Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter Fifty-Three: Ascending Technology, Reported By Tan Ya!

After transforming the black pupil, Luo Cheng gave her back the Bafang that she had finished researching, and let her move freely in the stronghold, but the latter found a place to sit, ate something with big mouthfuls, her face Also rarely smiled.

For Heitong, eating is the happiest thing in the world.

And Luo Cheng did not continue to take care of the black pupil, but began to delve into Yuri's other buildings.

[Unlock Building]:

[Telepathic Tower] Type: Building Cost: 1000G

[Mind Control Tower] Type: Building Cost: 1500G

The telepathic tower is equivalent to a siren, which can let Luo Cheng know that there are enemies nearby, even enemies that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The thinking of some ordinary people.

Luo Cheng built them immediately, further enhancing the security of the base.

Now he has basically successfully taken root in this world, and what is needed next is further development.


Before he knew it, Luo Cheng had been in Zhan Chihong's world for another week.

In this one week, Luo Cheng has recovered most of the neon country in the world of Apocalypse Academy, and the next plan is to go to the other side of the sea and go to other continents.

Controlling the entire world is only a matter of time, when Luo Cheng will be able to own the entire world as his own mine to extract resources.

In Zhan Chihong's world, Luo Cheng has almost completed the development of the forest outside the imperial capital. The forest outside the city that ordinary people dared not set foot on once has turned into a high-tech base.

The trees with teeth and claws like monsters have disappeared, replaced by magnificent and tall technological buildings; chariots are driving on the wide road, and heavily armed soldiers are patrolling around.

Seeing such changes in the forest outside the imperial capital in just one week, Ernest was dumbfounded. The technological level of Huaxia Kingdom far exceeded his expectations.

It would take at least a hundred years for the empire to complete the construction of these buildings, but Luo Cheng and his Huaxia Kingdom completed the construction in just a few days.

During this period, Luo Cheng also obtained the mining rights of several mines in the empire through transactions, and was able to mine rare ores in the empire.

In this world, there are not only gold mines and gemstones, but also many ore resources that do not exist in the world of Apocalypse, which can also be converted into system resources by the system.

Not only that, Luo Cheng also sent troops to go outside the empire, using spy satellites to search for more ore locations.

After ensuring that he had more capital income, Luo Cheng also unlocked the third advanced technology.

[Influence Technology. Unlock Allied Technology] Cost to unlock Allied Technology after research is completed: 400,000G

After unlocking this technology, Luo Cheng can unlock more buildings and units.

【Unlock Arms】

[Soldier of the Beautiful Country] Type: Creature Cost: 200

[Heavy Soldiers] Type: Creature Cost: 500

[Rocket Pilot] Type: Creature Cost: 600

[Navy Seals] Type: Creature Cost: 1250

[Tanya] Type: Creature Cost: 1500 (Hero: only one can be built)

[Grizzly Tank] Type: Machinery Cost: 1000

[Phantom Tank] Type: Machinery Cost: 1000

[Remote Control Tank] Type: Mechanical Cost: 400

[Prismatic Tank] Type: Machinery Cost: 2000

[Battle Fortress] Type: Machinery Cost: 2000


Various new units were unlocked, and Luo Cheng squinted his eyes to observe carefully.

The Phantom Tank can use holographic projection to make itself invisible; the remote control tank is small and unmanned, and has strong functionality; and the Prism Tank is one of the ace tanks of the Allied Forces, suitable for attacking buildings and infantry, and is manufactured using prism reflection technology Out, its prism reflects beams capable of great destruction.

In a group battle, the lethality of the Prism Tank may be higher than that of the Apocalypse Tank.

As the name suggests, the battle fortress is a huge mobile fortress with a terrifying defense.

However, among the many units, Luo Cheng is most concerned about the hero units of the Allies.


In the game, that heroic figure left an indelible memory in Luo Cheng's mind. She has terrifying power and can easily deal with heavy tanks. Moreover, because of genetic technology, Tanya's power is stronger than that of the game. The seed is stronger.

Now Luo Cheng already has the elite combat soldier Boris, and if Tanya joins, he will have another capable general.

Luo Cheng immediately added Tanya to his production queue, and in the next second, a woman appeared in front of him.

She wears a camouflage vest on the upper body, the curves of her body are vividly outlined, and camouflage field pants on the lower body, with various weapons hanging from the tactical belt.

This woman has fair skin and a delicate face, and her golden wavy hair is swaying in the wind. Even the enemy may be distracted after seeing her on the battlefield.

"Commander, Tanya is reporting to you!"

There was a smile on Tanya's face, with a bit of playfulness, and at the same time she saluted Luo Cheng with a standard military salute, looking heroic.

"Well, you go to the training center first."

Luo Cheng ordered, after all, the newly manufactured units are at the initial level and need to go through the training center or kill enemies to upgrade, and Luo Cheng has already built the training center in his new stronghold.


Tanya nodded, and immediately went to the training center.

After Tanya left, Luo Cheng opened the system menu again. In addition to new troops, he also unlocked new buildings.

【Unlock Building】

[Ore Refiner] Type: Construction Cost: 2500G

[Crack Generator] Type: Building Cost: 1000G

The ore refiner is a high-level building of the allies, which can increase the efficiency of ore refining by 25%, in other words, it can increase the resources obtained by oneself by 25%.

Previously, Luo Cheng chose a more cost-effective industrial factory, which could reduce the unit cost. Now that Luo Cheng has a considerable source of income, it is a good time to manufacture ore refiners.

The crack generator can make it impossible for enemies in the distance to use special methods to detect the specific situation of the base stronghold, but it is not very useful now.

Luo Cheng immediately built an ore refiner, and under the combined effect of it and the industrial factory, Luo Cheng could explode troops more recklessly.

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