Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 42: I Don't Know The Heights Of The Sky And The Depths Of The Earth, Killing Without Me

"Huaxia? Diplomat?"

Arya frowned, her eyes full of doubts.

She had never heard of the country Huaxia in this world.

And how can any country come to the empire to establish diplomatic relations now.

"Well, Huaxia is a country from the east of the empire!"

Tazmi introduced with a smile that these words are exactly what Luo Cheng is telling them now.

"Oh, that's right."

After hearing Tatsumi's words, Arya was relieved.

In her cognition, the east of the empire is all uncivilized barbarians, so she has never heard of the name of Huaxia Kingdom.

The so-called establishment of diplomatic relations must be due to the fact that Huaxia, a small country, is not capable of its own strength, so it has to find the empire to hug its thigh.

After all, even though the empire has many internal and external troubles, it is still the most powerful country in the world.

Tazmi and the others must have been fooled by the other party and treated as guides. Even if their whereabouts were unknown, the so-called diplomat would definitely not care.

Even if China finds out about this matter, Arya herself is a nobleman of the empire after all, and they are just a small barbarian country that wants to embrace the empire, so it is impossible for them to do anything to themselves.

Thinking of this, Arya couldn't wait.

Deep down in her heart, she couldn't wait to perform all kinds of torture on Tazmi and others.

"If you don't mind, why don't you go to my house as a guest first!"

Arya said that if she wanted to lure them into her home, it would be easy to start.

"No, no, Arya, you have already helped us a lot just now, so there is no need to trouble you!"

Tatsumi waved his hand and said hastily.

"No, no trouble!"

Seeing that the other party hadn't taken the bait, Arya continued,

"It just so happens that our home is being renovated, so I would like to ask for your help."

This is Arya's plan, to release kindness first, let others owe her favors, and then use this as an excuse to trick them into her home.

"Well, since we need our help, we will definitely do our best!"

Tazmi and others are kind-hearted in nature, not to mention that Arya had just been kind to herself, so when the other party asked for help, she decisively chose to agree.

"Thank you so much."

Alita was very happy, and she had already begun to fantasize about what kind of torture to perform.

At the same time, her eyes locked on Shayou's body, staring at her hair.

"What an enviable hair."

"I have to treat you well."


Imperial Capital Station.

At this time, Luo Cheng and Boris and others have found the best inn to rest for a while.

For Luo Cheng, who already controlled almost the entire world, he was not short of money at all.

"Commander, the trajectories of Tazmi and others are somewhat abnormal."

At this moment, the adjutant's voice rang in Luo Cheng's ear.

When extracting the Tazmi gene, Luo Cheng installed a locator on him.

After all, the other party is now my subordinate, so I naturally will not choose to ignore them, and have to take their safety into consideration.

"Call out the route."

Luo Cheng gave an order, and a map of the entire imperial capital appeared in his eyes.

When Luo Cheng came to the imperial capital, he bought a map of the imperial capital and asked the adjutant to record it.

He carefully observed the route of Tazmi and others. They first started to carry out activities in the downtown area.

But suddenly it changed direction, headed in another direction, and finally stopped in one place.

Of course Luo Cheng knew that it was the residence of Arya's family in the original book.


Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes and said slowly,

"Boris, get ready to go."


Outside the imperial capital, in a stronghold unknown to outsiders, several people gathered together.

"Boss, all the information has been collected!"

said a woman.

Her figure is proud, and her beautiful body lines are fully displayed.

Moreover, she also has a delicate face, and her golden eyes shone with a faint light, like precious gems.

Different from her exquisite appearance, this woman exudes a kind of wildness like a wild cat.

Leo Nai, the main member of the revolutionary army's assassination team's night attack.

In the original book, she was born in the slums of the empire, and killed them all because she couldn't understand the cruel game where the nobles trampled children to death on horseback. ]'s Teigu, who can turn himself into a beast, and dramatically improve his physical abilities, including strength, five senses, and regenerative ability, even if he loses his limbs, he can recover quickly.

She usually hides her identity and is active in the imperial capital. She usually earns some wine money for herself by cheating and abducting. In fact, she acts as the eyeliner of the revolutionary army and collects intelligence on the assassination target.

At this time, the night raid is in a meeting, discussing the action plan for tonight,

"This noble family is confirmed guilty."

It was the Arya family that Leone was talking about.

In the original book, the night raid team assassinated Arya's family, and happened to come into contact with the unknowing Tazmi, and the latter joined the night raid team because of this opportunity.


The person standing in front of Leone nodded, her voice was steady and powerful.

Her right eye was covered with an eye patch, and she seemed to have been seriously injured, but what should have been the right arm was a cold mechanical prosthetic, and there was a creaking sound from the joint.

This person is Najieta, the former general of the Empire, now a soldier of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the night attack team, and is called BOSS by the team members.

"The evidence is solid. Their family is our target tonight."

Najieta said, her eyes became extremely firm.



The imperial capital, the wealthy district, Arya's home.

"Miss Arya, those jobs have been done!"

Tatsumi and the others wiped the sweat from their foreheads and said to Arya.

"It's so late today, why not just stay at our house!"

Arya looked out the window at the sky that had gradually darkened, and her malicious smile was reflected in the glass of the window.

She wanted Tatsumi and others to sleep in her home, and wait until they fell asleep before doing it without anyone noticing.

"No, no, Master Luo Cheng is still waiting for us to go back!"

Tatsumi politely declined.

"In that case, everyone might as well stay and have dinner before leaving, after all, we've already done it."

Arya naturally has back tricks.

These meals have already been drugged by Arya's servants.

As long as they take a bite, Tazmi and others will immediately become unconscious and become Arya's wanton playthings.

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