Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 107 Revenge for my brother!

The tank was wearing heavy armor and had a very strong body. He looked like a sturdy man.

However, he was pulled up by the priest Arudo across the table. Compared with the priest on the opposite side, he looked so thin.

Before he could recover from his shock, the elf ranger Labelle quickly reached out and put the dagger in his hand against his neck.

"Don't talk to us about this useless thing! We don't want to listen to polite words! Either get out or die! You choose!"

Obviously, the duo on the opposite side regarded Qin Ming and his team as competitors.

In fact, it's not their fault that they are so irritable. They are mercenaries. Of course, they are also called heroes.

They are doing a job that licks blood on the tip of a knife. They fight with various monsters all year round. How can their temper be good?

Now the two of them came all the way to support them after hearing the news. As a result, they were notified that the orcs who invaded here had been driven away just after they arrived.

Not only did they make a wasted trip, but their commissions were also taken away by others. They didn't explode and stab the people in front of them directly because they were outnumbered and difficult to kill.

Although adventurers don't have any comradeship, sometimes they even treat each other as hunting targets.

But at this time, Qin Ming and his companions, without any conflict of interest, are still standing on a united front.

Therefore, after seeing their companions being caught, Qin Ming and his companions stood up without thinking and glared at this side.

Air Cannon retreated instantly, and at the same time, he put his hands on his waist and directly put on a posture of charging power. A ball of energy quickly condensed in his palm.

Hawkeye also drew his bow and arrow on the spot, confronting the elf ranger Labelle who also raised his bow and arrow on the opposite side.

Qin Ming and the two-gun woman also drew their guns and pointed them at each other at the same time.

The atmosphere on the scene became very stiff for a while. Everyone looked at each other with their eyes wide open, and froze in place. No one spoke, and no one dared to make any excessive actions.

Looking at the two fierce protagonists on the opposite side, Shuangqiangpo and others were sweating profusely. They couldn't understand why the planned cooperation with the protagonists to fight the BOSS suddenly developed into a situation where both sides fought first.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, footsteps suddenly came from the side.

It turned out that the village chief of this village approached from a distance, and he was holding a plate in his hand.

Looking at the two people who were confronting each other, he couldn't help but freeze his expression. After hesitating for a moment, he chose to approach and gently put the plate on the table.

Then he rubbed his hands and looked at Qin Ming and others, smiling and whispering.

"My lords, thank you for saving our village from the orcs. This is the thank-you fee this time. The amount is not too much. I hope you brave lords don't dislike it."

As he spoke, the old village chief pulled open the red cloth, revealing a pile of gold coins underneath.

Qin Ming and others couldn't help but raise their eyebrows when they saw the pile of gold coins, and their eyes flashed.

The priest and the archer duo on the opposite side also contracted their pupils when they saw the money, and greed appeared in their eyes.

Looking at the money on the table, Qin Ming finally understood why the start of this mission was so dangerous, and they were attacked by orcs right at the beginning.

After all this time, this is good. This orc attack is a hidden small mission that is not included in the statistics of the nightmare space.

The gold coins on the table are worth 1,000 points in total, which can be taken out of the world after the mission.

In other words, just going through an appearance plot, the few people who successfully broke through have already earned 200 points each.

Of course, it is precisely because of this money that the protagonists are so hostile to them.

After all, if there were no adventurers involved, the money should have been earned by them who rushed over.

Looking at the money on the table, Shuangqiangpo and others looked at each other, and then Shuangqiangpo suddenly put away her gun and spoke.

"You two, we really have no intention of earning this money. This time we came here just to help the villagers. Since you said that we robbed your money, then we will give all this money to you. How about we just make friends?"

After these words came out, the faces of Air Cannon and others changed slightly. Although they felt sorry for the points they had already obtained, they still gritted their teeth and chose to remain silent after thinking about the difficulty of this mission.

When the priest Arudo and the elf ranger Label heard this, their eyes lit up and they all raised their eyebrows and looked at the double-gun woman.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, we like to make friends with heroes the most. We can get to know the two of them. What does a little money count for?"

Looking at the bright smile on the face of the double-gun woman, the priest and ranger who originally looked ferocious on the opposite side also smiled brightly. The priest even quickly loosened the collar of the tank, and at the same time did not forget to help the other party straighten the crooked armor.

"Hey, you guys have such a strong sense of justice, why didn't you say so earlier! I thought you were a bunch of liars! What a coincidence! We also like to make friends with heroes! We are all the same!"

While the priest Arudo was talking, the ranger Labelle on the other side had already reached out to grab the money and quickly put the gold coins into his pocket.

The two who had completely got the money became more enthusiastic for a while, and no longer had the tense attitude of colleagues and enemies just now, and even took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with several people.

Seeing the two of them become so enthusiastic, the two-gun woman hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"You two, actually, it's like this. We are so hostile to orcs that we want to eradicate them even if we don't want money. There is a reason for this. My companion's relatives died at the hands of orcs. Therefore, we came here not for rewards this time, but simply for revenge."

While speaking, the two-gun woman also reached out and patted the shoulder of Hawkeye next to her.

And this comrade Hawkeye, who passively made enemies with orcs and whose relatives died for no reason, reacted quickly after a second of stunnedness. He quickly showed a sad expression on his face and even wiped his eyes in a proper manner.

Qin Ming and others next to him also followed suit and all came over to pat his shoulders, as if they wanted to give him comfort among his companions.

The priest and the ranger who saw this scene looked at each other and couldn't help shrugging each other.

They didn't care what bitter hatred the other side had. After all, it had nothing to do with them. They only cared about money.

The two of them looked indifferent, and the two-gun woman naturally saw it. She didn't care about it. She had already prepared an excuse, and the next second she finally talked about her purpose.

"So, if you can, how about we cooperate this time?"


"Yes, the orc chieftain who has surrendered to the red dragon nearby has a lot of soldiers under his command, and his own strength is also very strong. It is difficult for us to defeat him alone. I'm afraid it will take some effort for you two to deal with him. In this case, why not cooperate? Don't worry, we don't want any reward for completing the task. All the money belongs to you. We are only for revenge!"

After the two-gun woman finished speaking, the priest and the ranger looked at each other again.

Their expressions gradually became serious, and they suddenly turned to look at Hawkeye and spoke in a deep voice.

"May I ask, brother, who is your relative who was killed by the orcs?"

"Ah? Oh! My brother!"

"Brother... We are all brothers! Since we are all brothers! Your brother is my brother!"

Raising the mace in his hand with a whoosh, the priest Arudo suddenly shouted.

"Revenge for my brother!"

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