Infinite weird games

Chapter 246: The Accomplices (I) Those who died from tiger bites

When the individual and the collective are placed on both ends of the scale at the same time,

The choice of sacrifice or salvation has already been decided by others.

——"Volume 4: Alone and Group"

There was no moon in the long night, with only a few stars hanging high above my head, and a cluster of green will-o'-the-wisps floating in front of me.

The fog locks the mountain forest, and the gray smoke squirms among the trees, blurring the ghosts in the distance.

Lin Chen opened his eyes and saw a mirror, glowing silver in the rich night, reflecting his image.

Wearing dark gray clothes, his long hair was tied back with a cloth belt. He held a lantern in his right hand and a wooden medicine box in his left hand, just like the dress of an ancient doctor.

The mirror flashed away like an apparition.

Lin Chen held the lantern pole in his mouth and reached out to open the lid of the medicine box. He saw a letter on a pile of unrecognizable herbs that had been opened and folded.

He took out the letter paper from the envelope with two fingers, shook it off and flattened it. He could clearly see the ink words on it by the light of the lantern:

[Doctor Lin personally initiated...]

This letter was written in classical Chinese, and the general idea was to ask "Doctor Lin" to go to a place called "Yanghua Town" to treat an old lady from a wealthy family named Meng.

Attached to the letter was a map, saying that Yanghua Town was nestled deep in the mountains and old forests, and the road was difficult to find. It was hoped that "Doctor Lin" would be careful if he took the wrong path. If he fell into the mountain spirit's maze, there would be no way to save him.

In just over a hundred words, it is the background of this copy. On the one hand, it explains the reason why the players are here, and on the other hand, it also implies an early warning of the crisis.

Lin Chen put the letter back into the medicine box and picked up the lantern again, feeling suspicious everywhere.

In ancient times, people mostly needed to send someone to seek medical advice. If the road was difficult, they should entrust a trusted family member to lead the way.

Just send a letter, please don't ask for a doctor. Let's not talk about the speed of delivery. If the host is seriously ill, the letter will be delivered, and the person will be gone.

There is probably something wrong with this so-called "Yanghua Town" and it attracts people here without knowing what the purpose is.

Lin Chen touched the red ring on the ring finger of his right hand, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

Logically speaking, he should have teamed up with Qiss, but what about the Qiss people?

This dungeon is said to be about team survival, but why can't you see a single figure and he is alone?

Lin Chen held up a lantern for lighting and looked around.

Under the dim light of candlelight, green bamboo poles crisscrossed each other, and several small figures made of straw were inserted crookedly on the earthen bags at the roots of the bamboos. A smile was painted in red on the face.

The candlelight went out for a moment, and when it was illuminated by light again, the smile on the villain's face became even more exaggerated, almost reaching his ears.

Lin Chen subconsciously took a step back, only to see the villain turn half a circle, and his smile returned to its previous amplitude.

It turns out that the scarecrow has faces painted on both sides, and it will turn when the wind blows. At first glance, it seems to change its expression on its own, which is quite deceptive.

But... even the fog in this world is solid and lingers for half the night. How can there be any wind?


Strange sounds rang out from deep in the forest, like a landslide, thunder, or the roar of some giant creature.

The sound caused the earth to tremble, the bamboo forest suddenly trembled, and a burst of raindrops fell on Lin Chen's head.

Is it the accumulated water on the bamboo leaves, or the water droplets condensed by the mist?

Lin Chen wiped the liquid flowing down the back of his neck. It felt sticky and slippery.


A round thing rolled down the slope behind him and stopped at Lin Chen's feet.

The stench of blood penetrated into his nose. Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat, he lowered the lantern and looked down -

That's a bloody head!

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

The rain showers were still falling overhead.

Lin Chen stiffened and slowly raised his head.

A half-gnawed corpse of an unknown creature hung upside down from a bamboo tip, swaying back and forth like bacon.

The corpse had no head, and the neck was torn with hideous wounds, and blood was still flowing down from the mouth as big as a bowl.

A drop of blood mixed with pus fell on the tip of Lin Chen's nose, sliding along the nose to the side of the lip...

[Copy Name: "Ghost\

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