Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 1 Bar Crisis

[This world is: Dino Fight Act 1]

[Number of adventurers: 5]

[Difficulty level: D]

[Main task: Kill an elite enemy or five ordinary enemies]

[Task completion reward: 1000 points, 1 free attribute point]

[Task failure: deduct 1000 points, those with insufficient points will be eliminated]

[Optional task: Participate in killing the first act BOSS Te Huon]

[Task completion reward: 2000 points, 2 free attribute points]

[Task failure: no penalty]

[Note: This world is a killing mode, which encourages adventurers to fight each other. Adventurers fighting each other will inevitably drop bloody keys]

Looking at the fonts that quickly appeared on the TV on the wall, Qin Ming sat in the corner, lowered his head and tried his best to control his heartbeat, trying not to reveal his feet.

However, his slightly pale face still made him look out of place with the people around him.

This made him grit his teeth and simply grabbed the white wine glass next to him and drank the white wine in the glass on the spot.

The heat from his stomach instantly restored his pale face to a rosy color. After doing all this, he let out a long breath, stretched out his hand to signal the waiter next to him to come over, and began to order food with a stern face.

As the saying goes, alcohol makes cowards brave. With the help of white wine, he was full of passion for a while and completely integrated into the group around him again, and there was no problem anymore.

At least he thought so.

As for who he was hiding from now?

He was hiding from his companions, or colleagues.

Of course, they could become enemies if necessary.

And in this situation, the other party was undoubtedly the latter.

In the killing mode, colleagues were also one of the prey, and everyone was still new, without any ability, and it was often easier to hunt them than to hunt the characters in the plot.

This meant that once they met, they would fight to the death.

After all, there was no such thing as teammates in the nightmare world.

He pretended to be calm and ordered the meal, and asked for another glass of wine.

Qin Ming ate and drank while observing his surroundings silently.

The bar was now filled with people of all kinds, probably dozens of them.

Among these dozens of people, besides him, there were four other adventurers.

Who were the other four? The panicked chef? Or the tall drinker? Or the hostess who was looking around?

Observing the environment calmly, Qin Ming was a little unsure of the situation for a while, and he didn't dare to get up and leave rashly.

After all, if he left suddenly, it would be easy for others to notice something was wrong and treat him as prey.

Just as he was playing with the wine glass in his hand and didn't dare to make any extraordinary movements, a drinker in the crowd suddenly stood up, paid the bill, turned around and strode away.

As soon as this guy walked out of the bar door, the burly man who was also sitting in the crowd drinking also stood up with him, paid the bill and quickly followed him out.

Looking at the huge guy who had been looking around all the time, he actually chose to leave with the others.

Qin Ming couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and hurriedly lowered his head to pretend to drink to avoid attracting the other party's attention.

After all, the big guy with arms thicker than his thighs was not something he could measure. No matter whether he was in the same industry or not, Qin Ming would never choose to trouble him.

Otherwise, it would not be hunting, but sending heads.

Just when Qin Ming lowered his head, a waitress who had finished delivering the meal next to him suddenly turned around and walked towards the back kitchen after putting down the plate. When she passed by the bartender, she did not forget to nod and greet him.

The waiter's departure did not attract the attention of anyone present, including Qin Ming who happened to lower his head.

But after waiting silently for a while, just when Qin Ming raised his head and was about to follow the crowd leaving one after another and secretly leave this dangerous bar, his nose suddenly sniffed.

He smelled a faint odor.

He was very familiar with this stench, because he often dealt with this smell when he was a waiter.

This is... the smell of gas!

Qin Ming suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he stood up and strode towards the toilet.

When he arrived at the toilet, he found that the door had been locked from the inside.

Seeing this, he didn't care about anything else, and he went up and started to pull desperately, even violently kicking.

With two clicks, as the door lock broke, the toilet door was forcibly kicked open by him.

This caused the woman who was sitting on the toilet to look up with a look of surprise, looking at Qin Ming who was blocking the door, her eyes instantly widened, and she screamed.

But before she could finish her scream, the woman was forcibly pulled by the collar by Qin Ming and dragged out of the small space of the toilet, and she didn't even have time to pull up her pants.

Qin Ming, who had hurriedly dodged inside, closed the door with his backhand and at the same time, he tried his best to hold his whole body against the door frame.

Noticing the sudden situation here, especially seeing the naked female guest being thrown out, all the guests stood up and looked here in astonishment, and some people quickly came over.

The woman who was helped up by other guests cursed non-stop, and pulled up her pants in panic while cursing.

Two tall and strong guests next to them came directly to the toilet with dark faces, kicked the door with their legs, and shouted for Qin Ming inside to come out quickly.

Among the crowd that came over, there was a thin man who was mixed in. His hand had silently grabbed the fruit knife in his pocket, and his expression became increasingly fierce.

Just as he was about to take advantage of the chaos to get closer to see if he could find a chance to escape, a loud noise suddenly came from the kitchen of the bar.

The next moment! Violent flames swept out! Shattered all the glass on the spot! Flipped a lot of tables and chairs! Spurted with terrifying impact!

Everyone in the bar was caught off guard and all of them were hit. A large number of guests were like rag dolls, blown all over the sky by the air wave.

Most people had died when they landed, and their bodies were full of broken glass and wood chips.

A few people who had not died were already bloody and their bones were broken. They lay in the ruins without even the strength to struggle.

This naturally included the big guys standing in front of the door, plus the thin man who was desperately squeezing forward to get closer to the toilet.

The fire spread, and there was silence in the bar.

A moment later, in this messy room, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

A small head poked out from behind the burnt door frame and looked around carefully.

After it was confirmed that there was no threat, a woman in waitress clothes walked in quickly with a stern face, avoiding the broken glass on the ground.

Looking at the hideous corpses on the ground, she couldn't help grinning, and looked around constantly, as if looking for something.

After looking around for a long time, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she took a small step towards one of the guys who fell to the ground.

Looking at the thin man lying in front of her who was still twitching violently, the girl couldn't help but grin, and her smile was extremely bright.

"Found you!"

As she spoke, she pulled up the broken wooden stick next to her and raised it high above her head, and then... Bang!

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