Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 102 Qin Ming's fighting style

In the silent hall, a large group of adventurers were sitting on chairs, looking at the center with expressionless faces.

The blindfolded woman standing in the middle had a calm face and said nothing.

After a long silence, an adventurer sitting in the front seat suddenly spoke.

"In other words, Feng and Tu are dead? The team spent so many resources to train them and put so much effort into them, but they just died like this?!"

Hearing the man's question, the blindfolded woman nodded slightly, her voice as steady as ever.

"Well, it is confirmed that they are dead, because my KOF invitation status has been cancelled, and neither of them has been able to come back."

"Who killed them? Could it be that they encountered a high-level adventurer who used special props to enter the low-level mission area?"

"Not sure, but all six newcomers died, and it is a fact that Feng and Tu were also killed after we found them. The opponent is very strong."

"Your ability is special. Can you find the specific location of that guy?"

"I said that my talent skills cannot be used in the real world, but I have locked his breath and can take people into the mission world to hunt him down at any time."

After a second of silence, the blindfolded woman raised her head and added.

"I can't be sure whether the death of Feng and Tu this time was caused by the adventurer or the plot character. Obviously, from the breath at that time, the enemy was already very weak and should have no combat ability, but Feng and Tu still died and were solved in a short time. I suspect that this was done by the top plot characters, not the means of the hostile adventurers. The target may not be as strong as expected."

Hearing the blindfolded woman's supplement, the scene returned to silence.

The top leaders of the King of Fighters team were silent, all with frowns.

They were thinking whether to send someone to fight the adventurer to death.

If possible, to be honest, they were not willing to fight with an adventurer like this. After all, this time the two sides could only be said to have a conflict of interest, and the other party was not their hostile force.

After this separation, if they did not take the initiative to cause trouble to each other, it would be a question whether they could meet each other in the future.

There was no benefit in winning the fight, but losing the fight would result in loss of troops and generals. So what was the point of fighting like this? Do you really think that the hunting props are free?

Just when the top leaders were struggling over whether they should take the initiative to make enemies, a dull voice suddenly came from the side.

"I will solve this matter myself, so I won't bother you to do it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present turned their heads.

Looking at the gloomy big man standing in the corner next to them, they couldn't help but frown.

"Gui Yan, you are a high-level adventurer. Using props to hunt down low-level adventurers will cost you too much. It's not worth it."

The senior executive who spoke at the beginning looked at the big man and suddenly reminded him. Hearing his words, the big man named Gui Yan nodded quickly.

"Don't worry, I know this, so I don't plan to go alone. Everyone, I will avenge my brother, but I want to ask you one thing. Can the team make an exception and sell me an arcade coin?"

"Arcade coin? What? Do you want to revive your brother?"


"He is indeed very talented and a good seedling. He is worth cultivating and resurrecting, but the value of this arcade coin..."

"Just consider it as a favor I owe you. If you need me in the future, just ask."

Looking at Gui Yan who raised his hand and clasped his fist, everyone looked at each other, and finally nodded after a long silence.

"Okay, go to the warehouse and get it. This time, you will handle your brother's affairs. Remember, do it quickly."


Nodding heavily, Gui Yan turned and left, and at the moment of turning around, his expression had become extremely ferocious...

Qin Ming didn't know that he was being targeted for the time being. In fact, even if he knew, it would be the same. After all, he had spent all his money and couldn't prepare anything.

Whether he knew it or not, in the end, it was nothing more than fighting against the enemy and covering the water with earth.

In this month, Qin Ming still spent his time resting and playing games, and tested his basic abilities.

If Qin Ming was a top soldier with the blessing of C-level basic skills, then now that his basic abilities have reached B-level, he has become a standard fighting master.

Because he learned martial arts from the army, Qin Ming's main fighting style can be summed up in three words, that is, fast, accurate and ruthless.

Whether he was holding a gun or bare-handed, or using a weapon, he focused on attacking the vital points. If he didn't make a move, it would be a killing move.

Maybe the fighting style is not gorgeous enough, but it is definitely sharp enough.

And in terms of the use of weapons, Qin Ming is also better at using short weapons, such as daggers, claw knives, short swords, military shovels, etc., which is obviously also influenced by the military fighting techniques.

If we don’t look at the attributes, just talk about the values, Qin Ming now has great confidence that he can tie with Mai Shiranui or Mary in terms of skills, and will never be fooled by the two women again.

Of course, this is only limited to the case of the same attributes.

If both parties know each other well and the attributes are not affected, Qin Ming is still difficult to be the opponent of Mai Shiranui and Mary.

This is not to say that his strength is not comparable, but mainly because his ability is too extreme, and his main attack is a close-up burst.

First, he forces you to fight him in close combat with his sonic knife, and when you are tricked into getting close to him, he will suddenly go berserk, grab you and suck your stats, deducting your attributes while adding his own.

He was a normal man of 1.7 meters in the previous second, but in the blink of an eye he became a 2-meter big man with high attack, high defense and high health. He will catch you and beat you up, and cripple you on the spot.

This is Qin Ming's fighting style, and the main feature is to kill at first sight, which makes people unable to defend against it.

Mary, Andy, Mochizuki Shuangjiao, and even Feng, have all fallen into this trap.

But if the opponent is prepared in advance and knows Qin Ming's fighting style, his fighting power will be crippled by more than 50% on the spot.

It will be difficult to defeat the enemy again, especially when facing speed-type enemies like Mai Shiranui and Mary, I am afraid that you can't even catch the enemy.

If Qin Ming has the combat power of a third-rate top fighter without knowing his background, then knowing his background, he can only be the bottom of the third-rate fighters, belonging to the type with a very large range of combat power.

A month passed in a flash, and Qin Ming, who returned to the nightmare space on time, quickly chose to start the mission.

With a flash of white light, he disappeared in the space, and Qin Ming's fifth mission officially began.

At the same time, inside the King of Fighters team area, Gui Yan, a senior adventurer with a stern face, also quickly entered the mission world.

In his hand, he was holding a game coin.

Unlike the game coins Qin Ming used before, Qin Ming's silver game coin can summon plot characters, while the golden arcade coin in Gui Yan's hand can summon dead adventurers in the mission world.

Insert the coin, choose a person, and add another life...

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