Light blue ripples suddenly lit up at the entrance to the portal. Feng Linshan and his group, wearing red armor, walked out of it with sighs on their faces. Following them at the end was Lin Mo, who was more familiar with them. Kirito.

However, Kirito was still wearing a black trench coat, and the expression on his face was the same as theirs, sighing from exhaustion.

Klein, the leader, suddenly saw Lin Mo and Asuna not far away. His face was startled, and his eyes immediately turned to the palms of their hands. When he saw their fingers intertwined, he immediately became confused. A strange face appeared.

Um... hello to you!

Seeing that they were familiar people, Lin Mo and Asuna immediately relaxed their vigilance. Generally speaking, in the wild, you should always be on guard against other players, especially when you meet someone you don't know. However, Lin Mo still trusts Klein and Kirito's character.

Since we are companions. Then - put down your weapons!

After Klein became weird, he said to his companion behind him. The team members who had drawn their weapons on guard also put their weapons back when they heard what Klein said. However, when they saw Asuna's face, they were stunned for a moment, and then rushed away as excitedly as a fan meeting a celebrity. Come up.

Isn't this Asuna-sama! Very nice to see you!

Listening to their voices speaking in unison, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel like one head and two big ones. Their leader, Klein, was almost scared to death when he saw his subordinate's actions. He was afraid that Lin Mo would be unhappy, so he quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Look at what you look like! Don't you know that the famous flower has a master?

Hearing what Klein said, several people stopped politely and looked at Lin Mo with a hint of jealousy and envy.

Asuna's face turned slightly red, and she held Lin Mo's hand tighter.

Kirito, who had always had no sense of presence, walked up, glanced at Lin Mo, and said hello: I haven't seen you for a long time. The last time I saw you was on Christmas Eve, right? Have you finished exploring this? ?”

Yes! We have already found the Boss room earlier. Come here to supplement the status. I didn't expect that a lonely guy like you would join the guild. Lin Mo said with emotion as he looked at the guild logo above Kirito's head.

Isn't it the same for you?

Kirito glanced at Kirito beside Lin Mo and said with a smile. While the two were talking, a group of people gradually came over from not far away.

They were wearing uniform combat uniforms and moving at the same pace. If Lin Mo guessed correctly, those people were from the army! Their whole bodies were wrapped in specially modified armor, and their heads were deliberately lowered so that no one could see their faces clearly. This alone makes it very easy to recognize. Not to mention that the leader was carrying the unique banner of an army.

The most important thing is that their mental state is not particularly good. Everyone's body is already exhausted and they are completely overloaded with fighting.

Why are the people from the army here?

It’s no wonder Asuna is confused. After the 25th floor BOSS battle, the army has rarely been active at the forefront of the battle. This time it appears in the maze area on the 74th floor. A series of reveries.

The troops stopped not far from Lin Mo. Following the leader's orders, everyone collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. The middle-aged man who led the team walked towards Lin Mo.

Standing in front of Lin Mo, the middle-aged man explained: I am Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz of the Aincrad Liberation Army.

Lin Mo's brows wrinkled slightly, and his tone became cold: Lin Mo, lone player. Not only Lin Mo, but also the other players' expressions became unkind when they saw the visitor. There was no trace of disgust in his eyes.

Have you completed all the previous strategies?

That's right.

Although she didn't know what the people in the army were going to do, Asuna still hesitated for a moment and said, We have already conquered everything in front, and the boss's room has been recorded on the map.



Standing in front of Lin Mo, Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz murmured first, then stretched out his hand toward his eyes and said with a matter-of-fact expression: Then please give us a copy of the map!


As if they heard something unbelievable, the faces of Klein and others became dangerous. Klein even said in a rough voice: Why should I give you a copy of the map information? Even if I have to give it to you, , you should also give corresponding rewards! Do you know how hard it is to make maps!

We share resources and intelligence with ordinary players equally! While maintaining society, we always fight to liberate all players! Don't you want to get out as soon as possible!? Therefore, it is your natural responsibility to help us!

Listening to the middle-aged man talking about the robbery in such a righteous manner, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with a cold light. He stepped forward in an instant, took action like lightning, put the long sword behind him, and said coldly. Said: Don't say these words righteously with your disgusting attitude, I won't accept this!

Although there is no feeling of death in SAO, the middle-aged man feels that he is so close to death, and cold sweat slowly falls down.

we are……

········Asking for flowers··········

Seeing the middle-aged man stammering and trying to continue explaining, Lin Mo's face turned a little angry. He had never seen such a shameless person before!

Asuna quickly stopped Lin Mo's anger that was about to burst out, and said to Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz with an unhappy expression: We can give you a copy of the map, but I hope you will disappear in front of us immediately. Also, as a reminder Let me tell you, that BOSS is very powerful, and with the state of your team, it is best not to pay attention to the BOSS.

Thank you for your understanding!

Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz did not answer Yan's words, but took a deep look at Lin Mo. After exchanging map information with Asuna, he returned to his team and announced his departure. When passing Lin Mo, I was deeply afraid that he would get angry and leave him here. So he hid behind the team members, quickly passed Lin Mo, and walked slowly towards the depths of the maze area.

....... ........ 0

Lin Mo knew from the original work that the leader would definitely try to dissuade him from attacking the BOSS, leaving a disastrous defeat in the end. However, he had a very bad impression at first sight and did not want to remind the other person. Even if you remind me, the other party may not listen.

It wasn't until someone from the army heard the news from Lin Mo's field of vision that he curled his lips in displeasure.

Is the other party really going to challenge the floor boss?

Kirito looked at the direction where the army and others were leaving, his brows knitted tightly together.

Isn't that right?

Klein sneered and responded to the painting Kirito said with some uncertainty, but judging from the faces of the people around him, it seemed that he already believed the painting Kirito said.

How about? Let's go over and have a look? Even if they enter the room, if they can't defeat them, they can definitely use the transfer crystal to escape, right? Klein said unhappily.

The use of crystals for transfer is not allowed on the 74th floor, which is the crystal invalid zone.

Who would have thought that Lin Mo suddenly said this so coldly that no one else would question what he said. But when Lin Mo said it, everyone immediately became quiet, exchanged glances, and then rushed towards the BOSS's room, while Lin Mo followed them with a nonchalant expression. Anyway, the life and death of the other party is none of your business.

Lin Mojun, let's go take a look too. After all, I gave them the map information. If they are all wiped out...

Looking at Asuna who looked guilty, Lin Mo was immediately speechless. After Asuna's repeated requests, he agreed angrily and followed Asuna. Even if you take action then, it still depends on your mood.

(Please subscribe to Flowers, 5/5, 2-in-1 chapter, I’m so exhausted, it’s 5.20am now, I’ve been fucked all night again!).

260 The second sword style appears again!

A burst of miserable screams suddenly echoed in the silent maze area. Even though they were separated by a distance, Lin Mo and others could still hear their sounds very clearly.

Kirito, Klein, and Asuna's expressions suddenly changed, they looked at each other, and then quickly hurried over.

During this period, he encountered several wild monsters. Klein took the lead in pulling out his weapon and said in a deep voice to Asuna and Lin Mo: You guys go over first. I will rush over after cleaning up these wild monsters. Remember, you must not Act rashly!

Asuna nodded, and then several people rushed over quickly.

Looking at the door that was so close, Asuna couldn't help but speed up a lot. Lin Mo turned his eyes to the anxious Yasi 293 Na, sighed faintly, and followed her without saying anything.

Just when Asuna, Lin Mo, and Kirito arrived at the door of the floor boss, they saw a hell-like scene.

The army had already been defeated and could only stand huddled together to defend against the Boss' attack. Even the number of people was much smaller than when they first met.

Only a few people were left clinging to life, and Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz, whom Lin Mo hated, kept instructing the team to move forward.

Assault, assault! Our People's Liberation Army has no words to push back!!

That idiot, obviously the team can't stand this kind of exhaustion anymore, didn't you see that their attack didn't cause any harm to the Boss! Asuna bit her lip, looking at the one-sided battle, and then looked at a few more Several members of the army who fell to the ground were trapped in painful choices.

Just as Asuna was speaking, a purple breath from the Boss condensed in an instant and struck the members of the army like lightning.


Several members of the army suddenly screamed miserably and fell down soon after. They looked in pain and were unable to continue fighting.

But Boss had no idea of ​​mercy. The several-meter-high long sword emitted a dazzling orange light and was swung down like a heavy stone.


A shocking sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by the roar of the Boss and the screams of the team members.

However, Lin Mo, Asuna and others saw very clearly that a figure stayed in the air like a parabola for a few seconds, then fell to the ground, rolled for a few seconds, and lay motionless on the ground.

And that figure was none other than Cobaz, who had been commanding the team before.

Lin Mo looked coldly at Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz who fell on the ground. Such a result had been expected before.

The pupils of Lieutenant Colonel Cobaz, who was lying on the ground, suddenly shrank, and then slowly dilated. The body that fell to the ground was scattered around like broken glass.

A person just died in front of him. Neither Kirito nor Klein, who rushed over, looked particularly good-looking.

Looking at the struggling army members in the Boss room, everyone's thoughts were caught in a struggle.

Looking at the struggling army members in the Boss room, everyone's thoughts were caught in a struggle.

Whether to save or not has become the only question here.

But a figure next to Lin Mo rushed over first when they were struggling.

That figure is none other than Asuna!

Seeing this, Lin Mo knew what he should do.

Seeing that the army not far away was human, he muttered to himself: You are lucky! Then he pulled out the Abyss Devourer from the scabbard and rushed over like a ghost.

When the boss's long sword was about to slash at a figure, Asuna arrived in time, the figure jumped high, and the thin sword in her hand suddenly turned into a rain of swords, stabbing the boss's back.

Although it attracted its attention, the Boss immediately turned its head and changed its target of attack from the army to Asuna!


The boss looked at Asuna who was stranded in the air, and roared. Even though Asuna's extremely fast swordsmanship attacked him more than a dozen times in an instant, Que still did not cause effective damage to it, and instead let himself fall into it. To a dangerous point...

The physical stalemate caused by Asuna's attack gave the Boss an opportunity! The rough fist, carrying fierce wind, struck straight at Asuna who was stuck in the air.

Just when his fist was about to hit Asuna, Lin Mo arrived in time! He hugged Asuna with one hand, while the other hand holding the sword was held horizontally in front of him.

After completing these actions, the Boss's fist came as promised. Lin Mo only felt the hilt of the sword tremble slightly, and then a powerful external force made his body fly out.

Lin Mo quickly adjusted his landing position, held Asuna in one hand, and padded on the ground for a few seconds before he came to an awkward halt.

Asuna, please step back first.

Lin Mo spoke to Asuna in his arms in an unmistakable voice.

Asuna bit her pale lips, glanced at Lin Mo's solemn expression, and nodded hesitantly.

He withdrew from Lin Mo's arms and stood not far from the two of them. As soon as she found out that Lin Mo was in any danger, she would rush forward immediately.

Lin Mo looked at the Boss not far away, thought about it, and finally chose to take out the second sword from his backpack.

The attributes of the Boss far exceeded Lin Mo's expectations. If you want to save those people, you must take down the Boss on the floor with absolute attitude!

The most important thing is that he doesn't want Asuna to worry too much about him!

(1/3, please subscribe for flowers and give rewards. The author will be off tomorrow, but there will still be 5 updates~).

261 The shock brought by the two-sword style!

Lin Mo's figure was seen slightly lowered, his hands hanging down, one hand holding the Abyss Devourer tightly, and the other hand holding the dark Sky Burial Holder, like a cheetah ready to attack, giving people the feeling of a sharp blade coming out of the body.

At the same time, at this moment, the atmosphere around Lin Mo became brighter, and the person who felt it the most was Asuna standing not far from him.

Unique skills...

Looking at Lin Mo confronting the BOSS, Asuna murmured to herself, but this sound was clearly captured by Kirito and others.

Is that his unique skill? As expected, it appears in the form of two swords as in the information... Kirito smiled bitterly. Lin Mo was already very powerful, and now he has a unique skill. Kagome is like a monster! Is the gap between me and him really as big as a world of difference?

But Lin Mo felt the attribute blessing that Er Dao Liu brought to him the most.

Not long after Lin Mo assumed the two-sword style stance, the Boss roared at Lin Mo, but the breath from his mouth immediately spurted out! Like deadly flames, it shot towards Lin Mo!

Not only did Lin Mo have no intention of dodge, but he still held the two swords tightly, lowered his figure, and ran out like a cheetah!

Several people not far away were watching the battle on the field with bated breath. This was the only chance to see Lin Mo's two-sword style! I missed this opportunity, and I don’t know how long it will take to see me again...

Asuna, however, looked at Lin Mo who passed by the flames with worry. Whenever there was any dangerous move, her voice would rise a lot.

Lin Mo had no time to care about other people's thoughts now. He had just dodged the breath, and his speed increased again, leaving two long sword lights on the field!

Two beautiful sword lights, with sword shadows filling the sky, burst out like heavy rain! But Lin Mo's figure began to dance gracefully around the BOSS!

The BOSS's breath sprayed out again!

But this time, Lin Mo cut him in half even more roughly!

The BOSS's attack was not over yet. The huge sword swung down towards Lin Mo's head with a roaring wind!

Lin Mo looked at the long sword that was about to be slashed down, smiled disdainfully, and then easily dodged it. The figure was rushing towards him, but even in the face of this sudden straight punch, he still did not dodge!

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