But now it's too late to say this, and he has paid the price for his arrogance.

Asuna watched in shock as Heathcliff walked past her. Up to now, he still felt like he was dreaming. What happened to Lin Mo's last sword? Is there a Dual Swordsman profession in this game?

But this doubt soon drifted away with the wind. Now he was filled with great joy. Looking at Lin Mo walking not far away, he threw himself into his arms.

I was worried to death just now. I thought you would lose.

Lin Mo suddenly felt Asuna's soft and delicate body, and his heart galloped. But on the surface, he felt helpless and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile: Am I okay? And you turned defeat into victory, you are too Have you underestimated your man?

After hearing this, Asuna raised her head slightly from Lin Mo's arms, but what Lin Mo saw was a shy face.

I don't know why, but looking at Asuna's delicate lips, Lin Mo really wanted to kiss her, but he was afraid that Asuna wouldn't like it, so he gave up the idea.

Putting aside things that still have plenty of time, and not rushing for a moment, Lin Moqiang endured his inner thoughts and said, Asuna, let's go back first.

Putting aside things that still have plenty of time, and not rushing for a moment, Lin Moqiang endured his inner thoughts and said, Asuna, let's go back first.


Now that Lin Mo has defeated Heathcliff, it means that their bet requirements have been finalized. Heathcliff would give her a few days off and find someone, or himself, to take over the position of deputy leader.

And Asuna had already planned what she was going to do with Lin Mo in the past few days.

By the way! Why were you able to use the second sword at the same time just now?

Holding Lin Mo's arm, Asuna heard in confusion. You must know that this is not a trivial matter. If Lin Mo can equip two swords at the same time, does that mean that he can get the bonus of two swords at the same time?

If this is really the case, that would be terrible! This is not as simple as 1+1 equals two, but a matter of balance in SAO! He preferred that Lin Mo simply held the sword to defend against Heathcliff's attack.

.ˇWhat do you mean? Like Heathcliff's sacred sword, it has a unique power.

Looking at Lin Mo who didn't care, Asuna suddenly had an expression of hatred for steel. You know, this is a unique skill! Things that many people can't even imagine seem to be insignificant in your mouth.

Then the result naturally confirmed that Lin Mo, like Heathcliff, had skills similar to cheating. The attribute blessing of one sword is already very high, but the blessing of two swords, needless to say, is already very scary just thinking about it!

No wonder Heathcliff was defeated by him,

Asuna thought with sudden enlightenment. A fight between two monsters is indeed beyond what people of their level can compare to.

In fact, this time, Lin Mo (Mo Dehao) also understood very well that the strength between the two people was not fully utilized, whether it was Heathcliff's unique skill, the Holy Sword, or his' Er Dao Liu'.

I'm afraid that after this time, everyone will know that he has a unique skill, the Two-Sword Style.

Although the scene of using the two-sword style only lasts for a moment, it was still captured by someone who was interested. There is nothing that can be done about it. Lin Mo sighed in his heart and said.

(4/6, please subscribe, flowers, and rewards! I feel like Meijiu Big Cat’s 1,000 VIP reward, thank you very much! In addition, the book has been renamed Comprehensive Comic: The Second Infinite Time Travel, for fear that some people will forget, so the cover Pictures will not be replaced!).

253 Afterwards

In fact. The news about Lin Mo using the second sword to defeat Heathcliff is indeed as expected, but there is no specific information, so everyone is speculating whether Lin Mo has the same skills as Heathcliff. It's the same unique skill, but what kind of characteristics it is is still unknown. We can only know that he appeared with double swords.

On the 55th floor of Aincrad, the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights, Asuna said hello and went out with Lin Mo.

Asuna felt so light all over that her walking pace couldn't help but become much lighter.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, looked at the latest reports in Aincrad. Basically half of them were about himself. He read them for a while and then turned them off. He glanced at the clear sky, sighed quietly, and turned off the notification tone sent by his friend.

As for why? Lin Mo didn't even have to think about 127. Now basically everyone in SAO knew that he had unique skills, so it went without saying that Kirito, Keita, Xin Mei and others. The first thing they knew was to come and ask, so Lin Mo did this.

How's it going? Does it feel good to be a star?

Asuna covered her mouth and snickered. Lin Mo's current treatment is indeed no different from that of a celebrity. He will be followed by some people when he walks on the road, just to get first-hand information. But every time Lin Mo angrily went to settle accounts with them, they disappeared without a trace one by one.

Real paparazzi need such talents!

Lin Mo said with a sigh.

After hearing this, Asuna's laughter became even louder. He had also experienced the feeling of being followed, but every time someone was following him, he would be caught by him, and then he would be beaten and told to spend time. Why is your son so red!

People who have seen Asuna's iron-blooded methods will naturally no longer dare to follow her. So in SAO, some people gave Asuna such a title.

A rose with thorns!

Of course, Asuna knew nothing about these things. If she found out that someone had given her such a nickname, she would probably be disabled or even dead, right?

Speaking of which, what are you going to do with taking a few days off? I haven't heard you talk about it yet! Lin Mo suddenly said with shame.

Asuna's mouth curved, revealing an unusually beautiful arc: I've already thought about it, let's go to your house and talk about it first!

You just want to eat the food I cook, right?

Lin Mo said speechlessly, his expression as if he had already seen through you made Asuna's pretty face blush slightly.

Don't worry about it, let's go to your house first!

Don't worry about it, let's go to your house first!

After being exposed, Asuna not only had no shame, but even pushed Lin Mo's back and said urging her.

On the twenty-second floor, Asuna has been to Lin Mo's forest cabin many times. But every time I came here, I couldn't help but let out a sound of exclamation (bgcj). After passing through the road made of wooden boards, Asuna and Lin Mo sat on the sofa in the cozy cabin, and Lin Mo took the lead in picking up the The teapot was poured to Asuna.

It can be seen that this skillful movement has been done many times. Asuna also elegantly picked up the teacup and drank.

I plan to take a good rest these days and will not go to the front line to fight.

Asuna sighed quietly, with a tired look on her face. Lin Mo didn't know why she felt distressed: Then I'll rest with you for a few days!

Hearing this, Asuna immediately showed a sweet smile: Okay! By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention earlier. I will stay with you these days. You...should Don’t you recommend it?”

Lin Mo's face suddenly stiffened: But... I only have one bed and one room. Excuse me, where do you plan to sleep?

Just sleep here! Don't you suggest that I put a bed here for you?

Could it be that…….

Seeing Lin Mo's daydreaming expression, Asuna's face turned as red as an apple, and she quickly explained: Don't get me wrong, I will add a curtain in the middle of the two beds! If you cross it while sleeping, Curtain, you should know the outcome, right?

When she said this, Asuna's eyes sharpened and she looked uncomfortable at Lin Mo.

Since you trust me so much, what else can I say? No objection!

Lin Mo spread his hands, ignored Asuna's gaze, calmly picked up a tea cup and drank.

Then it's settled! By the way, you will also be responsible for three meals a day for the next few days. The dishes you cook will at least satisfy me!

When Lin Mo heard the painting mentioned by Asuna, the tea he just drank almost spit out, but luckily he stabilized his position in time.

His face was full of disbelief. After seeing that Asuna was indeed not joking, he lowered his head and had no choice but to accept his fate. There were only a few days anyway. Lin Mo comforted himself in his heart.

(5/6, please subscribe, flowers, and tips!).

254 A scene in the morning!

About a month has passed since the duel, but the series of subsequent consequences are undoubtedly surprising. The most eye-catching one is the news about Lin Mo's unique skills. But Lin Mo didn't give the intelligence dealer any chance to take advantage of him, so after following Lin Mo for a few days, he had to stop.

Asuna and Lin Mo lived together, and their lives were very comfortable. The two often travel together, and from time to time they go to certain famous scenic floors to enjoy the scenery. After enjoying the scenery, we went to play somewhere else. When it's meal time, Lin Mo usually does the cooking, and Asuna basically doesn't do anything.

The comfortable days made Asuna almost forget that she was in a game.

Although the relationship between the two was not stated openly, it was almost settled secretly.

When the deadline came, Asuna was a little reluctant to return to the front line from her comfortable life, but in the end, she still returned to the front line of the strategy team.

And Lin Mo also started living in the maze area. The closer to the 100th floor, the more desperate the players become. As long as they clear the 100th floor, they can leave this damn game! Under the influence of this atmosphere, the progress of the strategy was indeed much faster, but the casualties were also gradually increasing.

On the 74th floor, Camdet, a lazy figure slowly stood at the altar of the teleportation entrance. His listless eyes kept scanning the surroundings, as if waiting for someone. He looked left and right, and kept slapping Haqie in his mouth, which proved that he was not as sleepy as he thought.

Asuna, aren't you here yet? Are you going to let me go?

Standing at the altar, Lin Mo looked at Ha Qie, suddenly thought of a certain possibility, and his face suddenly froze. The two of them had made an appointment to form a group guide together today, but he had been waiting for almost 10 minutes, and Asuna was still nowhere to be seen. Lin Mo, who was not very clear-headed yet, no wonder he thought so.

Just when Lin Mo was getting tired of waiting, ripple-like water patterns suddenly appeared from the altar of the transfer door. A figure that Lin Mo was all too familiar with flew out from inside.

Wow! Get out of the way!

Lin Mo reacted the moment the humanoid cannonball shouted. I originally wanted to avoid it, but I clearly saw Asuna's face when she was flying in the air, so I didn't choose to avoid it. Instead, I subconsciously opened my hands. After a second, a particularly soft and delicate body pounced on her. Into Lin Mo's arms.

Lin Mo, who was well prepared, did not fall, but used his right foot to block the fate of being thrown to the ground. But he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

However, I don't know if Lin Mo made a mistake or if there was something wrong with Asuna's posture when she fell in his arms. At this time, his right hand was placed on Asuna's plump breasts very awkwardly!

The particularly soft touch in his arms made Lin Mo couldn't help shouting, but considering the current situation, he still gave up.

The particularly soft touch in his arms made Lin Mo couldn't help shouting, but considering the current situation, he still gave up.

For a moment, the atmosphere became strangely quiet. The two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, looking at the people around them who looked at them like scum. In order to avoid further aggravation of the situation, Lin Mo had no choice but to laugh dryly and break the silence first.

········Request flowers 0·········

Morning, Asuna...

Lin Mo's voice struck Asuna's heart like thunder. Feeling the burning and tingling feeling in her chest, Asuna's pretty face suddenly turned red. At the same time, a reminder about sexual harassment was displayed above his head. As long as he lightly clicked on it, Lin Mo would be immediately transported to prison to reflect!

But Asuna had no time to care about this. She screamed and waved her hand out of a woman's instinct.

....... ........ ...

If Asuna slaps him, Lin Mo's wise life will be ruined! So with quick hands and quick eyes, he quickly grabbed Asuna's wrist and said, Calm down, I didn't mean it! This was a misunderstanding! I just saw you flying out of the portal and wanted to catch you!

Lin Mo's dissuasion seemed to have worked. Asuna did not have the urge to operate on him, but hid behind him and looked at the teleportation light that lit up again at the altar.

A middle-aged man wearing similar clothes as Asuna saw Asuna hiding behind, his face lit up, and he quickly ran over.

Deputy Captain, are you okay? What if you run into bad guys while running around?

Just like a subordinate caring for his boss, the middle-aged man said with a worried look. But he ignored Lin Mo's existence the whole time!

(6/6, please subscribe, send flowers, and give rewards! If you have a monthly ticket, please vote for it. The author is very grateful! The SAO volume will end in about 15 chapters, and the next volume will be the Fate series! At the same time, Please keep an eye out for the new book!).

255 Unpleasant conflicts and action!

Kladir, I should have told you a long time ago that you don't have to follow me! Hiding behind Lin Mo, Asuna said with a gloomy look.

But... I am also thinking about the safety of the deputy captain. A middle-aged man named Kradir said with concern on his face.

But is it necessary to be at my door every morning!

Asuna finished speaking angrily, with a trace of anger on her delicate and pretty face.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Lin Mo frowned tightly, looked at Asuna behind him, and asked, Asuna, who is he?

Before Asuna could speak, Cara Seven Seventy Dier looked at Lin Mo next to her with a haughty look. When she saw their extremely intimate posture, there was a flash in her eyes. Angry: Who are you! Can you call the deputy captain by his name too!

Seeing him belittle Lin Mo like this, Asuna, who has a better temper, shouted loudly this time.


As if he was frightened, Kradir was stunned and speechless. Seeing Asuna's gloomy expression, there was a hint of disbelief in her eyes. This was the first time he saw Asuna getting so angry.

Asuna glanced at Lin Mo apologetically, and then explained.

I'm sorry Lin Mo, his name is Kradir, he is the bodyguard assigned to me by the captain. Obviously I have rejected him many times before.

When she said this, Asuna had a troubled look on her face.

As soon as he heard the word captain, Kradir's eyes automatically brightened up again, and he subconsciously ignored Asuna's last words.

Sir, deputy captain, stop saying such willful words. The captain arranged for me to follow you just to prevent some cats and dogs from getting close to you.

As soon as she heard this, Asuna couldn't hold back her anger anymore. Aren’t the cats and dogs mentioned by Kradir alluding to Lin Mo?

A good wife will never tolerate the gossip about her man!

Just when Asuna was about to speak, Lin Mo put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look.

He turned to look at Kradir.

Your name is Kradir, right?

Kradir's face was stunned, as if he didn't expect Lin Mo to talk to him so calmly. Deep down in his heart, he must have thought that Lin Mo was afraid of him, so he talked to him like this.

He said with his nose pointed in the sky and his face arrogantly.

He said with his nose pointed in the sky and his face arrogantly.

So what? A second-rate player like you has no right to stand with the deputy captain, let alone call her by her first name! Be wise and leave him quickly, otherwise...

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