92 System rewards…

As bursts of explosions sounded, Emperor Kakine's idea of ​​dying together with Lin Mo failed in the end. The pupils began to slowly dilate, and the body finally fell to the ground unwillingly...

Lin Mo kept his face expressionless. After confirming that Emperor Kakine was dead, he walked towards Kamijou Touma.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu opened his eyes wide and kept an 'O' shape on his mouth. The feeling of shock lingered in his heart.

There were destroyed buildings everywhere, and the original solemn church was razed to the ground in the confrontation between the two.

The members of the Cross Church wearing nun uniforms have a more or less ignominious look on their faces. The moans and screams converged into a picture of hell on earth...

Most of them were nuns who had just been hit and had not had time to form a defensive formation.

Lin Mo, when did you become so powerful? Kamijou Touma came back to his senses and swallowed his saliva.

I've always been this good, okay? Lin Mo's expressionless face showed a rather helpless look.

Oh! Are you Touma's friend? I didn't expect you to be so powerful! Index, wearing a white monk's uniform, said in surprise.

It's okay! Lin Mo smiled nonchalantly, then changed the topic and said

If there's nothing else, I'll go back first, and I'll leave the rest to you! There was such a huge explosion, and the people from Academy City are almost here!

Lin Mo's words woke up several people present. Listening to the sirens coming from all directions, they looked at each other.

Lin Mo was too lazy to care about what happened next. The moment Lin Mo defeated Emperor Kakine, the system's prompt sounded as promised.

Regarding the rewards, Lin Mo was extremely looking forward to it. He had already obtained the LV5 ice ability once before. Wouldn't it be great if you draw some amazing ability next?

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Mo came to the side of the supermarket. He didn't forget what Qiong Mei asked him to buy. Snacks accounted for the vast majority, and the rest were insignificant items.

Ah? Isn't this Mr. Lin Mo?

There was a very pleasant sound coming from behind, and Xiao Mi stood behind Lin Mo at some point, covering his mouth and saying in surprise.

Xiao Mi? What a coincidence! Are you here to buy things too? Lin Mo said hello, without any of the ruthless expressions he had during battle.

Yes! Xiaomi nodded with a smile.

Did you enjoy going to the beach a few days ago? Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki didn't make things difficult for you, did they? Lin Mo said.

No, no! Xiao Mi waved his hands quickly, with a wry smile on his face when he thought of the two people's quarrel. It was clearly planned to spend time with Lin Mo at the beach to cultivate their relationship, but due to the arrival of the two of them, Xiao Mi had to give up the original plan.

When he thought of this, Xiao Mi looked at Lin Mo with a complaining expression. It's all his fault for bringing so many girls here.

In fact, Xiao Mi didn't know that Lin Mo was really suffering and couldn't tell him!

It's getting late, I have to go back quickly! Xiao Mi looked at the time and exclaimed.

It's getting late, I have to go back quickly! Xiao Mi looked at the time and exclaimed.

Your parents are really strict with you! Lin Mo compared with his mother and could only cover his face. There is no comparison between the two (cadg), okay! .

No! In fact, they were afraid that something might happen to me, so they set stricter time limits for me to go out. They are usually very nice people! Xiao Mi said, sticking out her sweet tongue.

Is it good for you? The one who asks others to take care of his daughter as soon as they meet... Lin Mo thought helplessly.

If you don't suggest it, I'll send you back!

Lin Mo's words made Xiao Mi's eyes sparkle slightly.

Then it's up to you!

Xiao Mi agreed without hesitation. Just kidding, being able to be alone with Lin Mo was something she could never dream of.

Therefore, along the way, Lin Mo acted as a flower protector. Anyone who wanted to harass Xiao Mi was dismissed by Lin Mo.

The few people who wanted to take action were severely punished by Lin Mo.

Seeing these things, Xiao Mian felt sweet and silent in her heart.

After sending Xiao Mi to the door of her house, Lin Mo chatted for a few words casually and left under her reluctant eyes.

Before leaving, he marked a space mark on her body so that if Xiaomi ran into any trouble, Lin Mo could rush there.

After returning home, Qiong Mei handed her the plastic bag in her dissatisfied eyes, then closed the door tightly and prepared to receive the reward.

Don't look at it. Lin Mo is now very powerful and has nothing to fear in the world. But Lin Mo knew that there were many people who could defeat him easily!

What Ju Linmo knows is a group of people from the heaven...

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's pupils tightened. I wonder if the energy today was caused by an angel...

As everyone knows, the owner of that energy is even more terrifying than the angel. Even if the angel sees her, he can only bow his head and surrender...

Forget it for now, collect the rewards from the system! Lin Mo rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

The system's dull tone suddenly sounded in Lin Mo's mind...

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting...

(2/3, please subscribe, 5 more updates will be added for every 1W of flowers, and more will be added on New Year’s Day, please give me everything!!).

93 Weird System Rewards Daiba Star Festival

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining ‘time travel’”


A big question mark appeared on Lin Mo's face.

System, you're not joking, are you?

No kidding. The system's plain voice echoed in Lin Mo's mind.

Then what's the use of this skill? Lin Mo's smile gradually solidified.

It literally means! The host can obtain the permission to travel twice every once in a while. Very concise words rang in Lin Mo's mind.

The corner of Lin Mo's mouth twitched: In other words, I can still travel to other worlds?

Yes! And during the process of traveling, the time in the main world stops completely. Traveling through the world is random and comes with a series of tasks. After completing the tasks, you will get rich rewards. The system explained calmly.

Then after time travel, can I still return to this world? Lin Mopi said with a smile. He was also very speechless about this skill.

After completing all tasks, you can return to the main world.

Okay! Helpless words came out of Lin Mo's mouth.

If the host wants to become stronger, it is recommended to use the ability to travel. If the host is content with the status quo, just ignore the system's words. After a few seconds, the system continued.

Lin Mo's calm face immediately turned into one of surprise. This was the first time in a long time that the system reminded him to become stronger.

The ability you showed today has attracted someone's attention. If you don't want to be killed by her, the host please improve your strength as soon as possible.


Lin Mo said in surprise, could it be Aleister? No! Its strength is not enough for the system to remind itself.


Aiwass? Lin Mo murmured subconsciously, I've never heard that name before... could it be an angel?

Yes and no! The system immediately gave a vague answer coldly.

The host had better not think too much now. 'She' can't interfere in the affairs of the human world yet. It's just that the space crack caused by the host today attracted 'her' attention...

Okay! Lin Mo couldn't think of a reason and had to give up his idea. However, his character unconsciously restrained himself a lot, and he silently remembered the words the system said in the deepest part of his heart...

That's right! After a few minutes of settling, the system's beep suddenly sounded in Lin Mo's mind again.

If Lin Mo's current expression was dull and indifferent, the picture the system said next made his face completely darken.

If the host does not make the first time travel within 3 months, the system will throw you into another world very rudely! After the system prompts, the message disappears as if it has disappeared into the sea. Without a trace.

If the host does not make the first time travel within 3 months, the system will throw you into another world very rudely! After the system prompts, the message disappears as if it has disappeared into the sea. Without a trace.

I didn't see Lin Mo's completely darkened face at all...

In the following days, Lin Mo's life was in order, and he lived it unremarkably. He would go to talk to Shokuhou Caoqi about his feelings when he had nothing to do, and he would do things that were good for his physical and mental health.

When I'm bored, Misaka Mikoto's 'tsundere' acts as a spice. When I'm tired, I just look at Qiongmei's profile at home.

I met Xiao Mi by chance on the street a few times, and Lin Mo, who had nothing to do, accompanied her to go shopping in Academy City.

After a series of events, the two developed a lot of feelings.

0Flowers requested0·········

More than a month of summer vacation passed quietly like this.

today! It's the beginning of the new semester, and it's also the day when Qiongmei goes through the formalities for transferring to Tokiwadai Middle School!

Fortunately, just as Lin Mo expected, Qiong transferred to Misaka Mikoto's class.

And what surprised Lin Mo was that Qiongmei obtained the status of LV2 superpower in the ability test conducted on the first day of school.

In Lin Mo's opinion, it was simply incredible! You must know that Qiong obtained a normal human physique with the help of Lin Mo, and it was only a few short months since that day!


Without receiving any ability development, he relied on his own understanding of ability users to reach LV2. In the eyes of the world, it is simply unbelievable!

The principal of Tokiwadai Middle School is a rather majestic woman. After hearing about Qiong’s sister’s deeds, and after getting Qiong’s previous physical examination report and confronting her, within a few moments, she agreed to Qiong’s admission to the school...

If he can be cultivated well, he will be another rising star of tomorrow.

What's more, Qiong enrolled in school under the guarantee of two LV5s. Anyone can keep talking, but not only the two strongest warriors of Tokiwadai!

It's fine for one person, but if two people say it, the weight will be different. This is also the main reason why the female principal admitted Qiong so readily.

On Lin Mo's side, there was also a beautiful high school student, that's right! It’s Xiaomi!

The girl who brought her own special effects as soon as she appeared on the scene and caused a sensation in the school!

It can be said that Lin Mo, who has the best relationship with Xiao Mi, has aroused the jealousy of all the boys in the school.

On such days, the Great Star Festival quietly started...

(3/3, please auto-subscribe and flowers!).

94 Bet?



Brilliant fireworks were shining brightly in the sky, and the streets that usually had people coming and going seemed to be much more lively than before. If you observe carefully, you will see that everyone is walking in the same direction, which is the venue of the Daha Star Festival.

Everyone holds a preview of today's events in their hands at the same time.

At a glance, there are huge crowds of people. There are groups of people coming to visit, including some students who are here to participate in today's competition. But most of it comes from the cries of vendors.

Wearing a sports suit and walking on the street, Lin Mo looked helpless. Guan is the project that I participated in today, and there are more than 5 of them! Not to mention taking Qiong Mei with him.

Brother, it's so lively today! Qiong held Lin Mo's hand tightly, looked left and right, and sighed.

Today, Qiong is no longer wearing the white princess dress of the past, but is wearing the uniform of girls' school uniform issued by Tokiwadai.

Qiong, don't you have to participate in the competition today? Lin Mo looked around and asked doubtfully.

Well...I only participated in some small projects. Compared with Misaka Mikoto and the others, I didn't get on the stage so quickly... Qiong's little head thought for a while and then said.

Okay! Lin Mo sighed, always feeling very tired today. Why does everyone have to participate in at least 3 projects?


Why are you lowering your head and sighing? Do you already know that your school will lose to our school? Misaka Mikoto came out from the side and said jokingly.

Ah~ it's you!

I don't know if it was Misaka Mikoto's illusion, but Lin Mo's face became even more dejected after seeing his expression.

Hey! What do you mean? Misaka Mikoto looked at Lin Mo who couldn't get excited. She clenched her fists and wanted to hit him even more, but she finally endured it.

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