Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 50: You Call This An Embassy?

"Even the empire must seize a powerful backer."

Najta said seriously.

"Boss, what should we do?"

The other members looked at each other at this moment, waiting for Najieta's order.

Najieta's brows twitched slightly, because she knew that once the Huaxia Kingdom really reached an alliance with the Empire, the balance between the Revolutionary Army and the Empire would be completely broken.

Even if all the foreign nations fight together, it is impossible to defeat China and the empire.

what can we do about it?

To negotiate with Luo Cheng and let them give up their alliance with the empire?

Or go to war with Huaxia directly?

This choice is extremely heavy for Najieta, because if she chooses wrong, it will affect the revolutionary achievements of the entire revolutionary army, and may even directly send the entire revolutionary army into the abyss.

After all, Najieta is just a member of the Revolutionary Army, and she cannot bear this responsibility.

"In the past few days, you should not act rashly and continue to investigate the origin of Huaxia Kingdom."

"I'll go back to the headquarters right away and report the situation here to my superiors."

"This will be an unprecedented crisis for us."

Najta said, the mechanical arm joints creaked.


The next day, officials from the empire brought gold, silver and jewels to the forest outside the imperial capital, and among them was Ornest's confidant Xigong.

He was ordered by Ornest to complete the rest of the transaction, exchange gold and silver treasures for the materials owned by Luo Cheng and others, and also see what Luo Cheng and the people of Huaxia are doing.

There was a whole line of carriages, and the treasures in the cargo compartment at the back were piled up into a hill, which looked precarious.

For ninety-nine percent of the people in the imperial capital, this is wealth that they will never be able to obtain in their lifetime.

But for Luo Cheng, these wealth are just licking heads, because these jewels can be refined into system resources in the end.

In another world, the cities around the main city of Bed have also been recovered a lot, and Luo Cheng has opened a lot of sub-mines, so the income is very considerable.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, Huaxia Kingdom should have very terrifying technology and wealth. How did you choose to live in the forest outside the imperial capital?"

"I don't know, maybe others like this one."

"There are all dangerous species in there, and they are the kind of terrifying and dangerous species that can easily destroy an entire block!"

Nishinomiya was chatting with several other people who delivered the goods. As Ernest's confidant, although he also knew what happened the night before, he had never seen Luo Cheng's strength with his own eyes, so he couldn't understand why Ernest was interested in Luo Cheng. Lin Cheng is so respectful.

They walk and walk. But found to be shrouded in a huge shadow.

It is a huge wall, fully ten meters high.

At the main entrance of the wall, a row of heavily armed soldiers was guarding.

"What, what?!"

Shocked by the scene in front of him, Nishinomiya almost lost his footing.

When was this wall built?

There was absolutely nothing here before!

Is Huaxia Technology so terrifying?

Nishinomiya swallowed, pretending to be calm, but his body was shaking uncontrollably.

The soldiers guarding the gate saw the arrival of Nishinomiya and others, nodded, put down their weapons and led Nishinomiya into the enclosure.

This also made Nishinomiya realize that it was too early to be surprised.

In front of the West Palace is the mighty building complex of Luo Cheng.

The towering combat laboratory, the huge air command center, and the flashing magnetic energy reactor.....

Nishinomiya had never seen a building like this before, and he couldn't believe that this place was still a deserted forest just one day ago.

Next to it, there are troops on standby.

The muzzles of tanks and chariots seem to be aimed at themselves, trying to erase themselves from the entire world.

Until now, Xigong finally understood the reason why Ornest was so respectful to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's army is too close to the imperial capital, as long as he has an idea, the entire imperial capital may be in danger.

This made Nishinomiya feel even more fear and awe of Luo Cheng.

"Welcome to our embassy."

Luo Cheng's voice brought Nishinomiya back to reality.

"Luo, Master Luo Cheng."

Nishinomiya's voice trembled a little, and he even lost control of his body, as if he was about to faint at any moment.

As Ornest's deputy, he had seen all kinds of big scenes, but he had never seen such a situation as Luo Cheng.

"This, this is the gold, silver and jewelry that we have prepared according to the agreement. Please accept it..."

Nishinomiya bowed quickly, showing a humble look.

"Just put it here."

Luo Cheng said casually,

"Infantry No. 783, you bring your team to help move things."


A pair of infantry came out immediately and moved the supplies that had been prepared a long time ago to the carriage of Nishinomiya.

These are all necessary livelihood supplies, food, materials, etc. For Luo Cheng, who has already controlled several cities, it is nothing more than sprinkling water.

But it is extremely important for the empire during the war

Nishinomiya hurriedly nodded and bowed, ready to leave here immediately after the material handling was completed.

At this moment, Nishinomiya heard a huge explosion, and then felt the ground shaking.

He hurriedly turned his head to look over, and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

A team of people was dragging several huge corpses towards the guard base.

The other officials around also looked at them with horrified eyes.

These people are exactly Boris' team.

And the corpses dragged by them are all high-level dangerous species in the forest of the imperial capital, possessing the power to destroy at least an entire block. Only strong fighters have the courage to hunt them.

Although human beings are the masters of this world, in the forests outside the cities, the dangerous species are the overlords, and most people will not go to the forests in the suburbs.

In their eyes, going to the forest is tantamount to sending themselves to the mouth of a dangerous species.

This is also the reason why the forests outside the imperial capital have not been developed.

But these domineering and dangerous species have become the trophies of Boris and others at this time.

The elite combat soldier Boris is a hero unit of the coalition army. His strength is far superior to that of ordinary infantry, and the power of the modified guns he holds is no less than that of ordinary tanks.

The other soldiers have already undergone genetic modification, and their physique has reached Tazmi's level, and their strength is also very strong.

For them, these fearsome and dangerous species are nothing to worry about, like chickens, ducks, pigs, and sheep that have been slaughtered casually.

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