When he said this, Kradir's eyes suddenly turned cold. He didn't know who Lin Mo was. Little did he know that the commander he had always respected, Heathcliff, had already been defeated by him!

From the outside, Lin Mo's level seemed to be much lower than his own. I just assumed that Lin Mo was an inferior player.


Lin Mo lowered his head, making his expression unclear.

Kradir ignored Lin Mo, and did not see the cold murderous intent hidden under his face. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Asuna, who was not far away, and stretched out a hand.

Sir Vice Captain, let's go back first! Don't worry about this kind of thing! Your Lord, the Captain arranged for me to come to your side. As expected, he had foresight...

Just as Kradir's hand was about to touch Asuna's shoulder, suddenly, a muffled blow sounded.

Kradir only felt that the surrounding scene was regressing quickly in his eyes, and at the same time, his body flew out uncontrollably, hitting the wall behind him like a cannonball.

There was an explosion-like sound.

Kradir, who was lying in the pit, looked confused. When he came to his senses, his face couldn't help but bear an uncontrollable anger.

The moment he flew out upside down, he saw Lin Mo's unwavering eyes.

It was like looking at an ant, like a bastard who would die if stepped on. No wonder he was so angry.

I wanted to get up, but no matter what, I couldn't. Only then did he realize that Lin Mo, who was five meters away, had arrived beside him without knowing it.

She looked at him condescendingly and stepped on his chest, making him unable to get up even if he thought about it. Moreover, Lin Mo 1.3 burst out with an astonishing momentum, stabbing hard on his chest like a sharp sword.

As soon as he saw Lin Mo's cold eyes, he couldn't help but tremble.

And the foot that stepped on him was like a stone weighing a thousand pounds, making him breathless.


Kradir roared angrily and tried to move the big foot away. His face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face, and his teeth kept rubbing against each other due to excessive force, making a gurgling sound.

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256 You seem to be unexpectedly handsome today

The strange looks around him made Kradir keep struggling, but the gap in attributes prevented him from getting up from the ground no matter what.

The look in Lin Mo's eyes became even more hateful.

Damn it! Let me go if you dare, I will fight you! Kradir said hoarsely.

Although you won't get hurt in the town, the feeling of being stepped on is probably something no one wants to accept. What's more, what about an extremely proud person like Kradir? Under Lin Mo's humiliation, his face gradually turned red like blood.

Let you go? Okay!

Lin Mo sneered, and the foot that was on him slowly moved away.

Just when Kradir was relieved, his body rolled out again.

He seemed to be stunned by Lin Mo's kick. When he came to his senses, Kradir's face was gloomy and terrifying, as if he wanted to fight Lin Mo desperately.

Let’s not talk about whether the difference in attributes between the two is obvious or not. Let’s just say that Kradir was knocked to the ground just now when he didn’t even react. This alone is enough to prove the difference in strength between the two of them. .

However, just when he wanted to search for Lin Mo's figure in the square, the two of them had already disappeared, leaving him paralyzed on the ground like a clown.

The crowd around him suddenly smiled like a sneer.

Tsk tsk, who is this person? Since he is desperate to find trouble with 'him', I really don't know who gave him the courage. Heathcliff?

The moment Lin Mo took action, the surrounding players had already recognized his identity. So he felt disdain for Kradir's overestimating provocation to Lin Mo.

Even your leader Heathcliff fell under Lin Mo's sword. Who gave you the qualification to challenge him?

Thinking of this, the players looked at Kradir with even more contempt.

Kradir naturally reflected what they said in his mind, and his face gradually became distorted, but it was not surprising that he had lost his mind.

Being able to make the surrounding players look at him with admiration shows that Lin Mo must be very powerful.

In SAO, a world where strength is paramount, only strong strength can make them worship from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that we need to investigate carefully.

Kradir clenched his fists, glanced around coldly, and left without saying a word.


Thank you so much for just now. If you hadn't helped teach him a lesson, he would have continued to push further.

Asuna sighed quietly, and when she spoke of Kradir, a look of disgust appeared on her face.

It's okay. I should have taken advantage. Lin Mo felt happy when he thought of Asuna's plump place.

It's okay. I should have taken advantage. Lin Mo felt happy when he thought of Asuna's plump place.

Asuna blushed, glared at Lin Mo, and then muttered: You seem to be unexpectedly handsome today...

Lin Mo looked at the shy Asuna in surprise, with a slight smile on his lips: I've always been handsome, okay?

Hearing this, Asuna made a face at Lin Mo: Smelly and shameless...

Lin Mo shrugged, already accustomed to the playful and cute side of Asuna.

After the two formed a team, Asuna shouted loudly, without even a hint of majesty.

Then let's head towards the maze area on the 74th floor!

Lin Mo looked at the energetic Asuna, shook his head helplessly, and followed her.

The seventy-fourth floor. Camdetto…

In the maze area, a maroon figure was fighting a skeleton monster wearing armor and holding a knight's sword.

The maroon figure suddenly shouted loudly, and the rapier in his hand suddenly lit up with extremely dazzling lights.

The green sword shadow turned into a sky full of stars and thrust forward.

The skull monster's bones kept rattling, and he wanted to fight back, but was blocked by another figure like lightning. Then he held the long sword tightly and backhand, directly flying away the wild monster. Another maroon figure took the opportunity to move forward to make up for the damage.

Judging from the seamless cooperation between the two, the tacit understanding between the two has reached a very high level.

653 Asuna, take a rest first!

After destroying the skeleton monster, Lin Mo suggested to Asuna.

In SAO, the two most important attributes are undoubtedly strength and speed.

These two attributes definitely play a vital role in SAO's battles.

Lin Mo and Asuna's attributes are undoubtedly the best, but at the 74th floor, it often takes a huge amount of time to destroy a wild monster.

After passing the 70th level, all attributes of wild monsters have been significantly improved, the most obvious ones being blood volume and defense.

Nowadays, there are very few solo players, and they are basically invisible. Even Lin Mo has been considering forming a team with others recently.

The arrival of Asuna just solved Lin Mo's concerns.

But now is not the time to talk about it. After finishing the 74th floor strategy, I will discuss this matter with Asuna.

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257 Found! The room of the floor boss!

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258 The boss on the 74th floor and the timid Asuna!

Are you ready, Asuna? Let's make an agreement first. If you find that the situation is not good, you will just exit. Lin Mo said seriously. He didn't explain at the beginning that he would use the crystal to teleport away, which proves that this is a crystal invalid zone!


Asuna nodded, she also understood what Lin Mo meant. I once heard him talk about the crystal invalid zone. The crystal invalid zone means that the only means of escape before has been restricted! You must defeat the boss to pass the level, otherwise, you will only end up with the team being wiped out!

The two slowly put their hands on the door, and with a slight push, the dusty door was pushed open easily. Lin Mo and Asuna walked in carefully, but did not go too deep.

Because they know that if they move forward, when the door closes, they will never be able to go back!

I'll go in and investigate first. You wait for me here. Don't worry, I won't go too in-depth. I just want to take a look at the true face of the BOSS.

Lin Mo gave Asuna a calming look, and then slowly walked in holding the 'Abyss Devourer'. If you encounter any unexpected situation, just take out the Sky Burial from your backpack to deal with it.

As soon as Lin Mo took a step, cold flames lit up around him. Blue firelights quickly lit up until the boss's room on the floor was completely illuminated.

The prospect in front of them also caught their eyes.

Sheep head! Beast body! Humanoid! It stood in front of the two of them like a monster! The muscles all over the body bulged, and the dark blue skin shone with metallic luster under the firelight. And what stands on the monster's head is the sheep's head mentioned earlier!

The thick and curved horns rise high from both sides of the head to the back of (bgbj)! The lower body is covered with long dark blue hair!

Boss: Shining Magic Eye!

As the Boss's name suggests, its eyes glow like blue-white flames. A roar like thunder sounded immediately when Lin Mo was seen, echoing in the room decorated with blue flames.

As the Boss's name suggests, its eyes glow like blue-white flames. A roar like thunder sounded immediately when Lin Mo was seen, echoing in the room decorated with blue flames.

Lin Mo looked at the floor boss in front of him. Although he was eager to challenge it one-on-one, considering Asuna's trembling body, he sighed helplessly. Before she could react, he picked her up and ran directly out of the gate.

With Asuna in this state, wanting to defeat the Boss is undoubtedly just wishful thinking. Let’s wait until she adjusts her state! What's more, the original purpose of the two of them was to come here to find out the true face of the Boss. It didn't scare Lin Mo, but made Asuna feel timid.

Are you OK!

Sitting in a safe area, Lin Mo looked at Asuna and said softly.

It's okay, I'm just a little scared... Asuna pursed her somewhat white lips and replied in a low voice. It seems that the scene where the Boss appeared has been lingering in his mind. But...there is nothing we can do about it.

A girl, especially a very beautiful girl, did not hide in the starting town because of fear. Instead, with the determination to die, she explored the maze area and challenged the gatekeeper boss who was several times more powerful than herself. This spirit is already very valuable. But in the end, it still can't change the fact that she is a girl. A fragile heart can be broken at a touch. One day her weaknesses will be exposed.

It’s up to her to overcome the odds and overcome her own demons. In the past, Asuna might not have cared about it, but now that she has someone she likes, she doesn't want her beloved to fall into a state of eternal destruction, so she subconsciously resists the BOSS's strategy.

In the end, I was afraid that Lin Mo would disappear from his sight.

This is what is called worrying about gains and losses. Lin Mo also understood this deeply, so he deliberately showed his strength along the way, which means that you can rely on me more. Seeing Asuna in depression, Lin Mo didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only put his hands on her soft hands and feet.

Asuna felt Lin Mo's warm hands and felt much relieved. Finally, after a few minutes, a smile appeared on his face, and he held Lin Mo's hand tighter. A warm atmosphere lingered between the two. Until a certain moment, it was destroyed by the arrival of several people...

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259 Arrival of the Army (2 in 1)

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