Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 11: Meet the Girl Again

As everyone dispersed, several protagonists and Qin Ming completely dispersed.

As a temporary partner who had just joined, Qin Ming didn't have to think about it, that would guarantee that no one would fight with him.

After all, everyone was worried about him, and this time he was pulled in just to use him as a helper who might help.

It would be best if he could help, but it would not be a loss if he couldn't.

Therefore, as a gunman, Qin Ming had to choose to fight alone, holding a revolver to perform a wilderness prostitution.........Bodyguard! Started passionate shooting with the enemy!

In the first act of the entire Dinosaur Fighting World, there were only a few types of enemies.

One was a boxer without boxing gloves, and the other was a boxer with gloves.

The difference between the two was that their appearance was a little different, that's all, they were all the bottom cannon fodder of the entire poaching organization.

In addition, there was a group of guys holding daggers. These guys were suspected to have been injected with dinosaur gene drugs, and their movements were very agile, and they played with the small daggers with great vigor.

The most important thing was that they could throw the daggers! Directly attack the target from a distance!

Qin Ren was unfortunately stabbed by the opponent and was injured on the spot.

Then the angry boy directly rewarded the opponent with a volley of bullets and forcibly sent him away.

The one who was above these dagger men was the fat man who was an elite fighter. He had a lot of health, high attack, and also had the two skills of wild collision and falling bombs. His body movements were extremely flexible.

It was a pity that the wild collision was countered by the American Iai.

The Tiannao Black Card Wansui Charge in the past was completely defeated by the American Iai, not to mention the charge of a single meat egg.

Qin Ming, who kept moving forward carefully all the way, would definitely fire a volley of bullets into the room before entering the room, and finally gradually advanced to the innermost part of the floor.

He didn't care if the speed was too slow, and he didn't care about how the four protagonists had fought with the boss at this time.

Anyway, he only knew that it would be safe to do so. He only had one life, so he didn't need to go up with the protagonist and risk his life. It would never go wrong to be safer.

If he could catch up, he would drink a mouthful of soup with him.

If he couldn't catch up, he would whip the corpse.

As for whether the four protagonists would die? Tsk, it's none of his business whether they die or not. If they die, they die. At most, he would burn incense for them.

But that Jack is an exception! He doesn't deserve to be burned! Burn incense? It's good enough that he doesn't set off firecrackers!

In this way, he pushed all the way to the innermost part of the floor safely. Qin Ming, who was standing at the stairs, suddenly stopped and carefully looked at the stairs above.

Looking at the silent stairs, and then looking at the large number of cannon fodder corpses lying all over the place behind him, the kid couldn't help but fall into silence.

He was still playing with himself crazily in the hall, but there was no one on the stairs. What? This poaching organization is also civilized and polite? Do they know that they can't make loud noises on the stairs?

After looking around, Qin Ming finally fixed his eyes on the window. He shrugged and walked over.

At the same time, at the top of the stairs, a group of poachers had been ready for a long time.

Some were holding daggers, some were clenching fists, and even two fat men were ready to jump up and sit on people.

They waited for a long time but the target didn't come up. They couldn't help but look at each other, and one of them couldn't help but whispered.

"Well, did he find something?"

Hearing this, the faces of several companions next to him were serious.

"Who cares! Even if we find him, we'll still be here to guard! Just don't let him rush up!"


"What? Do you want to test whether his gun is fast enough? The gun in that guy's hand can't even be resisted by Fatty. If we go down to confront him, we'll just die! Guard!"


Hearing the captain's words, the brothers nodded quickly and once again focused on the entrance below, not noticing that outside the glass behind them, a guy was clumsily climbing up along the window sill.

Relying on his double attributes, Qin Ming finally climbed over the second floor and climbed directly to the third floor after a lot of effort.

Panting and letting out a long breath, the boy took out his revolver and strode towards the stairs.

But when he passed the window, his steps suddenly stopped and he looked at the rooftop opposite with a confused look on his face.

There, a tall muscular man was fighting with three familiar guys, and these three guys were the three males in the four-man team of the protagonists.

So who can fight these three guys to equal strength? It is self-evident.

The protagonists have already fought with the boss? This is not beyond Qin Ming's expectations.

After all, it took him half a day to go upstairs, so it is understandable that the two sides would fight.

But the question is why there are only three men? Where is Hannah? Where did that big horse run?

After coming to the window and silently calculating the distance between here and the battlefield below, Qin Ming quickly gave up the idea of ​​directly hitting the window and jumping down to join the battlefield directly.

After all, he didn't want his body to hit the side with a thump when the masters of both sides were fighting to death, and make a noise to cheer them up.

So this guy turned around and walked towards the floor exit again, ready to climb directly to the roof and go down the stairs to join the battlefield.

However, as the boy cautiously reached the top of the building holding the revolver, he was a little surprised to find that there was an acquaintance here.

Well, to be precise, they are two acquaintances.

In the middle of a large number of boxers, a familiar figure was hanging powerlessly on a steel pipe with his hands tied.

Hannah, who was covered in scars, kept gasping and blood flowed down her face uncontrollably.

Next to this guy, a girl who was sitting boredly on a stone swinging her legs suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Ming after hearing the sound.

After seeing Qin Ming, the girl quickly showed a bright smile and jumped up from where she was.

"Sure enough, it's you! I knew the person coming would definitely be you! Long time no see, little brother! Did you miss me after we said goodbye last time?"

She jumped up to Hannah who was hung up, reached out and pinched her chin and twisted it left and right. The girl stood face to face with Hannah, looking at Qin Ming, with a bright smile on her face.

"Brother, are you familiar with this person? You are here to save her, right? It's best, otherwise she will be miserable."

As soon as these words came out, countless younger brothers who gathered around suddenly shouted loudly. Hannah, who struggled to open her eyes, tried her best to glance at Qin Ming.

"Qin Ming?"

Hearing Hannah's voice and knowing that the two of them knew each other, the expression on the girl's face became more and more excited.

That was when he opened his arms on the spot, spun around on one leg, and shouted loudly.

"Great, little brother! Now that you know each other! Then my layout will finally come in handy! Finally there is no waste! Have you seen these little brothers! These are all carefully prepared by me for you..."


Before the girl here finished her excited words, a gunshot suddenly hit her ears.

The girl's body trembled violently, her smile froze on the spot, and she slowly lowered her head to look at her body.

Looking at the blood quickly pouring out of her chest, she looked up in disbelief and suddenly looked up at Qin Ming.

"You! You just shot?!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming hid behind the bunker, only sticking out half of his head, reaching out to gently pull down the safety hammer, and nodded lightly at the same time.


"Why did you shoot? Why did you dare to shoot? Don't you want your favorability? Hannah died in front of you! Other people's favorability towards you! Especially Jack's favorability towards you! That will be cleared directly to zero. Even reduced to a negative number! "

"What the hell is this mess! My friendship with him is already negative!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Qin Ming roared and pulled the trigger again without saying a word.


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