Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 54: Negotiation Or War? This Is A Problem

While expanding his territory and army, Luo Cheng did not forget his promise to Tazmi to give the villagers in his village a better life.

It happened that a certain amount of manpower was needed, so Luo Cheng directly transferred all the villagers from Tazmi's original village to his stronghold and asked them to work for him.

And he will also provide shelter and food for the villagers.

Although they are still just Luo Cheng's tool people in essence, at least their living standards are completely different from before.

In the previous villages, the villagers had no food or clothing, and many people could only live in dilapidated wooden houses, which could not even provide shelter from the wind and rain.

Now in Luo Cheng's stronghold, not only does he not have to worry about heavy taxes from the empire, but his life is also guaranteed.

This also makes the villagers and Tazmi and others more loyal to Luo Cheng.

Even many people in the empire heard of Huaxia's reputation and wanted to move here.


Outside the Empire, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

At this time, Najieta was having a meeting with other senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army to discuss how to deal with Luo Cheng and Huaxia.

After Najieta returned to the headquarters, they had been discussing for three full days.

When the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army heard about the emergence of the Huaxia Kingdom for the first time, they were also very surprised, and immediately sent people out to investigate, but they did not get any results.

But time is money, and they must discuss the final result today anyway.

"I think we should cooperate and communicate with Huaxia Kingdom..."

"No, since they have united with the empire, they are already our enemies and we must go to war!"

"Do you know the military strength of Huaxia Kingdom?"

"It is said that thousands of troops can be recruited in an instant, and they also have weapons that can fly in the sky. How can this be fought?"

"What is in the empire now is just an embassy."

"Then we will kill chickens to warn monkeys and warn China not to interfere in our affairs with the empire. Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that our revolutionary army is useless?"

"I still think it's most reasonable to win over the Huaxia Kingdom. Just like dealing with foreign nations, promise to give land after overthrowing the empire."

The top leaders of the Revolutionary Army were discussing the current situation in a hurry, but after a long time, they did not discuss a plan.

But no one can easily convince the other party, after all, they have never seen such a situation.

Najieta sighed, and finally said uncontrollably:

"If not, let's use both options at the same time."

"First go to Huaxia to negotiate and see if we can cooperate."

"If it doesn't work, it's not too late for us to go to war."

Najieta's words have been agreed by many high-level officials. This is the most appropriate method she considers based on everyone's proposals.

"Then leave it to your night raid team."

"If the negotiations break down, Luo Cheng must be beheaded."

"We will also assign reinforcements to your night raid team."


A day later, the base was attacked at night.

The members of Night Raid are a little restless now.

They obeyed Najieta's order and did not carry out any assassination activities during this period, they could only secretly investigate the information about Luo Cheng.

But they didn't know anything about China's terrifying technology and military level.

And because of the sudden appearance of the Huaxia Kingdom, the Revolutionary Army is now unable to take further actions, but the Imperial Army can still choose to take the initiative.

If this continues, the revolutionary army will be consumed by the empire.

"Damn it, what is the origin of that Luo Cheng?"

Lubbock leaned against the wall, complaining angrily.

"Stop complaining about Lubbock, wait for the boss to come back first."

Ma Yin on the side clasped her hands on her chest and responded impatiently.

"However, I heard that although the Huaxia Kingdom and the Empire are united, the internal environment is completely different."

Leonai on the side said, with some hesitation in his eyes.

"It seems that the people inside live and work in peace and contentment, and even many people in the empire want to move to Huaxia."

Leonai usually wandered in the streets and alleys of the slums in the imperial capital, so he naturally heard this matter from the surrounding citizens countless times.

Although she didn't go to Luo Cheng's territory personally to be on the safe side, she also heard about the place that the people regard as utopia.

"Don't trust them too easily, maybe it's just a scam."

Brand said on the other side.

At this moment, the gate of the base was suddenly opened, and three people walked in.

The one at the front was Najta.

A few days ago, she chose to return to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army to report information related to Huaxia to her superiors and wait for orders and instructions from her superiors.

Now she has returned to the night raid base, but her expression is extremely serious.

Beside Najieta, there were still two people standing, they were the reinforcements sent by the revolutionary army.

One of them was a woman with peach-red hair. She wore a headphone-like hair accessory on her head, a lollipop in her mouth, and a pair of long, slender white legs under a miniskirt.

She is Chelsea, the owner of Tegu Gaia Foundation, who can change her appearance freely.

The other person is an extremely tall man, wearing a white kimono, holding a huge mallet-shaped weapon in his hand, with two elder brothers horns on his blue hair, and a red hook jade inlaid on his chest.

He is the son of Susano, who is also one of the Teigu. He has powerful combat power and has been sleeping for hundreds of years. He was awakened by Najieta not long ago.

In the original book, both of them were supplementary combat forces that were later included in the night attack, but neither of them got a good end.

"This is the new partner sent to us by the headquarters, Chelsea and Susanoo."

Najta introduced.

The expressions of the other members of Night Raid gradually became serious, and they knew what it meant to have a new member join.

It is likely to go to war with Huaxia.

"The order from the top is here."

Najta said solemnly,

"According to the order of our superiors, we will negotiate with Huaxia State first."


Lubbock shook his head,

"I didn't expect that the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army would still want to negotiate with the enemy."

"It is still not certain that Huaxia is our enemy. If possible, the Revolutionary Army does not want to face one more enemy."

Najta explained.

"Then what if the negotiations break down?"

The glasses girl Hill asked with some concern.

"Then we must execute the beheading operation."

Najta's gaze became sharp, like a sharp knife.

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