Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 103 Dragon King Warrior

This world: Dragon King Warrior Act 1

Mission difficulty: C-level

Number of people entering: 5

Mission introduction: The evil red dragon attacked the city and led his subordinates to plunder wealth wantonly. The furious king summoned the brave men of the world to fight, and the five legendary heroes also responded to the call, but no one knew whether they came to slay the dragon to uphold justice or to seize the massive red dragon treasures...

Main task: Participate in killing the first act BOSS Orc Chieftain

Mission completed: Reward 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Mission failed: Deduct 2000 points.

Optional task: Destroy the siege equipment prepared by the orcs

Mission completed: Reward 3000 points, 3 free attribute points.

Mission failed: No punishment.

(Note: This mission is in peace mode, adventurers fight each other, and no spoils will appear)

In a medieval wooden house, Qin Ming quickly opened his eyes.

Pick up the parchment on the table and look at it. Looking at the mission information that is gradually disappearing above, he can't help but frown.

Dragon King Warrior? This is also a classic arcade game, and it is also a standard Dragon Quest legend.

The only difference from the traditional story is that the heroes this time are really just for money. Saving the princess and saving the world is just a by-product. Their motivation is very realistic, just for money.

It's just the first level mission, and the world difficulty this time has reached C level. It seems that this world is not simple, and the nightmare space has gradually increased its strength.

It's good that the higher the difficulty, the greater the reward. There are not so many adventurers in the way this time. As long as you run it well, you should be able to get a lot of rewards.

Qin Ming straightened his hat and raised his hand to open the door.

As a result, he just stuck his head out and happened to meet the eyes of a woman who came out of the opposite room.

Looking at the other party wearing a modern tight combat suit with a huge skull on the chest, Qin Ming couldn't help but tremble his eyebrows.

This is the blue equipment that can be exchanged in the Punisher World, the Punisher combat suit?

Not only was Qin Ming stunned, the woman opposite him could not help but be stunned when she saw Qin Ming wearing a windbreaker and a round hat.

Both sides almost immediately confirmed each other's identity as adventurers. Qin Ming instinctively reached for the revolver on his waist, and the woman silently withdrew her hands and grabbed her hands behind her waist.

There, two semi-automatic pistols were hung crosswise.

Under the intense gaze, the two people's eyes were sharper than each other, and no one spoke first.

Just as they were confronting each other at a certain distance, a shrill scream suddenly came from a distance.

"No! The orcs are coming! The orcs are coming!"

Accompanied by panic shouting, the villagers who were originally doing business on the street were instantly scared and fled, and ran back to their rooms and locked the doors.

At the same time, chaotic footsteps sounded in the distance, and a large number of sturdy monsters holding spiked star hammers, wearing simple armor and steel helmets on their heads, howled and rushed from a distance.

After rushing into the village, some of the monsters rushed directly to the militia in front, while others scattered and began to smash doors and windows, trying to rush into the room to steal things.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally took a step back and walked towards the distant enemy.

Seeing him stop the confrontation, the female adventurer on the opposite side was obviously relieved, and quickly drew out her double guns and killed the orcs who rushed over.

While rotating the muzzle, Qin Ming, who was rushing forward, fired a warning shot.

As the equipment skills were activated, a fat man led two boxing minions to break open the wooden door, rushed out of a wooden house, grabbed a table, chairs and benches on the side and began to gather towards Qin Ming.

Then, at Qin Ming's hand signal, he raised the table, chairs and benches and rushed towards the enemies in front.

With a crash, accompanied by the chair hitting one of the orcs hard, this duel between minions from two worlds officially kicked off.

Name: Orc Warrior (Dragon King Warrior Act 1)

Strength: 8

Constitution: 8

Agility: 3

Spirit: 1

Skill: Thick Skin (C-level)

Introduction: Orc warriors don't know what skills are, nor do they know what thinking is. They only know that they are going to kill!

Qin Ming, who strode from the back, saw a boxing thug punching the orc warrior twice, but he didn't move the opponent at all, and was thrown out by the opponent's hammer. His eyebrows suddenly rose.

He now understands why the difficulty of the mission in this world is rated as C-level. The attributes of the enemies here are so strong.

The attributes of the most common monsters are almost the same as those of the elite monster Fatty.

Not to mention that in addition to the monsters, there are also heavy-armored orcs holding shields among this group of orcs. The attributes have not changed, but the skill has a C-level block.

In addition, there are jackals holding crossbows and shooting from a distance, and orc centurions with different skin color from other orcs.

These orc centurions are elite monsters, with strength and physique reaching 12 points, and agility reaching 5 points. Their basic attributes have completely surpassed the fat man.

If the attributes are raised a little higher! They are all qualified to be small bosses in other worlds!

He raised his leg and kicked an orc soldier, kicking the guy who rushed over to him away on the spot.

Then he flexibly dodged a hammer blow on his head, and at the same time, he raised his gun and aimed without aiming, and accurately shot another orc's eye.

Looking at the orc's body with a pierced head and lying straight on the ground, Qin Ming raised his hand and pulled the trigger continuously. The bullets seemed to have eyes, and each shot hit the vital points of the orcs rushing up from all directions.

In just a blink of an eye, several orc corpses fell beside him.

And the situation here was quickly noticed by other orcs.

After they looked at each other, they suddenly rushed here at the same time. Some orcs holding shields stood in front, holding up their shields to protect their faces, standing in a row and gradually approaching.

With two bangs, Qin Ming quickly changed the bullets and chose to fire. The bullets hit the shield, which directly sparked the shield, but failed to break the defense.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who found that this group of monsters was unexpectedly difficult, suddenly adjusted the muzzle of his gun and fired two more shots. This time, the bullets were no longer aimed at the vital points of the orcs, but at their feet!


A miserable cry sounded, and the heavily armored orcs whose feet were pierced by bullets suddenly became chaotic, and the shields in their hands fell on the spot.

As soon as their shields were put down, two bullets broke through the air and hit their eyes directly.

Blood spurted, and two more bodies fell to the ground.

Qin Ming, who already had B-level shooting proficiency, had reached a terrifying level in both combat literacy and shooting accuracy.

If he had been in the past, he might have been in a panic when facing this group of orcs coming in groups.

But at this moment, he was completely unmoved!

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