Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 106 Protagonists with different styles

Inside the tavern, the five adventurers were sitting together eating and discussing the next action plan.

Of course, the most important thing was to trade information with each other.

Looking at the simple map of the surrounding area that they had asked for from the villagers, several people frowned. One of them looked at the map for a long time and suddenly raised his head and said.

"Does anyone have specific information about the first act of the Dragon King Warrior World?"

Hearing this, the others looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"Detailed intelligence is very expensive. Except for the team members who can collect a lot, where can we get the money for it?"

"There is no detailed intelligence, but I do have some simple intelligence. I heard that the big boss of the first level, the orc chieftain, is not easy to deal with. He is good at using two chain ball meteor hammers. His combat power is even higher than that of the ordinary second-act boss. He also has a lot of soldiers. A strong attack is definitely a dead end."

"That means we have to follow the old rules. Either we take advantage of the situation to mobilize the villagers, or we find the protagonist to join forces with him. But the villagers are easy to deal with, but where is the protagonist of this world?"

Taking advantage of the situation is the most common method used by adventurers.

After all, under normal circumstances, the strength of adventurers is far inferior to that of plot characters. If you don't try to increase your combat power and don't work hard to find helpers, you will never be able to complete the task by yourself.

Therefore, not only the enemy intelligence in the mission world is important, but the relevant information on the protagonist is also very important.

There are many protagonists in the Dragon King Warrior World, a total of five people, and their professions are completely different, namely warrior, dwarf, priest, mage and elven archer.

As long as any one of them can be found and persuaded to fight against the orc chieftain together, the winning rate of the adventurers will be greatly improved.

However, the problem facing everyone now is that the five of them have no idea where the protagonist of the plot is now.

Just when several people were having a headache, a noisy sound suddenly came from outside the village, and several people who heard the noise turned their heads at the same time.

As a result, they saw that the door of the room was pushed open, and two figures, one tall and one short, strode out of the door.

Qin Ming, who was sitting among several adventurers, raised his hand and gently pushed the sunglasses on his face, looking at the two people who came in, his eyes narrowed instantly.

It's true that the protagonist group has come to the door before they can find him.

Name: Priest ~ Arudo

Strength: 20

Constitution 40

Agility: 15

Spirit: 10

Skill: Heavenly Fire (B-level)

Introduction: Priest Arudo has always had a great dream, that is, to build a magnificent cathedral of his own, and for this dream, he is willing to come to challenge the dragon.

Name: Ranger ~ Labelle

Strength: 25

Constitution: 15

Agility: 40

Spirit: 10

Skill: Natural Wind (B-level)

Introduction: Elf Labelle is the darling of nature, so he has been trying to give back to nature, such as spending money to let more people plant trees.

The priest and the archer among the five main characters! Show up!

Qin Ming, who quickly recognized the identities of the two with sunglasses, twitched his eyebrows, and although the other four people next to him did not have reconnaissance props, they quickly recognized the identity of the protagonists at this moment.

This is not to say that the other party introduced himself, but mainly because the two gentlemen who walked in front of him looked too distinctive!

The so-called priest was actually a sturdy man over two meters tall, wearing a standard plate armor!

He held a short-handled mace in his left hand and a one-meter-long prismatic shield in his right hand. He didn't look ferocious, but he was full of flesh.

He was standing at the door at the moment, looking down at this side, with a fierce look in his eyes. He was not a good person at first glance.

As for the archer ranger next to him, the elf Labelle.

Do you think elves must be extremely handsome? Slim?

No, no, no! It's unclear what the elves in other worlds look like, but the elves in this world are definitely not slim!

This elf ranger is 1.8 meters tall, wearing green leather armor, and the tight clothes outlined a perfect body.

The muscle contours on the arms, the obvious chest and abdominal muscles, and the one-meter-high giant bow in his hand!

If he hadn't seen the other party's attributes with sunglasses and confirmed his identity.

Based on the physique and dress of the two gentlemen in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't believe that they were actually a priest and an archer!

In this warrior-mage-priest combination! When did the priest have the strongest physique!

He can carry the most! Then what is the use of the warrior!

Looking at the two brothers who were blocking the door and whose appearance was incompatible with the people around them, Shuangqiangpo and others quickly guessed their identities.

They didn't expect that the protagonist would take the initiative to find them, so they immediately smiled and stood up to greet them.

But before they got close, to be precise, before they stood up.

The protagonist duo who had already scanned the tavern took the lead and strode towards them.

And just when they came to the table, the priest brother with a face full of flesh had already slammed the heavy mace in his hand on the table with a bang, pressing the table to make a creaking scream.

The second archer brother next to him also didn't waste words. He stretched out his hand to pull out the dagger from his waist and swung it around, then raised his hand and stuck it on the table.

Then the two who had done all this pulled over a chair and sat down, propped up their bodies with their elbows, leaned over and looked at Qin Ming and the other five, their eyes wide open.

"What? I heard that you stole our job?"


"Ah what! I tell you! We have accepted the task of hunting the orc chieftain! If you don't want to die, get out of here! Otherwise, we may kill you too!"

As a priest, Arudo is obviously very good at persuading people... the kind of physical way.

He is not ashamed of his appearance. This guy not only looks fierce, but also does things in a rough way.

Compared with the priest, the attitude of his elf companion Labelle next to him is much gentler.

Turning the dagger in his hand, Labelle didn't even look at the few people, but added a sentence with a very cold expression.

"This is not the place for you to make money. If you want to make money, go somewhere else. Otherwise, you may make money but not spend it."

The brother's appearance was completely different from what they expected, and the weird style and personality that were completely inconsistent with the legend of the warriors made Qin Ming and others stunned for a while.

In the end, it was the heavily armored man Tank who reacted first. He grinned and tried to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! We are not here for money this time! We are here to eradicate the evil dragon and save the people! We......"

"Bullshit! You still want to save the people? We are all here to fight monsters! What are you talking about!"

Before Tank finished speaking, he felt his collar tightened and was forcibly lifted up.

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