Infinite weird games

Chapter 247: The Ghost (II) The ghost is called the ghost

The townspeople in ancient costumes came and went in the streets, buying and selling, asking prices, talking loudly, and most of them had a happy expression on their faces.

Their feet stepped firmly on the ground, and there were shadows behind them, some thick and some thin. Their movements were smooth and natural, and they looked like living people.

In contrast, the players who were dusty and holding lanterns, and their bodies were stained with bamboo leaves and blood, looked like evil ghosts who had strayed into the Peach Blossom Spring.

"This place doesn't look like there is a tiger problem. They seem to live quite comfortably." Tang Yu shrugged disapprovingly.

"Not necessarily."

Qi Si's eyes fell on the notice posted on the stone wall not far away. Although the paper was tattered, it could still be seen that the outline of the ink on it was a tiger.

The other players naturally noticed the notice and walked over one after another.

It read:

[There is a tiger in the forest outside the town, and it has injured several passers-by. If there is no urgent matter, people and vehicles should not leave the town without permission. 】

【There are thousands of ghosts in the town, hiding during the day and coming out at night, catching people and feeding tigers. At dusk, you should find a house to live in and don't open the door. 】

【There are many newly dead ghosts outside the town, and they often sneak into the town in the passing caravans. If there are outsiders, don't be negligent. 】

According to the meaning of the notice, Yanghua Town has been surrounded by a tiger and several ghosts under its command. The town has been infiltrated with loopholes, and new ghosts outside the town often want to sneak in. It can be said that there are internal and external troubles and it is in a precarious situation. Lin Chen thought: "No wonder the Meng family didn't send someone to invite a doctor in person. They should be afraid of encountering ghosts after leaving the town and being buried in the tiger's mouth. "The townspeople are trapped in the town, abide by the rules of not leaving the town easily, closing the door at night, and being vigilant against outsiders. The contact with the outside of the town depends entirely on crows to send messages... They invited us here, aren't they afraid that there are ghosts among us?" "God knows what they think. "Tang Yu reached out and peeled off the notice, reading it over and over again, "I don't think they are too panicked, they are probably used to coexisting with the ghosts."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Luo Haihua looked around at the townspeople around him: "Right, the notice says that the ghosts can lurk in the convoy and blend into the town, which is equivalent to telling us that they can disguise themselves as humans. It is still unknown whether these townspeople are human or not..."

While they were talking, the townspeople also noticed the player and surrounded him from all directions.

There were whispers in the air.

"They have lanterns in their hands and are from outside the town..."

"They are all strangers. I wonder how many of them are human and how many are ghosts..."

The townspeople looked unfriendly and their hostility became stronger and stronger, as if they would turn into ferocious beasts and pounce on the player at any time.

Qis lowered his eyes and saw the shadows of several people swaying, as if blown by the wind, and twisted into strange shapes at certain moments, like... a crouching tiger.

He said to himself: "Lin Chen, pay attention to the shadows on the ground, which may be the key to distinguishing ghosts. "

Lin Chen lowered his gaze and also noticed the strangeness of the townspeople's shadows. His right hand could not help but tighten the lantern pole.

There are minions among the townspeople. The shadows of the minions will appear like tigers. Can't those people find such an obvious thing?


Lin Chen looked down at the soles of his feet. There was nothing there.

He looked at the soles of Qi Si's feet again, and then at the soles of other players...

All players, no shadows!

"Catch them..."

"Go and ask Mr. Meng what the mountain god means!"

The townspeople were getting closer and closer. Some even took knives from the stalls and gestured to the players aggressively.

"What do you want to do?" Tang Yu pulled out a piece of letter paper from his arms, shook it off, and held it above his head. "I was invited to Fu Hu by your Mr. Meng in a personal letter. It's fine if you don't come out to greet me, but you dare to be presumptuous? "

His voice was loud and clear, quite like the temperament of an ancient official doing his job, and the townspeople were really taken a step back by him.

A scholar in a long gown took the letter from Tang Yu's hand, quickly scanned it, and found no flaws.

He stuffed the letter back into Tang Yu's hand doubtfully, and looked at the other players.

Lin Chen took out a wrinkled letter for medical treatment from the medicine box and handed it over; Qi Si also took out a blood-stained letter from his sleeve and handed it to the scholar.

The scholar opened them one by one and turned around to say to the townspeople: "These three people should indeed be invited by Mr. Meng. Although I don't know if they were killed on the way, you don't have to worry.

"If the ghost wants to harm people, it must be in the same room with people at night, within three meters. Everyone should be alert tonight, don't go out, and don't let strangers into the house."

Tang Yu pulled out the knife from his waist three inches, frowned: "What do you mean? You have taken out the letter, and you still suspect that we are ghosts. I think you are ghosts!"

The townspeople signaled to each other with their eyes, and laughed, laughing like puppets painted with rouge and powder at the welcoming ceremony, as if Tang Yu's anger was just a performance for jokes.

The figure on the ground was dancing, swaying, shaking, and forming a large gray stain of a strange shape. It was clearly a huge tiger!

The scholar remained calm and looked at the three people who did not bring any letters: "Why are you here?" Qiu Xin said succinctly: "I went up the mountain to collect herbs and got lost." Luo Haihua took Luo Jianhua and bowed to the scholar: "My friend and I went to the provincial examination and returned. We got lost in the nearby mountains and forests. We came across your town and wanted to stay overnight and ask for directions before leaving." It should be said that she is worthy of being a Chinese teacher. Her speech is very literary and decent.

The scholar's expression eased a lot, and he sighed: "You really came at the wrong time. According to the rules of the town, all outsiders must stay in the mansion in the west of the town for a night before they can do anything else.

"If you want to see Mr. Meng and ask for directions, you have to wait until tomorrow morning to make sure there are no ghosts among you. Whether you have letters or not, rules are rules. "

Luo Haihua asked: "Brother, can you tell us what the reason for staying in a room with two people is?"

The scholar said: "The newly dead ghost must harm one person every night, otherwise his soul will be scattered. Wait until tomorrow to see if anyone dies, and then we will know if there are ghosts among you.

"At that time, we will ask Mr. Meng to deal with the ghosts who do not follow the rules and sneak into the town."

As soon as he finished speaking, all players heard the system prompt.

[Side quests have been refreshed]

[Side quests (must be done): Find all the ghosts hidden among you]

[Task tips: ① Players with the identity of "ghosts" must kill one person every day;

② After nightfall, when "ghosts" and "humans" are in the same room and the distance is less than three meters, "ghosts" can choose to kill "humans" (there is only one chance every day);

③ "Humans" who are decided to be killed by "ghosts" must die, and "humans" who die in the tiger's mouth will become "ghosts". 】

The three tips summarize the implicit information in the scholar's words.

It is not difficult to see that this is a camp game similar to Werewolf, and it is very unfair.

No matter who the player with the identity of "ghost" is, he must kill people, and the players who are in the same room with him will have no chance of survival.

As long as it is the next day, the candidate of "ghost" can be deduced based on the dead, and "ghost" must die.

In other words, from the beginning of this game, the death of two people has been written into the rules.

Of course, all this is based on the players following the scholar's arrangement and sharing a room with two people.

Those present were all veteran players, and they quickly thought of another solution: first let the "accomplices" expose themselves and help "humans" complete the side quests, and then the others would capture a town resident every day and hand him over to the "accomplices" to deal with him, so as to avoid his soul being scattered.

After all, the life of an NPC is not a life; after all, the side quest only says to find the "accomplices", not "kill"; after all, this is a team survival copy...

However, although the idea is beautiful, it can only be thought about.

The massacre flow players objectively exist, and players cannot completely trust each other after all, and it is not realistic to let the enemy camp expose their identities.

"You sent a letter to invite us here, and you are acting like a boss here?" Tang Yu pulled out the knife from his waist and stabbed it into the floor, making a crisp sound. "We deserve to take risks and be fed to the tiger, right?"

The scholar met Tang Yu's sight without dodging, and grinned with a weird smile on his face: "Maybe there are no accomplices among you, that would be the best. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, you can leave."

When the players heard the word "leave", they subconsciously looked back, and the way they came was gone.

Behind the two-story archway was no longer a dense bamboo forest, but a flat stone road. Looking to the end, the view was blocked by a small building with white walls and black tiles.

The road has changed, the environment has changed, and I don't know the general situation inside and outside the town - how to leave?

Tang Yu sneered at the scholar: "You said we should stay in twos, so we stay in twos? Why should we listen to you?"

The scholar's face was still smiling: "After you move into the mansion, someone will check whether you live in the house according to the rules, and help you lock the door from the outside, so that you will not be harmed by the ghosts outside on the first day without knowing the situation.

"Of course you can choose not to live in the mansion, but no one else will be willing to provide you with a place to stay. After midnight, people without a house to shelter will be taken away by ghosts."

After he said that, he pointed to the direction where everyone came from: "The mansion is in that area, you go there by yourself, someone will come to take you at the alley."

At the end of the wide road, there are dark small buildings, and there is no one in front of the building. It is too quiet and desolate.

The sky darkened, coating the building with a layer of light gray, and the huge shadow of the house faded, returning to the unclear fog.

"It's getting dark, go back..."

"Everyone, don't forget to lock the doors and windows, see you tomorrow! "

The townspeople who were watching whispered and dispersed; the scholar also waved his paper fan and turned away.

The taciturn Luo Jianhua turned his head to watch the scholar walk away, and then said in a muffled voice: "The townspeople's shadows can change into the shape of a tiger. I'm afraid most of them are ghosts. You should be able to distinguish between people and ghosts by looking at the shadows, but for some reason, none of us have shadows..."

"In short, everyone should be more careful." Luo Haihua looked around at everyone, "If most of the townspeople are ghosts, I'm afraid they have bad intentions to let us live in the mansion two by two."

She paused, her eyes fell on Qi Si, and a trace of surprise flashed across her face: "Lin Wen, what are you looking at? "

Since Qi Si handed the letter to the scholar, he has not paid attention to others. He just stood quietly by the side, took out a tattered ancient book from somewhere, and gently turned the pages.

Until Luo Haihua asked, he was reluctant to move his eyes away from the pages, looked at the person in front of him indifferently, and said: "The Netherworld Record, an ancient book that records all kinds of ghost knowledge. "

He closed the book and put it into his wide sleeves. There was no wave in his eyes with scarlet light: "If the above record is correct, we don't need to worry about the ghosts among the townspeople harming people for the time being.

"It is said that ghosts and ghosts have lived with people for a long time, and after being infected with popularity, they will gradually give birth to human shadows, and their movements are the same as those of humans. Although their souls are still bound by tigers, and their shadows often change into tiger shadows, in their eyes, they are the real deal. people.

"The ghost ghost feeds the tiger and feeds the human being, but he wants the human to die in his place so that he can gain the opportunity to be reincarnated as a human being. If he can live peacefully like a human being, even if he is deceiving himself and others, why not?"

Qiu Xin raised his eyes and asked: "So those townspeople are all ghosts who mistakenly think that they are human beings?"

Qisi continued without comment: "Just like Bigan, after digging his heart out, he met a woman who said, 'If you don't have a heart, you will die.' There is no need to help the tiger kill us.

"And once the truth is revealed, we, as the culprits who caused them to pretend to be incapable of being human, will undoubtedly die."

Tang Yu asked: "Did the book say why we have no shadow? Are we still alive now?"

"Who knows? The system didn't say we were ghosts, so we should be living people. As for the lack of shadows -"

Chiss chuckled: "Maybe it's to prevent us from finding the traitor too easily."

Everyone couldn't understand the humor in it and looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

Lin Chen raised his hand and asked: "Then do we want to live in the mansion? The game has already said that there is a rogue among us. If we lock the two of us in a room, at least two of us will definitely die in the end..."

"Maybe four people." Qiu Xin shook his head, "There are at least two wolves in Werewolf. I suspect there are two 'ghosts' among us. If it weren't for the two 'ghosts' who happened to be in the same room, the last one The result was that two 'humans' were killed during the night, and the 'ghosts' were executed by the townspeople the next day."

These words made sense, and the players' expressions became solemn.

If things develop as Qiu Xin said, there will be only two players left by tomorrow morning.

The difficulty of completing the main mission will be greatly increased. The best solution is for the remaining two to die, allowing the sole survivor to trigger the guaranteed death toll mechanism.

Luo Haihua considered it and said: "When the time comes, let's try to see if we can find accommodation elsewhere, one room per person. If we really want to live in a residence, we can only hope that the 'ghost' will take the initiative to sacrifice..."

She didn't say anything, and saw a short black shadow tremblingly walking toward the players in the direction of the mansion.

It was a little old man wearing a hat and black robe, holding a bunch of keys in his hand. When he saw the player, he grinned his yellow teeth and said, "Foreigners, please follow me back to my residence."

The old man's shadow trailed upright behind him. No matter from any angle, he looked like a human, not a tiger.

Without waiting for the players to respond, he turned his back and led the way, as if he was sure that the players would follow.

Tang Yu followed a few steps forward. When he was half a step away from the old man, he suddenly flipped his wrist, raised the saber dragging on the ground, and struck at him.

——As long as this copy allows players to kill townspeople, all problems will be solved.

Tonight, first kill the townspeople who manage the residence, and then everyone can be assigned a room; tomorrow morning, we will select the living people among the townspeople, and kill a few every day...

Veteran players have been tempered by the dungeon, and armed with props and skills, it is not easy to kill an ordinary person.

The sharp saber hit the old man's back, and with a "swish", a long gash was made.

Blood spattered, and the wound was so deep that bones could be seen. The old man was almost cut off at the waist, leaving only a thumb-width of skin and flesh connected.

The old man fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

The key in his hand was thrown out, making a "clatter" sound for a while.

Tang Yu stood steadily in front of the pool of blood, maintaining the posture of holding the knife in his hand, showing no signs of panic.

The other players held their breaths and stood far away, staring at the old man's body in a pool of blood.

Time passed by minute by second, the corpse was just a corpse, nothing happened.

Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, shook off the blood on the blade, stepped over the old man's body in a few steps, and picked up the key chain on the ground.

"Tonight we will stay in the dormitory, one room per person." He said in a brisk tone. (End of chapter)

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