Feeling that the momentum was about to turn into a substantial attack, the expressions of several people changed slightly, cold sweat gradually broke out on their heads, and they subconsciously took a step back, not daring to show any resistance. Only the white-haired girl named the leader was a little better, and the others almost knelt down in front of Lin Mo.

Did you misunderstand something? We have no purpose. I just want to kill the Demon King. The white-haired girl said in a difficult voice. As soon as she finished speaking, her body was lifted up.

Lin Mo's hand firmly grasped the girl's neck. At this moment, there was no mercy. A murderous intent flashed through his unruffled eyes: You must understand that I don't like the feeling of being taken advantage of, especially When it’s directed at the women around me.”

The people behind the white-haired girl were suddenly startled. They pointed their weapons inside and rushed towards her.

Wait a moment!

The white-haired girl waved her hand to ask the people behind her to move away, and gasped in pain; I know, it won't happen next time... The white-haired girl knew that Lin Mo had murderous intentions, so she could only keep her tone low. She said that even if her dean came here, he might not be able to please her, so at this moment, the girl chose to compromise.

Lin Mo snorted coldly and let go of the girl, while the white-haired girl coughed on the ground. Her beautiful legs were intertwined, but her body could not use any strength.

You know, Lin Mo just released all the limiters in order to give the opponent a blow, and his momentum suddenly exploded. Not to mention them, even the Demon King was not enough to watch.

He just wants to let the other party know what should be done and what should not be done.

At this moment, apart from the girl's cough, there was the sound of the rainstorm.

A scene intertwined together, there is a feeling like being abandoned after being insulted...

Although the feeling of having one's life in someone's hands is not pleasant, since one dares to use him, one must have such awareness.

Let's go. Remember, don't distract Lilith or the others. Otherwise, I can find you even if I dig three feet into the ground. Don't think that the big devil behind you will come out to save you. If you dare to stand in front of me, You know the consequences. Lin Mo turned around, said coldly, and disappeared.

Let's go. Remember, don't distract Lilith or the others. Otherwise, I can find you even if I dig three feet into the ground. Don't think that the big devil behind you will come out to save you. If you dare to stand in front of me, You know the consequences. Lin Mo turned around, said coldly, and disappeared.

At this moment, the white-haired girl felt like she was being seen through her whole body. She took a breath and said bitterly, This man is too scary!

What should I do? Will the invasion of the academy continue? said the person next to the white-haired girl.

No, he is very mysterious. It's better not to provoke him when we don't have enough strength to take him down. I think he has already figured out our identity. The white-haired girl calmed down and said.

I understand, I will report all this to the dean. The person behind him nodded, and several people began to leave one after another.

Before leaving, the white-haired girl raised her head and took a deep look at the sky, and then left directly.

I was speechless all night, and as the heavy rain stopped, the day passed like this. The sky turned white again, and a new day came again.

Lin Mo walked out of the room and stretched. He no longer had the cold look from yesterday. He looked completely harmless. He doubted that he was the same person as yesterday.

My warning yesterday, if the other party understands, he probably won't attack the academy like in the original book! Lin Mo thought silently in his heart.

In any case, one of the tasks in this world has been completed. Next, we need to find another real demon king candidate and then eliminate him directly.

Looking at the girls who were getting ready, Lin Mo said, Go back! This mission is almost completed.

Everyone agreed without any hesitation.

Stay close to me and remember not to move away later, otherwise you will easily fall. Lin Mo said cautiously.


The group of people quickly huddled together with Lin Mo, their soft bodies constantly rubbing against his. While Lin Mo felt secretly happy, he also did not forget to make preparations.

You must know that if you control so many people to perform space jumps at the same time, one mistake will lead to disaster, so you still need to prepare the necessary things.

After getting ready, everyone quickly embarked on the journey back to the academy.

Ps: 3/4, there is one more update. .

437 Lilith’s invitation

After returning to the academy, everyone's faces couldn't help but smile. This feeling of returning home is the best, without having to worry about being outside every day.

As soon as Lin Mo entered the door, a figure rushed towards him and hung on him like a kangaroo.

Brother, welcome back! Yu Yi pressed tightly against Lin Mo's chest, enjoying the brief peace. Even though Lin Mo was only away for a few days, she felt like her days were like years. Without her brother's company, everything she did was boring.

As soon as she saw Lin Mo's appearance, she couldn't wait to come here.

Yi Yi, I'm back. Lin Mo smiled and touched Yu Yi's hair~.

Hey, brother, did you find anything interesting along the way? Yu Yi got off Lin Mo and gathered around him happily.

Lin Mo laughed dumbly and said: Fun things? There are indeed some, but it's a pity that the fun is not so fun.

If the Demon King lying underground knew that he was just doing it for fun, I wonder if he would get up and settle the score with Lin Mo.

Yui pouted with a depressed look on her face: Well, if I had known I would have followed him, I would have regretted it!

I'll take you to play next time! Lin Mo smiled helplessly after hearing Yu Yi's resentful words.

Next time? No, just at night! Just do what you did last time... Yui muttered.

Lin Mo glanced at her doubtfully. Because her voice was so small, she didn't hear Yui's words.

If Lin Mo heard it, I don't know what he would do. But it will definitely make you laugh or cry, right? He usually picks up women, when will it be a woman's turn to pick up on him?

And Yu Yi is also worried about Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. What method should be used to get Yalin away? Well...this is really a question.

Okay, I'll go to the principal's side first. Lin Mo said, patting Yu Yi's head gently.

OK! Yui said obviously absentmindedly, she was still thinking about her plan! This time it must be perfect, hehe!

Lin Mo looked at the evil smile hanging on the corner of Yu Yi's mouth and couldn't help but feel speechless.

Then he came to the door of the dean's office and happened to meet Lilith. They said hello and walked in together.

Although the two did not directly express their relationship, the relationship between them was only higher than that of other couples.

I have heard from Yaqiu and the others about the Demon King before. Let me say thank you for your hard work. If you have any requests, feel free to ask for them. As soon as the principal came up, he said with a smile on his face.

It's okay, this is what we should do, it's just... After Lilith finished speaking, her attitude was a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should make a request or not.

It's okay, this is what we should do, it's just... After Lilith finished speaking, her attitude was a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should make a request or not.

Speak boldly! The head of the academy waved his hand and said righteously. As long as it's not too much, I'll agree to it for you!

Even Lin Mo was curious about what Lilith, who usually asked for nothing in return, would ask for.

Dean, I hope you can give me three days of vacation. Lilith glanced at Lin Mo quietly and said with a red face.

The dean's expression was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he looked at the two of them with a half-smile. Didn't he still understand what Lilith was thinking? Not to mention three days, even three years can be released, so I readily agreed.

Have fun! I'll reimburse all the expenses for your date! the dean laughed.

···Ask for flowers···

Lilith's face turned even redder, but she didn't refute. It seemed that even she thought so.

Lin Mo looked at Lilith's side face and felt moved in his heart. Even if Lilith didn't mention it, he would have made this request after going out. However, the innocent Lilith was able to directly reveal their identities. In the past, this was something that he didn't even have to think about.

After the two of them went out, the dean of the college sighed: What a young man today!

While the dean sighed, the light in his eyes flashed quickly: Next, since Lilith and the others want to have fun, then I should also do what I should do as a dean. At this point , the dean's tone suddenly became different from before, no longer cynical, but indifferent.

. 0 ...

Lin Mo didn't know about the dean's affairs. Standing outside the dean's office, Lilith suddenly plucked up the courage and said, Well, Lin Mo, can I invite you?

Looking at Lilith's appearance, Lin Mo shook his head.

Before Lin Mo spoke, Lilith's face turned pale instantly after seeing his expression. He...is he going to reject me? Does he already have someone he likes? At this moment, Lilith My heart was filled with mixed feelings, only sadness, and my eyes were filled with mist.

However, Lin Mo hugged her tightly and whispered softly in her ear: You are not inviting me, but I am inviting you. Lilith, can you accompany me this Friday? ?”


Lilith's smile spread again, smelling the masculine scent on her body, and at this moment, she suddenly felt extremely at ease.

Ps: 4/4, please subscribe for flowers. .

438 Date with Lilith

In the evening, Lin Mo's spirit suddenly fell into a trance, as if the world was spinning. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived in Yu Yi's dream world. What he saw when he opened his eyes was Yui after transformation.

Unlike Yui in reality, Yui in the dream world is both sexy and charming, and her figure is perfect in all aspects. Well, in all aspects, it is indeed like this.

Huh? This is...

Lin Mo's hand seemed to have grasped something soft, and he grabbed it hard.

Brother, please be gentle...

A sweet cry came, and Lin Mo suddenly looked stiff as if he had been struck by lightning. It was true that the first thing he saw was Yui, but he didn't see where his hands were, nor did he see Yui riding on him!

At this time, he could really see it clearly. His hand stretched forward straight Nine Two Seven and just caught Yu Yi's turbulent thing! A gentle squeeze made him sigh with laughter. You hold up a world that I can't hold...

Yuyi, what's going on?

Although he said this, Lin Mo asked in confusion. He didn't believe he could be so horny that he would molest women in his sleep.

Brother, are you comfortable? Yu Yi did not answer Lin Mo's question, but looked shyly at the man beneath her. The flush on her cheeks gradually spread to her ears. Although she had been prepared in her heart, she was still a little shy, but the determination in her eyes was not missing at all.

Comfortable... wrong! Lin Mo read it subconsciously, but after coming to his senses, he quickly pulled away the evil hand holding Yu Yi. But what he didn't expect was that Yu Yi had been prepared and held it firmly. He grabbed him and stopped his movements.

Yi Yi, you... Lin Mo was startled,

Brother, I have actually wanted to do this for a long time, but Yalin always disrupted the situation. Hehe, this time, I sent Yalin away. Even if she found something later, it was already too late. So...

Yui pursed her red lips, took a breath, and leaned on Lin Mo. The clothes on her body gradually decreased with her every thought, and a pair of starry eyes looked directly into Lin Mo's eyes.

Actually, I really want to do this kind of thing in reality, but there are always people making trouble, and there is the existence of that woman Lisey, so I took a step back and came to this dream world. Although I couldn't give it to you right away, I It can be considered the first one! But, I won’t give up. Anyway, let me taste some sweetness first!”

Lin Mo looked at the persistent Yu Yi and knew that she had already made up her mind. Then, he would not give up the beauty he had obtained. The two of them indulged in Yu Yi's dream world and got entangled...

A few days passed quickly. During this period, Yui would drag Lin Mo to the dream world every night to do some annoying things. Even if Yalin stopped her, she couldn't stop Yui's enthusiasm. .

Therefore, Yui has gradually put the strategic goals into reality in the past few days, but the defense of several people is too strict! She had no idea what to do, and she was so depressed that she looked depressed every day.

But it is definitely impossible to give up. Even if you use some drastic methods, you must complete the plan in your heart!

Therefore, Yui decided to find an opportunity to drag Yalin and Lisey to the dream world and lock them up, and then... thinking of this, Yui looked excited.

In the early morning, the sky is as blue as sapphire, with misty and illusory white clouds passing by. The busy streets of the city are busy with traffic, and pedestrians are walking on both sides of the street.

At this moment, Lin Mo didn't know that Yu Yi was planning on him again. Instead, he came to Lilith's room and knocked on the door twice.

Lilith, shall we leave now?

Lilith, shall we leave now?

Well, okay! Just wait for me, I'll just change my clothes. Lilith's voice soon came from inside.

Lin Mo was waiting on the side, and the students passing by would look here with gossipy faces, and the curiosity in their eyes was indispensable. It is estimated that it won't be long before the topic of a tryst between a boy in Lilith's class and his teacher will be spread.

Not long after, the door to Lilith's room was opened. Lin Mo, who was leaning against the wall, saw Lilith coming out, and his eyes lit up.

Lilith pulled the hem of the dress shyly and said with a somewhat evasive look, How do you think of this dress...

It's pretty good, it suits you very well! Lin Mo praised without any falsehood.

Lilith herself has an excellent figure. Although she is not as hot as the hot girls, nor as enthusiastic as Yui, the purity she brings in her bones is a good demonstration of what it means to be pure and pure...

The white dress, the long black stockings, and the bow on the chest are all symbols of a young girl. The beret on his head adds a bit of beauty to it.

Following Lilith is like a pleasure to the eyes. A light body fragrance emanates from Lilith's body just right, like an embellishment, without any flaws.

When Lilith saw Lin Mo looking at her blankly, although she felt a little shy, she also felt satisfied for a while.

Sometimes, you can see the other person's heart just from your every move without using words to describe it.

Although this was the first time she and Lin Mo had gone out alone, her expectations had not diminished at all!

On the other side, several sneaky figures finally emerged from the darkness after seeing the two of them setting off.

Yui Arin, Selina and Lisey, except for Mira and Akio, there are many of them! Almost everyone related to Lin Mo came, just two words, gossip!

Damn it, since Lilith wants to sneak away while I'm not around, it's really unforgivable. Although Yui said this, there was no less envy, jealousy or hatred in her eyes.

Husband, you are a playboy. Yalin was also dissatisfied for a while.

Hey, since you like Lin Mo so much, why don't you just do it? I really don't understand you guys. Selina stared at the 2.1 loving figure in front of her and said.

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