Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 69: The Civet Cat Is Replaced By The Prince, Aiming For The Highest Throne!


Fashion couldn't help admiring, and he couldn't wait to figure out the reason.

And at this moment, Tanya continued:

"Our commander wants to invite the fashion doctor to visit the embassy."

"The commander you said, do you mean-Luo Cheng?"

Fashion has heard of Luo Cheng's name, but has always thought that Luo Cheng is just the ambassador of the Jiuxia Kingdom.

But looking at it this way, the identity of the other party is far more mysterious than I thought.

Fashion lowered his head and observed Tanya, who was still holding Murasame and did not let go.

He understood that this was not an invitation, but a threat. As long as he refused, Tanya would kill him without hesitation.

Fashion has no right to refuse.

And he himself is full of curiosity about Luo Cheng and Jiu Xiaguo.


Fashion nodded.

And Tan Ya finally put down her weapon, but took out a special device—a miniature hyperspace device.

Being able to teleport through time and space with fewer targets and a shorter distance, although it is definitely not as good as the range of super weapons, it is more than enough to teleport the two of them back to the embassy.

She immediately flipped the switch.

After fainting for a while, Fashion finally regained consciousness, he looked around and found that he was already in another place.

"Welcome to the Nine Embassies."

A strange voice attracted fashion's eyes.

A young man was sitting in front of him, and Fashion immediately knew that the identity of the other party must be Luo Cheng.

"Lord Luo Cheng, I have long admired your name!"

Fashion immediately saluted Luo Cheng respectfully. He knew that as long as the other party had a reason, he could kill himself like a bug.

"Get up."

Luo Cheng nodded and said.

After hearing these words, Fashion has the courage to raise its head.

He saw a row of people standing beside Luo Cheng, and Tan Ya was one of them.

As for the others, many of them are known by fashion.

"Black pupil, red pupil?"

"And Najta and Brand?!"

Fashion was stunned, completely unaware that no matter whether it was a member of the assassination force or a member of the night attack, they had all become Luo Cheng's subordinates.

This made him feel a little scared, and then he realized that Luo Cheng had been playing with the empire and the revolutionary army in applause.

"I heard you are very interested in science?"

Luo Cheng squinted his eyes and asked with a smile. While speaking, he also ordered Chitong to remove the perfect person from Fashion's hands.


Fashion nodded tremblingly, watching Chitong take off the Teigu from his hand, he didn't dare to resist.

He noticed the saber on Chitong's waist, which was also Murasame.

This makes fashion more certain that Luo Cheng has really mastered the technology to make Teigu.

"Then let me show you what real science is."

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and a small portal was opened.

Fashion did not dare to disobey Luo Cheng's orders, but at the same time was full of curiosity about Luo Cheng's words, so he followed Luo Cheng into the portal and came to the world of Academy Apocalypse.

Immediately, Fashion was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Towering steel buildings, fighter planes flashing in the sky, and orderly and peaceful mechanized troops on the ground.

This made Fashion dumbfounded, all these things were beyond his cognition, but he understood how terrifying these things were.

"No wonder the Revolutionary Army is so vulnerable..."

"Your Jiuxia Kingdom's technological level is so high!"

This made Fashion fully realize that the technological level of the Nine Xia Kingdom and the Empire is not at the same level at all.

Even he, who is at the forefront of the empire's technology, seems very ignorant and insignificant at this moment.

"I will give you a chance to serve Jiuxia Kingdom."

Luo Cheng said slowly,

"Here, you'll have ample resources to experiment."

"You will help me take charge of strengthening the soldiers' bodies."

"I do!"

Fashion can't wait to say that for him, being able to conduct scientific experiments is life.

In Jiuxia Kingdom, fashion not only can learn more knowledge, but also has sufficient resources for experimentation.

For fashion, this is tantamount to heaven.

I am willing to be a cow or a horse!"

Fashion knelt in front of Luo Cheng and said sincerely.

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, all of this was in his calculations.

He knew Dr. Fashion's obsession with science, so he would never refuse his request.

With the addition of fashion, Luo Cheng's troops can be further strengthened.

0…ask for flowers……

Not only that, Luo Cheng was also able to get more information about the Supreme Throne from Fashion.

"Fashion, do you have access to Supreme Teigu?"

Luo Cheng asked.

"Of course there is!"

Fashion was a little surprised at the beginning that Luo Cheng possessed so much information that he even knew about the existence of Supreme Emperor Tegu.

But after thinking about it, Jiuxia Kingdom has such a terrifying level of technology, and can infiltrate the palace silently, knowing these secrets does not mean it.


Luo Cheng nodded,

"Given you a week, and enough manpower, can you make a replica.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes,

"Just having the same appearance is enough."

Fashion was a little surprised and didn't know why Luo Cheng asked such a question, but he replied immediately,

"If only the appearance is the same, I can still do it, but I will definitely not be as powerful as the Supreme Throne.


The smile on Luo Cheng's face became more obvious,

"As long as you can't see any difference."

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Fashion's brain turned rapidly, and after a few seconds, he finally understood Luo Cheng's thoughts.

Luo Cheng is going to replace the crown prince with a civet cat, and steal the supreme throne of the empire without anyone noticing.

For Luo Cheng, who possesses the super-space-time teleportation technology, transportation is not a problem at all.


Fashion nodded respectfully.

After negotiating, Luo Cheng asked Tanya to send Fashion back to the palace to avoid suspicion from others, and told her the time to meet the next day.

"Next, it's time for the alchemist Dotya."

Luo Cheng gave Tanya an order.

Outside the imperial capital, in a certain city, a group of people just arrived.

They are none other than Estes and his party.

"Report to the general, it's about three days away from the imperial capital"

Liwa, one of the three beast warriors, reported the situation to Estes respectfully.

"Well, back off."

Estes ordered, she put all her attention on the information in her hands, with a smile on her face.

Above is the portrait of Luo Cheng. .

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