Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 49: Extracting The Black Eye Gene And Analyzing Teigu Hachifang

"This is our Chinese embassy."

Luo Cheng walked to the base he had just built with black pupils, while the latter opened his eyes wide and observed everything carefully.

This was something Heitong had never seen before in the empire, but she didn't show any surprise because of her naturally dull personality, but kept all of this in her mind.

According to Ornest's order, Heitong needs to send secret letters to him every few days to report the situation here.

Next to these buildings, there is a large-scale army.

Soldiers lined up neatly and various chariots and tanks.

Luo Cheng didn't explain much, but turned to Hei Tong directly and said:

"Give me your eighth room for safekeeping temporarily."

"And there will be an examination and repair of your body afterwards."

Luo Cheng is going to extract the black pupil's gene, and obtain the formula of Dr.'s fashion enhancement medicine from it.

Hei Tong's body has been corroded by strengthening drugs for too long.

Moreover, Luo Cheng can guess from the fact that Ornest sent the black pupil to him so readily, and he can guess that the other party sent the black pupil to monitor him, because the black pupil has already been brainwashed by the empire.

However, Luo Cheng is also prepared. Since the empire can brainwash Heitong, he can also brainwash Heitong in turn, making him his subordinate.

For example, Yuri's technology.

In the game, the Yuri faction has mind-controlling technology, and there is no problem in using them to relieve the brainwashing state of Black Pupil.

In this way, Black Pupil can not only become our fighting strength, but also be his own double agent. Ornest can only obtain the information that Luo Cheng wants him to see.

"As ordered."

Heitong didn't disobey at all, and directly handed the weapon in his hand to Luo Cheng,

"I am ready."

Heitong heard Luo Cheng's words, and thought that what the other party had to do was to transform her body and use it for experiments, just like what Dr. Fashion and the high-level assassins had done.

In the original book, Heitong and Chitong participated in the selection of the assassination unit. The sisters passed the cruel elite 7 selection together, but because the elite 7 cannot have blood relatives, they were pulled away from Chitong and became members of the reinforcement group.

After entering the strengthening group of the Imperial Assassin Force, Hei Tong underwent body modification and was forced to inject drugs, and then formed a serious dependence and caused irreversible huge damage to the body.

Heitong just thought that the physical examination and repair that Luo Cheng said was exactly the same as what the empire did to her, and it was just using her as a tool.

Luo Cheng guessed what Heitong was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, it's a little different from what you imagined."

Listening to Luo Cheng's words, Heitong was a little confused, but still nodded, and followed the engineer into the combat laboratory.

At the same time, the adjutant's voice sounded in Luo Cheng's mind:

"Commander, the new technology has been unlocked."

[Analysis of Teigu. Dead Marching Eight Rooms] Cost: 200,000G Time: 24 hours

[Extract Black Pupil Gene] Cost: 150000G Time: 24 hours

[Analysis of the minister tool. Rattlesnake] Cost: 100,000G Time: 24 hours

Hei Tong's strength can be said to be among the best in the empire, and because of the remodeled body, as long as the head and heart are not damaged, Hei Tong will not die.

Extracting the black pupil gene can not only allow one's soldiers to reach the physical fitness of the black pupil level, but also obtain the formula of strengthening medicine from it, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

So Luo Cheng didn't hesitate, and immediately added these two new technologies to the research queue. The expense was not small, but it was nothing to Luo Cheng now.

At the same time, Luo Cheng called Ju Chuan Shizuka to his side.

She was originally a school doctor in the world of Apocalypse Academy, but was promoted by Luo Cheng to be the director of the hospital in that world stronghold because of her outstanding medical talent. She was sent to this world by Luo Cheng yesterday along with other troops.

"Commander Luo Cheng."

After seeing Luo Cheng calling her, Ju Chuan Shizuka came to Luo Cheng's side with a short trot, the curves of her body also swayed, with an expectant smile on her face, as if she was eager to talk to him.

"You are responsible for regulating Hei Tong's body and reducing her dependence on drugs."

Luo Cheng said.

Black pupil is now deeply affected by strengthening drugs, and if he does not take the medicine for a period of time, he will have a withdrawal reaction. This is another means for the empire to control black pupil.

If black pupils' dependence on drugs can be erased, Luo Cheng can control them better.


Ju Chuan Shizuka nodded immediately and walked towards the combat laboratory.


Outside the imperial capital, in a secret base that no one knows.

"Lubbock, what's the result of the investigation."

Najieta's eyes moved to Lubbock, who had just returned to the base. The latter was following her order to go to the imperial capital to investigate news about Luo Cheng.

Last night, the other members of Night Raid did not carry out the task because of Luo Cheng's presence.

Although the target task was eliminated by Luo Cheng, their hearts were full of pimples.

Who is Luo Cheng?

This is why Najta, the leader of the night raid, chose to send Lubbock to the imperial capital.

Lubbock, who is a member of the night raid, is not on the wanted notice of the empire like Chitong and Brand, so he has not revealed his identity. There is also a bookstore in the imperial capital as a cover, so it is the most suitable manpower.

"Report to BOSS, that person is called Luo Cheng, who claims to be an ambassador from China."

Lubbock said,

"And today their Huaxia Kingdom seems to have formally established diplomatic relations with the Empire and has become an ally of the Empire."

"It is said that the empire gave Huaxia a very generous gift, possibly including Teigu, but I have no way of knowing the specific content."

"Not only that, the forest outside the imperial capital was allocated to Luo Cheng to build the embassy, ​​and in just one day a rather magnificent building was produced."

As Lubbock spoke, he couldn't help swallowing,

"It can be seen how terrifying the technological level of this Huaxia country is..."

"This is a hemorrhage for the empire..."

Najieta's expression became serious, her hands and fingers were crossed, and she stood in front of her, her eyes became extremely dignified,

"Ornest paid such a high price to please the Huaxia Kingdom. It can be seen that the Huaxia Kingdom is a terrifying existence in the seriousness of the empire."

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