Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 48: Imperial Forest, A New Base

The next morning, inside the palace.

Luo Cheng was invited by Ornest to come to this palace.

Luo Cheng not only brought a few personal guards to guard him, he also let a spy go with him.

Spies are units produced by the system. Although they do not have any combat capabilities themselves, they have very unique abilities.

He can use high-tech equipment to change his appearance and voice, and learn the behavior and speech of others, so as to imitate others 100%.

The reason why Luo Cheng brought the spy was to let him infiltrate the palace and monitor their every move.

Not only that, Luo Cheng can also use spies to obtain the unique technology of the empire, such as the body enhancement and transformation technology researched by Dr. Fashion, which may allow Luo Cheng to further strengthen his soldiers.

Although the general technology in this world is not high, the military technology is not low.

So when Luo Cheng entered the palace, he ordered his spies to change their appearance and disguised themselves as servants in the palace, while he went to the palace.

After entering, the gate leading to the outside of Miyagi slowly closed. The ancient joints turning made dull sounds, as if they were telling some ancient story.

In the center of the well-arranged halls is a heavy and solemn hall. The gloomy shadow of the hall brings a sense of oppression. The red bricks and green tiles on it are all rendered in ink, like a picture scroll, with winding corners and no traces. The edge is like a giant dragon dancing with its head held high.

The surrounding palaces and pavilions are surrounded by pools of water, and the ground is covered with duckweed, green and clear. The fountain in the center gushes out trickles and blooms in the air like flowers.

Hundreds of court ladies gathered around the pool, their skirts were blown by the breeze, and their figures were like flowers, swaying and dancing in the sound of the water.

The royal palace is completely different from the outside of the imperial capital. In the slums of the imperial capital, there are full of poor people with scant clothing and food, but the interior of the royal palace is full of luxury.

Luo Cheng continued to move forward and walked directly into the palace hall.

The surroundings are resplendent and magnificent, and the walls are carved with reliefs in the shape of swimming dragons, which look lifelike.

Right in front of the palace, on a gorgeously decorated dragon chair, the emperor, who was about five or six years old, was sitting on it, his legs were swinging like a swing.

He was originally a prince who could never touch the position of the prince, but Minister Ernest used his own intrigue to hinder him and wiped out the rest of the royal blood, so he was allowed to ascend the throne.

And because the emperor was young, he obeyed Ernest's words, so he was able to make Ernest do evil.

At this time, Ernest was standing beside the emperor, stretching out his hand and lightly resting on the emperor's shoulder, as if he was manipulating the doll with an invisible silk thread.

While Luo Cheng was walking towards the Taidian, all the officials crawling on both sides looked at Luo Cheng with the eyes of looking at monsters.

Last night, they all knew that they heard the movement made by Luo Cheng's army, especially the fighter jets flying at high speed in the sky.

These civil servants have never seen such a scene at all, and many people even thought it was a natural disaster and quickly hid under the bed.

It can be said that everything that happened yesterday caused a huge fishing boat sensation within the empire.

They didn't know what happened until this morning.

"Is this person so young?"

"Have you heard of Huaxia Kingdom?"

"The thing flying in the sky is something from Huaxia Kingdom?!"

They talked a lot, but no one dared to look at Luo Cheng.


After Luo Cheng entered the palace, he enjoyed the highest courtesy in the empire.

For the empire and Ornest, they are not willing to give up the thigh of China. With the help of China, the empire's defense pressure will be reduced a lot, and it will also be able to get supplies.

By the afternoon, Luo Cheng was about to leave the palace—the formalities were completed today, and the forest outside the imperial capital had become Luo Cheng's land.

Even Ornest didn't know what Luo Cheng wanted the forest for. There was nothing valuable there except dangerous species.

At this time, Ernest was seeing Luo Cheng off, and beside him was a petite girl.

"This is Lord Luo Cheng, and this is the Tegushi I told you about."

"I'll ask the servants to prepare the rest and send them to the forest the next day."

Ernest said courteously, and then pushed the girl standing beside him in front of Luo Cheng.

She is not tall, her face under short black shoulder-length hair is inlaid with exquisite facial features, her obsidian eyes exude a wonderful charm, a piece of strawberry sandwich biscuit is sandwiched between her small lips, and she is wearing a student uniform on her upper body. The silky and supple black stockings cling to her slender and straight legs, and the ends are hidden under the short skirt.

And she held a long knife in her hand, and the black scabbard matched her appearance very well.

black pupil.

She was sent to Luo Cheng as a gift from Teigu

"Master Luo Cheng, please give me more advice."

Heitong bowed deeply to Luo Cheng, and the weapon in his hand was Tegu Hachibo, which was part of the deal.

As a member of the empire's assassination unit, because of the side effects of brainwashing and strengthening drugs, she made Heitong obey the empire, and she didn't complain at all after being given to Luo Cheng as a cargo.

And Hei Tong also received a secret order from Ornest to spy on Luo Cheng.

"At that time, I will also prepare corresponding materials in exchange."

Luo Cheng nodded to Ornest.


Ten minutes later, Luo Cheng arrived in the forest outside the imperial capital with his black pupils.

The intricate forest chopped up the sunlight, showing scattered light spots on the ground, and it seemed that the roar of dangerous species could be heard in the bottomless forest.

"May I ask why Mr. Luo Cheng came to the forest?"

Hei Tong asked, wanting to find out some information about China.

"This will be our Chinese embassy."

Luo Cheng said with a smile.

Heitong was a little puzzled, because the forest outside the imperial capital had not been developed at all, even if it was to be transformed into an embassy according to what Luo Cheng said, it would definitely take at least a year and a half.

Luo Cheng saw the doubt in Hei Tong's eyes, but he didn't say anything, but walked deep into the forest with Hei Tong.

At the same time, he gave orders to his adjutant in his mind.

"Building a Magnetic Reactor"

"Building a War Lab."

"Build an air command."

"Build the wall."

Following Luo Cheng's order, countless towering buildings suddenly rose from the ground.

A new stronghold has been built.

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