Asuna picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

Thinking of the smell just now, Asuna suddenly showed an intoxicated expression. It's a pity that my body's natural reaction told me that I couldn't eat it no matter what.

The heartbroken expression of losing everything was naturally reflected in Lin Mo's eyes, and he laughed: How about I make you a good meal when I have a chance in the future.


Asuna's eyes lit up.

Lin Mo nodded naturally.


Asuna cheered, but the discomfort came back like a tide, so she had no choice but to sit on the seat.

It's getting late, I'm going back first!

Lin Mo took one look and said.


Her right eye, which was blocked by chestnut hair, glanced in Lin Mo's direction, and then responded softly,

Walking on the wild streets and looking at the bustling streets and alleys, it was rare that I didn't go to the maze area.

Let's have a good rest today!

Lin Mo stretched and started to wander. Towards evening, I found a hotel and fell asleep naturally...


A month has passed since the day when I competed with Asuna on her cooking skills.

In this month, many major events happened one after another. Among them, the most eye-catching. It’s the black-clad swordsman Kirito. Joined Fenglinhuoshan,

In this month, many major events happened one after another. Among them, the most eye-catching. It’s the black-clad swordsman Kirito. Joined Fenglinhuoshan,

And the BOSS strategy battle on the 60th floor, led by Heathcliff, the leader of the Blood Alliance Knights.

He once again showed the world his overwhelming strength!

Not long after finishing the 60th floor strategy, Lin Mo, known as the strongest player in SAO, lost the 61st floor strategy.

The strong strength of the two people is somewhat confusing. They wanted to see who was the strongest among the two.

Is Lin Mo, who is known as the strongest player in SAO, stronger, or is it that Hizkolev, who is known as the strongest guild leader in SAO, is better!

The strength of the two parties has attracted countless people's speculation.

Lin Mo naturally knew this, and he also knew Heathcliff’s true identity!

But now is not the time to fight with the opponent. Waiting for the decisive game is the time for the two of them to compete fairly!

On the green grass, Lin Mo lay here, enjoying the rare afternoon time. The sun is shining brightly, and the weather on this day is the best in SAO.

The change of seasons still cannot change the fact that today is a special day.

There was a piece of grass hanging in his mouth, and the gentle sunshine penetrated the shade of the tree and shone on the side of Lin Mo's face.

On such a beautiful day, he didn't want to waste his boring time in the maze area where nothing had changed.

You are so laid-back! I even sent you emails and didn't reply!

A familiar voice came, and Lin Mo opened his eyes, but what he saw was Asuna's delicate little face.

After realizing he was an acquaintance, he closed his eyes again.

What else? I don't want to waste such good weather in the maze area.

Lin Mo said happily.

Really? This kind of weather is no different from 120 years ago, right? It's like this anyway...

Asuna sighed softly and sat next to Lin Mo.

I just went to the strategy meeting. I was supposed to lead the team this time, but I didn't know why but I refused. I always feel like it's all meaningless, and I'm living in a world where I don't even know what to do. …”

Hearing this, Lin Mo opened his eyes and looked at her in surprise.

Oh? Did our Asuna-sama understand the true meaning of life in an instant?

No, it's just that I don't know what the purpose of this game is... Asuna fell into deep thought and murmured softly.

I think this world is quite good! Although sometimes the days are a bit boring. Why don't you lie down and try? Try to relax yourself, just like the last cooking competition. Lin Mo said lazily.

This kind of weather is the kind of day that makes people very unmotivated and want to be lazy to the end.

I believe everyone has this experience.

(Please subscribe and donate flowers!).

227 Players’ shock

Lin Mo stood up and stretched, and was startled when he suddenly saw Asuna next to him. But when he found that she had fallen asleep, he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

This is too unprepared!

As we all know, you can't kill people in SAO, you can only PK. The same goes for trading gear.

In towns, equipment cannot be stolen under any circumstances, but there is one exception.

An exception to the town's protection rules!

That is to use the other person's fingers to quietly perform a series of operations while the other person is asleep. Whether it is equipment transfer or a duel in the town, it can be completed while the opponent is sleeping.

If you don't trust the other person extremely, it would be impossible to sleep under the same roof with the other person.


Time passes quickly like a river. The sky was slowly filled with the late red color of the setting sun. On a certain lawn, the girl's eyebrows moved slightly.

Asuna opened her eyes and looked around in confusion, with a glistening line of drool remaining at the corner of her mouth. There are still a few small grass hanging on the white cheeks.

There are various signs that she must have slept soundly before!

Hey, how's it going? Did you sleep well?

Lin Mo sat on the wall and said with a smile.


Asuna screamed and reflexively put her hand on the hilt of the sword. When she came to her senses and realized it was Lin Mo, her tense state relaxed again.

“There’s no need to be so nervous, right〃〃?”

Lin Mo said helplessly.

Huh, I was scared to death. I thought someone was going to attack me. Why are you here?

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief and looked around with confusion.

You really don't remember what happened before? Lin Mo pointed at the traces of saliva that still remained at the corner of Asuna's mouth.

Only then did Asuna realize her gaffe, her face turned slightly red, and she quickly wiped it with her hands, remembering the previous events as if they were replayed in a movie version.

He originally wanted to come over and teach Lin Mo a lesson, but in the end, he fell asleep instead. Lin Mo must have witnessed his previous ugly behavior.

It's really embarrassing!

Asuna thought sadly.

You didn't do anything weird to me, right?

Asuna looked at Lin Mo and said warily.

How is it possible! The sleeping face of the Vice-Captain is so beautiful, even if I eat the courage of a bear and a leopard, I would not dare to destroy it! Do you think so, Mr. Vice-Captain? Lin Mo spread his hands and said He said with an innocent face.

Asuna looked at Lin Mo suspiciously, curled her lips, and snorted: It would be best if I didn't!

Lin Mo smiled and said nothing. In the afternoon, while Asuna was sleeping, he pinched her little face. Unexpectedly, Asuna pouted her lips reflexively, which almost made him fall for her.

Compare Asuna now to Asuna when she was asleep. It can be said that without comparison, there is no harm.

Compare Asuna now to Asuna when she was asleep. It can be said that without comparison, there is no harm.

If nothing happens, I'll leave first!

Lin Mo came down from the wall, looked at Asuna and said.

Wait a moment!

You haven't eaten yet, have you? In exchange for keeping me under guard, how about I treat you to a meal? Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to owe a favor!

Afraid that Lin Mo would think wrong, Asuna explained in a panic.

Okay! Why don't you want a free dinner? Lin Mo readily agreed.

Then let's go!

Asuna patted the dust on her body and pouted.


The fifty-seventh floor, Martin.

In a certain restaurant, there was a complete silence due to the arrival of two players.

Although the players are eating the food in their hands, their wandering eyes and heads turning in a certain direction from time to time prove that their attention is not on the food on the table.

Instead, it was sucked away by the two of them.

The sound of nails falling was clearly audible.

¨ Hey! Is that the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights? Why is she here?

Her nickname is 'Flash'...

Just like the rumors, so beautiful and powerful.

Where's the other guy who's all in white and has a blue sword on his back?

Huh? The man sitting next to Asuna looks familiar, as if I've seen him there...

A certain passerby player showed a thoughtful expression, and everyone's eyes turned to him involuntarily.

Yes! (Qian Qian Zhao)

As if recalling something, the passerby player said with a shocked expression.

Isn't he the strongest player in SAO! I've seen him in the newspaper!

People in the restaurant looked at Lin Mo in disbelief, and there was a continuous uproar. Some people even took a breath because of disbelief.

Lin Mo's eyes were full of curiosity and interest.

After all, Lin Mo's identity is so special that even the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights cannot compare to him.

This is the effect of being crowned the ‘strongest’ by players!

(Please subscribe to Flowers, there will be 5 updates today, and one more will be added the next day! My mental state is not particularly good.).

228 I turn a blind eye to you who should cooperate with the performance

Asuna took a cautious look at Lin Mo and found that he was calm and composed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I thought you hated being talked about.

Lin Mo put down the cup in his hand and looked around. He curled his lips and said.

My heart is not that fragile.

Speaking of which, thank you very much for watching over me when I fell asleep. Asuna said with her hands together.

It's okay. After all, I've heard a lot about sleep PK, so naturally I have to take it easy, Lin Mo said with a smile.

Thank you then! Feel free to eat today, I'll treat you! Asuna said generously.

Then I won't be polite!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said.

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