Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter Forty-One: In The Imperial Capital, People's Hearts Are Not Good

After completing the disinfection work, Luo Cheng opened the door to another world again, and took Tazmi and others to travel back to the world of Zhan Chihong. In that forest, he once again embarked on the journey to the imperial capital.


A few days later, Luo Cheng and his party finally arrived in the imperial capital.

This is the capital of the empire, the most prosperous city, the streets are full of traffic, very lively.

But deep in the invisible alley, there are countless beggars, tramps, and stinking corpses.

The scene in the slums is even more appalling.

In the original book, Tazmi, who had just arrived in the imperial capital, was shocked by the prosperous scene of the imperial capital.

But after seeing the cities of Huaxia Kingdom, Tazmi felt that the gap between the imperial capital and Huaxia Kingdom was too far.

But after all, it was the first time to come to the imperial capital, and Tazmi, who had always yearned for the imperial capital, still wanted to go out for a stroll.

"Lord Luo Cheng, where are we going next?"

Tatsumi asked curiously.

"Let's find a place to rest first."

Luo Cheng said.

After a long time of exhaustion, Luo Cheng decided to find a place to rest for a while.

"Then may I ask Master Luo Cheng, can we go shopping around?"

Tatsumi asked with some expectation.


Luo Cheng nodded, there is nothing wrong with the few of them now,

"Come back before night."

"Well, thank you Lord Luo Cheng!"

With a joyful smile on his face, Tatsumi immediately took Iyeas and Zayo to play in the street.


"Shayou, come and see this!"

"You're running too fast, Tatsumi!"

"Iyeas, follow up!"

The trio who came from the countryside were young children, and they were completely attracted by the bustle of the imperial capital. Although it was not as good as the 'Huaxia Kingdom', it was still a very lively place for the few of them.

What children like most is the excitement.

The streets are crowded with people, and the cries of roadside vendors can be heard endlessly.

"Boss, here are three bunches of candied haws!"

Tazmi and the others passed through the crowd, happily walked to a small stall, and were about to take out their wallets to buy something, but they stopped in mid-air as if frozen.

"What's wrong Tatsumi?"

Iyeas on the side asked suspiciously.

"My..... wallet is missing...."

Tatsumi stammered, and kept digging out his empty pocket, as if he still couldn't believe the fact that his wallet was gone.

They passed through the crowd just now, and the wallet was also stolen at that time.

There was a dense crowd of people on the road, and naturally there were many thieves among them.

"Then what to do..."

Shayou asked with some worry.

"have no idea....."

Tatsumi did not expect such a thing to happen, and was at a loss for a while.

"Hey, redneck, do you have any money?"

The peddler selling candied haws has clearly lost his patience.

"Excuse me....."

Before Tatsumi finished speaking, another strange voice sounded at this time.

"I'll pay for them."

Beside Tatsumi and the others, a girl in gorgeous clothes appeared in front of her,

Keep the change, please.

She directly took out a gold coin and handed it to the peddler, who immediately showed a flattering smile on his face:

"Thank you for your patronage!"

It is more than enough to buy three bunches of candied haws with one gold coin, and even fifty sticks are no problem.

Tatsumi looked at the girl with grateful eyes:

"Thank you very much. If I find my wallet when the time comes, I will definitely return the money to you!"

"No need, it's just a trivial matter."

The girl said slowly on her face,

"My name is Arya, please give me your advice!"

There was a meaningful smile on Arya's face, and the blue eyes were not innocent at her age, but full of malice.

She is the culprit of Iyeas and Shayou in the original book.

Arya's family is aristocrats living in the imperial capital. The family specializes in deceiving outsiders who want to come to the imperial capital, and then abuses and kills them to satisfy their perverted desires.

And such people are not uncommon in the imperial capital.

In the original story, Tazmi and his party were separated because of the previous bandits, and Iyeas and Shayou arrived at the imperial capital first, but because they were unfamiliar with the place and their nature was too simple, they were taken away by Ai Yasi and Shayou. Leah cheats and ends up being brutally murdered.

Tatsumi, who came to the imperial capital later, was also deceived by Arya's kindness and enthusiasm, but it was because of the night attack and assassination of Arya's family that she knew her true face in time.

Although the trio didn't get separated because of the bandits, they were also targeted by Arya.

This is a very bustling street in the imperial capital. Any outsider who comes to the imperial capital will most likely be attracted by the bustling scene of this street, so Arya often comes here to guard, looking for suitable hunting targets.

And the three people who revealed a country atmosphere in both their clothes and behaviors were particularly conspicuous in the crowd, so they were targeted by Arya.

They are the most suitable targets because they are still young and come from the countryside.

However, without knowing the details of Tazmi and others, Arya would not choose to act blindly.

Arya is about to take advantage of Tazmi's lack of a wallet to get close to the other party. She can not only gain the trust of the other party, but also obtain information from Tazmi's mouth to find out who he is.

Although Arya specifically picked the rural people from other places as her target, but of course she had to figure out the real identity of the other party.

"What are your names, please?"

Arya asked with a harmless smile on her face, preparing to extract information about the identities of Tazmi and others to see if they were the most suitable targets.

"My name is Tatsumi, and they are my friends Shayou and Iyeyas, please give me your advice!"

After all, Tatsumi and the others came from a mountain village far away from the imperial capital, and they had no idea how the hearts of the people in the imperial capital were degraded, and they thought that Arya was really a good person who rescued them from their predicament.

"Are you from the country?"

Arya asked.


"I like the country too!"

"Do you want to come to the imperial capital to start a career?"

"That's right!"

A more obvious smile broke out on Arya's face.

Sure enough, Tatsumi and the others came from the countryside, so I didn't choose the wrong target.

"So is anyone else going with you?"

"Well, there are a few more people."

Tatsumi patted his chest proudly,

"We are now the entourage of Chinese diplomats!"

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