience, and then seeking high-end products.

But since he discovered the trading function of Goldfinger, his mind became active a lot at once. And he feels that although these followers are not difficult, they may not have similar opportunities in the future and should be cherished.

Such a cognition stems from some of his personal experiences.

In his past life memories, it was easy to make money, but at the time, I did not understand that it was easy. In fact, the environment was good. Plus he stepped on the right point and entered when a new industry was booming. Easy money.

When the industry is mature, a large amount of capital and people are pouring in, more and more rules, more and more fierce competition, and the unspoken rules are also born in time, making it harder to make money, even if you have a first-hand advantage, you need more investment Just fine.

This experience makes him proud, and will not be rampant and profligate, but always maintain a respect, a humble, and a thrifty.

This is true of property, as well as people. Not to mention that his extraordinary career is now just on the track. Even if he has a great achievement, he has to plan ahead. Think about the truth of ‘born in sorrow and died in peace.’

No words for a night. From the next day, Zhao Wenrui did the work of the grassroots commander, leading a group of miners to train, learn and work.

In his past life, he joined the teaching brigade because of his excellent professional ability, specializing in the training of the grassroots backbone of the army, and has interacted with civil organizations many times, such as public prosecutors and bailiffs, and short-term military training in universities.

Therefore has rich and solid training experience, knowing how to start and how to train.

Of course, these experiences are actually fake, and C Kane arranged for self-consistent memory.

After all, the most precious period of Kane ’s previous life was grown up step by step as a reincarnation. Many of the memories related to combat have been engraved in the soul and cannot be stripped away.

Under such circumstances, C Kane could not completely strip this kind of memory when creating a human avatar, which would lead to memory insufficiency and personality breakdown, so he compiled some self-consistent past.

Zhao Wenrui, who is self-proclaimed as an excellent soldier, has faded away the glorious clothes of defending his country and defending his country. Instead, he is like a mercenary, trying to improve his business level for himself, and bringing new recruits.

In addition, he also obtained the relevant technology of the killer level through golden fingers. After mastering it, he was very itchy and he just took these miners to practice.

As for the specific content of the technology, it is actually the brainwashing domestication technique derived from the Hydra. After the first order is sorted out, it has been systematized. Especially after some auxiliary technology equipment was replaced by extraordinary means, even C. Kane looked at I feel that the dry goods are full, creative, and operable. Of course, it is also very dark, which is definitely a distortion of human nature.

When Zhao Wenrui started a new round of technology transformation project, Masonic Inspector General Clayston and Holden Division ’s Minister Cecil were worried about the mine.

Originally thought that the mine was only subjected to a vicious looting, as long as the production team was rebuilt, it could continue to operate.

In this respect, Cecil is still somewhat proud. Because most of the miners did not escape because the guards were completely destroyed, but they stayed obediently and waited for the presence of branch officials.

Even so, Cecil did not treat these people lightly, and punished them for three months of work, which was a punishment for their assistance in burning down the mine facilities, and the materials distributed to them by Zhao Wenrui were naturally confiscated. It belongs to the mine.

Cecil felt that these pariahs could not give a good face, and they must be kept in awe of fear in order to work hard and honestly.

Unfortunately, soon he was not in a mood to consider these issues. Because one of the people who entered the mine was counted, all were missing.

This is naturally the skill of Huohuo.

Salar is not like Zhao Wenrui, but also has some cheap kindness. In the cognition of the Firefire, the human status of this world is one grade lower than that of the Martian 199999 universe's native aborigines, which is equal to the fluidization of those corpses.

This is tantamount to saying that for the Zhihuo Zhinao, no one in this world can be used as an experimental mouse, there is nothing wrong with it.

The completion of the sacrifice by Zhao Wenrui is a kind of channel establishment and resource reception for the Salary. It's like a mountain forest. Joining the migration of animals, it is naturally the property of the owner of this mountain forest.

Salary even intended to attract the attention of the high-end combat power of this world through this overwhelming occupation, and then collect the battle information through torture.

In this way, the Magic Crystal Mine has become another mound, but this time it is a mysterious cave, and the surface area is not magically atomized.

Both Cecil and Gladstone sent good players to investigate, and even sent the miners with luck to test, to see if they were the enemies who dominated the mines, and they could still open up the miners.

The result is naturally a big failure, no matter what the identity of the person, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappeared without a trace.

This allowed Cecil and Gladstone to fully experience the suffering of Benson at the beginning, just like gamblers borrowing money and gambling hoping to get their money back, but the result was deeper.

Things have reached this point, and a hat that does not work well can't run away. Both of them are very, very concerned about authority, and also know that, with their age and resume, if this Kaner can't get through, the best result may be that they will end in disappointment and retire early.

After all, he used to use all means to do his best. Now, if he recites the words, there are certainly many people who have fallen.

Jianghu people's golden basin is difficult to wash their hands, they want to abdicate safely, it is impossible to die, even if they have to die.

Thinking of this serious consequence, both of them were trembling and could not sleep at night.

In the end, it was Gladstone's position. He interviewed Cecil and told the other party straight away that they are both in trouble now, and they were given little time to resolve the trouble.

Freemasonry has several legendary strongmen sitting in town, and is even closely related to certain churches. This is the main reason why they can have a place in the real ruling circle of the kingdom.

As far as Freemasonry is concerned, Qiuzhai is at most a logistics node for the money industry. Not very important.

What is important is the Masonic face.

Killing people, looting, this is already a very bad face, and it still has its own, which is already a blatant provocation.

If you can't find this place, you can get rid of other organizations or denominations, today you anonymously grab a hand, and tomorrow he will occupy an anonymous place, how will the Masonic life go?

So the gangs of the rivers and lakes, the country, not to mention this kind of thing, really can't counsel, as soon as counseling, it is likely to slip into the situation where the wolves bite the tiger.

On the one hand, strategic deterrence is not suitable for light movement. This is like a bandit in a border area that will not lose its nuclear weapons.

Therefore, there was a joint operation led by the Inspector General of Gladstone and the Secretary of the Department of Holton, Cecil. If this joint force can be balanced, it is best, if it is not balanced, at least enough intelligence must be collected to complete the task.

Someone over there also thought that the tiger beard who dared to fight Freemasonry was not an ordinary force, but an old enemy in a fictitious situation, which could not cope well, and might even start a power war.

But what makes Gladstone and Cecil feel sick is that they have not completed their basic tasks.

There was a lot of manpower lost in Qiuzhai, but there was not much useful information collected; it was not so good. The magic crystal mine came out again. return.

Freemasonry's eyeliner is gone, so they don't need to report. What happened here is probably already placed on the desks of several bigwigs in the form of written reports.

Next, I am afraid that the legendary strong man came.

After all, related sounds have been released before, so it may have no intention to deter opponents.

But now it seems that the opponent is not only determined to fight against Freemasonry, but also really has the strength to fight.

Greston and Cecil worried that once the war started, the two would be sacrificed by Freemasonry.

With the past urination of Freemasonry, this kind of thing is completely done.

Is justified, but it is used as a sacrifice to kill others, in exchange for the fear and effort of others.

"The channel, I have, the human relationship, and I am willing to sacrifice. But this property is ..."

Gleston told Cecil that he hired a legend to help solve the problem.

Cecil is also a smart person, but the inspector general is fat, which area to go to, it is even eating and taking. Gladstone has been in this position for almost 10 years. To say that he has not accumulated, he is the first Unbelief, after all, his filial piety over the years is worth two top farms in Holden.

But at this time, he still had to compliment: "The name of Lord Gladstone's integrity is spread far ..."

Exaggerated for a long time, Cecil finally said, please the legendary strongman to intervene, Holden branch is willing to take a big shot. He also said that the local people are willing to raise funds, please let the legendary shots, and a large and prosperous village.

This is actually part of the annual income from the Holden branch, and part of the forced distribution.

Gladstone frowned. He was not very satisfied with the result.

He intended to solve the problem in the name of a private person and give an explanation to the organization.

Cecile's approach is tantamount to public affairs. After all, whether it is to withdraw money from the annual income of the Holden branch, or to engage in apportionment, it is necessary to go to the public account.

This account, even if it was done later, is equivalent to admitting all the faults so far. It was later that the property and manpower were used to solve the problem.

Gladstone asked with a sullen face: "It seems that you intend to admit that you are doing something bad during this time."

Cecile did not like this time to be flattering, and said: "No, I just think that this time, the legendary strongman has come, and I am afraid it will not necessarily be done."

Glaston took a breath.

He naturally understood what Cecil meant.

First, if the legendary strongman can't figure it out, then Cecil and his losses are really justifiable.

Second, spend money to ask foreign aid, lost or pitted ~ ~ and their own legend is defeated or pitted, there is a big gap. The former does not lose the high-level combat power, and the loss is not too heavy. You can adjust the strategy in time according to the situation.

Thinking about it, Glaston asked: "What evidence makes you think that the legendary might not be able to do it?"

Cecile replied: "There is no evidence of the shot. I just based on my understanding of the legendary strongman, I feel that placing them in this opponent's position, most of them can not be done so neatly."

"Anything is planned?"

"Then I would think that even if the legendary might get involved, the other party would have arrived early in the morning and there was a way to deal with it."

"If you mainly rely on good luck, do you do it so neatly?"

Cecil replied: "Then I will bet that the other party's luck will continue to be good." And said: "Monitoring people, the border area is not more comfortable than the inland, I still understand the comprehensive literacy of his subordinates. The strength is not bad, and the vigilance is not bad, especially after the Qiuzhai incident, but it is still annihilated, and no one escaped. I feel that if I still refuse to admit that I met a powerful opponent, I am insulting my IQ! "

Gladstone didn't speak, but his eyes narrowed slowly. After a while, he seemed to have made a certain determination, with a bit of teeth gritted and said: "So, what do you think of the two legends, together? "

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