Emperor Kakine was surprised for a moment, then smiled.

Even if I know, so what? As long as I complete the commission with the Cross Cult, my next target will be Misaka Mikoto!

Lin Mo's face never changed, except for the flash of coldness in his eyes, telling others that he... was not as calm as he looked!

What are you looking for Misaka Mikoto for?

Emperor Kakine curled his lips: It doesn't matter if I tell you, you will die soon anyway!

The blood I need is Misaka Mikoto's blood! That is her DNA! To sit on the same table as Aleister, the necessary conditions are essential!

Lin Mo's face turned completely cold.

Then it seems there's nothing to talk about?

The corner of Emperor Kakine's mouth twitched into a dangerous arc.

Yes! There is no need to talk about it. By the time you come to me, you are destined to be dead! Chatting with you is just a pleasure before exercising!

As soon as he finished speaking, six angelic and holy white wings automatically sprouted from behind Emperor Kakine, and a violent shock wave came as the white wings waved.

Even Tsuchimikado Motoharu's steps were trembling slightly, and two black scratches were left on the floor.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu's figure suddenly retreated!

This... is just the aftermath! The core energy of the shock wave was directed towards Lin Mo, creating bursts of wind blasts in the air like vortices.

Lin Mo didn't even raise his hand, and the invisible space shield suddenly flickered.


The fierce collision caused a deafening blast in front of Lin Mo. The shock wave visible to the naked eye split into two and turned into two streamlined energy that rushed backwards and bombarded the wall of the church. A large The pit suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision...

The fierce collision caused a deafening blast in front of Lin Mo. The shock wave visible to the naked eye split into two and turned into two streamlined energy that rushed backwards and bombarded the wall of the church. A large The pit suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision...

The wind direction in the air suddenly became extremely chaotic at this moment, with no rules at all. Like a lost lamb, not knowing where to go...

Lin Mo's messy yet beautiful hair was floating in the air. The two people facing each other from a distance are like a duel between knights in ancient times. The tense atmosphere surrounding them is that they will fight if they disagree...

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun looked at the two of them with absent-minded eyes, and with the next Lin Mo attack, he suddenly came back to his senses!

A few ripples suddenly appeared in the calm space, and a faint sound of breaking through the air sounded in front of Lin Mo.

Emperor Kakine's expression changed first, and then he summoned a thick, gleaming shield in front of him to block him...


The sharp space blade hit the thick shield and made sharp sounds, like a banshee screaming...

A shocking pressure came from the shield in his hand. Emperor Kakine threw out the shield without hesitation, and his figure jumped up. His originally confident face turned completely gloomy, and his face shone with coldness. Mang's pupils looked at the created shield 0

The space blade completely penetrated the shimmering shield, leaving a shocking knife mark.

Then it turned into little stars and disappeared into this world...

For Emperor Kakine, he could build as many shields as he wanted. What surprised him was Lin Mo's strength.

Is that all you can do?

A unique voice from Lin Mo immediately sounded.

Emperor Kakine was stunned at first, and then became furious, and his originally gloomy face turned completely dark like a dark cloud.

He snorted coldly: You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this in front of me! No one can leave today! You have completely pissed me off!

Lin Mo glanced at Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who was rescuing the hostages, and then turned his eyes again. A sarcastic voice sounded in Emperor Kakine's ears.

The so-called second place in the academy is nothing more than that. No wonder he is always beaten by Accelerator 3.4.

As soon as Emperor Kakine heard about Accelerator, his face suddenly turned blue. Accelerator is a pain in his heart forever for him!

Upon hearing that the other party was comparing himself to Accelerator, Emperor Kakine's face had become distorted, and even the air suddenly dropped.

There was an inexplicable ferocity in his eyes, and a vicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. For him now, Lin Mo must be killed! And it was the most brutal killing! Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved!

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90 Angry Lin Mo?

Kakine Teitu roared, and for a moment, fiery red sparks suddenly appeared in the air, and converged into a transparent ball in front of Kakine Teitu at an alarming speed.

It is filled with fiery red energy all the time. Emperor Kakine opened his palm and caught the fireball spinning at high speed in the air.

Boy, I didn't need to use this trick to deal with you, but who told you to completely anger me! Accept the energy I extracted from the non-yuan matter!

Emperor Yuangen sneered, and the energy in his hand suddenly struck Lin Mo. And the speed is getting faster and faster, and only a fiery red afterimage can be seen in the sky...

not good!!

Tsuchimikado Motoharu's face changed in shock. It was too late to stop him. The fiery red ball of light, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth in 20 days, came to Lin Mo in an instant.


Time seemed to have stopped. The next moment, a dazzling light flickered, and even Kamijou Touma, who was fighting fiercely in the distance, could clearly see it.

The fiery red light ball hit the space shield in front of Lin Mo. At that moment, there was a shocking explosion sound, which resounded through the sky like thunder falling in the sky.

The surrounding buildings began to be swallowed up by the blow.



The space shield in front of Lin Mo suddenly sounded like bursts of glass breaking sounds. Despite this, the power of the fiery red ball of light remained undiminished.

But if you are careful, you can find that the figure of the light ball suddenly becomes smaller by a large amount, and gradually becomes smaller as time goes by.

If the space shield can hold up until the energy of the light ball disappears, it means that Lin Mo will not suffer any harm this time!

But unfortunately, in the last few seconds of survival, the fiery red light ball in front of him fought hard, broke through the space shield, and crashed straight into Lin Mo.

A ray of light that was more dazzling than before spewed out, causing the eyes of several people present to subconsciously squint.

Emperor Kakine just looked at the bright light that lasted for several seconds quietly, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Emperor Kakine just looked at the bright light that lasted for several seconds quietly, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The victory is decided! No one can take my move head-on, not you, and neither can Accelerator!

Oh? Really? Lin Mo's joking voice suddenly sounded in the center of the black smoke.

Emperor Kakine turned around and left, then stopped, turned sharply, and looked closely at the figure in the center of the explosion filled with smoke...

A cool breeze blew on the faces of the people present, accentuating the expressions of the people present...

Index and Orsola seemed to have a hazy look on their faces because they had just been woken up.

And Tsuchimikado Motoharu's expression is particularly wonderful.

The breeze not only blew on the faces of those present, but also blew away the thick fog at the center of the explosion.

A large crater, like a meteorite hitting the ground, appeared in front of several people. In the center of the big pit, a boy about 17.8 years old stood upright in front of everyone present.

The young man had no expression on his face. He reached out and patted his shoulder, as if it was due to the dust generated by the explosion just now, and walked out of the pit step by step.

With the sound of footsteps stepping on the stone, everyone present felt the pressure in the air shrouding everyone's hearts. Especially Emperor Kakine, this feeling is the most thorough...

Kamijou Touma and 777 Steele, who came in a hurry, saw this appalling scene.

The temperature in the summer night was not low, on the contrary, it was very high, but everyone didn't know why there was a chill in their hearts.

To be honest, you are the strongest person I have ever seen besides Accelerator. Even I almost died from that extremely powerful blow just now.

If that move is the strongest strength you can produce at present, then...I will also use my strongest strength. I hope you can be like me and survive the feast! Lin Mo said with a sinister smile. .

The surrounding atmosphere moved uneasily, the temperature suddenly dropped to zero, and the strange vision like wind and lingering clouds made the Christian cult who had just arrived see the most unforgettable scene in their lives!

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91 Confrontation? The escaped Emperor Kakine!

Although Emperor Kakine didn't know what would happen next, his intuition told him that the man in front of him... was very dangerous!

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but couldn't. The terrifying pressure was like a jack, weighing him down so much that he couldn't breathe.

His body was trembling uncontrollably as if encountering a formidable enemy. He wanted to escape, but sadly found that the surrounding space was like a bell, with several ripples flashing out, trapping him in an area...

Emperor Kakine's calculation power was fully activated, and he frantically mobilized the energy around him. The holy wings on his back suddenly grew to about 20 meters.

Lin Mo didn't want to care about Emperor Kakine's dying struggle, nor did he want to care about it. With all his mental energy concentrated on one point in the space, he can now hear the beating of his heart very clearly...

The space was twisting at a dizzying speed, and one could clearly see a stream of colorful energy emerging from the depths of the space.

But not long after, as if it had been repaired by some mysterious power, the overflowing energy suddenly dissipated.

Only Lin Mo knew that the terrifying supernatural energy coming from the cracks in space could crush the body to pieces in an instant as long as it touched it a little bit.

But the strangest thing to him was that an energy that did not belong to any system in the world suddenly appeared, but it was captured by him at that moment.

Lin Mo frowned and looked up into the void. His intuition told him that someone was spying on the battle between them...

To put this strange feeling behind you, first solve it

Let’s talk about it later, Emperor Jueyuangen!

Lin Mo buried that doubt deeply in the deepest part of his heart.

The distorted space can clearly see the ripples of water flowing in the void, and this phenomenon is becoming more and more common.

The aura of destruction bloomed wantonly in the space.

The next second, he violently pressed down from the top of Emperor Gakine's head.

Emperor Kakine was tensed, and he didn't even notice that the corner of his mouth was bitten with blood. His attention, calculation power, and firepower were all used to protect himself.

The earth was trembling, the sky was roaring, and the gathered space energy was eroding the struggling Emperor Kakine from all directions like a tide.


Something that shocked the Crusaders happened. The ground suddenly dropped a small section, and gravel and dust were flying all over the sky.

Emperor Kakine fought hard, and the energy he gathered from his full calculation power collided with the majestic space energy.

Emperor Kakine fought hard, and the energy he gathered from his full calculation power collided with the majestic space energy.

But what made him despair was that Emperor Kakine's energy was like a dead sea, disappearing without a trace at the moment of collision.

Emperor Kakine was in a hurry, and the white wings formed from energy condensed behind him completely enveloped him.

The next second, mushroom-shaped explosions shot up into the sky, filling the world and turning the area into a veritable hell on earth...

In desperation, Kamijou Touma stood in front of Index and Orsola, and used the Fantasy Killer in his right hand to eliminate the scattered space energy. Although the ability was eliminated, it was still affected.

At the critical moment, Steele summoned a small fiery red protective shield to protect everyone together.

The Christian people are not so lucky.

As time went by, the earth gradually couldn't bear it and began to crack like cracks. Everyone under the protective cover can clearly see this hell on earth...

The church, which was originally intact, was indifferent to this blow.

The embarrassed figure of Emperor Kakine fled from inside, and the huge wings behind him had also disappeared. He now has extra energy to deal with Lin Mo.

When protecting myself, I mobilized almost everything that could be used to barely hold on. This is because his ability is Weiyuan Creation! If it were any other ability user, his body would definitely be wiped out by this blow.

¨`This man is so scary!

Escape was almost the only thought on Emperor Kakine's mind now, and he ran towards a certain place without looking back. I'm afraid Lin Mo will catch up...

Do you think you can escape with this (money) look? Lin Mo sneered, and his figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second, it flashed next to Emperor Kakine.

With a glare on his feet, the carrier's roaring and agile feet kicked him away with a roundhouse kick.

The figure of Emperor Kakine fell not far away like a kite with its string broken.

He held on to his body, his legs were trembling, his pupils dilated little by little, his eyes were full of despair, and he looked at Lin Mo walking step by step.

Although there were only a few short rounds of confrontation, it did not prevent him from fully understanding Lin Mo's power!

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