Then why did you come with me? Yui muttered.

Well... of course I'm here for exclusive information! Selina said without blushing, but the envy in her eyes really deceived her.

Sister, you are really dishonest! As her sister, Lisey saw through Selina's little thoughts at a glance.

Sister, don't talk nonsense... After being pointed out by Lisey, Selina looked away, completely showing a guilty conscience.

Stop talking, they are leaving soon, follow them!

Seeing that the two figures in front of them were about to disappear, Yu Yi hurriedly called to everyone and followed them.

Ps: One more update. There are some things that I can't write down, so I can only express them vaguely. .

439 Feelings, Confession

In the following time, Lin Mo accompanied Lilith around the streets and alleys, and went to all the places they could play. They could see their shadows almost everywhere, and their relationship was rapidly warming up. And the appearance of the two of them was the same as that of a couple who had been together day and night for a long time. There was no difference in their appearance.

As for the sneaky Yu Yi and others, Lin Mo also noticed it. He walked around a few streets and threw them away. Yu Yi gritted his teeth and had to give up unwillingly.

This date is a rare opportunity for Lin Mo. If he misses this opportunity, it will be difficult to find the next opportunity, so he must seize this opportunity as much as possible and win Lilith in one fell swoop.

Facts have proved that his idea was right. It was precisely because he got rid of Yui and the others that Lilith let go even more. In the previous date, not only Lin Mo noticed their shadow, but also Lilith. . Therefore, there is always a feeling of being restrained on her body. But her face was thin and she was too embarrassed to say anything. twenty one

Lin Mo was different. He just threw Yu Yi away. Although he might have felt sorry for them, for the sake of his great career in picking up girls, he could only say sorry silently in his heart.

As the color of the sky darkened, Lin Mo and Lilith decided to call it a day. They then sat on a bench in the park, watching the blue starry sky twinkling, and fell into silence.

Did you have fun today? Lin Mo couldn't help but ask as he looked at the profile of the beautiful woman next to him.

Yes. Lilith nodded slightly, looking down at the position of her left hand, which was now intertwined with Lin Mo's, and the fingers were connected.

In the past, such a bold move would have definitely made her shy, but it was different now. Such an intimate move was as accepted by her heart as drinking water.

Even if you meet students from our school while shopping, you won't be too rigid. She wants to prove with her actions that she is no worse than others.

That's good. Lin Mo smiled. He had noticed Lilith's changes from beginning to end and said without hesitation that Lilith was his favorite person in the world.

Although Yu Yi and the others also occupied a certain part in Lin Mo's heart, they were still not as considerate as Lilith.

Yu Yi also understands and doesn't care about anything. On the contrary, she is very afraid that Lin Mo will abandon her for Lilith. Although Lin Mo gave her a promise, Yu Yi still feels a little guilty in her heart, feeling that she has betrayed Lilith. a feeling of.

So she had made up her mind that as long as her brother didn't abandon her, she would happily accept it no matter what she did.

We're running out of time, let's go back first! Otherwise, everyone will have to worry again. Lin Mo said.

Lilith looked at Lin Mo, bit her lip, and made a decision in her heart.

Can you accompany me for a walk? Lilith stroked her hair and said softly.

Lin Mo agreed without hesitation. The two walked together, walking through the dense forest, and came to a crystal clear pool. The reflection on the water was clearly reflected. On several roads, there were street lights as guides, white and yellow. The lights dispel the darkness and add a touch of psychedelic color to the place.

There are several loving couples all around, some are kissing, some are talking about love. This place seems to be specially created for lovers. Even at night, the pink tone still exists.

Lilith felt a little shy when she saw this scene, but she didn't give up because of it.

Lilith felt a little shy when she saw this scene, but she didn't give up because of it.

Lin Mo also looked around in confusion, feeling a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. He turned to look at Lilith and found that she lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes. Although she did not shrink back, the purity in her bones still prompted her to take this action.

Therefore, Lin Mo's heart moved, and he reached out to lift her head and looked directly at her.

Lilith, do you think we should do something at such a beautiful time?

Lilith looked at Lin Mo's deep pupils, her eyes were blurred, and her cheeks were quietly stained with red. A pair of slender hands went behind Lin Mo, her head slightly stretched forward, and her thin cherry-pink lips opened slightly. She didn't say much, but proved her answer with actions.

Lin Mo knew that Lilith was expressing this, so he calmed down his throbbing mood and leaned his head over.

When the surrounding couples saw this couple in a passionate kiss, they smiled understandingly. Every passing couple would silently avoid them, leaving a space that belonged only to them.

I don't know how much time passed, but it wasn't until Lilith was almost out of breath that their lips separated.

Is it okay for you tonight, Lilith? Lin Mo looked at Lilith's pupils and asked gently.

Lilith's heart trembled. After hearing Lin Mo's words, she became nervous and blushed, not knowing what to do. Although I had thought about it before, at this moment, I was really at a loss.

The two stared at each other silently for a while, and Lilith's heart gradually calmed down. During this period, Lin Mo didn't say a word.

Since the two of us met, I found that I have changed a lot. Lilith said softly.

That's true. Even Yalin and the others would think this is an incredible thing. The innocent Lilith would have such a day... Lin Mo smiled.

Yes, I know, Yalin, Yuyi and the others also like you, and even Mira is vaguely interested in you. There was a hint of resentment in Lilith's eyes.

Lin Mo had some embarrassment on his face.

Lilith didn't seem to notice, and continued: But I don't want to give up. Although you may have many women in the future, even those who are better than me, but as long as you have my status in your heart, I will Don’t expect too much…”

Lilith said calmly. Yet it is these calm words that often have the greatest impact on people.

Before Lin Mo could speak, Lilith took a deep breath and looked directly into Lin Mo's eyes: Will there be a place for me in your heart from now on?

Lin Mo looked at her and smiled softly.

The answer is long and I am prepared to spend my life answering it. Are you... ready to listen?.

440 The Mutation of Lilith’s Grimoire

After spending a wonderful three days with Lilith, Lin Mo sometimes smiled slightly when he looked at the body as white as snow on the bed. You can imagine the joy in his heart.

He liked Lilith very much, a beautiful and delicious woman. Whether it is Yu Yi in the dream world or the other women around Lin Mo, Lilith strives for perfection.

She is reasonable when she is gentle, serious when she is serious, and has a unique flavor even when she is shy. As a wife, she is the perfect choice for a good wife and mother.

The transition from a girl to a woman is completed with the blooming of bright red. Whenever I think of Lilith's crystal clear and exquisite figure on the bed without any clothing covering her body, I can't help but feel eager in my heart.

The only regret is that three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Mo had no choice but to escape from the gentle village. Even if he didn't escape, Yu Yi and the others would probably have objections.

During this period, I have to mention Sora and Illya. As the two magic books on Lin Mo's body, when he and Lilith were doing certain things, the two of them would see everything they did between them! I felt shy but also a little bit curious, so...

Song, what do you want to do? If you have anything to say, please tell me! Lin Mo looked at the silver-haired Loli with a look of horror.

Master, please stop resisting! The silver-haired loli pouted in dissatisfaction, but her hand movements did not stop at all.

Illya on the side looked at Sora's actions while he was trying to pull off Lin Mo's pants. With a blush on his face, he reached out to cover his eyes, but there was a gap in his hand exposed, and it looked like he was observing in secret.

To be honest, I'm a little curious about the things the mistress and the master do. Is it really that comfortable? The silver-haired Loli reluctantly took off Lin Mo's pants, with a look of interest on her face. It feels like breaking a casserole and asking the truth.

Lin Mo looked at the silver-haired Lolita who was very curious about knowledge, and felt a pain in his heart that he couldn't express!

As a magic book, the silver-haired loli usually doesn't show up in front of everyone, and the knowledge in her mind is only limited. Although she is very qualified as a magic book, once she talks about the mysterious secrets between men and women, she is completely confused. Confused.

As a last resort, Lin Mo had no choice but to slap Kong's small round butt fiercely: I'll teach you some things when I have time. Don't take off my pants now. Lilith will see me later and I will probably be crowned. A crime of blaspheming the grimoire. .

And Ilia, you can't run away either! Lin Mo turned his eyes, glanced at Ilia's petite and exquisite figure, and smiled coldly.

Oh!!! Why...has it got involved with me? Illya was suddenly frightened and said with a cry on her face.

However, Lin Mo waved his hand indifferently to Illya's tearful expression. Although Sora and Illya, as grimoires, were similar to weapon spirits, they were flesh and blood! That is to say...

Lin Mo laughed, and Ilia reached out to touch her tears. She looked pitifully at the master's meaningful smile, and thought pitifully in her heart: The master seems to be thinking about some bad things again. What should I do? Is that possible? She will treat me the same as the mistress. Last time, the mistress’s expression seemed to be in pain, but she also looked a little comfortable...

With a blank piece of paper, Illya is like a newborn baby. She has no idea what the meaning of those nonsense between men and women is. It seems that she subconsciously defines it as punishment for misbehavior...

As for the silver-haired lolita, she curled her lips indifferently, her expression as if she said, come quickly, I won't be afraid of you!

However, after hearing Lin Mo's words, he still honestly put down what he was doing, and Lin Mo was able to put on his pants. Coincidentally, after Lin Mo finished tidying up, Lilith opened the door and walked in.

However, after hearing Lin Mo's words, he still honestly put down what he was doing, and Lin Mo was able to put on his pants. Coincidentally, after Lin Mo finished tidying up, Lilith opened the door and walked in.

Lilith, who has grown up a lot, now has an indescribable charm on her body. She is more delicate and charming than the bud in the past!

Lin Mo, are you up? Lilith glanced at Sora and Ilia with doubts in her eyes, but when she saw Lin Mo, she smiled.

Well, it's almost done, we can go. Lin Mo looked at Ilia on the side. Fortunately, Lilith didn't hear what he said before, otherwise he would be in big trouble!

Let's go! They are already waiting over there in the research room. After Lilith finished speaking, she looked a little hesitant.

When Lin Mo saw this scene, he asked with concern: What, did you encounter any trouble when you called everyone here?

Lilith nodded; Yes! I always feel that there is something wrong with my magic book. I wonder if anyone can do anything about it.

In this case, you might as well ask Illya and the others! As magicians, they should be the best able to detect what has happened to your magic book. Lin Mo gave a suggestion.

Oh? What's the matter? An interesting smile appeared on the corner of the silver-haired loli's mouth.

Illya also flashed her big eyes to see if there was anything she could be useful for.

Actually, it's like this. I don't know why my magic book keeps glowing recently, and the magic power is lost inexplicably. Lilith stretched out her white jade-like hand and summoned the magic book.

The two of them came closer to take a closer look, and there was a slight frown on their little faces. Kong said, I felt it, and it seemed that something unknown was awakening inside. I don't know what it is specifically. It's probably something like Ilia and I were born with spiritual wisdom, but because she was missing something, she (Liao Nuozhao) never succeeded in awakening.

Lilith was confused when she heard this. Lin Mo seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the glowing magic book with a slightly surprised expression.

Um, when did you discover this phenomenon? Illya stared at the grimoire, her voice full of questions.

Um... Lilith hesitated.

If it's not convenient to answer, forget it. Illya waved her hand quickly after seeing Lilith's expression.

It was three days ago... Lilith glanced at Lin Mo and said coquettishly with a blush on her face.

Three days ago... Lin Mo whispered, and then his eyes widened. Three days ago, wasn't it...!

Ps: 1/4, the author did not update due to something else on Friday. To express my apology, I will make up the normal 4 updates on Saturday and add another update on Sunday as a mark of respect. .

441 Pain and happiness coexist

Lin Mo's eyes widened. Wasn't three days ago the most important day for Lilith to transform from a girl to a woman? Could it be that doing this kind of thing broke some kind of seal hidden in Lilith's body? It’s impossible even if you think about it!

The silver-haired Loli immediately froze on the spot, not expecting to get such an answer. With a very high emotional intelligence, she immediately thought of the cause and effect, and burst out laughing. Haha, Master, you can solve this matter yourself! Ilia and I are powerless. This is the fruit of your love!

Even Illya covered her mouth and laughed after hearing this, but she didn't laugh as exaggeratedly as Kong did. She just glanced at the two of them with strange eyes.

Forget it, I'll handle it myself! No need to trouble you two. The performance of Illya and Kong made Lin Mo depressed for a while.

Lilith's face was also red, and she wanted to find a hole to crawl in. Illya and Sora's laughter sounded so harsh to her that her body froze in place.


Lilith suddenly thought of something 217, and her beautiful eyes opened wide. How did Kong and Ilia know what happened between me and Lin Mo? Did they both see it? !

At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to hear the sound of boiling water next to him, and a wisp of white smoke floated up from Lilith's head inadvertently.

Lilith, what's wrong with you? Lin Mo was startled when he saw Lilith's face burning red.

No, no, no, no,'s okay... Lilith was incoherent, her mouth was trembling as she spoke, and she groaned in her heart: I'm so embarrassed, how could Ilia and the others see this?

Lin Mo looked at the strange Lilith, thought for a moment, and immediately knew what the problem was. He was quite dumbfounded, and said to Kong in his heart: I asked you to talk too much, I guess Lilith was greatly stimulated this time.

Oh! I'm innocent! Kong blinked his big eyes and replied in his heart.

Lin Mo smiled bitterly, looked at Lilith who was in shame, grabbed her little hand, and changed the subject: Let's go to Yui's side first! They must be waiting impatiently.


Lilith replied dully, her voice was floating, as if she was as weak as a patient, and the blush on her face seemed to be permanent.

Next, a few people quickly arrived at Yu Yi's room. On the way, Lin Mo spent a lot of effort to get Lilith out of this 'nightmare'. It was almost a waste of effort. You know, a trick The bad thing is that it involves life-long events in the future! There is no room for carelessness.

Lin Mo's efforts also paid off. When he was about to arrive, Lilith was no different from her normal appearance, but there was still a touch of pink on her face, which proved that her heart was not as calm as she seemed.

You are finally here! Lisey curled her lips dissatisfied.

Something happened on the way and I came a little late. Speaking of ninja, aren't you tired of hanging up there all the time? Lin Mo smiled, then looked up at the ceiling.

Well... to be honest, it's a bit...

Well... to be honest, it's a bit...

After Lei Wen was discovered in disguise, he smiled indifferently and came down from a somersault. The skirt of his school uniform also turned around. Lin Mo even saw something that couldn't be described in words.

Teacher Lilith, do you kiss me like this every day? Lisey's sister Selina stared at the two people next to each other and said enviously.

Are you jealous? It's okay if you want! Lin Mo teased.

Sai (cbag) Lina's face was slightly pink. She didn't expect Lin Mo to be so bold, and she was entangled in her heart. Even though Lin Mo said it jokingly, she still took it seriously.

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