Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 108 The Origin of Bandages

With the gold coins worth 1,000 points as a stepping stone, Qin Ming easily formed a cooperative relationship with the two protagonists.

After they officially established their camps, they quickly opened the camp title tasks and exchangeable items in this world.

Also opened together were the two protagonists' favorability towards them.

There are not too many title tasks for the protagonists in the Dragon King Warrior world, only four in total, three white and one green.

Orc Terminator: Kill 100 orcs alone (Complete to get white title: Orc Nemesis, attack power against beasts +20)

Money makes the world go round: Reach 400 favorability with any of the protagonists (Complete to get white title: Justice Partner, Charm +2)

I am the Orc: Reverse plunder an orc village (Complete to get white title: Fight violence with violence, Strength +10)

You are called the Orc Chieftain: Kill the Orc Chieftain alone (Complete to get green title: Brave, all attributes +8)

In addition to the weird title tasks in the Dragon King Warrior World, the spoils that the protagonist group can exchange are also very special, and the exchange rules are also special.

As for why it is special? It is mainly because the protagonist group can't use favorability to directly exchange any props this time!

That's right! These protagonists in the Dragon King Warrior World! They won't let you use favorability to find them for free stuff! Nothing will work!

Just like in other worlds, after reaching the favorability, you go to ask the protagonists for specific items with the favorability, that is completely wishful thinking!

Even if your favorability reaches 1000 points, these stingy people will not give you anything.

And if you ask them for things, not only will you not get them, but their favorability will also decrease!

The unlucky kid next to him who was deducted 10 points of favorability on the spot because of his bad mouth is the best proof.

The favorability of the protagonist in this world is mainly used to get discounts when buying things.

When the favorability is 100, you can get a 95% discount when buying things, 200 is 10% off, 300 is 20% off, 400 is 30% off, and 500 is 40% off.

The highest discount can reach 50%, that is, the full value of 1000 points of favorability, and at this time you can get any loot from them for free.

There is no discount lower than that, no matter how high your favorability is.

In this regard, Qin Ming, who is also good at doing business and likes to haggle over every penny, seriously suspects that this 50% discount is the purchase price of the protagonists.

It's okay for everyone to have a good relationship, but at most he won't make money from you.

But do you want to expect this group of money-grubbers to sell you things at a loss? That's absolutely impossible!

50% off the cost price is already the limit!

There are many things that can be exchanged by the protagonists, white recovery items worth 1,000 points, white standard equipment worth 3,000 points, green equipment worth 5,000 points, blue equipment worth 10,000 points, and the top equipment is a gem worth 50,000 points! It's called the Fortune Orb!

This is the treasure of the two guys in front of them. It's actually a dazzling silver item with a very awesome effect.

That is, once it is turned on, you can specify up to ten targets. If the opponent's highest attribute does not reach 20 points, it will be turned into gold coins and exploded on the spot.

These gold coins can be used to exchange points! In other words, the target was turned into money on the spot! A lot of money!

The priest and the ranger were reluctant to use this treasure that could turn stone into gold, so they kept it until now, and now they put it in front of Qin Ming and his friends at a high price.

Looking at the golden gem, not to mention the two-gun woman and her friends, even Qin Ming, who had been used to seeing top-quality items along the way, was dumbfounded for a moment.

After all, it was the first time he had seen such a special item.

And in this exchange column, what really shocked him was not this top-quality gem, but the lowest-level exchange item.

It was a pile of white consumables! White consumables with extremely poor effects! A consumable that he felt very familiar with!

Name: Medical bandage

Category: Consumables (white quality)

Effect: After use, it can restore 5% of its own status, and cannot be used in battle.

Introduction: This is a specialty of the church where the priest Aluo is located. Although the treatment effect is very poor, it is cheaper in large quantities.

Medical bandage? 5% treatment amount? This is not when he first went through the first mission! I bought a dozen or so large quantities of junk consumables from a low-level adventurer!

So that guy bought them wholesale from here! And the price...

Medical bandages, the exchange price is 250 points each.

This is without discounts. If you successfully establish a good relationship with the protagonist, the price can be further reduced.

When Qin Ming bought these things before, the selling price was 300 points each, and at this price, the other party kept sighing, as if he had suffered a great loss, making Qin Ming think that he had bought a treasure at a low price...

Looking at the bundles of bandages in the box, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyes slightly, and for a moment he felt that his merchant dignity was greatly insulted.

Seeing that he had been standing in front of him, looking at the bandages and not leaving, the priest Arudo thought he wanted to buy them, and immediately picked up a bundle and shook it.

"What? Want it? If you want it, I can give you an extra bundle if you buy ten bundles at a time. You... Hey? Why are you leaving? Hey! Don't leave in a hurry! If you want to buy, we can talk about it later! If it doesn't work, I can give you two bundles! Hey!"

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed.

After sorting out the equipment, the people set off again. Under the leadership of the two protagonists, the priest and the ranger, they prepared to go to the nearby Black Stone Town to gather intelligence and help the town resist the invasion of orcs.

Black Stone Town is the largest town closest to the orc chieftain's power. It has been under attack recently. It is the first battlefield, and the orc chieftain is also commanding there at the moment.

The people who moved forward kept discussing the next action plan. To be precise, the priest, the ranger and the two-gun woman were discussing in a low voice, and Qin Ming and the others could not get a word in.

Obviously, relying on the previous borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, the two-gun woman gave the two a large sum of money, and the favorability of the two protagonists was very high.

This scene made Air Cannon and others very angry. After all, the money was spent by everyone, but most of the benefits were taken away by this woman. Of course, they would feel unbalanced.

Qin Ming, who was at the back of the group, did not pay attention to these small details. He was thinking about how to maximize the benefits of this mission.

Follow the protagonist? Although it is safe to follow the protagonist, it also means that the spoils will be seriously reduced, not to mention that there are several colleagues who are fighting for porridge.

There are too many wolves and little meat, so this is not okay.

It seems that I have to find a way to act alone this time. It would be best to find a few more small bosses to kill.

As long as I kill enough enemies, the spoils may not be worse than hunting the orc chieftain.

I touched the orc centurion trophy in my arms that I hunted last and picked up by myself, that is, the key that was downgraded to blue quality because too many people participated in the battle.

Qin Ming quickly made a decision in his heart.

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