Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 12 Great Intelligence and Unhappiness

Number Zero is the code name the girl gave herself, and it is also the name she uses to walk in the nightmare world.

Number Zero is very smart, even a little too smart, and his smartness is no longer normal.

She knows how to calculate and plan well, and her unique talent gives her the perfect layout environment.

In her fantasy, Qin Ming, who came here for the final showdown with her, would have an extremely exciting life-and-death battle with her.

After all, the protagonist will not give up the hard-earned favorability of the protagonist no matter what, because it involves a loot that is more precious than killing the boss!

Therefore, Qin Ming can only be at the mercy of her and follow her rhythm step by step towards the abyss!

Then, with great effort, he killed all the minions in front of himself and Hannah, completed the heroic feat of saving the beauty, and won Hannah's huge favor!

At this moment, beauty and hero are about to come together! It’s time for the hero to hold the beauty back in his arms again! She suddenly let go of Hannah's rope trap! And open the iron cage below!

Let this beautiful woman stand in front of Qin Ming! Fall into the small cage with the mutated raptor below!

Doesn’t this woman love saving dinosaurs? Don’t you like to pursue the peaceful coexistence between humans and dinosaurs? Just like this dinosaur who was hungry for three days! Let’s get along well!

Until then! He saw with his own eyes that Hannah, a woman who had already developed a huge amount of affection for him and could exchange it for a piece of blue equipment when she returned, was dismantled in front of him.

Presumably the expression of the guy opposite must be very rich! You must hate yourself very much!

Then he left in style, leaving him helpless and furious. When the next time they meet, he will continue to arrange a new meeting gift for him.

ah! What a perfect and gorgeous way to exit! It must be a lasting memory for this smart little guy who has already survived his own injuries once!

No. 0 thought a lot and calculated a lot, but the only thing she failed to calculate was that Qin Ming, who was not very good at communicating with others, had no good rapport with Hannah and the others!

The reason why the two parties chose to act together was not even because he took the initiative to follow the clues and find the protagonist group! But his mother's protagonist group happened to meet him!

Still maintain goodwill? Are you still trying your best to save people?

His grandma’s! Take my shot of bullets first!

Looking at Qin Ming, who without any hesitation, pulled the trigger again on the spot, and this time fired continuously.

Standing opposite, No. 0, still looking shocked, grabbed the boy next to him without even thinking.

next moment! With blood splattering! Several bloody holes were opened directly on the little guy's body!

The bullet passed through the body without slowing down and hit No. 0's body on the spot. Her facial features were instantly distorted in pain.

Gritting her teeth and taking two steps back, she suddenly opened her mouth and screamed.

"Fuck them all!"

Upon hearing this order, the boys around him perked up and raised their weapons to kill without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Qin Qinming, who had lowered his head and quickly reloaded, suddenly raised his revolver and pointed it here.

"Stop the hell! Anyone who dares to get close to me will be killed!"

Hearing this threat, the dozen boxers and knife throwers who rushed over hurriedly stopped.

After they glanced at Qin Ming nervously, a guy standing at the front suddenly shouted.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! There are eleven of us! But he only has six bullets! We just need to swarm..."

Bang bang!

Before he finished speaking, two gunshots were heard, and the speaker, who was instantly blasted with two bloody arrows, fell straight to the ground.

Qin Ming, who fired two shots instantly, quickly turned his gun towards the others, while not forgetting to curse angrily.

"You are the only one who knows how much? Are you the only one who can count? Okay! Now I only have four bullets left! Come on! You pick out four desperate people and let me beat them to death! I will let you guys beat them to death again!" Come on, come on!"

Looking at Qin Ming who quickly raised his revolver and pointed it here, the boxers and knife throwers on the opposite side were so frightened that they hurriedly dodged left and right.

Seeing that they did not dare to step forward, Qin Ming couldn't help but clicked his tongue. He suddenly took out two bullets from his waist and began to turn the revolver to load the ammunition.

"You don't even dare to do it, right? If you don't even dare to do it, then I will become a six-shooter again!"

With a click, the wheel turned back to its original position. Looking at Qin Ming who had refilled his bullets, the boys on the opposite side couldn't help but look at each other.

The next moment, these guys turned around and ran away without saying a word!

They run! Qin Ming will shoot! Three or four people were knocked down on the spot! Until the magazine is completely empty! Only then can we give up!

Quickly lowering his head to reinstall the ammunition, Qin Ming raised his eyebrows and looked around while loading bullets.

As a result, he discovered that during the chaos just now, the crazy woman who had been shot several times by him had disappeared without a trace.

This made Qin Ming sigh angrily, his face filled with unhappiness.

"You run fast! Let me meet you next time! I will lift the lid of Tianling for you!"

After finishing cursing, Qin Ming quickly came to Hannah who was hanging up.

As the rope was untied, the woman leaned weakly against Qin Ming in an instant. Her mouth trembled, and she couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"I didn't expect that it was you who came to save me in the end."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming instantly found that his favorability with Hannah had soared from an ordinary 70 points to 290 points! It was about to reach the watershed of 300 friends.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who did not expect to have an unexpected surprise, could not help but grin and immediately replied.

"It's okay! I just happened to pass by! Hehehe!"

As the voice fell, Hannah's favorability dropped to 280...

Looking at the 10 points of favorability that had been lost in an instant, Qin Ming's smile froze on the spot. After raising his hand and slapping himself hard, he hugged Hannah, who had rushed to the roof and was trapped and almost died in the mouth of the mutant velociraptor, and walked towards the edge of the roof.

There, the final BOSS of the first act of Dinosaur World, Weiss-Thuen, was still fighting desperately with the other three protagonists.

Looking at the two evenly matched parties, Qin Ming shrugged his shoulders, put Hannah down casually, pulled out the pistol from his waist, climbed down the stairs, and prepared to join the battle.

Just as Qin Ming rushed to the battlefield, at the exit of the building, a girl whose clothes were already stained with blood was holding her abdomen that was shot, gritting her teeth and staggering towards the road.

After desperately reaching out to stop a car, she spoke softly with a pale face.

"Please, please take me away from here, the farther the better."

Hearing this, the driver looked at the girl who was covered with scars and extremely pale, but still couldn't hide her beauty, and suddenly squinted his eyes, put his arm on the window, and grinned.

"Oh, then this beautiful lady, I will take you to the hospital, how are you going to repay me? You don't look like you have money, right? Huh?"

Hearing the teasing here, Zero couldn't help but look up and rolled his eyes helplessly.

Then he lowered his hand that was covering the wound, pulled out the short sword from his waist, and stabbed it into the driver's throat with a "puff".

He ignored the driver who suddenly widened his eyes, covered his wound with both hands, blood flowed from his mouth, and his body trembled constantly.

Zero pulled the door open with force, pulled the driver's hair and forced him out of the car, then staggered into the car and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

With a rumble, the car rushed out, and after a moment it retreated back at high speed, and just like that, it crushed the driver's body who was still twitching with a click, and after a moment it rushed out again, crushing the driver's body again, and accelerated away.

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