Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 2: Cruel Girl

Three consecutive blows of the stick flattened the target's head.

Seeing that the other party finally stopped struggling, and most importantly, a blood-red key appeared out of thin air beside him, the girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly threw away the stick, bent down and picked up the key.

While wiping her trophy happily, she didn't care whether the blood-red color on it was stained with blood or it was originally this color.

The girl looked up and continued to scan the surroundings, and the more she looked, the more confused her expression became.

"Hey, strange, two left, and then I got rid of one, and the dead one, there should be another one, where is the boy disguised as a drinker? Could it be that he ran away secretly while I was turning on the gas? I can't be so unlucky, right?"

The girl looked around but couldn't find Qin Ming's trace, and her eyes suddenly locked on the direction of the toilet.

Looking at the toilet door, which is still intact because of the angle problem and the impact absorbed by the few people at the door just now.

Especially noticed the conspicuous kick marks on the door.

The girl showed a serious look on her face, quickly reached out to pick up a table knife from the ground, and carefully raised the knife to approach this side.

When she came to the door, she was about to reach out to push the door, but before she could touch the wooden door, a sharp knife had already broken through the door in advance, and a section of it came out from the door with a click!

Looking at the tip of the knife that suddenly broke through the door, the girl was frightened and trembled all over, and hurriedly pulled away.

Looking at the table knife that was quickly retracted after shaking it twice, the girl couldn't help but take a deep breath. After reacting, she was not afraid, but a bright smile appeared on her face.

But because of the excessive brightness, this smile looked ferocious no matter how you look at it.

"You reacted quickly, kid! You can get away with this! Very good! But this is interesting, isn't it! One-on-one is fair! Don't you consider coming out to fight with me?"

Listening to the sound outside the door, in the bathroom, Qin Ming, who was already pressed against the door at this time, with a blank expression and holding the table knife high and ready to go, said nothing.

Only one eye followed the gap on the door where she had just made a dinner knife and fork, staring at the enemy outside the door without blinking, watching her every move.

One was inside, one was outside, and the two guys held dinner knives and confronted each other through the door.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the girl outside the door suddenly threw the knife away, looked up and laughed.

"Congratulations, you made a wrong bet! If you choose to rush out and fight with me! Maybe you really have a chance to win! Because I am not good at fighting! But now everything is too late!"

While speaking, the girl raised her hand and grabbed it, and a pistol appeared out of thin air in her hand!

"Ding ding! American Colt 1911! The treasure that we just opened with the key of our companion! Guess how many shots you can withstand from it?"

Shaking the one in her hand, taking the opportunity to use the bloody key that exploded after the adventurer died, the girl silently pointed the muzzle of the gun at the door of the toilet. Just as she was about to pull the trigger, she was suddenly stunned.

Because at this moment, the sound of a police car was faintly heard outside, which meant that the police were about to rush over.

She turned her head to look at the faint police lights in the distance, and then looked back at the guy who was still closed and had no intention of rushing out to fight with her.

The girl's smile collapsed on the spot, and suddenly raised her gun and fired wildly at the door.

As a result, due to the huge recoil of the gun, the bullets had no accuracy at all, and the hit area was extremely diffuse, and some even shot directly on the wall.

After emptying the entire magazine in one breath, looking at the toilet that was still motionless, the girl couldn't help but stamp her feet hard, but she didn't dare to stay here for too long. She hurriedly turned around and ran away, quickly passing through the kitchen and disappearing through the small door behind the bar.

And until she was completely far away and the sirens were completely close, the door of the toilet was slowly pushed open.

Qin Ming, with a pale face, sat on the ground against the door, holding his waist where blood was flowing, and grimaced in pain.

When he spoke, his voice trembled in pain.

"Not only did you cause a gas explosion, you also dared to shoot me. Okay, you are cruel enough. You wait for me. We are not done! Hiss."

This kid, who has always lived in peacetime, has never been shot before. Although he was lucky enough to be shot just now, the severe pain still made him groan uncontrollably.

When he saw the broken door was pushed open and several paramedics rushed in quickly, he hurriedly raised his hand and waved vigorously.

"Here, here! I was shot! I need treatment! I think I can still be rescued!"

A moment later, more police cars came from all directions.

After being simply bandaged, Qin Ming got on the ambulance and prepared to go to the hospital for treatment.

And he was considered good for being able to get on the car by himself. There were more wounded who could not even move and were directly carried into the car.

Of course, the more miserable ones did not even need to be carried up, and could be sent to the crematorium on the spot.

Looking at the unlucky guy lying opposite him, wrapped up like a dumpling, Qin Ming couldn't help but grin. He was even more afraid of the pretty but crazy bitch.

Such a cruel method! Such a crazy personality!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise his best outcome would be the same as the man in front of him.

He shook his head with a grin, looking at the unlucky kid opposite him, whose eyes were rolling and making a sound, but he couldn't even speak.

Qin Ming actually felt a little guilty about this guy, after all, he was also the one who suffered an unexpected disaster because of himself.

So Qin Ming smiled, took out the attitude of a good citizen, and began to comfort him softly.

"Don't worry, it's just a fatal injury, you won't die, and even if you die, you can get compensation, right? Your death is not in vain. You have to think broadly. You see, you work hard all your life to earn hundreds of thousands of yuan, but you suffer this time, maybe you will get hundreds of thousands of yuan on the spot, you just saved a lifetime of detours! Do you feel more comfortable when you think about it this way?"

Qin Ming's soft and gentle comfort really worked. Hearing his words, the unlucky guy who was tied up like a dumpling began to tremble violently, and the sound of a loud hum was even louder!

Before Qin Ming saw this scene, he continued to use his excellent gift of speech therapy to calm the patient. Suddenly, a loud shout was heard outside the ambulance.

Several guys with a killer look were arguing with the paramedics. One of the leading guys had the loudest voice. Even Qin Ming, who was sitting in the car, could hear it clearly.

"Hurry up and cure my big brother! If my big brother dies! I will let all of you be buried with him! I tell you! We are from West-Thuen!"

"Sir! Please calm down!"

"I blew you up and seriously injured you! You try to calm down! And what are you all doing! Hurry up and find the culprit for me!"

The strong man outside, who was obviously of high status, cursed and directed his younger brothers to disperse and work.

Qin Ming, who was sitting in the car, quickly retracted his gaze after hearing the words and looked at Mr. Zongzi in front of him with a surprised look.

"Boss? Ves-Terhuen? Hiss, why does this name sound familiar? Dino Fight, Ves-Terhuen... Fuck, isn't this the name of the boss in the first level of Dino Fight? Are you Ves-Terhuen?"

Looking at the guy in front of him whose appearance was obviously inconsistent, Qin Ming quickly shook his head and rejected his guess on the spot.

Ves-Terhuen is the big boss of this level. It's too ridiculous that a boss was solved by a gas tank. He definitely can't be Ves-Terhuen.

But don't care who this guy is. Anyway, from what he said, he should be Ves-Terhuen's man, and he looks like a small leader.

So in this case...

Looking around furtively, after seeing that the guys outside were still arguing with the paramedics and no one was paying attention to him.

Qin Ming suddenly coughed and raised his hand to pull out a table knife from the edge of his shoe.

Then, in front of the wide-eyed surprised look of the bandaged man lying on the stretcher, he raised his hand without saying a word and stabbed him in the chest!

Then he quickly put away the knife and hid it, sitting there expressionlessly, as if nothing had happened.

But just because he could pretend that nothing had happened, it didn't mean that the bandaged man who had been stabbed by him could do the same!

That's right! The guy who was stabbed didn't die at this time! Instead, he struggled more violently! He kept whimpering while struggling!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who was frightened, didn't care about so much. He hurriedly pulled out the knife, held the other's head with one hand, and stabbed him with the other hand.

Dare you not die! Then I'll stab you to death!

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