Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 105 Mission Mechanism of Nightmare Space


Accompanied by a piercing scream, the orc centurion who swung his hammer randomly rushed towards Qin Ming.

His IQ was not much higher than that of his younger brother.

Now that he couldn't catch the damn enemy, he would just find another one to catch.

So he attacked Qin Ming without hesitation, but this time he obviously picked the wrong opponent.

Looking at the big guy rushing over madly, Qin Ming, who was watching the show in the distance, couldn't help rolling his eyes and raised his hand to shoot the other party without thinking.

And with a deafening roar, the orc centurion who was shot in the head was obviously stunned by the damage of this shot.

He stretched out his hand to cover his bleeding head, staring at Qin Ming with unbelievable eyes, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Seeing that the enemy had finished loading something into the weapon and raised the silver-white strange thing again, the centurion hurriedly put up the shield, howled and charged again, trying to close the distance.

As a result, the first shot hit the edge of the shield, which directly caused the shield to be seriously unbalanced.

The second shot hit the shoulder through the gap, causing the centurion to scream.

When he finally rushed to Qin Ming, the third shot hit his knee again, and he was caught off guard and suddenly knelt on one knee.

The three consecutive shots that broke through the defense made the centurion dizzy for a while. Before he could struggle to get up from the kneeling on the ground, he looked up and found that a black gun barrel had already pressed against his forehead...

Bang bang bang!

After quickly killing the little BOSS who took the initiative to rush up and had no brains at all, Qin Ming looked up and looked around with a revolver in his hand.

As a result, he found that the orcs around him had begun to flee after seeing their captain being killed.

They were so brave just now, but they were defeated in the blink of an eye and fled out of the village without a trace.

Seeing that the orcs who suddenly attacked finally retreated, the villagers finally came out of the house and began to cheer loudly to celebrate that they had escaped.

The adventurers who were almost beaten to death by the orc centurion just now also struggled to get up and came to the street.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and looking at their own injuries, the adventurers looked very bad at the moment.

The guy who could fire the curved wave punch cursed angrily.

"Damn it! Why am I so unlucky! I actually entered a world with C-level difficulty!"

As soon as the voice fell, another adventurer holding a bow and arrow next to him also sighed.

"Except for large-scale mission worlds, there are very few small mission worlds like this one that can reach C-level difficulty in the first level. We are lucky this time."

Compared with the sighs of the two, the female adventurer holding two guns has turned her head to look at Qin Ming. After looking him up and down, her eyes finally locked on the weapon on Qin Ming's waist, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hmm? Tehuen pistol? What a treasure! Are you a senior adventurer?"

Hearing the female adventurer's words, the other three adventurers turned to look at Qin Ming at the same time. After seeing the style of the pistol on his waist, they all showed envy on their faces.

A novice artifact! A legendary prop! How could they not envy!

Qin Ming's eyebrows twitched when he heard it, and he quickly grabbed his coat to cover the pistol.

"No, I'm just a newcomer with better luck. This is my fifth mission. You can call me Hyena."

"Oh? Only the fifth time? It seems that my brother is really lucky. Let me introduce myself. Hawkeye, the seventh mission world."

"Tank, the sixth mission world."

"Air Cannon, also the sixth mission world."

After introducing each other, several people turned to look at the last person at the same time.

The female adventurer holding two guns shrugged slightly and grinned.

"Double Gun Lady, the ninth mission world."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people around changed instantly, and the tank holding a big axe and wearing heavy armor couldn't help but exclaimed.

"So this is your last low-level mission? The next mission is the promotion mission?!"

"Yes, I don't know how difficult the next mission will be, and life and death are unpredictable, so I have to work hard to make money for this mission. Everyone, since this is a peaceful mode and the difficulty is quite high, how about everyone cooperating?"

While speaking, the double gun lady smiled and stretched out her hand.

Seeing this scene, the other four people looked at each other, and no one chose to refuse, but handed their hands over one after another, which was considered a formal cooperation.

And of course, Qin Ming was included.

To be honest, this mission is still a bit tricky. The combat power of the orc centurion just now is probably no less than that of the big boss in the ordinary world.

Even the small boss is so powerful, who knows how terrifying the combat power of the big boss in the first level will be.

The most important thing is that these guys in front of him have experienced more worlds than himself, especially the double-gun woman, she is about to start the promotion mission!

Qin Ming knows very little about the promotion mission. After all, intelligence needs to be bought with money, and he spends all the money in every world. It is not enough to strengthen himself, so how can he have money to collect intelligence.

So this time, Qin Ming chose to cooperate with a few people. In addition to looking for a few free thugs, the most important thing is to take the opportunity to get a set of intelligence and learn about the news about the promotion mission in advance.

Just when the five people reached a consensus, the villagers around them had already gathered.

Although they didn't know much about the passers-by, they still showed their enthusiasm when they saw the five people suddenly burst out and successfully drove away the orcs and saved their lives.

The village chief who took the initiative to invite the few people into the tavern even asked people to bring bread, barbecue, malt liquor and other delicacies as a token of gratitude.

While eating and drinking, and exchanging information with each other, Qin Ming quickly asked what he wanted to know.

Of course, whether the information is true or false, and whether it is comprehensive or not, this cannot be determined.

There are five modes of tasks in the nightmare world, peace, killing, fighting, competition and death.

Qin Ming has encountered the first three.

As for the latter two, the situation is very special.

In the competition mode, although there are many people entering, the main tasks can generally only be completed by a fixed number of people, and the rewards are extremely generous.

Once the number of people who have completed the task reaches the target, no matter how strong the people behind are, they will definitely be punished. The competition is about the speed of completing the task between the adventurers.

As for the final deathmatch mode, it is notoriously cruel. Adventurers who enter the same task world will be divided into two groups. The main task is to kill the other side. Only after one side is completely destroyed, the winner of the other side will be considered to have passed the level.

In addition to the five modes, the task world of the nightmare space is actually divided into three types.

Worlds such as Dino Fight and Knights of the Round Table that can only enter 5 people are all small task worlds.

And large task worlds such as Furious Legend that can enter dozens of people at a time.

In addition, there are giant worlds that can enter hundreds of people at a time, which Qin Ming has never encountered.

As for the promotion task that Qin Ming wants to know most...

Double Gun Po did not reveal much information on this matter. After all, she was unwilling to tell others the important information she bought with money.

She only revealed one thing, that is, the promotion task of the nightmare space! All start at B-level difficulty!

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