Heathcliff shrugged his shoulders, tapped lightly in the void, found the menu for applying for combat, and sent a decision application to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo took one look and confirmed without hesitation.

At this time, a one-minute countdown slowly popped up in the void.

Lin Mo slowly put his hand on the hilt of the sword behind him, slowly pulled it out, and pointed the tip of the sword diagonally at the ground.

He did not intend to use the two-sword style from the beginning, but kept it as a trump card that could produce unexpected effects at critical moments.

As the countdown approached, the atmosphere between the two gradually began to become heavy. Heizkelev put on a serious expression.

As the countdown approached, the atmosphere between the two gradually began to become heavy. Heizkelev put on a serious expression.

He wanted to try and see what the gap was between him and Lin Mo!

When the countdown in the time void reached 0, Lin Mo's figure suddenly disappeared.


There was a faint sound of obstruction passing through the air. Heathcliff looked at the empty field in front of him, quickly raised the shield in his hand, and turned around sharply.

· ·······Please ask for flowers··· ·······

Immediately afterwards, a long sword suddenly flashed and hit Hezcliff's cross shield with a strong light of skill, making a Clang! sound.

Lin Mo's first attack was blocked by Heathcliff's cross shield.

Sparks were flying.

Heathcliff looked at Lin Mo who was close at hand through the gap in the shield, his eyebrows tightly knitted together, because Lin Mo's physical attributes had exceeded his expectations.

He didn't have time to think about it, Lin Mo's attack was like a phantom, with a clever whistling sound, and came over like a tide in an instant.

.... ... ...

Heathcliff held the shield tightly and relied on his powerful dynamic vision to capture Lin Mo's sword light.

He kept moving the cross shield to defend against Lin Mo's attacks.

“Clang Clang Clang Clang!!!”

The sound of continuous metal collisions made the audience shout louder.

Heathcliff aimed at a small opening in Lin Mo's fierce attack, and thrust his cross shield forward.

Lin Mo saw Heathcliff's sudden counterattack and quickly raised the 'Abyss Devourer' to block it in front of him.

The next moment, Lin Mo's footsteps slipped back a few steps with an impact that was like a collision.

Before it was over, at the moment when he defeated Lin Mo, Heathcliff lowered his body slightly, and then shot forward. He placed the cross shield in front of him with his left hand, and with his right hand, Holding the white long sword tightly, as he approached Lin Mo, the long sword suddenly lit up with white light and thrust forward like lightning!

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250 Fierce collision!

Just when Heathcliff's sword was about to pierce Lin Mo's chest, Lin Mo quickly swung the Abyss Devouring Twister in front of him, with the sword tip facing down, and blocked his attack with the hilt.

Immediately afterwards, the other hand, with a rich light, hit Hezcliff's shield, making a muffled sound. The powerful force made his body take a few steps back involuntarily, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He didn't expect that Lin Mo would actually use the other one to attack. He had held the cross shield in front of him before, expecting that he would probably be able to resist his attack, so he used the cross shield to defend against his attack. For a moment, he attacked Lin Mo with the side of the cross shield.


I didn't expect that your strength could adapt to improvisation so quickly!

From a distance of more than 1 meter, Heizkelev couldn't help but praise him.

Each other...

Lin Mo replied indifferently, but from the hand he was holding tightly on the Devourer of the Abyss, it could be clearly seen that his hand seemed to shake a bit when he received Heathcliff's attack. But he quickly regained his composure!

It's a pity...

Heathcliff suddenly shook his head, with a look of regret on his face, as if victory had long been his.

Lin Mo could naturally understand what he meant from his expression, and then he snorted coldly, and his figure rose up again. Without any unnecessary attacks, he just swung his sword and hit his shield.

Since you are so confident in your own strength, give it a try! In the end, is your power stronger, or am I stronger than you!

The huge force he felt from the shield made Heathcliff's face start to look very ugly. Unexpectedly, the attack just now was not Lin Mo's full strength!

Lin Mo looked at Heathcliff's face, laughed disdainfully, held the hand of the Devourer of the Abyss, and suddenly exerted force!

Heathcliff felt an unparalleled power suddenly coming from his cross shield, and his face became even more ugly.

I didn't expect you still have some energy left...

Lin Mo did not answer him, nor did he bother to answer. Instead, he used the hand holding the Devourer of the Abyss to suddenly exert force again! He wants to use his own strength to tell him the gap between you and me!


In the end, Heathcliff's steps gradually became unsteady, and it could be seen that there was already a hint of intention to kneel down in it. Gritting his teeth, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to compete with Lin Mo for strength. He turned his figure to the side, and Lin Mo's sword edge also fell off the cross shield, and struck at Heathcliff's body not far away. on the ground.

A big hole was created!

Even the audience suddenly let out a series of exclamations. It seemed that even they were incredible that Lin Mo's explosion could be so powerful!

Even the audience suddenly let out a series of exclamations. It seemed that even they were incredible that Lin Mo's explosion could be so powerful!

Heathcliff only felt a cold wind passing by, and his pupils shrank instantly, because Lin Mo did not give him a chance to breathe, and with the sound of howling wind, he slashed towards his head!

Heathcliff could only use his cross shield to resist his attack. A muffled sound was heard immediately, and the powerful force prompted his figure to take a few steps back again!

And his blood bar suddenly dropped a little!

Because just as he was retreating, Lin Mo's ready-to-attack right fist struck his defenseless chest, and his sword seemed to have become a decoration, and Lin Mo had no chance at all. Method!

If they were evenly matched just now, then only Lin Mo has the upper hand now! Heathcliff could only fight back passively. Every time he wanted to attack, Lin Mo's figure was like a ghost, not giving him a chance at all.

The audience in the auditorium has not stopped shouting until now. Whenever Lin Mo's attack suppresses Hezikelev, there will often be a bigger wave than before!

You are very fast and powerful! I made a miscalculation in this battle...

Heathcliff stood not far away, looking at Lin Mo with a stern face, and suddenly felt a sense of shame.

A dignified administrator! It's actually not as good as ordinary players. If you say it, it will make people laugh. In fact, that's exactly the case!

Oh? When you say this, does it mean you want to admit defeat?

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and the Abyss Devourer flashed past in front of him.

After all, I am also a public figure. If I admit defeat in this state, it will not be good for my reputation if word spreads. So until the end, it is not certain who will lose and who will win!

Heathcliff took a deep breath, stared at Lin Mo and said.

Really? What a pity!

Lin Mo made the exact same gesture as Heathcliff just now, and that contemptuous look in his eyes made him feel a little angry for some unknown reason.

The battle horn sounds again!

Only this time, the roles of the two are reversed! Heathcliff changed from passive defense to active attack! The long sword in his right hand lit up with the light representing the light of skill! And for some reason, his figure looked much taller to others!

Hidden behind the shield, Heathcliff's figure once again launched an attack on Lin Mo. Staring into Lin Mo's eyes, there was a hint of coldness...

This time! It will be time to decide the winner!

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251 The second sword!

Heathcliff's figure was like a tiger, rushing towards Lin Mo instantly with a strong momentum. The long sword held tightly in his right hand stabbed Lin Mo's chest with a faint light and shadow!

Lin Mo looked at Heizkelev who was fighting hard, a sneer appeared on his lips, his figure moved slightly, and then he rushed towards him like an arrow from a string! Waving his arms, the one-handed sword in his hand left a blue light in the void!


The one-handed swords held by the two collided fiercely, sputtering out a faint spark, and sending out shock waves from the center of the two at the same time.

The two swords were shaking uneasily.


There was a slight friction sound caused by the clash of swords. Heziklev held his shield horizontally and slammed into Lin Mo with the roaring wind!

Just when the shield was about to hit Lin Mo, he was suddenly held down by a big hand! Hezhiklev looked at the owner of this big hand in astonishment, yes! It's Lin Mo!

Lin Mo did not choose to use the two-sword style to resist the attack from the other side of Heizkelev. Instead, he used his hands as weapons to forcefully resist Heizkelev's attack using his shield! Although he will suffer a little damage, it is enough for Lin Mo now!

The Abyss Devourer immediately flew away Heathcliff's sword, and at the same time, he swung down mercilessly towards his body exposed in the air with the blade shining with the light of his skills! As long as Lin Mo's attack hits, then Heathcliff, who represents the 'myth of invincibility', will no longer exist, but will exist as Lin Mo's defeated general!

At this critical moment, Heathcliff's pupils shrank and he stared at Lin Mo's long sword with the light of skill flashing on the blue blade! His mind was going crazy, he couldn't lose! He wants to lose too!

Lost to the man who once brought fear to me!

Then a determined look flashed in his eyes. In this case, Lin Mo's attack by Heathcliff must not be avoided, but there are always exceptions.

Just when Lin Mo's long sword was about to cut across his body, Heathcliff's shield quickly crossed in front of him at an incredible speed! When Lin Mo came to his senses, the long sword in his hand slid along the side of the shield, facing him!

And Heathcliff stabbed Lin Mo in the back with the long sword that had just been thrown away!

This sudden change not only did not surprise Lin Mo, but it also made the cold color in his eyes even worse!

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Heizikelev's mouth.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Heizikelev's mouth.

The winner has been decided!

Really? Is it too early for you to draw conclusions now?

Lin Mo looked at him coldly.

In the end... I still couldn't help it and used the administrator's authority? He was sure, and certain. The defensive speed of the shield swung just now was impossible to use in Heathcliff's hands! The result is of course unquestionable, Heathcliff used the administrator's authority! Break the physical limitations! Put yourself in a world where only you can move!

However, it was useless no matter how much Lin Mo thought about it, because in the eyes of ordinary people, Heathcliff just used extremely fast speed to defend against Lin Mo's attack and counterattack.

Because it is impossible for them to think about Heathcliff cheating! This... is the benefit of reputation!

Therefore, Lin Mo would not ask for trouble by telling others about it. Even if he told others, it would just be a joke. The top priority is to resolve the current predicament first.

Just when Heathcliff's long sword was about to pierce Lin Mo's back, a long sword suddenly condensed from the void and appeared in Lin Mo's other one!


Lin Mo ignored Heathcliff's screams of shock. The body stagnant in the void immediately rotated, and another long sword blocked in front of him in a blocking posture!


Powerful power was transmitted from the hilt of the sword to Lin Mo's body. After using 'Sky Burial' to withstand Heathcliff's blow, Lin Mo's figure rolled to the limit in the void, and was about to fall to the ground. At the same time, the figure lowered slightly and launched another offensive like a cheetah! However, the speed used this time was his limit!

Hezhiklev felt a stream of light suddenly pass by in front of him, and the sword mark of the Devourer of the Abyss pierced his chest like an unstoppable magic weapon. Lin Mo's figure suddenly appeared behind him! One long sword has been retracted into the scabbard behind him, while the other long sword has disappeared without a trace...

The blood gradually spreading from his chest to the surroundings told Hezhiklev that he had lost!

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252 The emergence of a winner!

Although the players in the audience did not know where Lin Mo's second sword came from, it still did not affect their satisfaction with the final result of the game.

The shouts were louder than before.

Heathcliff put down the weapon in his hand. Now that the result had been produced, he was unable to continue fighting. After taking a deep look at Lin Mo, he walked towards the entrance and exit of the duel field. At the moment he was defeated, he gave up his plan to use system permissions to lock himself in blood. If he did so, it would be equivalent to exposing himself to the enemy. In the public eye, this is not what he wants to see.

At least this is what he doesn't want to see now!

However, since the creator of SAO was defeated by a two-dimensional player, he felt aggrieved. It was really extremely aggrieved!

Lin Mo looked at Heathcliff's slightly lonely figure without any sympathy. That's how the game is, only when you lose, you win! What's more, this game is unfair to him, Lin Mo!

Although he said this, he still had a small regret in his heart, that is, he had never seen Heathcliff's unique skill 'Holy Sword'.

If Heathcliff did not underestimate the enemy, he might be able to defeat Lin Mo by using system permissions. But the mistake is that he is too self-righteous!

The moment he stabbed Lin Mo's back, his tight fighting chord had already relaxed his vigilance. He thought that he could definitely win the game with one strike, but in the end, it was because of Lin Mo's unexpected second sword and his final counterattack! And lost the game!

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