Not long after she said this, a sharp scream sounded outside the restaurant. Asuna suddenly felt that something was wrong and hurriedly ran out to check. Lin Mo, who had read the original work, also knew what happened, and followed Asuna slowly.

A figure in armor was hung on the wall. There was a strange blood-red sword stuck in his chest, and the expression of fear and despair on his face lowered the surrounding atmosphere to zero.

To outsiders, his health bar was disappearing bit by bit, but only Lin Mo knew that what was floating and disappearing outside was not his own health bar at all, but the durability of his armor.

Lin Mo, you catch him below, I'll go in and save him!

Asuna said anxiously.

But the moment he turned around, he was caught by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo shook her head, indicating that she didn't need to go in anymore.

Because from the moment he shook his head, the (bged) man hanging above was shattered in the same way as he died in SAO.

Seeing the strange-shaped long sword falling on the ground, everyone in the audience was silent. I don't know who spoke first, and rumors started to spread around.

Death in the circle! This was something that everyone thought could not be staged, but now it really happened in front of them.

How not to surprise them?

Even Asuna was extremely nervous, but Lin Mo was the only one who remained calm and composed.

Did anyone witness the whole incident just now? Who made that scream? Asuna, who came back to her senses, shouted loudly to the crowd.

The players looked at each other and expressed their ignorance. It wasn't until a few seconds later that a purple-haired girl walked out of the crowd that everyone turned their attention to her.

The girl still has a guilty expression on her face.

I'm sorry for calling you out at this time. I want to ask you a few questions and hope you can answer them well. Asuna said softly.

I'm sorry for calling you out at this time. I want to ask you a few questions and hope you can answer them well. Asuna said softly.


The girl nodded slightly in response.

Do you know the identity of that person just now? Asuna asked nervously.

I know! He and I came here to have dinner together. The man's name was Kainz, and he used to stay in a guild with me. But we got separated in the square. Just as I was looking around, Kainz was found hanging from the window door of the church.

After saying that, he couldn't help covering his face and started crying.

Asuna quickly stepped forward and stroked Yakko's back to comfort her.

Lin Mo was just a bystander.

It's not that he is indifferent, but that he has known for a long time that all of this, including the part where she cried, was all acting!

Yakko's mood seemed to stabilize under Asuna's comfort.

I asked some questions and the answers I got were all no. After a period of no success, Asuna kindly helped her return to her home.

After agreeing to come over tomorrow, Lin Mo and Asuna left one after another. I saw that the moment the two people left, Yezi immediately changed and returned to normal. It was clear that I was still sobbing without crying before.

what do you think?

Asuna couldn't help but ask as she walked on the road.

How about what?

Of course it's an insider killing!

Asuna glared at Lin Mo. At this time, she was still in the mood to joke.

That's what you said! Just treat him as a pre-arranged show. You and I are both the audience. Lin Mo smiled, and in his deep pupils, a light called truth inadvertently appeared. flashing in between.

The advantage of knowing the plot is fully demonstrated at this moment.

What do you mean by this? Is there any conspiracy hidden in it?

From confusion at the beginning, to shock, Asuna stared unblinkingly at Lin Mo, who already knew everything.

Almost! You will know the answer tomorrow. Now let me give it a try. Lin Mo said mysteriously.

Asuna, whose curiosity was aroused, pouted dissatisfied with Lin Mo's perfunctory behavior.

(Please subscribe and get flowers!).

229 Smiling coffin!

The next afternoon, the gloomy sky gave people a particularly depressing feeling. In a restaurant, Lin Mo, Asuna and Yezi sat opposite each other.

The empty seats around him and the helpless expression on Yezi's face looked strange. After all, this method of killing someone inside the circle is unheard of.

Especially Asuna, her eyes kept looking towards Lin Mo, who was sitting on her right.

Is the person who died yesterday a familiar companion to you? Lin Mo ignored Asuna next to him and looked at Yezi and said.

Yes, he and I are in the same guild. I didn't expect that something like this happened yesterday... Yezi lowered his head sadly.

Then how do you know each other? Are you guild members? Lin Mo asked again.


Yezi looked up at Lin Mo, wondering why he asked these questions.

Have there been any major events in your guild recently? For example, any grievances caused by property disputes?

Obviously, when Lin Mo said these words, Yezi's body trembled slightly.

Asuna, who saw everything in her eyes, looked at Lin Mo aside with some surprise, wondering how he caught the point.


Yezi said with a painful look on her face: I'm deeply sorry for hiding this from you. But after all, I don't want to think about it anymore. However, I still have to confess to you.

Hearing the important point coming, Asuna quickly straightened her body.

And it was precisely because of that incident that the original guild was disbanded. As if she didn't want to mention it, Yezi continued with a sad look on her face.

The name of the guild is called Golden Apple. Half a year ago, by chance, I defeated a rare BOSS and obtained a ring that can increase agility by 20.

The guild was divided into two groups: keeping it for use and reselling it. So they decided by voting. The final result was three to five, with the minority obeying the majority. So we chose to resell it.

The president, Griselda, entrusted the auction house to conduct the auction, but after that, she never came back.

Later we found out that Griselda was dead. We don't know exactly how she died, Yezi said painfully.

With a rare ring, you shouldn't run outside. It seems that you were subjected to a sleep PK. But no one should have known about this method half a year ago. Asuna fell into deep thought.


Asuna's eyes lit up, she looked at Yako and said.

The person who knew that Griselda was going to auction with the ring must be someone from within your guild. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know her whereabouts so clearly. Yezi, do you have any idea about this?

Well, actually I once doubted someone.

Under Asuna's confused gaze, Yakko said slowly.

Griselda also has a husband, Grimrock.

Of course it's in the game.

Griselda is a beautiful and powerful woman, and her husband Grimrock always has a smiling expression on his face and is considerate. The relationship between the two is very harmonious, precisely because of this A little, so I really can’t figure out why Grimrock killed his wife.”

So I guess that Grimrock wanted to kill the three people who opposed the resale, and among the three people, two of them were me and Kainz.

Yezi clasped her hands together, seemingly confused about her future.

If Lin Mo hadn't already known the plot, he might have been deceived.

The reason why he is so nosy is because of another group involved in this dispute, the Killing Guild Smiling Coffin

This is the real reason why he came here!

What about the other guy?

Asuna asked nervously.

Asuna asked nervously.

His name is Schmidt, he plays the role of a human shield. I heard that he is now affiliated with the Holy Dragon Alliance.

Ye Zi thought about it and said.

Asuna recalled the name carefully, and her ideas gradually became clearer.

I know this man. He is the captain of the heavy armored warrior. I have met him several times before when I was attacking the BOSS.

Let's do this! Without further ado, let's contact him immediately. Before we come back, Yezi, please stay in the hotel and wait for us to come back. After all, it's too dangerous for you to go out now!


Ye Zi nodded heavily and said.

········Asking for flowers··········

Asuna pulled Lin Mo outside, looked at him seriously, and said, What else do you know? Tell me everything!

Do you really want to listen?

Lin Mo shrugged.

Now, now, now!

Asuna said loudly.

All right!

Actually, the person we met that day was not dead at all.

Asuna was stunned as soon as she opened her mouth.

not dead?

Yes, what we saw that day was just an illusion. The long sword inserted into his chest was not sharpening his blood volume, but consuming the durability of his armor.

Just like food and weapons, once the durability reaches zero, it will be broken as if the person died. And that person just took advantage of this principle to deceive you. Think that he is dead.

.. ..... 0

The moment the armor's durability reaches zero, use the transfer crystal to teleport to another place. Do you understand what I mean? Lin Mo said.

Asuna suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment. Could it be?

If we guess correctly, when we call Schmitt later, Yezi will perform the same scene as before. I'm afraid she has already used weapons to wear down the durability of her clothes!

Lin Mo stretched and said as he walked while looking at Asuna looking at the monster in her eyes.

But why did she do it?

Asuna couldn't help but ask again.

Remember what she told us about the guild? I'm afraid it was to catch the murderer of Griselda! After all, it's a family matter, and I'm too lazy to get involved. It's just that another force is involved, so I will pretend not to know.

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly.



At this time, Asuna was completely shocked. She was extremely clear about the meaning of these names.

A guild that kills without blinking an eye! Ninety percent of its members are red-named! No less than 50 people died at their hands! They are really evil people who are frightened by the news!

(Please subscribe, flowers!).

230 Paralysis

Actually, I'm not sure if the person from Smiling Coffin will come out, but it involves the other party, so I'll just say it, Lin Mo said, touching the bridge of his nose.

Phew! I was scared to death. I thought people from the murderous union would appear in large numbers in this incident!

Asuna patted her chest with lingering fear. Although she is very strong, she doesn't have much chance of winning when facing a group of murderous monsters.

After all, the people in the Murderous Guild are famous for their love of shooting in the dark.

He can do any evil things.

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