Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 70: Master The Tyrande Gene And Start To Evolve!

After sending Fashion away, Luo Cheng quickly repeated his tricks and brought Dotya back to the base. ,

In the original book, Dotya is a member of the Imperial Wild Hounds—a team formed by Ernest's son Sheila.

She is an alchemist who has lived for more than a hundred years and has amazing insights in alchemy. It was she who transformed the Supreme Throne, transforming the original sacred Supreme Teigu into a terrifying murder weapon.

Dotya's attainments in alchemy can play a big role for Luo Cheng.

But unlike fashion, Dortya is not an easy target.

Although Fashion is the chief scientist of the empire, what he pursues is to conduct scientific experiments without worry, as long as Luo Cheng can provide scientific research resources that interest Fashion

Then the latter will follow "86" him wholeheartedly.

But Dotya is not like this. She is loyal to Sheila, the son of the minister, and is very close to Ernest, so she is likely to leak information for Ernest.

Therefore, Luo Cheng did not directly woo Dortya like he did to fashion, but first released Dotya's Teigu, and then used Yuri's mind control ability to completely brainwash Dotya and become his own subordinate.

Since then, Dotya can not only provide Luo Cheng with alchemy technology, but also become Luo Cheng's inner ghost in Ornest.

Luo Cheng is going to replace the crown prince with a civet cat for the Supreme Throne, and Dotya can also assist him to make the plan seamless.

Every day after that, Dotya and Fashion conducted scientific research in the palace during the day, and at night Tanya would be ordered to bring them back to the embassy to strengthen Luo Cheng's troops and assist in making a fake Supreme Throne, no one able to discover its secrets.

And Luo Cheng also entrusted them and his engineers to build several training rooms of his own.

Various extreme environments are simulated in the practice room, such as blizzard, thunder and lightning...

These are all simulating the attack methods of Esdeath and Bude, and even set up mechanisms such as flames and toxins in order to prevent problems before they happen.

And Luo Cheng will set foot in it and cultivate in these extreme environments.

The reason why Luo Cheng did this was because he already had the genes of the dangerous Tyrande.

Tyrande can evolve according to different environments, and Luo Cheng just wants to evolve the corresponding resistance to prevent problems before they happen.

What Luo Cheng is using at this time is just a duplicated body, and he will not feel any pain, and the evolutionary effect suffered by the duplicated body can also be inherited on the main body.

In other words, Luo Cheng can practice without injury or pain, and without facing any risks.

After a few days of training, the Tyrande gene in Luo Cheng's body has been completely evolved.

"Commander, the Tyrande gene in your body has evolved."

"Gain basic cold resistance.

"Gain base fire resistance."

"Gain basic lightning resistance.

After acquiring various resistances, Luo Cheng's resistance has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is already immune to various attacks.

At the same time, Luo Cheng has also reproduced the Teigu perfection that fashion has.

[God's Hand. Perfect] Type: Equipment Cost: 1000000G

After recovering almost the entire Neon Country, the resources owned by Luo Cheng increased a lot, plus the resources from other continents and oceans, Luo Cheng soon possessed more than 300 million resources.

Luo Cheng quickly created a lot of Perfectionists and distributed them to several of his engineers, greatly increasing their research efficiency.

At this time, Luo Cheng had just walked out of the practice room, and happened to meet Dotya and Fashion who had just finished their research.

"Lord Luo Cheng."

Dotya took the relevant information and walked up to Luo Cheng respectfully, reporting the relevant situation,

"I have successfully integrated alchemy into the shell of the chariot, which can be repaired by itself after the chariot is damaged."

Fashion also came to Luo Cheng at the same time:

"Lord Luo Cheng, I have modified the seventh infantry, and built more weapons into their bodies."

Hearing what the two said, Luo Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

"very good."

After the two joined, Luo Cheng's research speed has increased a lot, and his military strength has also been greatly improved.

Dotya's alchemy allows Luo Cheng's chariot to repair itself, which greatly reduces the possible damage during battles and saves the cost of repairing the chariot...

Now even the infantry unit is quite terrifying, everyone is like a small tank.

Inside the palace.

At this moment, Ernest was distraught.

Although the revolutionary army has been wiped out and the foreign nationalities have surrendered, the object of their surrender is not the empire, but the Nine Xia Kingdom.

This made Ornest very concerned.

This kind of behavior has unintentionally shown that in the hearts of foreign nations, the status of Jiuxia Kingdom is far higher than that of the Empire.

If the Jiuxia Kingdom is not good for the empire, the empire can only be passive.

Although Ornest used to indulge in luxury and luxury every day, but now he lives in worry every day.

Because everything he owns is built on the empire.

Without the Empire, August would have nothing.

And a troublesome guy is coming back...


Although it is said that Estes and Ernest have a cooperative relationship on the surface, in fact Ernest himself is a little afraid of Estes.

The strength of the latter is too terrifying. Fortunately, Esdeth has no pursuit of rights, but desires to kill and war, which makes Ornest and Esdeth reach an agreement.

If this is not the case, Tian himself is not enough to kill Esdes.

On 5.7, Ernest suddenly had an idea in his heart, maybe he could use Esdece to contain Luo Cheng and Jiu Xiaguo.

Even if it is the Nine Xia Kingdom, it must be a little bit afraid of Esthers.

After all, Esdeth can be said to be the strongest Teigu envoy in the world, and also the only two trump cards of the empire.

If there is really no way out, then I am afraid I have to activate the ultimate weapon - the Supreme Throne.

If Jiuxia Kingdom continues to develop like this, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ernest took a deep breath, pulled his thoughts back, and the fat on his face also twitched:

"No, don't worry, there is no need for Supreme Tegu to be dispatched yet."

"Esdeath can definitely handle everything."

"Never let Jiuxia Kingdom go on like this again!".

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